hmm that tainted meat scene had no cause & effect... they could have easily edited it out and no one would have suspected anything to be missing in that episode
did the comic have anything interesting happen to those guys who ate bob?
As a practical, physical matter it wasn't really necessary but it was a nice dig at the people eating his leg, right in front of him... It was a nice tie into the comic too. Dale had lost one leg to a bite (Herschel style amputation) and then the Hunters took the other leg and ate it. It got in their heads pretty good in the comic and it got them to stop eating him.
For both Dale and Bob it bought them a better death than what the hunters/termites had planned. It beats just blubbering about it and passing out which is what I thought he was going to do in the show.
What was the alternative?
A) Try to roll your stumpy self onto the fire and hope to get it overwith quicker? "Damn it. All I did was put the out fire..."
or If you're going to eat my leg, right in front of me, I'm going to rattle off a list of diseases I hope cause you to go blind and insane before the sun comes up. Merry F*ckin Christmas, ashholes. heh.
oh it was dale in the comic? interesting way to off a longterm character. It would have suited his role
I'd have to agree it did bring a better death to Bob than just passing out. And not only that, but it helped complete a story point for Tyreeses' character arc. He finally had to get his hands dirty, since we found out that he lied about killing the Terminus guy in the cabin
I almost suspected to see the Terminus guys breach into the Church and have a clusterfuck of things go wrong for everyone. Bob turning into zombie, while the bad guys were trying to figure out which door everyone was behind.. and then the terminus guys turning(or showing signs of it). Fulfilling the cycle that eating people finally bit them in the ass *shrug*
Overall though, I thought it was a good episode as well. Another great job at foreshadowing the divide between the group during the bloody scene in the church.
Also, that nice little cliffhanger at the end has me wondering... Why's Daryl reluctant( maybe Sad?) to call out Carol. Couldn't quite place the emotion.. but it's likely they got into some deep water on their own
Also, that nice little cliffhanger at the end has me wondering... Why's Daryl reluctant( maybe Sad?) to call out Carol. Couldn't quite place the emotion.. but it's likely they got into some deep water on their own
About that... I belive they will start next episode with the start of Daryls and Carols adventure. So we will probably know what was that all about at the end of the next episode. At least that's my guest. I also wonder what is it all about.
really nice episode... the only thing that had me wondering, that in a way was a bit senseless, weas how the heck bob ended up in front of the church :shifty:i mean, did the cannibals drop him there, did he crawl his way, or what? it would have been stupid for them to dump him there instead of just getting rid of him, tbh
really nice episode... the only thing that had me wondering, that in a way was a bit senseless, weas how the heck bob ended up in front of the church :shifty:i mean, did the cannibals drop him there, did he crawl his way, or what? it would have been stupid for them to dump him there instead of just getting rid of him, tbh
You obviously missed the plot of the episode then. The cannibals dropped bob there so he would talk to the group about the school they were staying at: to lure them away / separate them. Obviously the cannibals plan failed tremendously.
You obviously missed the plot of the episode then. The cannibals dropped bob there so he would talk to the group about the school they were staying at: to lure them away / separate them. Obviously the cannibals plan failed tremendously.
Is it me or did the relation between Sasha and Bob not receive much attention? I mean i was surprised when they were kissing last episode, thinking 'when did that happen' ?
Made me realize how they pulled that same cliched thing 3 times already, where 2 characters are in a relation that happens quickly, it doesn't receive much focus, and then one of them (the lesser of the two) dies within 2 episodes... The other being Beth and her boyfriend, and Tyrese and Karen. It gets predictable.
Yeah, it's getting pretty old and very predictable now. Seems to only happen with the more minor characters in attempt to make you feel something for them, in which a lot of times you didn't really.
sooooo no zombies heard Rick blind firing into the woods out side the church???
And then he gives the excuse "because we don't want to waste the bullets" just before they do a brutal hack job on the termites. But that did sound cooler than "because I wasted a bunch already".
I guess we should assume there was a walker for every shot fired, or he was making a bunch of noise to attract more walkers and use them as guards to keep the termites away? Not that it would really slow them down that much but it would make it harder for them to sneak in.
Is it me or did the relation between Sasha and Bob not receive much attention? I mean i was surprised when they were kissing last episode, thinking 'when did that happen' ?
