Yep I had the same thought about the bottlerocket.
I also thought about that firing before Carol's entrance...but the time doesn't jive...Maybe it was the Terimnus group firing at Ricks people, but then Rick and the others sit in that boxcar (over a period of time) doing their thing...Carol shows up within what appears to be a couple of hours...a little bit of a continuity issue i think.
As for the other stuff, I didnt pick up on the boyfriend from the other neighborhood...all I kept thinking was ...oh yea,,these are the 'Red Shirts'....
lack of Beth means Maggie is on her own to hold up the sexy quota = my reasoning for the wardrobe alteration
solid episode although not a fan of the bottle rocket aiming or when Rick first got his hands on the AK-47 from the 3 guys walking by... they were all shooting down as if to scare the walkers and not hit them even if you arn't apart of the "security" group they have organized you got to know who to aim better then that
Yeah Carol might be the best character on the show now. Great episode - my only gripe is it seemed like they just breezed through Terminus, but they also said they spent 8 episodes building up to it, so I suppose in that way it'll be nice if they're onto other stuff.
Fun episode to watch but also some odd/laughable points (mostly minor)
100% accurate rocket
Infinite AK mag (Rick only took the AK + handgun from that guy, and he'd used most of the mag beforehand)
Carol having time to wash her face
No reaction from the terminus guards when carol shot in their direction from so close
That scared dude crawling backwards from the zombie the shot went on for way too long, just looked awkward as he had plenty of time to book it
Rick missing the main terminus guy with the AK (Sure stress and the other 2 guys with the baddies were armed, but he really seemed like he wanted to kill
Also wasn't sure what was up with the older terminus woman whom carol shot being alive at the end, surely the new group of baddies must've arrived just after carol to save her from the zombies? Seems unlikely.
holy shit those first 5 mins in the slaughter room was intense!
that was probably the most uncomfortable thing ive ever watched, and I just bench watched a whole season of dexter xD
Fun episode to watch but also some odd/laughable points (mostly minor)
100% accurate rocket
Infinite AK mag (Rick only took the AK + handgun from that guy, and he'd used most of the mag beforehand)
Carol having time to wash her face
No reaction from the terminus guards when carol shot in their direction from so close
That scared dude crawling backwards from the zombie the shot went on for way too long, just looked awkward as he had plenty of time to book it
Rick missing the main terminus guy with the AK (Sure stress and the other 2 guys with the baddies were armed, but he really seemed like he wanted to kill
Also wasn't sure what was up with the older terminus woman whom carol shot being alive at the end, surely the new group of baddies must've arrived just after carol to save her from the zombies? Seems unlikely.
Wasn't there a flashback at the end ? That's what you mean by her being alive ? If so it was the past... I'm not sure I remember that right though.
Accurate rocket was crazy since she was pointing it at the 45 degree angle and the gas tank was slightly below her... well just imagine she pointed it like she should.
Scared dude crawling backwards was so funny He had all the time in the world to run away. That made me laugh.
The episode as a whole was really cool. And the beginning scene with the slaughter room was realllllly uncomfortable. One of the craziest thing I have seen in this show.
Yeah, that was a flashback, to show how/why the Terminus people changed. Basically to back up the story that she told Carol. I didn't really care for the way they executed that part. It was kind of jarring, and they only used the word 'Then', which could mean the past, but could also mean 'after'. The one thing to remember about Mary, was Carol unleashed walkers on her, after she shot her in the leg.
And yeah, I forgot about that guy crawling on his back. SO ridiculous, that he wouldn't get up. I didn't think the face munching was done very well either. It's like he was getting gummed to death, and had way more blood than I would believe possible.
Not a fan of how they did the Flash backs. Like Notman said, it really did feel jarring
Seemed out of place. Thought a more seamless transition would have happened
when Carol was fighting that women who lived there. A quick glimpse back, while they
were talking, would have done the trick.
Yea I also thought he had something else wrong with him to keep that shot running as long as it was....
I had to look up the reference for the flashback at the end to see that the guy Rick let out of the container was the one who took over Terminus with his 'bad men' before the original Terminus group took it back.
In order to keep up the pace, they really need to watch the editing.
Watched it a second time and realized Carol shot the bottle rocket from the barrel of another rifle. Would have been badass if she actually aimed it with the thing. You mind as well...
