Nice price for an expansion, cost more than most full AAA games on Steam.
I'll probably still buy it at release if it fixes D3, but can't help thinking that I'm paying compensation in that expansion because of the removal of the auction house and fixing core issues that broke D3.
i've pre-ordered on ps4 already, the ps4 version (at the price i've got it pre-ordered at with amazon) costs like £5 more than the pc expansion on its own. and the ps4 version has exclusive modes so...
I too thought the pricing was a bit unfair. I think it'll really come down to how long the new act is. If it lasts more than a couple of hours then I think it would be fair.
Btw, the price is the same as what LoD was. Yes, technically LoD added more to the game. But, a lot of what LoD added is either already in the game (followers), or is being added for everyone for FREE. All the new features and items are coming as a free patch ahead of time for everyone. Itemization in D2 vanilla was terrible as well, but they charged for the fix with LoD. You get it free this time around. Yes, you get 1 act and 1 class. LoD was 1 act and 2 classes. But, Ros adds an artisan as well.
I dunno, I think people are too quick to jump on the hate train. Development costs havent exactly gone down either.
I paid 32 for diablo 3, so i will not buy this "dlc". With 40 i can buy another AAA game.
Diablo 2 was much cheaper for me (4999 pesetas ~30), and the expansion Lord of destruction aswell (2500 pesetas ~ 15).
I've been playing again in the PTR 2.0.1 and the game still sucks, they changed all again, like with patch 1.07. They have destroyed character builds with each patch, and they will do the same it with every change.
This is like they were have redone diablo 3 and they were charging us for the game(again)+expansion.
I don't plan buying this expansion unless if it's under 20. No offense, but for me this is a robbery, a rip off, the price is unjustified. And more with the digital deluxe edition, that's a bad joke with such pathetic cosmetic extras. I can't not stand such level of greed.
Well ya. Of course they need to destroy certain things in the game. Sometimes you need to destroy something to rebuild it better. If they tried to just put a bandaide on what was broken, people would complain even more so. They realized that the problem was at its core and couldnt just be a quick fix. It required a redesign.
The builds you everyone uses right now in live are still viable. You just need to find the gear to support / enable them.
Loot 2.0 is far superior than what was originally in the game. It is giving you so many more options for builds. You may complain that you can't use the one build EVERYONE was using right from the get go anymore, but I see it as they`ve opened it up so other builds are actually playable as well.
Every barb before would only use WW. Now only the people who find the WW gear will be able to use it non stop. This is how it should be. The better gear rewards players, and enables builds others wouldnt really be able to use.
You may hate on the game, and Im sure lots of people do. But I honestly believe the people that are hating on it are the ones that will NEVER like it. No matter how much they change or fix. You had a certain vision of the game in your mind, it didnt meet it, so no matter how much they try and change or how much they improve it (they`ve improved it A LOT already, and are doing even more so in 2.0 and RoS), you wont care.
So many people before were complaining each class only had 1 viable build. Now that they`re fixing that, and there are way more viable builds, people complain it ruins the one build they used... I hate this phrase, but haters gonna hate.
Normally I wouldn't have noticed the price. But it does stick out in this day and age, when you have games like Path of Exile that give you so much more than Diablo does, all for free.
They're essentially asking new players to spend $100 on something you can get elsewhere for free. And arguably (very much arguably) a better experience for free too, as a lot of people would say, and not without merit, that games like Path of Exile (and Torchlight, etc) deliver more than Diablo3 does even with this expansion.
I was fine with the price of D2's expansion simply because I thought D2 vanilla was still pretty fun. To be fair, back then, I was still new the the genre, I had never really played anything even close to Diablo 2 (except D1, but D2 offered so much more imo).
That's not the case now, as Bigjohn said, there are tons of free games with similar (if not better) gameplay, and there are also a lot of other non-free games as well.
If I had enjoyed Diablo 3 vanilla I would pre-order this expansion immediately, but I honestly had to force myself to get through the game.
I'll probably still end up getting it to support the devs, but I'm not too happy about the price.
Blizzard don't care their about base loyal players, nor its customers. They don't change the things to improve the game, they do it just only to make the people more hooked in the game. The have nerfed/changed the game several times.
But the worse is that all our effort for leveling paragon and getting the legendaries is trashed out without remorse, and i mean users like me (with more than 700+ hours).
In the PTR i saw how all my gear was a shit... my DPS was reduced almost a 50%, and fuck.. it's a nuisance to get all the equipment parts all over again. They change all the materials for crafting... they changed ALL. What i use now, is not suited for the the new "skills design/nerf". Loot 2.0 is another SHIT, another bad thing. After 7 hours playing the PTR i didn't get any drop! and the yellow/rare items were also a shit. Crafting as well.
I think they don't know how to design a game, and it's sad how such big company does all wrong. Torchlight 2 does not have these issues.
Too many friends bought the game, ended it in normal mode and bye bye. They did well...
BTW, still no PVP, still not all the promised a year ago. So if you buy this expansion, you'll be buying an unfinished game. The Diablo 3 Team is not doing a good work.
I won't support blizzard the first day of release/preorder like i usually do. They MUST learn a good lecture, and i hope people will be enough clever to do the same.
I honestly think it's a massive kick to the nuts to think that the devs working on all these changes don't care about their fans or improving the game. The corporation may be filled with greed. Yes. But the devs themselves? That's like going up to any polycounter and telling them they dont care about the game they are working on. The people who actually MAKE the game care about it very much.
Wasted time paragon levelling? Not even close. Every single paragon xp point that you`ve earned is transferred to the new system. Every single one. It combined every characters paragon level into 1, and gives you a bunch of new paragon points to help you customize your character even more. Stat allocation. one of the main things people were complaining about before, they now have... And its not just the primary stats like D2 had. Its actually a lot more robust. Yes, you cant put points into your skills, but thats where the gear comes in. you can modify your skills using your gear.
Yes, crafting changed. Though all of what you have stocked up is still used. Just not for the top teir stuff. Anything over lvl 61+ requires the new stuff. Which makes sense. Its actually BAD design if you -dont- do it like that. Otherwise people can craft all their BiS the first day the xpac comes out.