Made me realize how they pulled that same cliched thing 3 times already...
Yeah that is getting a little old. Who's going to die, oh that would be whoever has found a little bit of happiness.
With Bob and Sasha they did have a few moments last season. One moment in particular where Sasha was going quit, find a building and start building a home. Bob tried to make her choose him instead, he kissed her and it failed. Later she ended up saving Maggie who convinced her to help her look for Glen, where she met back up with Bob.
The person Daryl is calling out is Noah, not Carol. Noah, while escaping, found Daryl and Carol, and told them about the hospital and Beth. Carol, deciding to infiltrate to save Beth (and also get away from the group), gets captured. That's why Daryl looks so sad; he didn't want to leave Carol behind, but he knew he had to to save Beth. I think the hospital might be the end of Carol's arc, which will be awful, I really liked Carol's growth and development over the past 3 seasons.
This is one of those episodes/areas, that are completely uncharted, for all viewers. This hospital didn't exist in the comics, nor did any of these characters. (I can't remember if Beth exists in the comics, but definitely not at this point)
I don't think Carol will make it out. I suspect it's possible that she is faking it, to rescue Beth, and I think she'll be successful, but this may be one of those times she goes too far. That may be why she was built up as such a hero, earlier. Seems to be the formula for the show, before they off a main character.
I do find myself very irritated at this episode. So many stupid, B-movie mistakes. Like why Beth didn't look at ANY of those cars, as possible escape vehicles. The terrible acting, of the officers (seriously, I did not like any of them). The obvious setup, of the dead woman, in the office (wtf was she even doing there? I'm assuming for the same key). And, of all the keys in that drawer, Beth knew the exact one she needed.
Oh, and I didn't chime in last week, because I was at a conference, but I was infuriated at the church scene, where once again, Julia was used as a plot device. She's just sitting their, perfectly quiet, and then, at he most inopportune time, she starts crying. Of course. That's why I complained (pages ago), that they didn't kill her off, like they did in the comics (well, wouldn't want to see the SAME way, but she shouldn't be in the group). This is the second time, that she's cried, with timed perfection.
Interesting filler episode. I had completely forgotten about Beth. She doesn't really stand out as a strong memorable it looks like they are going to beef her up.
The obvious setup, of the dead woman, in the office (wtf was she even doing there? I'm assuming for the same key). And, of all the keys in that drawer, Beth knew the exact one she needed.
I think she committed suicide, because the way she acted and sounded, she was at that hospital before.
I think she committed suicide, because the way she acted and sounded, she was at that hospital before.
Yeah I was getting the whole 'slave-labour' vibe from them, add on being raped by the 'officers' and you can see why one would suicide. It looked like she scratched "Fuck you" into the floor of her office so I assume either she knew she'd turn after death, and/or she just wanted to rub it in that she was a 'waste of resources'.
I think she committed suicide, because the way she acted and sounded, she was at that hospital before.
My coworker suggested that it was suicide too, because clearly she was suicidal, when they found her, and had to cut off her forearm. I just find it odd, that she would commit suicide there. Maybe as a 'screw you' to the woman in control, but she also had a higher risk of being found/saved, by doing it there. Hell, why not just jump out a window?
I thought she was supposed to be contrasted to Beth. Both were suicidal at one point and given the whole "you're not worth anything" speech at the hospital. One believed it and would rather just end it (although she was probably a slave longer), the other didn't and decided to live and fight.
if they really end up back in Atlanta then they've come full circle since season 1, and they'll probably need 20 more seasons to even get remotely close to DC
lol, I don't think it was too much to piece together. Then again, I already knew, from the comics. It just seemed to me, like they were really projecting that he was lying, through most of this season, with the ways people kept questioning him.
I honestly don't care for the way they are portraying Eugene in the show... more so the actor, than the writing. He comes across as a mentally challenged person in a fantasy world, rather than a smart guy, who is protecting himself. I don't know why they went with "I just know stuff", rather than the "I was a high school science teacher", like he was in the comics.
I'm glad they found a way to fit the creepy "watching people have sex" part of his personality.
I'm more intrigued by the preview for next week. Daryl and Carol burning bodies, and appears to be in front of the hospital. I'm curious who the bodies are, since Carol thanks him. If it were just the cops, I wouldn't think she'd show so much compassion.
