These people don't strike me as killers, I mean if they were, what difference would it make if you had to pick bullets out of a carcass?
i'll try to address this point using a hunter reference
When going on the hunt, you or any other hunter may be able to shoot more deer,fowl, etc than you're capable of taking home.
The problem or issues comes down to a means of storing & using the meat before it goes bad
Some of these guys may or may not look like they have a problem with putting a bullet into any of the characters, but my guess is that they'd prefer not to kill them all at once.
I could be completely wrong here, but that's my take on why it unfolded as it did *shrug*
Edit:: that's an interesting point about eating that type of meat and getting a disease... I really have no clue :shifty: ........ lol
Edit:: that's an interesting point about eating that type of meat and getting a disease... I really have no clue :shifty: ........ lol
It's a prion disease like Mad Cow Disease
"Cannibalism has also been implicated as a transmission mechanism for abnormal prions, causing the disease known as kuru, once found primarily among women and children of the Fore people in Papua New Guinea. While the men of the tribe ate the body of the deceased and rarely contracted the disease, the women and children, who ate the less desirable body parts, including the brain, were eight times more likely than men to contract kuru from infected tissue."
hmm...about them foreshadowing Carls Hat- What could he be hiding under it?
A bagel? Ha.. only thing I can think of is a knife or gun, could be just a red herring too..or my speculation meter has gone off the rails.. but seemed like a recurring thing, and it's the only place they didn't check. Although, I think it might be a little lame to go HAHA he had a gun under his hat the whole time.. that would hurt his head while running no matter who he is..
Good thing JJ Abrams isn't working on this show, Carl pulls previously undisclosed C4 plastic explosive and fence cutters from his hat, they blow the train and escape.
I didn't think that finale was particularly well directed, a lot of it was kind of hokey, like the fight scene with darryl's crew, and how they're all into rape and murder all of a sudden, then the final scene in Terminus.
I didn't think that finale was particularly well directed, a lot of it was kind of hokey, like the fight scene with darryl's crew, and how they're all into rape and murder all of a sudden, then the final scene in Terminus.
you mean the same crew that will choke a guy unconscious to take his bed and shoot a dude in the face because he lied about a rabbit?
I don't know it just rang false, like a story device; why are they so intent on finding Rick when they kill off their own like it's nothing.
The guy they killed was a bit of a dick who also happened to lie directly to them while trying to take advantage of their simple code. The guy he strangled in the bedroom also tried to ignore a claim. But we know nothing about Lou. He might have been an awesome and respectful bro to everyone, hence their desire for revenge (plus Lou's corpse also went on to attack them)
These people don't strike me as killers, I mean if they were, what difference would it make if you had to pick bullets out of a carcass?
But when killed they'll just turn into walkers, and unless they plan on eating the corpse within like 20 seconds they're gonna be eating a big batch of nasty.
but then its only nasty when its decayed right...?
If everyone is already infected (shut up, that's an old spoiler) then does the rest of the body get zombified/nasty after death regardless of whether the brain is reanimating it?
If it doesn't then I wonder at what point does a walker become unsafe to eat..? Does the virus actually do anything to the flesh or is that just the natural decay after death? If anything, doesn't the virus cause flesh to decay slower? does that mean they're fresher for longer?
If they keep the group alive, they can fatten them up, like farmers do to pigs. Better to keep them alive/preserved, and fatten them, before cooking them.
The guy they killed was a bit of a dick who also happened to lie directly to them while trying to take advantage of their simple code. The guy he strangled in the bedroom also tried to ignore a claim. But we know nothing about Lou. He might have been an awesome and respectful bro to everyone, hence their desire for revenge (plus Lou's corpse also went on to attack them)
Just double tap to the head, the body would still be meat and not transformed to Zombie.
Question: How in the world did the "gang" know Rick killed one of their guys? didn't they mention the episode before that they didn't get a look at him and didn't know what he looked like?
Question: How in the world did the "gang" know Rick killed one of their guys? didn't they mention the episode before that they didn't get a look at him and didn't know what he looked like?