PVP... I dont care for pvp, but yes.. Ill give you this one. they really F'ed that one up good.
Anyways, I dont care if you dont buy it, and stop playing. I enjoy the hell outta it. But you really shouldnt make assumptions that the devs dont care. You wouldnt like it if you worked your ass off on something and someone told you you clearly dont care about it.
I think any game dev cares about their work. Compared to many other fields, game development seems very "unrewarding" in the sense that you work your ass off, get paid a shitty salary, and constantly get criticized by basically everybody. The only thing a dev can take pride in is his/her own work or company.
That doesn't hold true for the higher ups, I think there's also a lot of greed in this industry (just like in every other industry out there).
I can understand Blaizer's feelings though, I too would be pretty pissed off if I spent a lot of time playing an RPG like this only to have my stats destroyed by a patch. I guess that goes back to the question of "Why do you play in the first place?"
I usually play games like Diablo for no other reason than to just farm loot. It sucks if loot that used to be amazing turns into shit but that doesn't change the fun goal for me, I just have to farm more loot, again.
I love the PTR changes. Now you actually have to play the game to get gear and progress. Before the best way to get gear was simply to play the auction house.
But the worse is that all our effort for leveling paragon and getting the legendaries is trashed out without remorse, and i mean users like me (with more than 700+ hours).
To be brutally honest, how can you hate a game so furiously when it has occupied more than 700 hours of your life?
If you didn't feel that it was enjoyable why would you still play it?
The people who actually MAKE the game care about it very much.
Sorry but it's my point of view, i don't see they care about their customers. In almost 2 years i haven't seen anything good, too many promises (and some heads cutted off from their jobs...). I'm starting to think you might be blind due to an issue of extreme fanboyism .
I don't make free assumptions, i have right reasons. And it's not only me, for example an user said in a forum of diablos:
didn't their TV AD said: go to hell with your friends?, now it's time for us to say them: "go to hell with your fucking broken game". I paid once, i did vey bad, but not again. I'm not that idiot.
The actual PTR 2.0.1 has enraged too many users.
With the actual remove of paragon system, ehem, right now, you are FORCED to level 10 characters to paragon lvl 100 in order to have what we had with one character... but slightly changed. Don't tell me they didn't design the game to hook the players till their death. It's INSANE!. They force you to play more hours, 1000+, and later... when you have all the good gear, they make it a total shit. With Patch 2.0.1, or better said, the expansion... this will be the second time they force to re-start again. And you think they care about the players that invested their time? less jokes man.
Too many people criticize the korean games for their grinding, but this... THIS IS WORSE!.
Too many items i had previously, item level 61 o 63, does not work... and now tell me they are not fucking their loyal players (they are fucking us from all the sides). In some way we are forced to buy the expansion yes or yes.
I'm sure some of the reasons of the removal of the AH might be related with the people who actually purchased items in the RMAH. If someone paid 250 (max price for a top class item), there could be problems if they make that item a shit...
Months back, prior to the announce, they changed the Terms and conditions of the game, very fishy.
To be brutally honest, how can you hate a game so furiously when it has occupied more than 700 hours of your life?
If you didn't feel that it was enjoyable why would you still play it?
Isn't 700+ hours enough for 32?
Diablo 3 is a GAMBLING game, you play for collecting items and making your character stronger. You invest time "working" in a character. In the beginning, when we start... well it was funny. But later, all is frustration and more frustration. I specially don't hate the game, what i hate is how they destroy all my efforts and time invested. It's common sense man.
I have played the PTR 2.0.1 and i won't be buying this shit of expansion, first for its ridiculous expensive price and secondly because its content is very poor. There are too many great games, FREE, and with more content (we don't need to play in a harder mode).
About the time spent, and if it's enough for 32... i feel it very stupid and i'm gonna quote another user, very clever imho:
With the value/content of this expansion all is clear, blizzard says: I laugh in your face clown. How many hours you played does not matter, a fool can have a lot of fun with a pencil for a long time, and not for that the pencil is more expensive.
I have played other games more hours than D3, and i paid much less. All that nonsense about hours/price feels very stupid for me. I don't need to pay a cent to play a game like warframe, Path of exile, etc. and we can have hundreds of hours.
Blaizer : They don't force you to play their game. Just stop sounding like a fucking victim all of a sudden. Stop playing the game. If you've played more than 700 hours of Diablo 3 you got your fucking moneys worth.
If you don't like what they are doing, and don't want to support them then don't buy or play the expansion. Go and play Diablo 2 or Path of Exile or Torchlight 2 or whatever you feel like. No one is forcing you to do anything.
It's a game, not everything has to be a big fucking conspiracy.
I don't pretend to sound like a victim, but in some way they fucked me up very strong . I stopped playing the game too many months back. They put the PTR, and well, i thought things could have changed for better, but that was not the case.
That's what i will do, i won't buy the expansion. I have better games to play with.
BTW, we can find the expansion for 26 in other internet retail stores, and not 40. That's another fact, they are selling us the expansion more expensive than the base game on day one. And man, the lack of content of the game, puffff, all this is outrageous (it has less than 1 hour of gameplay!).
The new bounty system is a huge shit. You are forced to replay what you played with diablo 3. A shit they included to hide the lack of content. And pardon me if i sound harsh but is what i feel.
The most hours I got out of a game was 200 with Phantasy Star Online and 120 with FF7. I thought that was a good deal at the time and I liked the games which is why I played them for that amount of time. You have 700 hours...
Let's try to keep this discussion nice and civilized.
Personally, I think 700 hours is a great amount of time to get from a single game. (I don't know how you managed to get 700 hours into D3 though, I think I stopped at least 100 lol).
Even though the game isn't in a great state, at least you got your money's worth. You can move on with literally no regrets at all since you had fun during those 700 hours.
I don't doubt that Blizzard has some greedy staff (like any other company) but you have to keep in mind that their games have to appeal to a great amount of people. As a D2 player, I despised D3 at launch (need to give it another shot though since I haven't played in a long time). I've got a lot of friends who have never played Diablo before, and they thought D3 was an incredible game that was basically perfect.
