One of the rare games where I totally ignored the story, atmosphere, and just enjoyed the pure mechanics. Not to mention it feeds my need for loot.
While I really enjoyed my first time through as a Witch Doctor, the Demon Hunter has such great speed and evasion. It's made me a lot more addicted. Too bad I have a big freelance job that's killing my playing time.
Makes a good point with the randomly generated dungeons. It was a wow factor back in 1996, but now it's just useless obstructionism. When I replay I don't want variety, I want to know where to go and who to kill.
Makes a good point with the randomly generated dungeons. It was a wow factor back in 1996, but now it's just useless obstructionism. When I replay I don't want variety, I want to know where to go and who to kill.
It's never been a wow factor, it's been an essential core feature in the genre since way back in the 80's
I liked getting lost in act 3 of Diablo 2, it doesn't really happen that much in D3, but I'd agree have some static areas could make some events more epic, story wise.
I really don't care about the ramdonly generated maps. Myself and my girlfriend are completionists and we make a point of clearing every area as we get to them, we did the same in D2. So it doesn't matter what shape or size a map is tbh.
Having said that, if randomness wasn't in the game we might find that doing the same maps over and over could get boring and predictable.
I'm a fan of Zero Punctuation, and always just take yahtzee's reviews as something for entertainment that MIGHT have some good points, not as an actual review that will influence my purchase of the game. But I have to say this one doesn't even work on that regard.. just wasn't funny at all and most of his points just come from a point of not understanding this genre of game. Or maybe I'm just a raving Diablo fanboy.
Speaking of which, I'm really enjoying the game thus far. I have a level 60 wizard in inferno and it's very difficult.. especially since they've already nerfed two of my builds, haha. I'm still getting through it though, slow but steady.
.. just wasn't funny at all and most of his points just come from a point of not understanding this genre of game. Or maybe I'm just a raving Diablo fanboy.
Haha, I get what you mean :P, I do want to enjoy them, but when talking about how he'll avoid playing with others because they'll just steal the shiny pants when they drop show that it's going a bit into make up stuff for jokes department, I'd rather he make jokes about the stuff that is actually there, good and bad.
Like how nobody remember Adria being a giant bitch in the first game? Didn't trust her the moment her name was mentioned. But on the bright side we'll probably get to kill her in the expansion.
Just beat it today. It took a while as I'm job hunting, but finally killed Diablo. My thoughts (as if anyone asked or cared):
Leveling up felt like nothing really happened. The skills for the Demon Hunter are lame as hell, with a couple exceptions. So I just got randomly placed numbers for my strength, vitality, etc. Yay...
The art kicked ass, loved the environment work, and the demon design was great.
Hate the whole "have to login" thing. I know it could be worse, but it's still a pain in the balls to have to have an internet connection. Normally I wouldn't complain but my computer is on the opposite side of the apartment from our router, and the signal drops constantly. It can be a pain.
The auction house was kinda fun. I only used it a couple of times, and thought it was fine.
I'll be playing through with another character class, and seeing if all the skills suck, or just the Demon Hunters.
Finally, I really did enjoy the game. Especially those cinematics... Good lord, Blizzard Cinematics Team. You kick much ass
Makes a good point with the randomly generated dungeons. It was a wow factor back in 1996, but now it's just useless obstructionism. When I replay I don't want variety, I want to know where to go and who to kill.
Having played the hell out of Titan Quest (which eventually ended when I got bored of doing secret level runs to farm up more crazy shit) I will say that the lack of random levels hurt the replays - on higher difficulties you'd purposefully skip sections of the map and then find yourself awkwardly leveled - with the randomization in the Diablo series you get a much more even progression as you are much more likely to experience the majority of a level rather than beelining to the next progress point.
I feel the random+setpieces nature of D3 is much more preferable from anything but the most heavy-handed powerfarming side of things, and I'd argue that the majority of Diablo players are not powerfarmers.
I know now what error 1 means!
"there has been a error while creating a group (Error 1)"
Have been kicked from my game because of this error and now i cant log in anymore because of this error, seems totally random. The last days i had several login problems. Also have the problem since yesterday that i cant use my characters that are on the american server since i cant install the patch which is already new on the american servers.
And Why cant they make a better Ah search function ??? 3 items stats is nothing.. i want 6 atleast to easrch from and show me time on Ah items and so on... hard to find the items i'm looking for.