The guy that got strangled into unconsciousness for his bed saw him before he passed out.
was hoping for a hint towards a plan, but hearing it was a line from the comics make it slightly better I guess
Same, but the more I thought about it.. The more I realized Rick doesn't have a plan. Unless there is something underneath Carls' hat
The people at Terminus have obviously been doing this for awhile. Looks like they have it down to a science.
My thoughts are that the bag of guns that they buried out near the tree-line will come into play, but it won't be them that gets to it.
That just leaves a couple badasses to mount a rescue.
After being kicked out of the group because Rick felt she might be a threat to the group, Carol will probably come back. Rescuing them from their captors - It has an agreeable symmetry.
T-Dawg #3 will likely go out in a hail of gunfire, sacrificing himself for everyone.
Finally caught up tonight! awesome finale! I was pretty convinced this Terminus business was a good thing until the episode before the finale when people arrived there. I got a Hanzel and Gretel vibe, from to the unlocked gates, perfect gardens, fresh food, welcoming women at a fire... BAD NEWS! GET IN THE OVEN ITS SAFE IN THERE!!
If they keep the group alive, they can fatten them up, like farmers do to pigs. Better to keep them alive/preserved, and fatten them, before cooking them.
They did include a scene with Hershel talking about this, about how easy it would be to catch and cultivate the feral pigs so they could settle down at the prison. The Terminus people did exactly that, by herding the "feral people," and probably feeding and fattening them up, maybe make them do some work too so they don't lose their muscle! MMMMMMM people. I did think that the meat the woman was giving them was pretty big (Rick had mentioned earlier how small the rabbit was, thought of that when she had a plate of meat in her hand).
I swear they were going to kill Carl though, kinda glad they didn't. His character showed a lot of growth this season, forcefully, but still growth.
I thought this season was fucking fantastic. I loved the pulp style story telling, interconnected stories, with a greater arc. Going to be hard to top once everyone is back together!
another comment about lou bedroom scene, was he the guy who choked out the bandana man? I don't vividly remember that scene, but seemed odd that some dude comes in, interrupts some other dude's nap and says "I CLAIMED THIS GET OUT" when he clearly didn't. Thought tonight that it may have been the Lou old white beard guy, who didn't play by his own rules, but the bandana man didn't want to admit it because he knew what would happen.
Oh oops, mixed up the names! I should have stuck to my usual "white beard guy," "bandana man" descriptions The characters weren't super clear there, and just saw it more as the immediate threat than specific people. thanks for clearing it up
Huge alert btw skip the preview that aired the other day. Major amount of spoilers it seems. Not just a 4 min clip from 1 episode but shows a lot from the entire season.
Huge alert btw skip the preview that aired the other day. Major amount of spoilers it seems. Not just a 4 min clip from 1 episode but shows a lot from the entire season.
Who the fuck approved that "preview"?!
Much more ready than I was before last season. Did a great job of pulling me back in with the slower and more concise character development.
Last winter, I read all the comics, and have been keeping up to date with it ever since. I'm excited to see where this season goes, since its definitely going to be a bit of a twist off the part in the comics. With that said though I've felt like the show has been getting a little "meh", even after last season (however the last episode was good), so the new episode tonight I hope will recover from that.
I'm curious how Michonne will recover her sword. Maybe Rick pushes the issue to return, or someone magically appears with it, and she reclaims it.
I think the only thing that really bothered me, in this episode, was the pinpoint accuracy Carol had, with that bottlerocket. Especially considering it was pointed skyward.
That, and I felt the flashback, at the end, was a bit odd, and had a clue that I didn't catch, until watching the Talking Dead. The crazy tattoo guy, that Rick's group lets out of the container, was the guy who basically tortured the Terminus group.
The Talking Dead also pointed out a couple of other things, that I didn't catch, because some characters were no longer in my memories. The first guy to get slaughtered, was the boyfriend who disappeared, back in that neighborhood, when Rick booted Carol.
The guy, on the table, who was getting carved up, was the guy Rick was using as a human shield, after he noticed the pocket watch. That guy is apparently also the brother, of the guy running the place.