The best thing to do would be to move on and just accept the fact that a game you once liked isn't going to be enjoyable to you anymore. I used to love the Gears of War franchise. According to Raptr I put in around 800 hours into Gears 1, over 2000 hours into Gears 2, and like 500 into Gears 3.
Gears of War 2 was a really shit game but I held onto the belief that maybe it would get better one day so I kept playing. Then Epic released Gears 3 which was basically 10 kicks in the balls and I gave up on the franchise and just accepted the fact that it wasn't going to get any better.
Well, i have 700+ hours because i have all my characters leveled to 60 (one of each class), and with paragon 92-70-30 (demon hunter - barb - monk respectively), so i can say i have invested too much time in this game for nothing. I usually don't spent too much time on a game, as much 100+ but with games more complex and with 10000 times more content like SKYRIM for example.
If i had to value que quality of the time spent on the game, i would say only ~20 hours or less were funny (the game is very short, and playing with the other classes is the unique thing you can do after beating diablo with your first character in normal mode).
The rest was time for pure gold farming (hours and hours to get 1 million, before the 1.08 patch), and item gambling later. The shitty drop maked me to play a lot of hours in order to get gold to buy some items in the AH. Other people paid in the RMAH, and with less than 100 hours they got all. Although there are a huge amount of RMAH users that have 1000+ hours leveling paragon lvl 100 with 10 characters. blizzard posted in the diablo 3 news about the first guy that achieved the goal.
The majority of diablo players i know (those that still plays) have 2000-3000 hours... and if we talk about those hooked guys of WOW, they easily reach 20000+ hours.
The few polycounters/industry workers i have in my friend lists, only played the game in normal mode and they didn't bother to try other classes. Just only one, and not a polycounter, played 500+ hours . And like me, he won't buy this expansion.
In contrast to you NegevPro, i was pretty happy with Diablo 3 at launch because i wanted something fresh, different, and the skill system/stats was very cool for me (it had its flaws/bugs but they were tolerable). I played online diablo 1 and 2 too many hours as well.
With the expansion, i feel like i were working in a Zbrush model for months, and bang, file corrupted and all the work to the trash. I'm sure you guys understand the analogy. two re-designs of the game that trash out all the effort can't be tolerated, at least for me, and i'm sure there will be more.
But, if you only played a few hours as i can deduce... then i totally understand your point. People who didn't put the same effort in getting a decent gear for their characters won't never see anything, they are indiferent like some of you.
Inferno monster lvl 10 is something people don't play here as far as i know...
2 legacy rounds of legendaries is something horrible, very horrible. And i would ignored that thing of changing all the legendaries is loot 2.0 were something good, but like i said, that's not the case. They messep up the game more than 3 times before patch 1.08 and they have messed up the game with patch 2.0.1 again.
And with all this i'm not saying "don't buy the expansion". It's just my point of view and my opinion, give or take.
If you buy the expansion, enjoy it. I will just enjoy the CGs and nothing more .
I don't pretend to sound like a victim, but in some way they fucked me up very strong . I stopped playing the game too many months back. They put the PTR, and well, i thought things could have changed for better, but that was not the case.
That's what i will do, i won't buy the expansion. I have better games to play with.
BTW, we can find the expansion for 26 in other internet retail stores, and not 40. That's another fact, they are selling us the expansion more expensive than the base game on day one. And man, the lack of content of the game, puffff, all this is outrageous (it has less than 1 hour of gameplay!).
The new bounty system is a huge shit. You are forced to replay what you played with diablo 3. A shit they included to hide the lack of content. And pardon me if i sound harsh but is what i feel.
lol Lroy, you are looking like a child posting that meme... and without understanding anything.
I hate how my 700+ hours were for nothing.
It seems i can't say anything with such level of fanboyism. But know that I purchased D3 the very first day. At least i have the common sense of not falling in the same trap a second time. Glad they put the PTR and the beta...
no comments, i have nothing more to add. Troll me all what you want
EDIT: another meme i found, funny and not like the one you created to troll me.
Blaizer, the same was the case when LOD came out and made most of D2's items completely worthless late game. Sorry, that's the way it goes. New content, new grind.
But yeah, that's a steep price to pay for a content patch that should have been out a year ago (or better yet when the game released) and one act.
I paid for a blowjob once, it was amazing, it lasted 700 hours, but halfway through it got stale and I felt I had to force myself to enjoy it to justify the poultry sum of money I paid for it. By the end I hated it because it wasn't sex, just a blowjob, and I realized the hooker didn't actually care about me at all.
Boy was I mad!
But yeah this will get me into D3 again, it'll be a fun change and addition
With the actual remove of paragon system, ehem, right now, you are FORCED to level 10 characters to paragon lvl 100 in order to have what we had with one character... but slightly changed.
Dude, you`re missing the point completely! Paragon was never meant as a be all end all fix. It was meant as a bandaid to tie people over while they fix the bigger issues. It goes back to what I said before. If all they did was put bandaids on, people will be pissed. As you just proved!
They are tearing down some of the base structure to rebuild it better. You just arent seeing that. You`re so focused on the current build of the game, rather than what's to come. You keep saying your 700 hours are wasted. But how the hell are they wasted?? Tell me exactly how they are wasted. All of your paragon experience is going towards a new paragon system that is way better than before. It's giving you stat allocation that you always wanted. Is your gear going to be obsolete? In a way, sure. But you played D2 and LoD... When LoD came out, did you not upgrade all your gear? or did you use the same gear you already had for the rest of your D2 experience? Expansions will ALWAYS bring out better gear for you to play. ALWAYS! It's not just diablo games. It's EVERY game. Look at every MMO. They increase the level cap (which d3 is doing), and give you better gear to work towards. How can you use that as an arguement of why the game is broken or flawed? Expansions = getting new gear. Its just how it goes. If you dont like it, stop playing the game. Or every game out there.
I don't understand how you can sit there saying that they havent made improvements to the game. Or how they arent trying. They are clearly trying very hard to fix what's broken.