Yeah, I'd love a feature similar to WoW's AH, where you could search by item w/ shift click. Selling items is work, comparing stats, searching similar items, comparing #s, then setting prices and putting up. Would love to be able to quickly compare my item to similar items with some sort of shortcut so i don't have to hunt and peck to find similar matches.
I end up not being that methodical most of the time and just put decent stuff up for 200k+ :P
Saw a few items at 70mil today, the AH is getting out of fucking hand. heh.
I always love the patch notes that I get when there's an update to download, how about some real patch notes and not this message everytime? So anyone have any idea what they fixed? Their own website don't even tell.
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I couldn't imagine replaying this kind of game, if the dungeons were the same every time
I know where you're coming from, but the current incarnation doesn't really solve this problem, IMO. I felt the repetition of the rooms already and I only played the guest-pass so far (being poor sucks).
It was quite amazing to see how often certain rooms were repeated. IMO if you have randomly generated rooms, you should either generate on a smaller scale so the rooms vary a bit, or you should have more unique 'room blocks' than total blocks in the current dungeon.
Itemization in this game is pretty bad and it's long been suspected it's because the real money auction house isn't out yet. But even once that's out I'm worried all they'll do is throw in some epics with bigger AC and stat values without actually spicing up the modifiers.
Those shoulders aren't better than even average rare shoulders. It also stems from a lack of interesting modifiers. Because there are only 3 or so core stats that can improve your character an item that has more than 3 stats wont generally scale greatly in power over even blues. At the end of the day the only thing that matters is 1 core stat (making 1/3 of those stats worthless), vitality and resistances... and this is for every item in the game save your weapon. Even weapons have tragically mundane modifiers that come down to a single DPS shown in giant numbers.
I tried to be optimistic for this game, but my main fear that itemization would be stale ended up being worse than i thought possible. This game has some of the blandest modifiers of any RPG in recent memory.
I bought these shoulders for 20k on auction and they're debateably better with the +7% life. There's just no joy in grinding for items any more, just get gold, go on the auction house. What a joke.
Like I said before Diablo 3 is great for a couple run throughs, but in its current state I can't believe they'd release it. For many, a diablo game didn't start untill you hit max level and started grinding and farming alts. This simply doesn't exist in the current package.
The more annoying thing to me is you have to be level 60 to get into inferno, but to beat act one, you need the good inferno drops from act 2 and 3. You really can't farm them yourself.
Been doing some Inferno act 1 killing, finding it very obnoxious to run into shitty rare packs, regen level, try again, repeat. Also, i like getting a higher chance to get magic items per group i kill... but having to swap out all magic find gear before the killing blow is just stupid.
I bought a better 1h weapon (up to 12k dps on my monk now), and after killing two groups in act 1 found an axe that was comparable but not better. Need to get more MF gear i guess, but is obnoxious as shit to boost your MF by swapping out gear for the killing blow. Maybe thats a Diablo-ism i never got into.
Shielded Minion Arcane Vortex + anything can pretty much DIAF.
Yeah, I feel Diablo 3 already falling out of my interest. I got a character to 60 and felt no urge to play some uber difficulty to farm for items. I have better things to do.
The only thing I have left I can do really is level a few other characters for fun, after that I think I'm going back to BF3!
I think the AH ruined the core aspect of Magic Find and player trades.... which were the real things of D2 that kept me up all night. Those two aspects lost a lot of meaning.
Me and the people I play with got a bit lucky as we grinded out Act I... Essentially as there were 4 of us playing its 4x the chance to get better items and we'd just kite elites and have a laugh as it was still fresh. I still remember an elite pack taking about an hour or so in the fields of sorrow.
This over a week ago now and wizards were overpowered so we had the help of that, its impressive how fast the tides turn when you get a 600+ dps weapon in Act I, it pretty much enables you to work your way through it slowly but surely.
Diablo is a lot of fun... i've cleared upto azmodan now and I dont really care enough to kill diablo himself as i find myself asking the question "for what?". I wonder how to really review timeplayed in a game like this. As is it feels a bit fake and dragged out to get to what is the real game, id go as far to say that i wasnt really playing diablo until i got midway through Hell as up until that point afflix/animations had next to no meaning. And the analogy I want to keep using is that its like frogger without cars or logs, the game isnt really the same at all.
Oh well, had my fun but would have liked for something a little deeper and longer lasting. Bring on Dark Souls, one of the best games in a long time.
