The better question is, why does the inclusion of real money even bother people? Why must you feel the need to compare yourself with other players?
The current "end game" is not "broken" at all. Auction housing was the end game before, and now, it still is.
Something about ruining the gold auction house that people said ruined diablo3 already
you start in general. As far as I know you cant change it to party for default cause you dont start in a party. but type /p before the first sentence really isnt that hard. after that you just hit enter
Holy shit, looks like blizzard will make tons of money with the AH! Buying virtual stuff for more then 1 dollar is already crazy IMO. I just hope this marks not the beginning of Freemium AAA games, i heard Crytek will already go the freemium route.
If the market doesn't normalize, this will be one of the most absurd (in the existentialist Camus-esque sense) thing to happen in a while. As if Blizzard needed another cash cow. Wow, who knew us nerds had *that* much disposable income; didn't know you guys were all millionaires!
I wonder how much the AH is the result of Activision management's influence.
I got to lvl58 in Hell, didn't find the gamedesign around dying to elite mobs over and over again to be amusing, haven't played since the second week or so..
Yozora, if one item that i bought was ~50k, and now a similar item is for 12-25million... just do mathematics XD. The economy in this game is more broken that the real global economy with its crisis.
Btw, blizzard will not make too much cash with this game, because only a small % of the players are gamblers, sick people. And Yes, they are sick people. They presented results, and only a few guys were in inferno mode. The 80% reached lvl ~30 and left the game.
And for god's sake, this is not a true game. this is only a product to create sick people. This kind of AH should be prohibited in all the countries, not only in korea.
The game is quite short, you can beat it in normal in a few hours and without the need of any good gear. You play it, and you can uninstall it, because the there's not re-playability, only that gambling to farm items like a monkey without neurons.
There are also people sending items for 250.000.000 gold, moved by pure rage.
I've never played a game with an AH like this one. Blizzard is only carving a grave with all this. Diablo 2 was way better and more funny. Now they only want to take advantage of the item market and they messed up the game making it a crap.
And they say they make games for pure entertainment... fuck off.
On a side note, in the 3rd day of playing, i found my character naked. I'm sure blizzard had a huge security breach and hackers stole a huge list of users and passwords. Nor the "authenticator" served to protect the clients. I found that the same "hacker" was doing the same with hundreds of accounts.
Gold will inflate, but there will also start to be more supplies than demand once there's more high level drops. It'll balance out sometime, but any "perfect roll" drop is going to cost an insane amount of cash
Just wait till blizzard carries out on their IAS nerf threat and the rage begins. They have to handle this carefully because they're playing with people's money now, not just their time and effort. This will probably be a disaster.
I think the IAS nerf is uneeded but there is a simple way to nerf it without messing with peoples items, don't add up the percents together before applying them, right now, if you have 4 15% attack speed increased, it acts as a 60% increase. If you applied 15% to the main value 4 times, its an 48% increase, if I did the math right...
Since no items are soulbound and everything can be traded and used by other players, I think it would be awesome in like a years time for Blizzard to reveal the "slut" item of Diablo 3. Basically it would be the item that was used by the most players and let us now how many different characters used that dirty dirty item. HA
Since no items are soulbound and everything can be traded and used by other players, I think it would be awesome in like a years time for Blizzard to reveal the "slut" item of Diablo 3. Basically it would be the item that was used by the most players and let us now how many different characters used that dirty dirty item. HA
lol, that'd be amazing, to have a history log with each item.
Achievement Unlocked, The Eraserman!
Successfully Scavenged an item with a History of 10/20/50 people!
I've gotta agree with whoever said it earlier. Hardcore really does change the game, and makes it so much more fun. I just got my lvl 10 achievement, and the achievement for downing the skeleton king on hardcore. That fight became so much more intense. Im still playing SC characters, cause my friends dont wanna play HC with me. But man.. HC is fun. And the fact that there is no RMAH, and each piece of armour is actually worth SO much more on HC. I actually feel like the loot aspect of the game is worth it. You need to save up the good armour you find, incase you die and need to re-equip yourself.
Now I just gotta find a good item, sell it, and start getting my stash space. So expensive.
Wait till you get to around level 50 and you farm nothing but Act I Hell mode because the games balance is so fucking broken that you'd be stupid to farm anywhere else.
Oh and running the treasure goblin from Act I over and over again to try and gear up (on Hell mode still) for Inferno mode.
Just because you lose the character when you die doesn't change the fact theres NO threat to your life for a long time.
I've been playing this game pretty much non stop since release, and am really enjoying it. But holy shit, some of you guys are epic haters...
