I ended up getting 5 legenary drops on my hardcore before dying to Maghda at level 34 (I died about 1 second before we killed her). Although they still aren't as interesting as the drops in Diablo 2 or Torchlight, it's a lot better.
I can't imagine how bad I'd ragequit if that happened to me.
As for the drops, it was somewhat explained by this post.
I'm curious what you hardcore players do with legendaries once you get items, do you salvage it for the fiery brimstone, or is it better to save them for another character incase you die? I just realized how low some of their level requirements are.
I'm curious what you hardcore players do with legendaries once you get items, do you salvage it for the fiery brimstone, or is it better to save them for another character incase you die? I just realized how low some of their level requirements are.
I always stash them, I only start salvaging when I legit need the brimstone. Until then, I'll pay for expanded storage just to hold them all. It has helped, and I imagine it will even more now that legendaries are more common...
Are there any real benefits to playing hardcore over the regular difficulties, other than the added sense of challenge? I've gotten my gear to the point where I can run through every enemy with very little trouble and so I was thinking of giving hardcore a shot.
If one can find better loot in hardcore mode, then is it possible to transfer this over to a non-hardcore character?
-Nothing leaves or enters hardcore mode from any other mode.
-The only things you get from playing hardcore is extra achievements and banner stuff.
-You lose everything on your character when you die, but your stash stays.
Only reason I play hardcore is because it adds an extra edge to the game, an adrenaline rush. When yo're moments from death in Diablo 3, normally it's quite boring.. I usually just stand there and let myself go because I'll respawn in about 8 seconds anyway. When you're moments away from potentially losing a character for good that you've put hours of playtime into it's a whole different level of excitement.
There is a bit of extra challenge to hardcore, but its challenge that is already present in the game. You don't want to die, so you have to do everything in your power to not die - play smart, watch monster animations, watch spell fx, build more defensively, have patience, etc.
its a thrilling mode! Am doing Torment 2 on my HC monk now, gets the blood pumping!
Ya, you start playing the game way differently. You actually try and dodge all the spells that elites drop on the ground. you start using diamonds and amethysts in your slots. Change your build for more survivability.
But ya. its definitely the rush.
Also, I love the sense of achievement. Not just the in game achievements, but when you start to build a stash full of legendaries / gems, its such a good feeling knowing you found it all, or combined it all.
I beat diablo last night on hard for the first time. lvl 54. my highest yet. gonna try and hit 60 tonight so i can start getting paragon levels. paragon level 83 on softcore is cool and all, but if i was lvl 80 in hardcore (yes, they are separated), id be over the moon.
I definitely like a challenge but at the same time I want to keep grinding softcore mode for legendaries. Thanks for the information, I might make a hardcore character some time down the road to see what it's like.
anyone find leveling a new character using paragon points is boring? i recently made a witch doc and i'm level 33 in paragon points and not once have i yet had to really worry about what gear to wear or what skill combos to use etc, feels like easy streak and im currently level 37 with the doc. i have 2 other chars that are 60 already had i recall those to be a much bigger struggle and required paying more attention to what i was doing
with the doc. im just upgrading gear that i loot (not using the AH like i did before) and im just spamming the poison cloud to kill everyone... not even the bosses are challenging
i forgot to check if i could skip to hard without first beating normal like required in D2
You can jump to any difficulty without having beaten the game first. It quickly scales along with your character strength, so you will probably hit a wall on Expert/Master until you do think about gear and skills.
Yeah, I haven't played on Normal since the patch came out. I level characters on Expert or Master. It goes faster, and is more challenging/rewarding. Did try starting a new character on Torment 1 (HC barb), was lvl 20 by the time i completed the town portal quest in Act 1
Can't wait to try it tonight and see how much of an improvement it is over vanilla D3. I haven't played since before the new loot patch, so hopefully It's a refreshing change.
How's the servers coping? No error 37's this time?
i had a couple minor rubber bands last night. nothing huge. but i didnt even have to log out of the game. a message popped up saying its now unlocked. i left my current game and could select act V.
I suggest beating diablo though. dont just sleect act 5 or you miss the video... ill have to rewatch it.
definitely smoothest game release for blizzard ever. so refreshhing.
One of the many reason to not use ISP email addresses. It really sucks, hopefully they can get it resolved quickly, not sure how they'll want to verify you without it.
I want to warn everyone about adventure mode. It is MUCH harder than story mode. Killing a boss in story mode vs adventure mode, with teh same gear on the same difficulty takes WAAAAY longer and hurts way more in adventure mode. Those of you who choose the hardcore route, be warned!!!
I jumped into adventure mode with a crusader, starting at Torment I, thinking I should be able to level pretty quick. This was the end result (Check the time played)
I put it on Normal to level the Cursader and it's still pretty rough! My monk is on Hard and it gets scary (like Torment 3 scary prepatch). I LOVE adventure mode though, it is so much fun. Great monster density, fun little goals, easy rewards.
I put it on Normal to level the Cursader and it's still pretty rough! My monk is on Hard and it gets scary (like Torment 3 scary prepatch). I LOVE adventure mode though, it is so much fun. Great monster density, fun little goals, easy rewards.