Also, Eugene uses the term "red ring" as a euphemism for dying. I lol'd
The part with the guy crawling backwards is pretty accurate for someone with broken legs.
If you look closely there is blood in and around his ankles.
Huh, true and they did seem to be quite keen on hanging around on rooftops, so I suppose it's quite likely the explosion caused one or more of them to fall. Although I'd think to land on your feet you'd have to have jumped off but whatever.
Another thing I just remembered that was also odd: Rick breaking out of plastic zipties using a piece of broken wood. Which the two guys behind him somehow didn't see.
wow that was an awesome starting for season 5!! I hope they didn't blow their zombie budget on that episode. oh and the very ending! finally see him again
Watched it a second time and realized Carol shot the bottle rocket from the barrel of another rifle. Would have been badass if she actually aimed it with the thing. You mind as well...
Also, Eugene uses the term "red ring" as a euphemism for dying. I lol'd
haha yeah, I had to explain to my wife why i chuckled Earned an eye roll.
Huh, true and they did seem to be quite keen on hanging around on rooftops, so I suppose it's quite likely the explosion caused one or more of them to fall. Although I'd think to land on your feet you'd have to have jumped off but whatever.
Another thing I just remembered that was also odd: Rick breaking out of plastic zipties using a piece of broken wood. Which the two guys behind him somehow didn't see.
Yeah that's one sharp piece of wood >.< I thought that was odd as well. Also the walker eating the guys face off and the bottle rocket scene were all suspend your disbelief moments.
I was glad to see a tip of the hat to the comic version of the hunters. As soon as Bob started waking up, a big smile came across my face, because I knew what was about to happen.
I don't get Michonne 'not missing' her katana. I sure hope they don't intend to remove that from her character.
I don't get Michonne 'not missing' her katana. I sure hope they don't intend to remove that from her character.
Yea hard to believe that one since she smiles when she reaches for the Katana that isnt there anymore. Just glad they didnt give one back to her in the thrift shop...that would have been stupid.
Really cool how they're weaving in the comic story. Stoked for the next few episodes now. Preview says three were grabbed by the hunters. Wonder who'll be the other two. Whats-her-face is the only other expendable character, I think. Tyrese's sister too maybe?
Yeah I think so too. They never said they were taken but 3 of them are missing. Also didn't read the comics but this tainted meat stuff seems really interesting. I know what's going on I just don't know the consequences. Can't wait!
they set up a lot of interesting things for future episodes but the end of the episode was rather short and sort of meh. Actually I was surprised the guy survived into season 5 to begin with. Definitely looking forward to the next episode though.
Yea, don't take care of them from a safe position, jump in the murky water and hope there aren't any under the murky water.
Also, they got a little predictable leading up to what happened to Bob. Oh look someone overcame addiction, found love and has an insanely positive outlook on the future. I wonder who will have something horrible happen to them...
I still love the show and since these are the only things that bug me so far, there are a lot of great reasons to keep watching. I'm glad they aren't following the comic completely, the novelty would have worn off by now and I would have probably stopped.
I still love the show and since these are the only things that bug me so far, there are a lot of great reasons to keep watching. I'm glad they aren't following the comic completely, the novelty would have worn off by now and I would have probably stopped.
Actually, just today, I reread the issues pertaining to the hunters, just as a refresher, and I'm surprised how much they have followed the comics, this season (and how much I've forgotten with time).
Issue 61 is where everything starts to happen, that we are seeing now, and they have the twin boys (who I had forgotten about), where one kills the other, just like the sisters did, in the show. Instead of Carol, it was Carl that pops off the kid who stabbed his brother.
After that, there are lines that are exact quotes. The 'they fucked with the wrong people' was stated in the church though (since terminus didn't exist). The whole seen, with Bob, at the end, was almost word for word, from the comic (except it was Dale, instead of Bob).
I actually prefer closer references to the comics though. I love the comics, and there is a reason why. To remove circumvent, or change, those reasons, kind of ruins things for me. Though, there are moments in the comics, that I'm glad were changed. I get your point though. It would suck if everything was predictable.
I never read the comics so I don't know the plot or story so I have no idea whats gonna happen. Vicar is defo a creeper with some dirty secret.