I think the Auction House was completely necessary, but also the least polished part of the game. Sort of unfortunate, but whatever. For anyone who says that the real money auction house ruins the game, I would say this. You do realize that this market exists no matter what, right? If there was no RMAH, there would still be people buying and selling gold, and items. Fuck, even in the weeks leading up to the RMAH, gold selling was happening. Now it's just happening out in the open, where everyone will have a much more controlled, safe experience with it.
So, I finished inferno on softcore and just started to play a bit of hardcore, and so far have to say I am enjoying hardcore quite a bit. I think the levelling aspect will be fun, but after 60 I'm not sure how much fun it will be... maybe after 1.03 drops inferno will be a bit more do-able on hardcore.
My biggest complaint about Diablo 3: the community. Jesus christ, I don't think I've ever seen a bigger collection of cry babies in my life. Just stop playing if you aren't enjoying it. You paid $60, and there is no subscription or obligation to spend time with it or pay extra. I think people should adjust their outlook a bit, because it's a Blizzard game. It's going to be around for a long time. It's going to get better. All this stuff people are complaining about, it will probably all be fixed. A year or two from now, the game will get an expansion, and be even more awesome.
> Haters
> Objective and valid criticism of how mechanics work and contradict themselves.
> Things that were once complained about have been fixed since (meaning the complaint was valid)
Are you honestly defending the practice of getting the finished ideal product in a year or two? How long was this in development? Don't you think its amusing that they admitted they didn't really test Inferno?
As much as I truelly appreciate (and think its becoming mandatory for all multiplayer games) the constant tweaking of a released product, I don't like that customers are slowly becoming an extension of QA.
White knights can be just as blind and deluded as the complaining trolls.
I started playing hard core and there are a lot of little things that make it better. It sucks that if I die, I die for good, but that adds to the suspense which creates a more enjoyable experience.
However, I still stand by my belief that the AH ruined Diablo. The reason HC is better in this regard is the AH for HC is separate and has significantly fewer items and the market isn't as horrendously inflated.
In no way was the auction house "completely necessary." Diablo 2 was an amazing game and it didn't have an auction house. For something to be completely necessary, the game would have to be broken if it was not included.
It's just a way for Blizz to make more money and for people to legitimize the sale of gold and items. Ever since the RMAH was released, the gold auction house has become even more inflated. It's a joke to search for an item and see everything be at 10m gold and higher.
I think when they do the gear drop % fix it will help out a lot, because currently I can only play A1 Inferno, as with many of my friends, and all of us being able to actually get a good item or two ourselves will be the start of the tidal wave that crushes the current inflated AH.
Don't forget how ridiculously inflated d2s market was. Gold was completely meaningless, the currency was an item that in my entire time playing I never even found a single one. I was driven to HC since I didn't like the hassle of trading with others but therefore was left in the dust due to everyone else having the top tier items possible.
The auction house in d3 is flooded with items true, but if you only look for items with reasonably prices the selection drops off fast.
I'm not defending the practice of releasing an unfinished product. I'm not saying D3 is an unfinished product. I'm saying that Blizzard games always improve drastically throughout time. I think if any company deserves any slack on this, it would be Blizz, but that's just my opinion.
I'm pretty sure they tested inferno.... I don't know what you are referencing. They have said that they got their internal test team to complete inferno, and then doubled the numbers for release. And inferno is pretty difficult, but not impossible, and definitely not buggy or anything, so I'm not sure what your point is.
The auction house is necessary in terms of game design. If there was no aution house, the only way to trade items would be in trade chat, or on external forums. I don't know if you've ever experienced WoW trade chat, but I can tell you from years of personal experience that it is horrendous. If D3 was released without an auction house, people would be even more pissed than they are now.
You keep saying the auction house is so inflated... I don't understand. I have beat inferno Diablo and I can pretty easily find upgrades in the 300k - 1 million range. If anything, items are getting cheaper as more people farm the later acts. Has gold's value depreciated? Of corse it has, and it will continue to do so. 1.03 will even that out a bit with higher repair costs, but it will continue to drop, there's basically no way around that.
Tiiiiiiinnny aside, but:
'you payed $60 and there's no subscription' is a poor counter argument. Thats actually a lot of money to many people who play games. Whether they should be buying games in the first place with that kind of income is another debate, bit blizzard definitely owes them as customers value for their money, if blizzard wishes to retain them as customers. Plenty of people who hardly ever buy games (like, 1-2 a year) buy the big blizzard releases.