That, and I felt the flashback, at the end, was a bit odd, and had a clue that I didn't catch, until watching the Talking Dead. The crazy tattoo guy, that Rick's group lets out of the container, was the guy who basically tortured the Terminus group.
That scene was so dark I didn't notice tattoos on his face! I thought it was Negan and I was flipping out. Seems like I wasn't the only one - link
FYI: anyone who hasn't read the comics, be careful googling Negan, some of the stuff he's done shows up in the image search.
That scene was so dark I didn't notice tattoos on his face! I thought it was Negan and I was flipping out. Seems like I wasn't the only one - link
FYI: anyone who hasn't read the comics, be careful googling Negan, some of the stuff he's done shows up in the image search.
When I saw the tattooed face guy, I started thinking, "who the f%#& is this guy?", because I felt like they gave him extra time, as if to show me that I should know him. Then I wondered if he was Negan (and they were just upping his look with tattoos). Then they pretty much ended any ideas that he would return again, as Negan
I think the only thing that really bothered me, in this episode, was the pinpoint accuracy Carol had, with that bottlerocket. Especially considering it was pointed skyward.
yeah that was a bit awkward, also they didn't really explain why there was all that shooting outside with the zombies, which I can only surmise is because they were shooting at rick's group the last ep of season 4-- and that attracted them.
It was pretty good overall my only gripe is the seeming invulnerability of everyone who's a regular; it was so convenient that rick's group was on the far end of the chopping block at the beginning.
i'll try to address this point using a hunter reference
When going on the hunt, you or any other hunter may be able to shoot more deer,fowl, etc than you're capable of taking home.
The problem or issues comes down to a means of storing & using the meat before it goes bad
Some of these guys may or may not look like they have a problem with putting a bullet into any of the characters, but my guess is that they'd prefer not to kill them all at once.
I could be completely wrong here, but that's my take on why it unfolded as it did *shrug*
Edit:: that's an interesting point about eating that type of meat and getting a disease... I really have no clue :shifty: ........ lol
It's a prion disease like Mad Cow Disease
"Cannibalism has also been implicated as a transmission mechanism for abnormal prions, causing the disease known as kuru, once found primarily among women and children of the Fore people in Papua New Guinea. While the men of the tribe ate the body of the deceased and rarely contracted the disease, the women and children, who ate the less desirable body parts, including the brain, were eight times more likely than men to contract kuru from infected tissue."
Maybe a Jonestown thing going on here?
hmm...about them foreshadowing Carls Hat- What could he be hiding under it?
A bagel? Ha.. only thing I can think of is a knife or gun, could be just a red herring too..or my speculation meter has gone off the rails.. but seemed like a recurring thing, and it's the only place they didn't check. Although, I think it might be a little lame to go HAHA he had a gun under his hat the whole time.. that would hurt his head while running no matter who he is..
I didn't think that finale was particularly well directed, a lot of it was kind of hokey, like the fight scene with darryl's crew, and how they're all into rape and murder all of a sudden, then the final scene in Terminus.
you mean the same crew that will choke a guy unconscious to take his bed and shoot a dude in the face because he lied about a rabbit?
I don't know it just rang false, like a story device; why are they so intent on finding Rick when they kill off their own like it's nothing.
The guy they killed was a bit of a dick who also happened to lie directly to them while trying to take advantage of their simple code. The guy he strangled in the bedroom also tried to ignore a claim. But we know nothing about Lou. He might have been an awesome and respectful bro to everyone, hence their desire for revenge (plus Lou's corpse also went on to attack them)
But when killed they'll just turn into walkers, and unless they plan on eating the corpse within like 20 seconds they're gonna be eating a big batch of nasty.
but then its only nasty when its decayed right...?
If everyone is already infected (shut up, that's an old spoiler) then does the rest of the body get zombified/nasty after death regardless of whether the brain is reanimating it?
If it doesn't then I wonder at what point does a walker become unsafe to eat..? Does the virus actually do anything to the flesh or is that just the natural decay after death? If anything, doesn't the virus cause flesh to decay slower? does that mean they're fresher for longer?