What I'll never get with this programme is the urge for the characters to wander off on their own..if that was me I'd be pissing one foot away from where I slept not going for a midnight stroll. OH and bless him not realising his leg had been chopped off until the camera panned hahaha
It's kind of weird that at this point Dale and Andrea are still alive in the comics - but I guess no one would've wanted to see them 'together', it would've been comical though. I've read all of the volumes now, but things will get interesting if they do choose to follow them. Can't wait to see J man kick some ass.
Actually, just today, I reread the issues pertaining to the hunters, just as a refresher, and I'm surprised how much they have followed the comics, this season (and how much I've forgotten with time).
Issue 61 is where everything starts to happen, that we are seeing now, and they have the twin boys (who I had forgotten about), where one kills the other, just like the sisters did, in the show. Instead of Carol, it was Carl that pops off the kid who stabbed his brother.
Oh yea, that was a good example of them tying into the comic but not following it panel by panel. That's the kind of stuff that keeps it interesting while hitting the same themes in the same way. It was different characters but the impact was the same, maybe even a little heavier since I wasn't sure if that was exactly how they were going to go until it happened. If it had been the same characters, I would have known it was coming from the start of the episode and that kind of ruins it for me.
After that, there are lines that are exact quotes. The 'they fucked with the wrong people' was stated in the church though (since terminus didn't exist). The whole seen, with Bob, at the end, was almost word for word, from the comic (except it was Dale, instead of Bob).
I remember Dale being abducted by the hunters, but none of those lines rang a bell when I watched it, but you're right they did lift a few almost right out of the comic.
So it looks like Bob probably was bitten in the food bank after all and he is hiding it like Dale did. I was thinking he was heading out to off himself but they didn't really play up the bite. It would suck if they leave out "Dale's Revenge", it really helped balance out the depravity when he told the Hunters.
I actually prefer closer references to the comics though. I love the comics, and there is a reason why. To remove circumvent, or change, those reasons, kind of ruins things for me. Though, there are moments in the comics, that I'm glad were changed. I get your point though. It would suck if everything was predictable.
Yep, I totally agree. They need to hit all of the major points and leave the majority of it intact, but it can't be word for word, panel by panel.
So it looks like Bob probably was bitten in the food bank after all and he is hiding it like Dale did. I was thinking he was heading out to off himself but they didn't really play up the bite. It would suck if they leave out "Dale's Revenge", it really helped balance out the depravity when he told the Hunters.
hmm that tainted meat scene had no cause & effect... they could have easily edited it out and no one would have suspected anything to be missing in that episode
did the comic have anything interesting happen to those guys who ate bob?
In the comic, no, but it must have been a direct reference, as in the comics Dale is the one who has his leg eaten after being bit. In the comics it plays out very similar in that regard, and was nice to see. But yeah, I could agree on that if it was taken out it wouldn't have mattered a lot, but it does make you wonder what would have happened to them.
Overall it was a great episode, glad to see the arc of Terminus guys come to an end quickly to keep the show moving along.
I also thought about that firing before Carol's entrance...but the time doesn't jive...Maybe it was the Terimnus group firing at Ricks people, but then Rick and the others sit in that boxcar (over a period of time) doing their thing...Carol shows up within what appears to be a couple of hours...a little bit of a continuity issue i think.
As for the other stuff, I didnt pick up on the boyfriend from the other neighborhood...all I kept thinking was ...oh yea,,these are the 'Red Shirts'....
solid episode although not a fan of the bottle rocket aiming or when Rick first got his hands on the AK-47 from the 3 guys walking by... they were all shooting down as if to scare the walkers and not hit them
Absolutely love how bad ass she is. She is what Andrea should have been.
- 100% accurate rocket
- Infinite AK mag (Rick only took the AK + handgun from that guy, and he'd used most of the mag beforehand)
- Carol having time to wash her face
- No reaction from the terminus guards when carol shot in their direction from so close
- That scared dude crawling backwards from the zombie the shot went on for way too long, just looked awkward as he had plenty of time to book it
- Rick missing the main terminus guy with the AK (Sure stress and the other 2 guys with the baddies were armed, but he really seemed like he wanted to kill
Also wasn't sure what was up with the older terminus woman whom carol shot being alive at the end, surely the new group of baddies must've arrived just after carol to save her from the zombies? Seems unlikely.that was probably the most uncomfortable thing ive ever watched, and I just bench watched a whole season of dexter xD
Wasn't there a flashback at the end ? That's what you mean by her being alive ? If so it was the past... I'm not sure I remember that right though.