ZacD. There will be nothing better for you than Dark Souls. In fact, you should sit in your room, with the lights off, and no sound, and just wait for the Dark Souls Prepare to Die edition to be released. Because that will be the most pivotal moment of your gaming career, you don't want to risk injury or death until then
Yeah, the Time:Reward curve in the game is really great through Normal, but in the end of Hell it really, really starts slowing down. In Inferno is super low, its a rare chance i get something that is useful for my character. I don't think its a bad thing, we'd be having much different conversations if it was easy.
My compulsive gamer nature makes me want to beat Inferno, but I have a feeling it will take a while. I'm starting to get more and more excited about the idea of trying to get to Hell or Inferno with a Hardcore Character, trying to find the right class and skill set for that.
Here's hoping they have a long tail expansion plan, and continue to improve and develop the game similar to World of Warcraft. If they put out new content patches or yearly expansions I will be playing for a while.
To beat inferno, you will need to grind top items in Hell, or use gold finding items in order to buy lvl 60 items for inferno .
A barbarian and DH do a great job in party. Tank + Damage Dealer. In a run, we can get 1.000.000 of gold with the proper equipment. This Diablo 3 is quite easy.
To all that dont like D3 anyome, You should all try the Hardcore mode. It's a completly different game I tell ya.
I played both. HC mode and SC mode. In SC mode you can revive if you die, in HC if you die you die forever.
These 2 Cores come with 4 difficulties Normal, Nightmare, Hell and inferno.
At Nightmare its a completely different game.
EDIT: Forgot to post the other part; Doesnt matter if its HC or SC the difficulty is pretty much the same, loots are the same, elite spawn maybe a little higher then SC, but it doesnt mean that its any thrilling then SC.
The first character I ran was on HC as a DH with my guild. In the act three we all died. There are some things that can not be done in HC unless you really grind for level ups and good gear.
To all that dont like D3 anyome, You should all try the Hardcore mode. It's a completly different game I tell ya.
Totally. I'm doing a hardcore normal run with my wizard and its really different. I'm thinking of just doing hardcore runs from here on, only problem trying not to die. T.T
As much as they touted the whole "the new skill system allows for lots of possibilities! No more cookie cutter builds!" I'm finding some skills are going to be crucial for getting through Hell and Inferno without doing 20 corpse runs every pull. The difficulty curve is only serving to weed out the inefficient skills and runes encouraging cookie-cutter builds. I loved their intentions and, as I was quickly growing bored of using the same loadout and not experimenting with new runes, I thought I'd try something different with a witch doctor.
There are really only two simple rules for this fun challenge mode:
- when you level up and get new skills and runes you MUST equip them
- NO elective mode
By not using elective mode you're forced to rotate out your skills at an even pace. You get some crazy effective builds you wouldn't have thought to try before and some less than stellar builds. But that's the fun. Every level you need to adapt to the changes and find a new playstyle that maximizes the efficiency of your current build. Besides the two main rules I set, there were a couple of freedoms I allowed myself:
- passive skills can be swapped at any time (and is encouraged to create synergy with new skills/runes)
- if a build is obviously broken (ie: Sacrifice without Zombie Dogs) you're allowed to change that skill to something appropriate (like the last skill you acquired in that slot)
So far playing this way has been loads of fun and I'd encourage others who want to get more out of D3 to try it too!
Saying Hardcore makes it a different game is pretty much wrong... Saying something like that doesn't change what the game is about, the game makes the rules, not you.
Hardcore makes you pay a very small amount more attention from an earlier difficulty but the end result is essentially the same. Normal is still stupidly easy with most attack animations being pointless and playing Inferno HC when the game is so incredibly contradictory in whether or not it wants to be a gear check or skill based isn't fun.
Look at how much Kungen had to farm and get help, it just makes it infinitely more tedious come inferno.
I think Hardcore is for sadomasochistic people . In Diablo 2 i reached level 90 in hardcore, and one day, due to a lag hit, my character died. It's a huge waste of time and effort to lvl up a character and grind all the items like a sick person.
Now with diablo 3 you don't need to grind items, you go to the AH and you buy good rare items, better than legendary. But in hardcore... ugh you can't find as many items because only a few ones play in that mode.
While I really enjoyed my first time through as a Witch Doctor, the Demon Hunter has such great speed and evasion. It's made me a lot more addicted. Too bad I have a big freelance job that's killing my playing time.
Blizzard might get in trouble from the Korean governments FTC for not allowing refunds from customers.
It's never been a wow factor, it's been an essential core feature in the genre since way back in the 80's
Having said that, if randomness wasn't in the game we might find that doing the same maps over and over could get boring and predictable.