Food for thought.
mehp mehp
All i know is.. If it's Walkers for dinner tonight.. Medium-rare better not be in the chefs vocabulary :poly145:
had to download it just to hear Rick finish it off with
Just double tap to the head, the body would still be meat and not transformed to Zombie.
The guy that got strangled into unconsciousness for his bed saw him before he passed out.
Same, but the more I thought about it.. The more I realized Rick doesn't have a plan. Unless there is something underneath Carls' hat
The people at Terminus have obviously been doing this for awhile. Looks like they have it down to a science.
My thoughts are that the bag of guns that they buried out near the tree-line will come into play, but it won't be them that gets to it.
After being kicked out of the group because Rick felt she might be a threat to the group, Carol will probably come back. Rescuing them from their captors - It has an agreeable symmetry.
T-Dawg #3 will likely go out in a hail of gunfire, sacrificing himself for everyone.
Foreshadowing! Really obvious, too. In fact, as soon as they showed that scene I was like "yep, terminus is a trap".
The train track is the rabbit trail.
They did include a scene with Hershel talking about this, about how easy it would be to catch and cultivate the feral pigs so they could settle down at the prison. The Terminus people did exactly that, by herding the "feral people," and probably feeding and fattening them up, maybe make them do some work too so they don't lose their muscle! MMMMMMM people. I did think that the meat the woman was giving them was pretty big (Rick had mentioned earlier how small the rabbit was, thought of that when she had a plate of meat in her hand).
I swear they were going to kill Carl though, kinda glad they didn't. His character showed a lot of growth this season, forcefully, but still growth.
I thought this season was fucking fantastic. I loved the pulp style story telling, interconnected stories, with a greater arc. Going to be hard to top once everyone is back together!
another comment about lou bedroom scene, was he the guy who choked out the bandana man? I don't vividly remember that scene, but seemed odd that some dude comes in, interrupts some other dude's nap and says "I CLAIMED THIS GET OUT" when he clearly didn't. Thought tonight that it may have been the Lou old white beard guy, who didn't play by his own rules, but the bandana man didn't want to admit it because he knew what would happen.
So ready.
Who the fuck approved that "preview"?!
Much more ready than I was before last season. Did a great job of pulling me back in with the slower and more concise character development.
Holy hell that was a brutal episode
It was a really good episode.
Yea I was eating French Toast during that first 5 turned my stomach, but hell it was a great first episode.
How can Carol get anymore badass? She's become the strongest link in the chain.
I think the only thing that really bothered me, in this episode, was the pinpoint accuracy Carol had, with that bottlerocket. Especially considering it was pointed skyward.
That, and I felt the flashback, at the end, was a bit odd, and had a clue that I didn't catch, until watching the Talking Dead. The crazy tattoo guy, that Rick's group lets out of the container, was the guy who basically tortured the Terminus group.
The Talking Dead also pointed out a couple of other things, that I didn't catch, because some characters were no longer in my memories. The first guy to get slaughtered, was the boyfriend who disappeared, back in that neighborhood, when Rick booted Carol.
The guy, on the table, who was getting carved up, was the guy Rick was using as a human shield, after he noticed the pocket watch. That guy is apparently also the brother, of the guy running the place.
That scene was so dark I didn't notice tattoos on his face! I thought it was Negan and I was flipping out. Seems like I wasn't the only one - link
FYI: anyone who hasn't read the comics, be careful googling Negan, some of the stuff he's done shows up in the image search.
When I saw the tattooed face guy, I started thinking, "who the f%#& is this guy?", because I felt like they gave him extra time, as if to show me that I should know him. Then I wondered if he was Negan (and they were just upping his look with tattoos). Then they pretty much ended any ideas that he would return again, as Negan
yeah that was a bit awkward, also they didn't really explain why there was all that shooting outside with the zombies, which I can only surmise is because they were shooting at rick's group the last ep of season 4-- and that attracted them.
It was pretty good overall my only gripe is the seeming invulnerability of everyone who's a regular; it was so convenient that rick's group was on the far end of the chopping block at the beginning.