Accurate rocket was crazy since she was pointing it at the 45 degree angle and the gas tank was slightly below her... well just imagine she pointed it like she should.
Scared dude crawling backwards was so funny
The episode as a whole was really cool. And the beginning scene with the slaughter room was realllllly uncomfortable. One of the craziest thing I have seen in this show.
And yeah, I forgot about that guy crawling on his back. SO ridiculous, that he wouldn't get up. I didn't think the face munching was done very well either. It's like he was getting gummed to death, and had way more blood than I would believe possible.
Side note: Did you realize that Mary is the same actress who played Lieutenant Tasha Yar, from Star Trek TNG?
Seemed out of place. Thought a more seamless transition would have happened
when Carol was fighting that women who lived there. A quick glimpse back, while they
were talking, would have done the trick.
You can watch it on their site, for the next 29 days:
If you look closely there is blood in and around his ankles.
Check this vid for reference
I had to look up the reference for the flashback at the end to see that the guy Rick let out of the container was the one who took over Terminus with his 'bad men' before the original Terminus group took it back.
In order to keep up the pace, they really need to watch the editing.
@SuperFranky Yeah, I use hotspot shield myself works a treat
Okay just watched it, I cried my little heart out at the end.
@Katana Yeah I totally didn't recognise who it was so thanks for sheding light on it. It was way too dark!
Also, Eugene uses the term "red ring" as a euphemism for dying. I lol'd
Another thing I just remembered that was also odd: Rick breaking out of plastic zipties using a piece of broken wood. Which the two guys behind him somehow didn't see.
haha yeah, I had to explain to my wife why i chuckled
Yeah that's one sharp piece of wood >.< I thought that was odd as well. Also the walker eating the guys face off and the bottle rocket scene were all suspend your disbelief moments.
I don't get Michonne 'not missing' her katana. I sure hope they don't intend to remove that from her character.
What the hell man, who cares about that
Yea hard to believe that one since she smiles when she reaches for the Katana that isnt there anymore. Just glad they didnt give one back to her in the thrift shop...that would have been stupid.
Really cool how they're weaving in the comic story. Stoked for the next few episodes now. Preview says three were grabbed by the hunters. Wonder who'll be the other two. Whats-her-face is the only other expendable character, I think. Tyrese's sister too maybe?
Oh hey.. Let's all jump into a water pit with zombies and use the weakass shelfing as defense
:icon60: How have they all survived this long?!
Also, they got a little predictable leading up to what happened to Bob. Oh look someone overcame addiction, found love and has an insanely positive outlook on the future. I wonder who will have something horrible happen to them...
I still love the show and since these are the only things that bug me so far, there are a lot of great reasons to keep watching. I'm glad they aren't following the comic completely, the novelty would have worn off by now and I would have probably stopped.
Issue 61 is where everything starts to happen, that we are seeing now, and they have the twin boys (who I had forgotten about), where one kills the other, just like the sisters did, in the show. Instead of Carol, it was Carl that pops off the kid who stabbed his brother.
After that, there are lines that are exact quotes. The 'they fucked with the wrong people' was stated in the church though (since terminus didn't exist). The whole seen, with Bob, at the end, was almost word for word, from the comic (except it was Dale, instead of Bob).
I actually prefer closer references to the comics though. I love the comics, and there is a reason why. To remove circumvent, or change, those reasons, kind of ruins things for me. Though, there are moments in the comics, that I'm glad were changed. I get your point though. It would suck if everything was predictable.
Ah yes, of course.
I never read the comics so I don't know the plot or story so I have no idea whats gonna happen. Vicar is defo a creeper with some dirty secret.
What I'll never get with this programme is the urge for the characters to wander off on their own..if that was me I'd be pissing one foot away from where I slept not going for a midnight stroll. OH and bless him not realising his leg had been chopped off until the camera panned hahaha
PS - Rick is still a dick.
I remember Dale being abducted by the hunters, but none of those lines rang a bell when I watched it, but you're right they did lift a few almost right out of the comic.
Yeah, I'm thinking the same. I rewatched
did the comic have anything interesting happen to those guys who ate bob?
Overall it was a great episode, glad to see the arc of Terminus guys come to an end quickly to keep the show moving along.