RIGHT!? It feels so nice to actually have to work your way up through the difficulties, based on the gear you find / craft. Gear gating, to an extent. I absolutely love that. I hated being able to jump straight into torment / master before. It just didnt feel right. adventure mode is pure bliss.
and yes, its xpac only. you have to beat act V to play it.
So far RoS is a blast! I just ran my first Nephalem Rift. I read they are 10 levels deep, but I noticed the boss shows up as soon as you fill the gauge with monster kills. Does it matter what level of the dungeon you go to? I think I killed my first rift boss when I was on level 4 or 5 of the dungeon.
How many levels the rift has is random. You can end up getting really lucky and get 6 huge rifts, or you can end up getting 4 small rifts where you have to kill every single enemy for the boss to spawn. No it doesn't matter what level you're on, once you've killed 500 enemies he spawns close to you.
For the nephelem rifts, does anyone know the difference between regular rifts and named ones? I got one yesterday that was something like zhen's lair lvl 1, which was the title on the portal itself. and every layer was called the same thing. usually the name changes in a normal rift. The boss showed up and it wasnt zhen... if i kept goignt o the bottom of the rift, would it have been a special boss?
I finally got the expansion and I've loved it. Played through act V and got my wizard to 70, then started a Crusader, who I really love. Also it's been a blast leveling him up. Between my paragon points and imperial/marquise gems, he has been a powerhouse and absolutely flies through the game. Had to set it to torment II as soon as I dropped a few rubies into my items.
I've been back in D3 for a few weeks now. I don't see myself going anywhere anytime soon. I need people to game with! Preferably a clan of sorts. Hit me up.
Right on, I sent a request. I love the game, but man, I'd love a core set of friends to game with. I find the open D3 community to be pretty antisocial and just meh.
As for the drops, it was somewhat explained by this post.
I did for the night, but got another one to 39 last night.
If one can find better loot in hardcore mode, then is it possible to transfer this over to a non-hardcore character?
-The only things you get from playing hardcore is extra achievements and banner stuff.
-You lose everything on your character when you die, but your stash stays.
its a thrilling mode! Am doing Torment 2 on my HC monk now, gets the blood pumping!
But ya. its definitely the rush.
Also, I love the sense of achievement. Not just the in game achievements, but when you start to build a stash full of legendaries / gems, its such a good feeling knowing you found it all, or combined it all.
I beat diablo last night on hard for the first time. lvl 54. my highest yet. gonna try and hit 60 tonight so i can start getting paragon levels. paragon level 83 on softcore is cool and all, but if i was lvl 80 in hardcore (yes, they are separated), id be over the moon.
with the doc. im just upgrading gear that i loot (not using the AH like i did before) and im just spamming the poison cloud to kill everyone... not even the bosses are challenging
i forgot to check if i could skip to hard without first beating normal like required in D2
The end boss is fantastic! so so good.
adventure mode is beast. I use to RIP through the game on expert, but in adventure mode, at lvl 65, with 105k dmg, I was killing sloooow.
Let the gear grind begin!!!
Also.. love how complex the maps are. Can't wait to get to Adventure Mode.
Have not tried the Crusader yet, but i'll get around to it sometime this week.
How's the servers coping? No error 37's this time?
No server issues this morning for me... and i know lots of people were playing last night without issues.
I suggest beating diablo though. dont just sleect act 5 or you miss the video...
definitely smoothest game release for blizzard ever. so refreshhing.
Then again, this happens so often and with the phising emails, wish this would be sorted out without relying on the authenticators.
I jumped into adventure mode with a crusader, starting at Torment I, thinking I should be able to level pretty quick. This was the end result (Check the time played)
Btw if anyone wants my guest passes that I got with the game, post here and I'll give them on a first post basis.
Still left:
1 x Diablo 3
1 x WOW
1 x Hearhstone Card Pack
Is adventure mode expansion only?
I put it on Normal to level the Cursader and it's still pretty rough! My monk is on Hard and it gets scary (like Torment 3 scary prepatch). I LOVE adventure mode though, it is so much fun. Great monster density, fun little goals, easy rewards.
RIGHT!? It feels so nice to actually have to work your way up through the difficulties, based on the gear you find / craft. Gear gating, to an extent. I absolutely love that. I hated being able to jump straight into torment / master before. It just didnt feel right. adventure mode is pure bliss.
and yes, its xpac only. you have to beat act V to play it.
It was horrendous to have to replay the damn linear story mode over and over and over and over and over and over and over.
All the additions with Adventure Mode are perfect.
Crusader is a fun class, Transmog works better than WoW, music in A5 is awesome... etc.
Great expansion!
Now if only we could get the super dark gothic fantasy back
hit me up ingame
cos i've got a crusader in full akkans rocking a brutal fist of heavens build lol.
snap! awesome build. guy in the clan & old friend from wow has a similar setup, he destroys everything haha.
The one named "Cuddles" has two people in it. heh
Right on, I sent a request. I love the game, but man, I'd love a core set of friends to game with. I find the open D3 community to be pretty antisocial and just meh.