Ok, you pointed out one bug, congratz. I'm not here to defend Blizzard, I was just genuinely shocked at the discussion going on in this thread. I'm gonna go keep playing and enjoying myself, you guys can talk about how bad it is. Later
I'm semi interested to see how the revamp to items goes, according to some of the posts by blizzard online it's going really well with fun modifiers and such. I just hope they tune the drop rates so interesting gear (not the best of the best of course) is obtainable by anyone and doesn't purely feed the auction house. At this point I doubt it though, this is the time to milk the auction house for all its worth and I guess you can't really blame them for that. I don't think the drop rate for uniques and set items will compare to diablo 2 for quite some time. Probably best to be patient, maybe after a few months they'll tune the drop rates and the rest of us can have sloppy seconds on finding some cool items.
Another big issue that's looming over the game right now is the issue of haves and have nots. It's funny how much the diablo economy mirrors our own with a small percentage jumping ahead into a huge lead by exploiting a broken system or simply because they went ranged and not melee. These advantages snowball and the few to get rich early are going to reap the rewards well into the future. It's really about damned time they're giving players in earlier acts a small but feasible chance of getting decent loot to help narrow this disparity.
Anyway, it looks obvious diablo 3 was released entirely too early, but they are taking steps at addressing the most glaring issues. Guess we'll see in the coming months if this was 60 dollars wasted or not, right now I wish i'd never bought the thing but that could certainly change.
The AH and the RMAH are simply interfaces that make the trading of items more convenient for the user. If the AH interface did not exist, it would literally just be players trading items on forums and in trade chat. If the RMAH did not exist, people would be using forums, eBay, and third party sites to get gold/items. The interface just makes it easier, and safer. I think the AH has some serious functionality problems and shortcomings, but that's another topic.
I think that it is somewhat true that "the rich get richer", but because of the progression of those people, good items are depreciating in value, making it much easier for fresh 60's to dive into inferno. I helped my Monk friend gear up for act 1 inferno two days ago. We spent 400k, and he was totally set. 400 resist all, 60k health, 11k dps. More than enough for butcher runs. It's also really easy to get a basic (185% +) magic find set to farm some goblins with. If you are really, really hard up for gold, grab a few pieces of gold find gear and farm the last part of act 3 on nightmare. In the core of areat (the section right before azmodan's room) you can make 6-10k gold in about 2 minutes.
The REAL money is made by goblin farming though. Farming gobs in act 1,2, or 4 can make you some serious gold. You will also find an upgrade for yourself here and there. It's also more fun than you might think. Just get into skype with a few friends and go to town.
Depreciating? more like Inflating if you need gear for ActII and beyond. Although basic gear for act1 is dirt cheap.
Act1 is stupid easy, all I needed was a 1000 dps bow for my DH I bought for 100k. Problem is now in Act II competent tanks are a hard find, and most melt easily against elites.
I can tank in Act II now for a good 10-30 secs or more against elites, but those DPS guys need to dole out the dmg. I partied with a wizard mid-act two and was only dealing 18k dps... (in comparison the DM which I barly spent any gold on is doing 32k dps)
I did make it into Act 3 And can take on Belial if I concentrate, But now it's like entering into Act 2 again..
The AH and the RMAH are simply interfaces that make the trading of items more convenient for the user. If the AH interface did not exist, it would literally just be players trading items on forums and in trade chat. If the RMAH did not exist, people would be using forums, eBay, and third party sites to get gold/items. The interface just makes it easier, and safer. I think the AH has some serious functionality problems and shortcomings, but that's another topic.
I think that it is somewhat true that "the rich get richer", but because of the progression of those people, good items are depreciating in value, making it much easier for fresh 60's to dive into inferno. I helped my Monk friend gear up for act 1 inferno two days ago. We spent 400k, and he was totally set. 400 resist all, 60k health, 11k dps. More than enough for butcher runs. It's also really easy to get a basic (185% +) magic find set to farm some goblins with. If you are really, really hard up for gold, grab a few pieces of gold find gear and farm the last part of act 3 on nightmare. In the core of areat (the section right before azmodan's room) you can make 6-10k gold in about 2 minutes.
The REAL money is made by goblin farming though. Farming gobs in act 1,2, or 4 can make you some serious gold. You will also find an upgrade for yourself here and there. It's also more fun than you might think. Just get into skype with a few friends and go to town.
Completely untrue, the auction houses show that Blizzard is entirely aware of the idea of players trading for money and that they want to grab the reigns while making it a massive part of the game. Massive amounts of development has gone into it, every aspect of the game is augmented because of it and their ability to make it a better game at its core is slowed because it's a massive consideration. It boggles my mind that players can't see the underlying gameplay tweaks that have lowered drop rates, increased difficulty and all in all made the game a less enjoyable experience for the masses because blizzard wants a secondary income line for this genre.