But Im curious. You don't like that they keep changing gear around and all that. Or that you "wasted 700 hours". So, how do YOU think they could improve the game. Do you think that if an exanpsion comes out, all the gear you have should still be the best out there? Do you think you should be able to face roll through everything? Do you think that because you have the best gear in live right now, you shouldnt be able to find an upgrade after the xpac comes out? So that when you beat the campaign, there is nothing more for you to do, cause you already have all the best? How do YOU want the game to be fixed. What is your ideal? Because none of that sounds fun to me. When an expansion comes out, I EXPECT there to be better gear than what I have. Something new to work towards.
Dear Lord, who plays a game they hate for 700 hours? I have to admit, that takes an enormous amount of dedication and willpower. I'm having trouble playing games to 100 hours that I like these days!
Face it, you play games not to get rewarded. You play games to have fun. If you want something rewarding, you don't play, you work. That's generally how life works.
But more on the actual topic: is the DLC/expansion/whatever worth it? It costs $50 AUD here, and I'm a bit apprehensive after experiencing D3 itself.
Diablo 3 is a GAMBLING game, you play for collecting items and making your character stronger. You invest time "working" in a character. In the beginning, when we start... well it was funny. But later, all is frustration and more frustration. I specially don't hate the game, what i hate is how they destroy all my efforts and time invested. It's common sense man.
Fine, frustration then. And thank you, I know how to read very well indeed.
Dude, you`re missing the point completely! Paragon was never meant as a be all end all fix. It was meant as a bandaid to tie people over while they fix the bigger issues. It goes back to what I said before. If all they did was put bandaids on, people will be pissed. As you just proved!
A bandaid? i would say a method to keep hooked their base players, to force them to play hours and hours like nerds. The amount of players that left the game was insane on its day, they removed servers and in europe there is a nice lag sometimes. btw, recently, in Europe whe have had 3 whole days without service (servers down for all the games, login, account errors, a disaster...)
I've been hooked like a sick to this game, "working" each weekend on my characters. Changing all the skill builds with each patch with all my characters, changing their items, farming gold and buying better items in the AH and doing speculation to get more gold...
For example, My barb have passed from 330k dps to 170k+ in the PTR 2.0.1. I have less points stats due to the change of paragon, and i would need to invest more time leveling paragon in order to get the same amount of strength, life, etc. I think they have re-designed the game to make players more hooked.
I could play in inferno monster lvl 10 killing fast, but right now.. in "master level", is uber slow, a shit. And the new Torment mode can be only played paying for the expansion :S, like too many other things. Now, i could not play in the hardest mode to get the better drop/items. Furthermore, the loot 2.0 is another joke. So, what i have seen is nothing good.
With Diablo 2 vanilla, the jump to LOD was not so drastic.
Easy, i would play Torchlight 2, and Diablo 2 again. A legendary/unique item should have fixed stats and not randomized stats for the sake of the sick gambling. The Legendary drop should be like in Diablo 2, Torchlight or POE, you defeat a boss and you get your reward. If i were the CEO i would contract again that guy that was said: "fuck that loser"
I was expecting a nice change playing in the PTR 2.0.1 but nothing. And with the ROS beta, more of the same. And to finish off things, they came with a price that's like a bad joke or worse for me, like we should pay for the game AGAIN (being clear, like too many people are saying, "they bill us their incompetence").
And very nice attitude guys, i could not expect anything more, and more coming from guys that only played the campaign just one time. Keep trolling me :thumbup:
played the campaign just one time? I have hundreds of hours in d3.
K wait, Im still confused for what you mean by the changes to paragon? Do you mean that you have 3 guys, paragon levels 92, 70, 30. So you expect your paragon level to now be 192 when you add them all up? If so, that's not how it works. It takes the combined experience you gained and applies it to the system. Its not just a 1 to 1 conversion.
So here, in your case, Add up all the total experience from each of your paragoned guys. Numbers come from HERE. That chart is the current paragon system. How much new experience it takes to reach each level. So i just added each level up to get these numbers.
With paragon 2.0, that number is applied to THIS chart. Again, NEW experience per level. You`ll notice that it takes less xp per level to get to lvl 100. Now, you can go through all that if you want, adding up the levels to see what you get. or you can use this CONVERTER. You should be at around lvl 130, which is not your 192 because it doesnt do a lvl to lvl conversion. Its xp based.
So ya, if you`re expecting to just add up all your paragon lvls and that be your new one, you`ll be disappointed. But I assure you, It's a legit way of doing it, and you havent lost any of your work. It's just adding your total xp and applying it to each level. The higher the level, the more xp it takes. Thats why it appears as though you lost levels. But you really havent.
If you don't like the expansion, then just don't buy it. I'd agree with you that their pricing is all sorts of fucked up. And yeah, it's messed up how even if you don't buy the expansion, the changes still apply to you so you can't really play the "vanilla" version anymore. I bet this has mostly to do with the game being online-only, unlike D2.
But I still don't get your overall argument about losing something. You already had your fun. 700+ hours of it. I'd say you got your money's worth. They're selling an expansion to a video-game, not a DeLorean. They're not time-traveling back to Nov. 12 1955 and erasing the time you spent playing the game.
You're saying those 700 hours were "for nothing", but seriously, what did you expect to get? It's a video-game...
I have played the public test realm with the 2.0.1 patch (PTR). I saw my actual paragon level man, you don't need to explain me those details, i already know them since months (i stopped playing diablo 3 for something...)
With paragon 2.0, as example, with level 100 you can't get 300 points of STR, nor 200 of life... it really sucks the brutal nerf (they multiply the effort x10).
But I still don't get your overall argument about losing something. You already had your fun. 700+ hours of it. I'd say you got your money's worth.
Bigjohn, i agree with you in part, it's a videogame ok, so all the time played may be considered a total waste of time. But in rol games, and other games with unlocks, we need to invest time to get what we need to progress. I have lost DPS in all my characters, they were uber strong and now they are a bunch of weaklings.
I beated diablo 3 in just 4 hours, but i needed hundred of hours to get all the gear and it was not funny at all, too much grind, a pain in the ass. I don't expect you to understand my frustration. I should have wait and bought the console version... at least in that version you don't need to invest 100+ hours to get a decent gear, and as much you play the game 12 hours and you end happy.
I quote again what other user said about the hours...
How many hours you played does not matter, a fool can have a lot of fun with a pencil for a long time, and not for that the pencil is more expensive.