That episode sagged a little, kind of wish they would have just continued with the daryl and carol story.
Glad they dumped the DC trip though-- I honestly never questioned Eugene's story, his whole character feels like something out of a bad SyFy channel movie so it's like, hey why not.
I honestly don't care for the way they are portraying Eugene in the show... more so the actor, than the writing. He comes across as a mentally challenged person in a fantasy world, rather than a smart guy, who is protecting himself. I don't know why they went with "I just know stuff", rather than the "I was a high school science teacher", like he was in the comics.
Agreed. I think they tried to rainman him up too much. He comes off as someone who is pretending to be smart instead of actually being smart, which he is, or should be.
Instead, people think he is smart because Abraham says he is smart and Abraham will pound your face into mush if you disagree.
Yeah they probably realised that if they land on the roof it would be pretty hard to survive. Still I would rather they land on the roof and they survive than breaking law of physics. Silly scene. It was interesting episode though. Cool seeing something other than woods.
I was also annoyed by how perfectly that van was parked between the two supports. I think this episode will go down as the worst one, for the season, if not for the series. I thought it was boring, and full of dumb mistakes (physics and actions of people).
For instance, why did Carol throw her gun out that door, without looking first? Here', let's throw all of our supplies between two doors, where we can not see the other side. I'm sure it's safe. Or how about how she walked out into the road, and didn't look for those guys, despite knowing they are trying to hide from them.
In this one episode, Carol has gone from street smart, to a complete idiot. I really felt like the episode was trying to project her upcoming demise too (not a spoiler... just a guess).
Yep, I felt the van crash could have been something a little more consistent.
While there were mistakes made, i am still thrilled that the writers are showing survival stuff now. The whole recycled bottle scene wasn't complete, you don't really see that she was using them to pee in.
And all those water stations in the corporate buildings would probably still be good to go.
I also don't think Daryl is the kind of guy who would give up his crossbow so easily...
sad that there are only 2 more shows in the season.
After watching it again... Through the windshield as the van is falling, you can make out the blue vehicle that it's about to header into.
If I were a betting man, I'd say the first 'Take' was so horrific no one would believe they survived that fall.. Which means the director probably asked them to quickly do another take, which was less violent. (From another camera angle on the ground, it's easy to see the blue vehicle which has been moved off to the side)
- - - - - -
That aside, I liked most of this epsiode especially seeing how some people ended up failing in their attempts to hold out in the city i.e. The campers on the bridge
(Edit: In all honesty, before they got to the bridge I thought to myself.. 'hmm that'd be a pretty good place to holdout')
... Yep, I guess wouldn't have lasted very long in that world haha :icon60:
I also liked how they've begun building the anticipation for reclaiming their people and the way Carol was captured. BAM!
With only a couple shows left, I can see them losing a lot of people
that's the end of the season already, or is the season split up like 4 was?
I thought this episode was mainly just poorly directed. The van thing was funny.
It's the mid-season finale, so yeah, split like last time.
And yes, poorly directed. That was b-movie level filming, IMO. I'm sure horror fans will love it, but I really disliked it. All the flaws, pull me out of the episode, and makes me want to just make fun of it instead.
the van scene really ruined that ep for me, not only the physics of the fall or the random horde of zombies that quickly showed up on an empty overpass.
But the fact that they discussed only one of them should search the van due to weight and it tipping but instantly they are both seating in the front seats?! (before they got backed into it via zombies) like wtf is that all about
oh and that office looked like a maid went through it the day before, desk so clean you can eat off it :P
the van scene really ruined that ep for me, not only the physics of the fall or the random horde of zombies that quickly showed up on an empty overpass.
But the fact that they discussed only one of them should search the van due to weight and it tipping but instantly they are both seating in the front seats?! (before they got backed into it via zombies) like wtf is that all about
oh and that office looked like a maid went through it the day before, desk so clean you can eat off it :P
One thing I was curious about was the hallway with all the zombies in the sleeping bags. They obviously all died somehow — and it looked like each sleeping bag had a blood stain in the middle somewhere. Did someone murder them in their sleep? If so, why did they want them to turn? Or were they unaware that would happen? How long had they been there, or, is it suspicious that the guy Beth escaped with turned up at that exact spot? I assume he was just following Carol etc, and they zombies didn't look very fresh sooo...