Also, the idea of having official real money AH, makes it a game that is about farming for money sake, then to play the game for the game's sake. I always disliked the idea of real money going into a game, as the gameplay WILL be affected by it, especially in a multiplayer. You will get a combination of NPC-Players, players who might as well be bots, who is just farming. That's just deluting the ingame community.
The REAL money is made by goblin farming though. Farming gobs in act 1,2, or 4 can make you some serious gold. You will also find an upgrade for yourself here and there. It's also more fun than you might think. Just get into skype with a few friends and go to town.
What goblins? Blizzard have nerfed every spot with chests/pots/goblins/bosses that they have found people farming. Now they are gonna nerf the certain rare drops from bosses because that's how people farm now. 5 valor and kill a end act boss. They nerfed wimsy because the enemies there were to easy compared to the act 4 ones and made the loot much worse.
If you got any place where I can farm goblins that Blizzard haven't touched yet I would love to get those in a PM.
They didnt nerf goblins. people seem to think they did, but they really didnt. I watch people farm them constantly. Act 2 gobs, specifically.
Yes, they are "nerfing" boss rares. they will now drop 1 garenteed rare with a 5 stack of valor, as opposed to 2. But, they are making champs drop a garenteed rare now with 5 valor. So they may be nerfing bosses, but they are improving other areas.
I'm just saying what people on the forums are saying. I tried doing 100 runs seeing what I got myself. Missed goblins are counted in goblin. People seem to report anything from 20-40% for the goblin to spawn, so it matches what I got. I did not use any DPS MF gear cause it's out on the RMAH and my regular gear is also. So this took quite some time with 35k, probably around an hour.
Goblin: 39
No goblin: 61
Useful items found: 1 (pants with 143dex and 2 sockets(could sell for 200-300k), made roughly 30k and could sell mats for 40k)
Missed goblins: 7
So they don't seem to have fixed the spawn rate but I can't comment on the loot since I have never done this before. Comparing this to wimsy+butcher I can do 2x of those in an hour this is not worth the time and act 2 only has a chance to drop ilvl62 while wimsy can drop ilvl63. I would even say it's better to break pots/chests in act 4 garden of hope 1 then doing this.
I guess we can just agree to disagree about the auction house. I personally don't think it ruins the game, but that's just my opinion. You could always choose to ignore it if you want. The game is still playable without it (just way less fun and more annoying I assume).
As for gob farming, I'll share my process.
-First, get mf gear. As I said, 185% shouldn't be too expensive, aim for about 12% per piece, and 25% on neck.
-This method works much much better with 2-4 people (they need mf gear as well, because when you kill a gob, it averages your groups mf to determine what drops for each individual).
-Go to act 2 inferno, "The Black Soulstone" quest, and take the waypoint to "Ancient Path". Run up the path, to the top of the stairs (but don't go too far, you don't want to get the checkpoint). Kill the mobs, check for goblins.
-If you find a goblin, you kill mobs that are near by, then tell your friends to join. Throw on your mf gear (you can clear the area with your mf gear on, but you will proabably die which quickly adds up), make sure specs are correct, kill.
Pretty much all weapons you find will suck. Rings, amulets, and armor with good rolls will sell for a lot. With 4 people doing this for an hour or two, you should be able to help each other find an upgrade or two depending on your luck and gear, and should get a couple hundred thousand gold. Oh, and any shitty level 59-60 blue and yellow items should be salvaged, NOT vendored. Exquisite essence sell for quite a bit on the AH, so a crappy level 60 blue can make you 2000 gold rather than 600 from a vendor.
I've also started to farm act 4 goblins, but those spawn less frequently and can be a bit challenging to clear. If you have the gear, go to the third quest "Beneath the Spire", take the way point to "Gardens of Hope 1st Tier" and then check the bottom of both sets of stairs. I've seen some people fight all the mobs, and break vases and stuff, but I find it more efficient to just check for the gobs and get out of there asap to avoid dieing. If there is a gob, I take the time to clear everything out, but otherwise just waypoint out, make a new game. Saves a lot of time and repairs.
Depending on your class, it might be tough to check for the goblins, so you will need a specialized spec. DH's can just smokescreen + vault. Monks can use serenity + tempest rush. Wizards can use force armor + diamond skin + teleport, etc etc.
Yup. My mf set is pretty souped up at this point, and I'm also a DH so it's not too hard. Try to get mf gear with at least your primary stat. Search "Magic Find" 12 and then dex, str, int, and just take what you can get. Dont worry about all resist or vitality. You will be squishy as hell with it on, but that wont matter if you cleared everything else before engaging the goblin. Also, as you kill the goblins you will probably upgrade you magic find set pretty easily. Most of my mf gear is FROM the goblins I've been farming. I just got some 90 dex, 90 vit, 20% mf boots for example. Again, easier with 4 people since you can share gear. And remember to not be greedy. Increasing you buddie's mf makes everyone's mf better.