I have paid more for other games, but they really were worth it, each cent. Like i said, i don't plan buying this "dlc" for 40, that's a rip off imo.
I beated diablo 3 in just 4 hours, but i needed hundred of hours to get all the gear and it was not funny at all, too much grind, a pain in the ass. I don't expect you to understand my frustration. I should have wait and bought the console version... at least in that version you don't need to invest 100+ hours to get a decent gear, and as much you play the game 12 hours and you end happy.. didnt "need" that gear or "need to invest". Its a videogame, lol. :poly122:
So you're basically saying that you were under the impression that if you played the game for hundreds of hours, there would be some kind of payoff, and now that you have, you're seeing that there's nothing there.
And not only that, but you perceive the new DLC as setting you back instead of allowing you to progress further.
Diablo and games like it are an ultimately pointless grind, but they're designed to hook and exploit a certain type of personality (Blaizer's, mine, etc). It's slightly abusive to craft a game like that then laugh maniacally as you take people's money to make them grind another 500 hours. Not that we won't do it...
Patch 2.0.1 is now live with loot 2.0 as well as other changes. It's a pretty massive update though (about 15gb) so if you're interested better get to downloading it now.
so after all this would you say, if you liked Diablo 2, do you think Diablo 3 is a good game on the par (in terms of art style, map and gameplay)?
I think it does a horrendous job being a sequel. It feels absolutely nothing like D1 and D2.
D3 feels like a completely world & game. I do not think the pretty, hand-painted art style was a good choice for its theme and the gameplay is very repetitive, linear, and boring. A 2 year old could pick up the controller and beat with with no problem.
I have ranted about D3 a lot. It is a decent game to play once through, but it has next to no replay value.
I will be getting ROS because I thought D3 was worth the single play-through.
I just got a chance to play the new patch a bit after not playing the game for a long time. It feels fresh, and I like the loot 2.0 changes. I found two legendaries, both minor upgrades. The best thing was that besides the legendaries, I found 3-4 rares that were small upgrades to what I was wearing. I remember having to go to the auction house every time I wanted to upgrade in the old version. I also ran into a pretty fun random encounter, I think from a corrupted chest or something. Overall they made big strides to the loot slot machine that makes Diablo games tick, and it's put Reaper of Souls back on my radar. Nice job Blizz!
This patch is enormous!! still waiting to play, but by the looks of the patch notes this is a really big deal yay!
glad i got my WD to 60 and a paragon level this weekend, hoping my retired hardcore char's paragon levels will apply to my new guy... still waiting for the game to reconfig files
changes are great. Torment 1 is pretty easy for my monk, found some nice items so far! Its a little lame that I can't use my powerful character to farm for lesser powreful characters anymore, in that all the loot i find is geared for them. Not sure if i can wait to ID a legendary on another char & have the stats roll for that class.
Love the potion change, salvaging white & gray items, simplification of crafting, better crafting results, difficulty levels, new monster Affixes (frost pulse arcane suuucks), changes to elite/rare groups for more variety (elite packs aren't limited to match the yellow's enemy model anymore, have seen blue packs of 5), neph orbs, etc........ great update!
also have a clan started called Cuddle Bears (CudBrr) if anyone wants to join, trying to wrangle people from the office, old wow guild members/friends, and hopefully here! Cuddle Bears must get stronger!
Its a little lame that I can't use my powerful character to farm for lesser powreful characters anymore, in that all the loot i find is geared for them.
that's my only problem with loot 2.0, you can't gear alts or a follower that doesn't match your main stat. maybe it'll be easier in ros when we can reroll stats
I'll probably still buy it at release if it fixes D3, but can't help thinking that I'm paying compensation in that expansion because of the removal of the auction house and fixing core issues that broke D3.
I'll probably end up getting it anyway.
What a shame Blizzard, what a shame.
I dunno, I think people are too quick to jump on the hate train. Development costs havent exactly gone down either.
Diablo 2 was much cheaper for me (4999 pesetas ~30), and the expansion Lord of destruction aswell (2500 pesetas ~ 15).
I've been playing again in the PTR 2.0.1 and the game still sucks, they changed all again, like with patch 1.07. They have destroyed character builds with each patch, and they will do the same it with every change.
This is like they were have redone diablo 3 and they were charging us for the game(again)+expansion.
I don't plan buying this expansion unless if it's under 20. No offense, but for me this is a robbery, a rip off, the price is unjustified. And more with the digital deluxe edition, that's a bad joke with such pathetic cosmetic extras. I can't not stand such level of greed.
The builds you everyone uses right now in live are still viable. You just need to find the gear to support / enable them.
Loot 2.0 is far superior than what was originally in the game. It is giving you so many more options for builds. You may complain that you can't use the one build EVERYONE was using right from the get go anymore, but I see it as they`ve opened it up so other builds are actually playable as well.
Every barb before would only use WW. Now only the people who find the WW gear will be able to use it non stop. This is how it should be. The better gear rewards players, and enables builds others wouldnt really be able to use.
You may hate on the game, and Im sure lots of people do. But I honestly believe the people that are hating on it are the ones that will NEVER like it. No matter how much they change or fix. You had a certain vision of the game in your mind, it didnt meet it, so no matter how much they try and change or how much they improve it (they`ve improved it A LOT already, and are doing even more so in 2.0 and RoS), you wont care.
So many people before were complaining each class only had 1 viable build. Now that they`re fixing that, and there are way more viable builds, people complain it ruins the one build they used... I hate this phrase, but haters gonna hate.
They're essentially asking new players to spend $100 on something you can get elsewhere for free. And arguably (very much arguably) a better experience for free too, as a lot of people would say, and not without merit, that games like Path of Exile (and Torchlight, etc) deliver more than Diablo3 does even with this expansion.
That's not the case now, as Bigjohn said, there are tons of free games with similar (if not better) gameplay, and there are also a lot of other non-free games as well.
If I had enjoyed Diablo 3 vanilla I would pre-order this expansion immediately, but I honestly had to force myself to get through the game.
I'll probably still end up getting it to support the devs, but I'm not too happy about the price.
But the worse is that all our effort for leveling paragon and getting the legendaries is trashed out without remorse, and i mean users like me (with more than 700+ hours).