Yeah, the last episode was great some minor things like the van aside. All the throwbacks to the old episodes and even other TV shows was great, and even the story itself that presented itself throughout the episode was good.
There was a layer of dust on the office stuff, i looked for that as well...on another note...
Back in the prison Daryl mentioned to Carol about some of the new women, she replies..."I saw you first"
I always thought at some point they would have gotten together, though it would have felt weird, but still, with the survivors starting to get it on with anything living...seems like it would have been an obvious thing.
For both Dale and Bob it bought them a better death than what the hunters/termites had planned. It beats just blubbering about it and passing out which is what I thought he was going to do in the show.
What was the alternative?
A) Try to roll your stumpy self onto the fire and hope to get it overwith quicker? "Damn it. All I did was put the out fire..."
I'd have to agree it did bring a better death to Bob than just passing out. And not only that, but it helped complete a story point for Tyreeses' character arc. He finally had to get his hands dirty, since we found out that he lied about killing the Terminus guy in the cabin
I almost suspected to see the Terminus guys breach into the Church and have a clusterfuck of things go wrong for everyone. Bob turning into zombie, while the bad guys were trying to figure out which door everyone was behind.. and then the terminus guys turning(or showing signs of it). Fulfilling the cycle that eating people finally bit them in the ass *shrug*
Overall though, I thought it was a good episode as well. Another great job at foreshadowing the divide between the group during the bloody scene in the church.
Also, that nice little cliffhanger at the end has me wondering... Why's Daryl reluctant( maybe Sad?) to call out Carol. Couldn't quite place the emotion.. but it's likely they got into some deep water on their own
About that... I belive they will start next episode with the start of Daryls and Carols adventure. So we will probably know what was that all about at the end of the next episode. At least that's my guest. I also wonder what is it all about.
You obviously missed the plot of the episode then. The cannibals dropped bob there so he would talk to the group about the school they were staying at: to lure them away / separate them. Obviously the cannibals plan failed tremendously.
crap, true... feeling dumb here :whyme:
Called it. Although perhaps more details will emerge over time (unless they kill him off soon of course)
Made me realize how they pulled that same cliched thing 3 times already, where 2 characters are in a relation that happens quickly, it doesn't receive much focus, and then one of them (the lesser of the two) dies within 2 episodes... The other being Beth and her boyfriend, and Tyrese and Karen. It gets predictable.
I guess we should assume there was a walker for every shot fired, or he was making a bunch of noise to attract more walkers and use them as guards to keep the termites away? Not that it would really slow them down that much but it would make it harder for them to sneak in.
Yeah that is getting a little old. Who's going to die, oh that would be whoever has found a little bit of happiness.
With Bob and Sasha they did have a few moments last season. One moment in particular where Sasha was going quit, find a building and start building a home. Bob tried to make her choose him instead, he kissed her and it failed. Later she ended up saving Maggie who convinced her to help her look for Glen, where she met back up with Bob.
Ok all caught's going to be a long week.
I don't think Carol will make it out. I suspect it's possible that she is faking it, to rescue Beth, and I think she'll be successful, but this may be one of those times she goes too far. That may be why she was built up as such a hero, earlier. Seems to be the formula for the show, before they off a main character.
I do find myself very irritated at this episode. So many stupid, B-movie mistakes. Like why Beth didn't look at ANY of those cars, as possible escape vehicles. The terrible acting, of the officers (seriously, I did not like any of them). The obvious setup, of the dead woman, in the office (wtf was she even doing there? I'm assuming for the same key). And, of all the keys in that drawer, Beth knew the exact one she needed.
Oh, and I didn't chime in last week, because I was at a conference, but I was infuriated at the church scene, where once again, Julia was used as a plot device. She's just sitting their, perfectly quiet, and then, at he most inopportune time, she starts crying. Of course. That's why I complained (pages ago), that they didn't kill her off, like they did in the comics (well, wouldn't want to see the SAME way, but she shouldn't be in the group). This is the second time, that she's cried, with timed perfection.
I think she committed suicide, because the way she acted and sounded, she was at that hospital before.
Lucky for the Doc, Carol shows up on a stretcher.