Dont be scared to change your spec as well. My barb friend just ports to town once everything is clear (changing your abilities in town means you dont have to wait for a cooldown), and switches to Wrath of the Berserker, Earthquake, and the scorpion hook move. Since you dont have to worry about survival, just go all out dps. Oh, and the scorpion hook move that barbs have is really good for gobs. You can pull it to start the fight, and you can also hook the gob as it begins to teleport away. If you hook it right as it opens the portal it interupt, and start the cast all over again, buying you like 2-3 seconds, which can be huge.
So I did another 100 runs with Act 4 goblin and I got bored to death after 40 runs. I have 43k DPS with my current gear and sometimes the goblin actually got away cause I couldn't do enough DPS in time (don't know if DH has any abilities to delay it). Doubt I can get MF gear with +40k dps without spending 40mil or 500 euro.
Garden of Hope 1 goblin
Goblin: 8
No Goblin: 92
Useful Items: 0 (Probably because I have 19 MF or I got really unlucky)
Missed Goblins: 4 (2 times due to broken elite packs that I couldn't kill)
Average Goblin HP: 900k
1 Elite Pack: 55 (40% it was Opressors)
2 Elite Packs: 12
My group has only lost one gob in act 4 that I can recall, out of about 20-30 so far. I believe that I have the highest dps in the group, the monk and barb are significantly lower. Not sure what else I can suggest for killing them. The wizard uses blizzard, the barb uses cleave with a slow, and the monk uses the thing on the ground that is impassable to control the space. I just spam hungering arrow, with some caltrops once in a while.
If you only killed 4 goblins with 19 mf, then ya, you wont get much out of that. With 185% + you tend to get 1-3 rares per goblin and a bunch of blues.
That stuff is my main gear. The best items I have are the pants "Inna's Glory", the boots "Sage's Seekers" and my crossbow. I have 3 set Natalya's stuff, but honestly it's all pretty replaceable. My worst items are probably my gloves and quiver. They aren't really bringing much to the table. I'm sort of waiting on the attack speed nerf before investing more into my DH gear, as that could be major change.
Oh, and I had worse stuff when I killed Diablo. I think my resists were quite low (like 150 all resist) and was at about 35k hp, 114k dps (with sharpshooter). Currently at about 300 all resist, 48k health, 104k dps (with SS).
Why would you use ShSh if I might ask? You only get a guaranteed crit on the first attack and if you got a decent amount of crit chance you get 3-6% more crit chance at most. You should have an attack speed of 1,6768 AS and with 15.5% crit chance you need an average of 7 attacks to get a crit. If my calculations are right it takes an average of 4,5s to get a guaranteed crit. So at max you can get 12% crit chance.
Kinda having some problems with the AH, to the point where I'm wondering if some of the listings are fictional bullshit. I put up items easily equivalent to those on the AH, for even lower prices, and get no bids for the most part. Meanwhile people selling inferior items have bids with 1 day left? How are my items slipping through the cracks like this? Case in point:
My item on the left, with 15k buyout and no bids. Then the right is another item with 10k bid already and almost a day left. Is the stupid ruby that important? I doubt it, they're practically free.
I don't think the prices for items lower than lvl 55 ish are really that stable. I refuse to spend more than 2k per item at lower levels, it'
s easy to get an okay socketed item and use flawless square gems and be over powered for 6 hours until you need a new item, then I just scrap it for the gem back. Anything with a large reduce level requirement could be worth a lot though.
Something about ruining the gold auction house that people said ruined diablo3 already
Furthermore, the general chat is full of spammer bots of chinese farmers selling 1 million of gold for 10 euro.
This game is doomed.
BTW, a german sold his diablo account for more than 3500 euro, with a Demon Hunter with 300k DPS. It's incredible.
How much gold do you think is in the market now, compared to the first week?
And you can leave the general chat.
I wonder how much the AH is the result of Activision management's influence.
I got to lvl58 in Hell, didn't find the gamedesign around dying to elite mobs over and over again to be amusing, haven't played since the second week or so..
you guys are hardcore fo' shizzle
US nerds only? Just look this
Yozora, if one item that i bought was ~50k, and now a similar item is for 12-25million... just do mathematics XD. The economy in this game is more broken that the real global economy with its crisis.
Btw, blizzard will not make too much cash with this game, because only a small % of the players are gamblers, sick people. And Yes, they are sick people. They presented results, and only a few guys were in inferno mode. The 80% reached lvl ~30 and left the game.