In the PTR i saw how all my gear was a shit... my DPS was reduced almost a 50%, and fuck.. it's a nuisance to get all the equipment parts all over again. They change all the materials for crafting... they changed ALL. What i use now, is not suited for the the new "skills design/nerf". Loot 2.0 is another SHIT, another bad thing. After 7 hours playing the PTR i didn't get any drop! and the yellow/rare items were also a shit. Crafting as well.
I think they don't know how to design a game, and it's sad how such big company does all wrong. Torchlight 2 does not have these issues.
Too many friends bought the game, ended it in normal mode and bye bye. They did well...
BTW, still no PVP, still not all the promised a year ago. So if you buy this expansion, you'll be buying an unfinished game. The Diablo 3 Team is not doing a good work.
I won't support blizzard the first day of release/preorder like i usually do. They MUST learn a good lecture, and i hope people will be enough clever to do the same.
I honestly think it's a massive kick to the nuts to think that the devs working on all these changes don't care about their fans or improving the game. The corporation may be filled with greed. Yes. But the devs themselves? That's like going up to any polycounter and telling them they dont care about the game they are working on. The people who actually MAKE the game care about it very much.
Wasted time paragon levelling? Not even close. Every single paragon xp point that you`ve earned is transferred to the new system. Every single one. It combined every characters paragon level into 1, and gives you a bunch of new paragon points to help you customize your character even more. Stat allocation. one of the main things people were complaining about before, they now have... And its not just the primary stats like D2 had. Its actually a lot more robust. Yes, you cant put points into your skills, but thats where the gear comes in. you can modify your skills using your gear.
Yes, crafting changed. Though all of what you have stocked up is still used. Just not for the top teir stuff. Anything over lvl 61+ requires the new stuff. Which makes sense. Its actually BAD design if you -dont- do it like that. Otherwise people can craft all their BiS the first day the xpac comes out.
PVP... I dont care for pvp, but yes.. Ill give you this one. they really F'ed that one up good.
Anyways, I dont care if you dont buy it, and stop playing. I enjoy the hell outta it. But you really shouldnt make assumptions that the devs dont care. You wouldnt like it if you worked your ass off on something and someone told you you clearly dont care about it.
That doesn't hold true for the higher ups, I think there's also a lot of greed in this industry (just like in every other industry out there).
I can understand Blaizer's feelings though, I too would be pretty pissed off if I spent a lot of time playing an RPG like this only to have my stats destroyed by a patch. I guess that goes back to the question of "Why do you play in the first place?"
I usually play games like Diablo for no other reason than to just farm loot. It sucks if loot that used to be amazing turns into shit but that doesn't change the fun goal for me, I just have to farm more loot, again.
To be brutally honest, how can you hate a game so furiously when it has occupied more than 700 hours of your life?
If you didn't feel that it was enjoyable why would you still play it?
Isn't 700+ hours enough for 32?
Sorry but it's my point of view, i don't see they care about their customers. In almost 2 years i haven't seen anything good, too many promises (and some heads cutted off from their jobs...). I'm starting to think you might be blind due to an issue of extreme fanboyism
I don't make free assumptions, i have right reasons. And it's not only me, for example an user said in a forum of diablos:
The actual PTR 2.0.1 has enraged too many users.
With the actual remove of paragon system, ehem, right now, you are FORCED to level 10 characters to paragon lvl 100 in order to have what we had with one character... but slightly changed. Don't tell me they didn't design the game to hook the players till their death. It's INSANE!. They force you to play more hours, 1000+, and later... when you have all the good gear, they make it a total shit. With Patch 2.0.1, or better said, the expansion... this will be the second time they force to re-start again. And you think they care about the players that invested their time? less jokes man.
Too many people criticize the korean games for their grinding, but this... THIS IS WORSE!.
Too many items i had previously, item level 61 o 63, does not work... and now tell me they are not fucking their loyal players (they are fucking us from all the sides). In some way we are forced to buy the expansion yes or yes.
I'm sure some of the reasons of the removal of the AH might be related with the people who actually purchased items in the RMAH. If someone paid 250 (max price for a top class item), there could be problems if they make that item a shit...
Months back, prior to the announce, they changed the Terms and conditions of the game, very fishy.
BTW, salary at blizzard is not a shitty salary
Diablo 3 is a GAMBLING game, you play for collecting items and making your character stronger. You invest time "working" in a character. In the beginning, when we start... well it was funny. But later, all is frustration and more frustration. I specially don't hate the game, what i hate is how they destroy all my efforts and time invested. It's common sense man.
I have played the PTR 2.0.1 and i won't be buying this shit of expansion, first for its ridiculous expensive price and secondly because its content is very poor. There are too many great games, FREE, and with more content (we don't need to play in a harder mode).
About the time spent, and if it's enough for 32... i feel it very stupid and i'm gonna quote another user, very clever imho: I have played other games more hours than D3, and i paid much less. All that nonsense about hours/price feels very stupid for me. I don't need to pay a cent to play a game like warframe, Path of exile, etc. and we can have hundreds of hours.
If you don't like what they are doing, and don't want to support them then don't buy or play the expansion. Go and play Diablo 2 or Path of Exile or Torchlight 2 or whatever you feel like. No one is forcing you to do anything.
It's a game, not everything has to be a big fucking conspiracy.
EDIT : Lost cause.
That's what i will do, i won't buy the expansion. I have better games to play with.
BTW, we can find the expansion for 26 in other internet retail stores, and not 40. That's another fact, they are selling us the expansion more expensive than the base game on day one. And man, the lack of content of the game, puffff, all this is outrageous (it has less than 1 hour of gameplay!).
The new bounty system is a huge shit. You are forced to replay what you played with diablo 3. A shit they included to hide the lack of content. And pardon me if i sound harsh but is what i feel.
Personally, I think 700 hours is a great amount of time to get from a single game. (I don't know how you managed to get 700 hours into D3 though, I think I stopped at least 100 lol).
Even though the game isn't in a great state, at least you got your money's worth. You can move on with literally no regrets at all since you had fun during those 700 hours.