Can't wait to see what the two of them cook up at the hospital. Carol & The New Carol :icon60:
My coworker suggested that it was suicide too, because clearly she was suicidal, when they found her, and had to cut off her forearm. I just find it odd, that she would commit suicide there. Maybe as a 'screw you' to the woman in control, but she also had a higher risk of being found/saved, by doing it there. Hell, why not just jump out a window?
edit: so many posts while I typed this one... nvm :<
I'm sure I'm not the only one that questioned that character once or twice...
Kinda feeling left empty, now that the series doesn't have that overarching goal
CptSwing called that one.
I honestly don't care for the way they are portraying Eugene in the show... more so the actor, than the writing. He comes across as a mentally challenged person in a fantasy world, rather than a smart guy, who is protecting himself. I don't know why they went with "I just know stuff", rather than the "I was a high school science teacher", like he was in the comics.
I'm glad they found a way to fit the creepy "watching people have sex" part of his personality.
I'm more intrigued by the preview for next week. Daryl and Carol burning bodies, and appears to be in front of the hospital. I'm curious who the bodies are, since Carol thanks him. If it were just the cops, I wouldn't think she'd show so much compassion.
Glad they dumped the DC trip though-- I honestly never questioned Eugene's story, his whole character feels like something out of a bad SyFy channel movie so it's like, hey why not.
True overall purpose is gone now. Although they never made much progress, except getting a lot of people killed on the way.
But they'll be busy for episodes to come anyway, for finding each other again, now that they're split into 3 groups.
Instead, people think he is smart because Abraham says he is smart and Abraham will pound your face into mush if you disagree.
Eugene finally confessing.
Watching the survivors finally showing 'survivor' adaptations.
It was great to see them all using what was available instead of just cutting to a scene where everything is already prepared.
And giving the bus a wide berth when walking past it on fire, instead of just walking down the road.
Seems like a lot of the 'B' movie mistakes they commonly made were non existent.
For instance, why did Carol throw her gun out that door, without looking first? Here', let's throw all of our supplies between two doors, where we can not see the other side. I'm sure it's safe. Or how about how she walked out into the road, and didn't look for those guys, despite knowing they are trying to hide from them.
In this one episode, Carol has gone from street smart, to a complete idiot. I really felt like the episode was trying to project her upcoming demise too (not a spoiler... just a guess).
While there were mistakes made, i am still thrilled that the writers are showing survival stuff now. The whole recycled bottle scene wasn't complete, you don't really see that she was using them to pee in.
And all those water stations in the corporate buildings would probably still be good to go.
I also don't think Daryl is the kind of guy who would give up his crossbow so easily...
sad that there are only 2 more shows in the season.
that's the end of the season already, or is the season split up like 4 was?
I thought this episode was mainly just poorly directed. The van thing was funny.
If I were a betting man, I'd say the first 'Take' was so horrific no one would believe they survived that fall.. Which means the director probably asked them to quickly do another take, which was less violent. (From another camera angle on the ground, it's easy to see the blue vehicle which has been moved off to the side)
- - - - - -
That aside, I liked most of this epsiode especially seeing how some people ended up failing in their attempts to hold out in the city i.e. The campers on the bridge
(Edit: In all honesty, before they got to the bridge I thought to myself.. 'hmm that'd be a pretty good place to holdout')
... Yep, I guess wouldn't have lasted very long in that world haha :icon60:
I also liked how they've begun building the anticipation for reclaiming their people and the way Carol was captured. BAM!
With only a couple shows left, I can see them losing a lot of people
It's the mid-season finale, so yeah, split like last time.
And yes, poorly directed. That was b-movie level filming, IMO. I'm sure horror fans will love it, but I really disliked it. All the flaws, pull me out of the episode, and makes me want to just make fun of it instead.
But the fact that they discussed only one of them should search the van due to weight and it tipping but instantly they are both seating in the front seats?! (before they got backed into it via zombies) like wtf is that all about
oh and that office looked like a maid went through it the day before, desk so clean you can eat off it :P
Back in the prison Daryl mentioned to Carol about some of the new women, she replies..."I saw you first"
I always thought at some point they would have gotten together, though it would have felt weird, but still, with the survivors starting to get it on with anything living...seems like it would have been an obvious thing.