And for god's sake, this is not a true game. this is only a product to create sick people. This kind of AH should be prohibited in all the countries, not only in korea.
The game is quite short, you can beat it in normal in a few hours and without the need of any good gear. You play it, and you can uninstall it, because the there's not re-playability, only that gambling to farm items like a monkey without neurons.
There are also people sending items for 250.000.000 gold, moved by pure rage.
I've never played a game with an AH like this one. Blizzard is only carving a grave with all this. Diablo 2 was way better and more funny. Now they only want to take advantage of the item market and they messed up the game making it a crap.
And they say they make games for pure entertainment... fuck off.
On a side note, in the 3rd day of playing, i found my character naked. I'm sure blizzard had a huge security breach and hackers stole a huge list of users and passwords. Nor the "authenticator" served to protect the clients. I found that the same "hacker" was doing the same with hundreds of accounts.
it's incredible.
but because there's essentially "free money", the economy will always just progress vertically to the point of retardedness.
lol, that'd be amazing, to have a history log with each item.
Achievement Unlocked, The Eraserman!
Successfully Scavenged an item with a History of 10/20/50 people!
Now I just gotta find a good item, sell it, and start getting my stash space. So expensive.
Oh and running the treasure goblin from Act I over and over again to try and gear up (on Hell mode still) for Inferno mode.
Just because you lose the character when you die doesn't change the fact theres NO threat to your life for a long time.
I think the Auction House was completely necessary, but also the least polished part of the game. Sort of unfortunate, but whatever. For anyone who says that the real money auction house ruins the game, I would say this. You do realize that this market exists no matter what, right? If there was no RMAH, there would still be people buying and selling gold, and items. Fuck, even in the weeks leading up to the RMAH, gold selling was happening. Now it's just happening out in the open, where everyone will have a much more controlled, safe experience with it.
So, I finished inferno on softcore and just started to play a bit of hardcore, and so far have to say I am enjoying hardcore quite a bit. I think the levelling aspect will be fun, but after 60 I'm not sure how much fun it will be... maybe after 1.03 drops inferno will be a bit more do-able on hardcore.
My biggest complaint about Diablo 3: the community. Jesus christ, I don't think I've ever seen a bigger collection of cry babies in my life. Just stop playing if you aren't enjoying it. You paid $60, and there is no subscription or obligation to spend time with it or pay extra. I think people should adjust their outlook a bit, because it's a Blizzard game. It's going to be around for a long time. It's going to get better. All this stuff people are complaining about, it will probably all be fixed. A year or two from now, the game will get an expansion, and be even more awesome.
> Objective and valid criticism of how mechanics work and contradict themselves.
> Things that were once complained about have been fixed since (meaning the complaint was valid)
Are you honestly defending the practice of getting the finished ideal product in a year or two? How long was this in development? Don't you think its amusing that they admitted they didn't really test Inferno?
As much as I truelly appreciate (and think its becoming mandatory for all multiplayer games) the constant tweaking of a released product, I don't like that customers are slowly becoming an extension of QA.
White knights can be just as blind and deluded as the complaining trolls.
However, I still stand by my belief that the AH ruined Diablo. The reason HC is better in this regard is the AH for HC is separate and has significantly fewer items and the market isn't as horrendously inflated.
In no way was the auction house "completely necessary." Diablo 2 was an amazing game and it didn't have an auction house. For something to be completely necessary, the game would have to be broken if it was not included.
It's just a way for Blizz to make more money and for people to legitimize the sale of gold and items. Ever since the RMAH was released, the gold auction house has become even more inflated. It's a joke to search for an item and see everything be at 10m gold and higher.
I think when they do the gear drop % fix it will help out a lot, because currently I can only play A1 Inferno, as with many of my friends, and all of us being able to actually get a good item or two ourselves will be the start of the tidal wave that crushes the current inflated AH.
The auction house in d3 is flooded with items true, but if you only look for items with reasonably prices the selection drops off fast.
I'm not defending the practice of releasing an unfinished product. I'm not saying D3 is an unfinished product. I'm saying that Blizzard games always improve drastically throughout time. I think if any company deserves any slack on this, it would be Blizz, but that's just my opinion.
I'm pretty sure they tested inferno.... I don't know what you are referencing. They have said that they got their internal test team to complete inferno, and then doubled the numbers for release. And inferno is pretty difficult, but not impossible, and definitely not buggy or anything, so I'm not sure what your point is.
The auction house is necessary in terms of game design. If there was no aution house, the only way to trade items would be in trade chat, or on external forums. I don't know if you've ever experienced WoW trade chat, but I can tell you from years of personal experience that it is horrendous. If D3 was released without an auction house, people would be even more pissed than they are now.