I don't doubt that Blizzard has some greedy staff (like any other company) but you have to keep in mind that their games have to appeal to a great amount of people. As a D2 player, I despised D3 at launch (need to give it another shot though since I haven't played in a long time). I've got a lot of friends who have never played Diablo before, and they thought D3 was an incredible game that was basically perfect.
The best thing to do would be to move on and just accept the fact that a game you once liked isn't going to be enjoyable to you anymore. I used to love the Gears of War franchise. According to Raptr I put in around 800 hours into Gears 1, over 2000 hours into Gears 2, and like 500 into Gears 3.
Gears of War 2 was a really shit game but I held onto the belief that maybe it would get better one day so I kept playing. Then Epic released Gears 3 which was basically 10 kicks in the balls and I gave up on the franchise and just accepted the fact that it wasn't going to get any better.
If i had to value que quality of the time spent on the game, i would say only ~20 hours or less were funny (the game is very short, and playing with the other classes is the unique thing you can do after beating diablo with your first character in normal mode).
The rest was time for pure gold farming (hours and hours to get 1 million, before the 1.08 patch), and item gambling later. The shitty drop maked me to play a lot of hours in order to get gold to buy some items in the AH. Other people paid in the RMAH, and with less than 100 hours they got all. Although there are a huge amount of RMAH users that have 1000+ hours leveling paragon lvl 100 with 10 characters. blizzard posted in the diablo 3 news about the first guy that achieved the goal.
The majority of diablo players i know (those that still plays) have 2000-3000 hours... and if we talk about those hooked guys of WOW, they easily reach 20000+ hours.
The few polycounters/industry workers i have in my friend lists, only played the game in normal mode and they didn't bother to try other classes. Just only one, and not a polycounter, played 500+ hours
In contrast to you NegevPro, i was pretty happy with Diablo 3 at launch because i wanted something fresh, different, and the skill system/stats was very cool for me (it had its flaws/bugs but they were tolerable). I played online diablo 1 and 2 too many hours as well.
With the expansion, i feel like i were working in a Zbrush model for months, and bang, file corrupted and all the work to the trash. I'm sure you guys understand the analogy. two re-designs of the game that trash out all the effort can't be tolerated, at least for me, and i'm sure there will be more.
But, if you only played a few hours as i can deduce... then i totally understand your point. People who didn't put the same effort in getting a decent gear for their characters won't never see anything, they are indiferent like some of you.
Inferno monster lvl 10 is something people don't play here as far as i know...
2 legacy rounds of legendaries is something horrible, very horrible. And i would ignored that thing of changing all the legendaries is loot 2.0 were something good, but like i said, that's not the case. They messep up the game more than 3 times before patch 1.08 and they have messed up the game with patch 2.0.1 again.
And with all this i'm not saying "don't buy the expansion". It's just my point of view and my opinion, give or take.
If you buy the expansion, enjoy it. I will just enjoy the CGs and nothing more
I hate how my 700+ hours were for nothing.
It seems i can't say anything with such level of fanboyism. But know that I purchased D3 the very first day. At least i have the common sense of not falling in the same trap a second time. Glad they put the PTR and the beta...
no comments, i have nothing more to add. Troll me all what you want
EDIT: another meme i found, funny and not like the one you created to troll me.
But yeah, that's a steep price to pay for a content patch that should have been out a year ago (or better yet when the game released) and one act.
Boy was I mad!
But yeah this will get me into D3 again, it'll be a fun change and addition
Dude, you`re missing the point completely! Paragon was never meant as a be all end all fix. It was meant as a bandaid to tie people over while they fix the bigger issues. It goes back to what I said before. If all they did was put bandaids on, people will be pissed. As you just proved!
They are tearing down some of the base structure to rebuild it better. You just arent seeing that. You`re so focused on the current build of the game, rather than what's to come. You keep saying your 700 hours are wasted. But how the hell are they wasted?? Tell me exactly how they are wasted. All of your paragon experience is going towards a new paragon system that is way better than before. It's giving you stat allocation that you always wanted. Is your gear going to be obsolete? In a way, sure. But you played D2 and LoD... When LoD came out, did you not upgrade all your gear? or did you use the same gear you already had for the rest of your D2 experience? Expansions will ALWAYS bring out better gear for you to play. ALWAYS! It's not just diablo games. It's EVERY game. Look at every MMO. They increase the level cap (which d3 is doing), and give you better gear to work towards. How can you use that as an arguement of why the game is broken or flawed? Expansions = getting new gear. Its just how it goes. If you dont like it, stop playing the game. Or every game out there.
I don't understand how you can sit there saying that they havent made improvements to the game. Or how they arent trying. They are clearly trying very hard to fix what's broken.
But Im curious. You don't like that they keep changing gear around and all that. Or that you "wasted 700 hours". So, how do YOU think they could improve the game. Do you think that if an exanpsion comes out, all the gear you have should still be the best out there? Do you think you should be able to face roll through everything? Do you think that because you have the best gear in live right now, you shouldnt be able to find an upgrade after the xpac comes out? So that when you beat the campaign, there is nothing more for you to do, cause you already have all the best? How do YOU want the game to be fixed. What is your ideal? Because none of that sounds fun to me. When an expansion comes out, I EXPECT there to be better gear than what I have. Something new to work towards.
Someone explain this to me please. I seriously can't wrangle this thing from any angle that doesn't make my brain explode.
I mean I wasn't a huge fan of D3. But it didn't take me 700 hours to figure that out.
Face it, you play games not to get rewarded. You play games to have fun. If you want something rewarding, you don't play, you work. That's generally how life works.
But more on the actual topic: is the DLC/expansion/whatever worth it? It costs $50 AUD here, and I'm a bit apprehensive after experiencing D3 itself.
It's his English. You people just don't know how to read
Fine, frustration then. And thank you, I know how to read very well indeed.
A bandaid? i would say a method to keep hooked their base players, to force them to play hours and hours like nerds. The amount of players that left the game was insane on its day, they removed servers and in europe there is a nice lag sometimes. btw, recently, in Europe whe have had 3 whole days without service (servers down for all the games, login, account errors, a disaster...)