You keep saying the auction house is so inflated... I don't understand. I have beat inferno Diablo and I can pretty easily find upgrades in the 300k - 1 million range. If anything, items are getting cheaper as more people farm the later acts. Has gold's value depreciated? Of corse it has, and it will continue to do so. 1.03 will even that out a bit with higher repair costs, but it will continue to drop, there's basically no way around that.
'you payed $60 and there's no subscription' is a poor counter argument. Thats actually a lot of money to many people who play games. Whether they should be buying games in the first place with that kind of income is another debate, bit blizzard definitely owes them as customers value for their money, if blizzard wishes to retain them as customers. Plenty of people who hardly ever buy games (like, 1-2 a year) buy the big blizzard releases.
Untested then?
I'm not saying D3 is an unfinished product.
How many things have been hotfixed which have changed builds? I can't be arsed to copy and paste the patchnotes.
No bugs?
Here is support of why the AH is a horrible idea. Hint: you use the AH to buy power (which is directly addressed in this video)
Also, here is a funny image.
Anyway my bro received his refund for Diablo 3. What the hell do I do with his 75k dps wizard gear....
Another big issue that's looming over the game right now is the issue of haves and have nots. It's funny how much the diablo economy mirrors our own with a small percentage jumping ahead into a huge lead by exploiting a broken system or simply because they went ranged and not melee. These advantages snowball and the few to get rich early are going to reap the rewards well into the future. It's really about damned time they're giving players in earlier acts a small but feasible chance of getting decent loot to help narrow this disparity.
Anyway, it looks obvious diablo 3 was released entirely too early, but they are taking steps at addressing the most glaring issues. Guess we'll see in the coming months if this was 60 dollars wasted or not, right now I wish i'd never bought the thing but that could certainly change.
I think that it is somewhat true that "the rich get richer", but because of the progression of those people, good items are depreciating in value, making it much easier for fresh 60's to dive into inferno. I helped my Monk friend gear up for act 1 inferno two days ago. We spent 400k, and he was totally set. 400 resist all, 60k health, 11k dps. More than enough for butcher runs. It's also really easy to get a basic (185% +) magic find set to farm some goblins with. If you are really, really hard up for gold, grab a few pieces of gold find gear and farm the last part of act 3 on nightmare. In the core of areat (the section right before azmodan's room) you can make 6-10k gold in about 2 minutes.
The REAL money is made by goblin farming though. Farming gobs in act 1,2, or 4 can make you some serious gold. You will also find an upgrade for yourself here and there. It's also more fun than you might think. Just get into skype with a few friends and go to town.
Act1 is stupid easy, all I needed was a 1000 dps bow for my DH I bought for 100k. Problem is now in Act II competent tanks are a hard find, and most melt easily against elites.
I can tank in Act II now for a good 10-30 secs or more against elites, but those DPS guys need to dole out the dmg. I partied with a wizard mid-act two and was only dealing 18k dps... (in comparison the DM which I barly spent any gold on is doing 32k dps)
I did make it into Act 3 And can take on Belial if I concentrate, But now it's like entering into Act 2 again..
Completely untrue, the auction houses show that Blizzard is entirely aware of the idea of players trading for money and that they want to grab the reigns while making it a massive part of the game. Massive amounts of development has gone into it, every aspect of the game is augmented because of it and their ability to make it a better game at its core is slowed because it's a massive consideration. It boggles my mind that players can't see the underlying gameplay tweaks that have lowered drop rates, increased difficulty and all in all made the game a less enjoyable experience for the masses because blizzard wants a secondary income line for this genre.
What goblins? Blizzard have nerfed every spot with chests/pots/goblins/bosses that they have found people farming. Now they are gonna nerf the certain rare drops from bosses because that's how people farm now. 5 valor and kill a end act boss. They nerfed wimsy because the enemies there were to easy compared to the act 4 ones and made the loot much worse.
If you got any place where I can farm goblins that Blizzard haven't touched yet I would love to get those in a PM.
Yes, they are "nerfing" boss rares. they will now drop 1 garenteed rare with a 5 stack of valor, as opposed to 2. But, they are making champs drop a garenteed rare now with 5 valor. So they may be nerfing bosses, but they are improving other areas.
Goblin: 39
No goblin: 61
Useful items found: 1 (pants with 143dex and 2 sockets(could sell for 200-300k), made roughly 30k and could sell mats for 40k)
Missed goblins: 7
So they don't seem to have fixed the spawn rate but I can't comment on the loot since I have never done this before. Comparing this to wimsy+butcher I can do 2x of those in an hour this is not worth the time and act 2 only has a chance to drop ilvl62 while wimsy can drop ilvl63. I would even say it's better to break pots/chests in act 4 garden of hope 1 then doing this.
As for gob farming, I'll share my process.
-First, get mf gear. As I said, 185% shouldn't be too expensive, aim for about 12% per piece, and 25% on neck.
-This method works much much better with 2-4 people (they need mf gear as well, because when you kill a gob, it averages your groups mf to determine what drops for each individual).
-Go to act 2 inferno, "The Black Soulstone" quest, and take the waypoint to "Ancient Path". Run up the path, to the top of the stairs (but don't go too far, you don't want to get the checkpoint). Kill the mobs, check for goblins.
-If you find a goblin, you kill mobs that are near by, then tell your friends to join. Throw on your mf gear (you can clear the area with your mf gear on, but you will proabably die which quickly adds up), make sure specs are correct, kill.
Pretty much all weapons you find will suck. Rings, amulets, and armor with good rolls will sell for a lot. With 4 people doing this for an hour or two, you should be able to help each other find an upgrade or two depending on your luck and gear, and should get a couple hundred thousand gold. Oh, and any shitty level 59-60 blue and yellow items should be salvaged, NOT vendored. Exquisite essence sell for quite a bit on the AH, so a crappy level 60 blue can make you 2000 gold rather than 600 from a vendor.
I've also started to farm act 4 goblins, but those spawn less frequently and can be a bit challenging to clear. If you have the gear, go to the third quest "Beneath the Spire", take the way point to "Gardens of Hope 1st Tier" and then check the bottom of both sets of stairs. I've seen some people fight all the mobs, and break vases and stuff, but I find it more efficient to just check for the gobs and get out of there asap to avoid dieing. If there is a gob, I take the time to clear everything out, but otherwise just waypoint out, make a new game. Saves a lot of time and repairs.
Depending on your class, it might be tough to check for the goblins, so you will need a specialized spec. DH's can just smokescreen + vault. Monks can use serenity + tempest rush. Wizards can use force armor + diamond skin + teleport, etc etc.
Hope this helps you guys farm up some gold.
Dont be scared to change your spec as well. My barb friend just ports to town once everything is clear (changing your abilities in town means you dont have to wait for a cooldown), and switches to Wrath of the Berserker, Earthquake, and the scorpion hook move. Since you dont have to worry about survival, just go all out dps. Oh, and the scorpion hook move that barbs have is really good for gobs. You can pull it to start the fight, and you can also hook the gob as it begins to teleport away. If you hook it right as it opens the portal it interupt, and start the cast all over again, buying you like 2-3 seconds, which can be huge.
So I did another 100 runs with Act 4 goblin and I got bored to death after 40 runs. I have 43k DPS with my current gear and sometimes the goblin actually got away cause I couldn't do enough DPS in time (don't know if DH has any abilities to delay it). Doubt I can get MF gear with +40k dps without spending 40mil or 500 euro.
Garden of Hope 1 goblin
Goblin: 8
No Goblin: 92
Useful Items: 0 (Probably because I have 19 MF or I got really unlucky)
Missed Goblins: 4 (2 times due to broken elite packs that I couldn't kill)
Average Goblin HP: 900k
1 Elite Pack: 55 (40% it was Opressors)
2 Elite Packs: 12
My group has only lost one gob in act 4 that I can recall, out of about 20-30 so far. I believe that I have the highest dps in the group, the monk and barb are significantly lower. Not sure what else I can suggest for killing them. The wizard uses blizzard, the barb uses cleave with a slow, and the monk uses the thing on the ground that is impassable to control the space. I just spam hungering arrow, with some caltrops once in a while.
If you only killed 4 goblins with 19 mf, then ya, you wont get much out of that. With 185% + you tend to get 1-3 rares per goblin and a bunch of blues.
Oh, and I had worse stuff when I killed Diablo. I think my resists were quite low (like 150 all resist) and was at about 35k hp, 114k dps (with sharpshooter). Currently at about 300 all resist, 48k health, 104k dps (with SS).
Goes both ways, everything you sell will go for higher.
Yeah, but you need to farm act III+ for all the goodies atm. I'm stuck in act II for the most part. can't afford the gear for actIII runs.
My item on the left, with 15k buyout and no bids. Then the right is another item with 10k bid already and almost a day left. Is the stupid ruby that important? I doubt it, they're practically free.
s easy to get an okay socketed item and use flawless square gems and be over powered for 6 hours until you need a new item, then I just scrap it for the gem back. Anything with a large reduce level requirement could be worth a lot though.