I've been hooked like a sick to this game, "working" each weekend on my characters. Changing all the skill builds with each patch with all my characters, changing their items, farming gold and buying better items in the AH and doing speculation to get more gold...
For example, My barb have passed from 330k dps to 170k+ in the PTR 2.0.1. I have less points stats due to the change of paragon, and i would need to invest more time leveling paragon in order to get the same amount of strength, life, etc. I think they have re-designed the game to make players more hooked.
I could play in inferno monster lvl 10 killing fast, but right now.. in "master level", is uber slow, a shit. And the new Torment mode can be only played paying for the expansion :S, like too many other things. Now, i could not play in the hardest mode to get the better drop/items. Furthermore, the loot 2.0 is another joke. So, what i have seen is nothing good.
With Diablo 2 vanilla, the jump to LOD was not so drastic.
OK, i will repeat it again
Easy, i would play Torchlight 2, and Diablo 2 again. A legendary/unique item should have fixed stats and not randomized stats for the sake of the sick gambling. The Legendary drop should be like in Diablo 2, Torchlight or POE, you defeat a boss and you get your reward. If i were the CEO i would contract again that guy that was said: "fuck that loser"
I was expecting a nice change playing in the PTR 2.0.1 but nothing. And with the ROS beta, more of the same. And to finish off things, they came with a price that's like a bad joke or worse for me, like we should pay for the game AGAIN (being clear, like too many people are saying, "they bill us their incompetence").
And very nice attitude guys, i could not expect anything more, and more coming from guys that only played the campaign just one time. Keep trolling me :thumbup:
K wait, Im still confused for what you mean by the changes to paragon? Do you mean that you have 3 guys, paragon levels 92, 70, 30. So you expect your paragon level to now be 192 when you add them all up? If so, that's not how it works. It takes the combined experience you gained and applies it to the system. Its not just a 1 to 1 conversion.
So here, in your case, Add up all the total experience from each of your paragoned guys. Numbers come from HERE. That chart is the current paragon system. How much new experience it takes to reach each level. So i just added each level up to get these numbers.
PL92 = 8,377,920,000
PL70 = 4,060,800,000
PL30 = 842,400,000
Total experience - 13,281,120,000
With paragon 2.0, that number is applied to THIS chart. Again, NEW experience per level. You`ll notice that it takes less xp per level to get to lvl 100. Now, you can go through all that if you want, adding up the levels to see what you get. or you can use this CONVERTER. You should be at around lvl 130, which is not your 192 because it doesnt do a lvl to lvl conversion. Its xp based.
So ya, if you`re expecting to just add up all your paragon lvls and that be your new one, you`ll be disappointed. But I assure you, It's a legit way of doing it, and you havent lost any of your work. It's just adding your total xp and applying it to each level. The higher the level, the more xp it takes. Thats why it appears as though you lost levels. But you really havent.
But I still don't get your overall argument about losing something. You already had your fun. 700+ hours of it. I'd say you got your money's worth. They're selling an expansion to a video-game, not a DeLorean. They're not time-traveling back to Nov. 12 1955 and erasing the time you spent playing the game.
You're saying those 700 hours were "for nothing", but seriously, what did you expect to get? It's a video-game...
I have played the public test realm with the 2.0.1 patch (PTR). I saw my actual paragon level man, you don't need to explain me those details, i already know them since months (i stopped playing diablo 3 for something...)
With paragon 2.0, as example, with level 100 you can't get 300 points of STR, nor 200 of life... it really sucks the brutal nerf (they multiply the effort x10).
Bigjohn, i agree with you in part, it's a videogame ok, so all the time played may be considered a total waste of time. But in rol games, and other games with unlocks, we need to invest time to get what we need to progress. I have lost DPS in all my characters, they were uber strong and now they are a bunch of weaklings.
I beated diablo 3 in just 4 hours, but i needed hundred of hours to get all the gear and it was not funny at all, too much grind, a pain in the ass. I don't expect you to understand my frustration. I should have wait and bought the console version... at least in that version you don't need to invest 100+ hours to get a decent gear, and as much you play the game 12 hours and you end happy.
I quote again what other user said about the hours... I have paid more for other games, but they really were worth it, each cent. Like i said, i don't plan buying this "dlc" for 40, that's a rip off imo. didnt "need" that gear or "need to invest". Its a videogame, lol. :poly122:
your understanding = ZERO
I want to understand lol
And not only that, but you perceive the new DLC as setting you back instead of allowing you to progress further.
That sounds about right?
Diablo and games like it are an ultimately pointless grind, but they're designed to hook and exploit a certain type of personality (Blaizer's, mine, etc). It's slightly abusive to craft a game like that then laugh maniacally as you take people's money to make them grind another 500 hours. Not that we won't do it...
There is some gold on the account and my highest character is a wizard lvl 55 or something.
PM me for more info!
Patch 2.0.1 is now live with loot 2.0 as well as other changes. It's a pretty massive update though (about 15gb) so if you're interested better get to downloading it now.
I think it does a horrendous job being a sequel. It feels absolutely nothing like D1 and D2.
D3 feels like a completely world & game. I do not think the pretty, hand-painted art style was a good choice for its theme and the gameplay is very repetitive, linear, and boring. A 2 year old could pick up the controller and beat with with no problem.
I have ranted about D3 a lot. It is a decent game to play once through, but it has next to no replay value.
I will be getting ROS because I thought D3 was worth the single play-through.
glad i got my WD to 60 and a paragon level this weekend, hoping my retired hardcore char's paragon levels will apply to my new guy... still waiting for the game to reconfig files
Love the potion change, salvaging white & gray items, simplification of crafting, better crafting results, difficulty levels, new monster Affixes (frost pulse arcane suuucks), changes to elite/rare groups for more variety (elite packs aren't limited to match the yellow's enemy model anymore, have seen blue packs of 5), neph orbs, etc........ great update!
bnet id (US) is add me up!
also have a clan started called Cuddle Bears (CudBrr) if anyone wants to join, trying to wrangle people from the office, old wow guild members/friends, and hopefully here! Cuddle Bears must get stronger!
that's my only problem with loot 2.0, you can't gear alts or a follower that doesn't match your main stat. maybe it'll be easier in ros when we can reroll stats