Speaking of which, I'm really enjoying the game thus far. I have a level 60 wizard in inferno and it's very difficult.. especially since they've already nerfed two of my builds, haha. I'm still getting through it though, slow but steady.
Haha, I get what you mean :P, I do want to enjoy them, but when talking about how he'll avoid playing with others because they'll just steal the shiny pants when they drop show that it's going a bit into make up stuff for jokes department, I'd rather he make jokes about the stuff that is actually there, good and bad.
hehe so funny.
Leveling up felt like nothing really happened. The skills for the Demon Hunter are lame as hell, with a couple exceptions. So I just got randomly placed numbers for my strength, vitality, etc. Yay...
The art kicked ass, loved the environment work, and the demon design was great.
Hate the whole "have to login" thing. I know it could be worse, but it's still a pain in the balls to have to have an internet connection. Normally I wouldn't complain but my computer is on the opposite side of the apartment from our router, and the signal drops constantly. It can be a pain.
The auction house was kinda fun. I only used it a couple of times, and thought it was fine.
I'll be playing through with another character class, and seeing if all the skills suck, or just the Demon Hunters.
Finally, I really did enjoy the game. Especially those cinematics... Good lord, Blizzard Cinematics Team. You kick much ass
Having played the hell out of Titan Quest (which eventually ended when I got bored of doing secret level runs to farm up more crazy shit) I will say that the lack of random levels hurt the replays - on higher difficulties you'd purposefully skip sections of the map and then find yourself awkwardly leveled - with the randomization in the Diablo series you get a much more even progression as you are much more likely to experience the majority of a level rather than beelining to the next progress point.
I feel the random+setpieces nature of D3 is much more preferable from anything but the most heavy-handed powerfarming side of things, and I'd argue that the majority of Diablo players are not powerfarmers.
"there has been a error while creating a group (Error 1)"
Have been kicked from my game because of this error and now i cant log in anymore because of this error, seems totally random. The last days i had several login problems. Also have the problem since yesterday that i cant use my characters that are on the american server since i cant install the patch which is already new on the american servers.
been alot of #37 on the Eu server
Hope they make it without more bugs.
And Why cant they make a better Ah search function ??? 3 items stats is nothing.. i want 6 atleast to easrch from and show me time on Ah items and so on... hard to find the items i'm looking for.
I end up not being that methodical most of the time and just put decent stuff up for 200k+ :P
Saw a few items at 70mil today, the AH is getting out of fucking hand. heh.
I know where you're coming from, but the current incarnation doesn't really solve this problem, IMO. I felt the repetition of the rooms already and I only played the guest-pass so far (being poor sucks).
It was quite amazing to see how often certain rooms were repeated. IMO if you have randomly generated rooms, you should either generate on a smaller scale so the rooms vary a bit, or you should have more unique 'room blocks' than total blocks in the current dungeon.
As is, I saw the room with two high sides (stairs repaired with wooden beams) and a low [ulr=""]center with a circle 3[/url] times on a single floor. That's a bit much.
Those shoulders aren't better than even average rare shoulders. It also stems from a lack of interesting modifiers. Because there are only 3 or so core stats that can improve your character an item that has more than 3 stats wont generally scale greatly in power over even blues. At the end of the day the only thing that matters is 1 core stat (making 1/3 of those stats worthless), vitality and resistances... and this is for every item in the game save your weapon. Even weapons have tragically mundane modifiers that come down to a single DPS shown in giant numbers.
I tried to be optimistic for this game, but my main fear that itemization would be stale ended up being worse than i thought possible. This game has some of the blandest modifiers of any RPG in recent memory.
I bought these shoulders for 20k on auction and they're debateably better with the +7% life. There's just no joy in grinding for items any more, just get gold, go on the auction house. What a joke.
Like I said before Diablo 3 is great for a couple run throughs, but in its current state I can't believe they'd release it. For many, a diablo game didn't start untill you hit max level and started grinding and farming alts. This simply doesn't exist in the current package.
I bought a better 1h weapon (up to 12k dps on my monk now), and after killing two groups in act 1 found an axe that was comparable but not better. Need to get more MF gear i guess, but is obnoxious as shit to boost your MF by swapping out gear for the killing blow. Maybe thats a Diablo-ism i never got into.
Shielded Minion Arcane Vortex + anything can pretty much DIAF.
The only thing I have left I can do really is level a few other characters for fun, after that I think I'm going back to BF3!
I think the AH ruined the core aspect of Magic Find and player trades.... which were the real things of D2 that kept me up all night. Those two aspects lost a lot of meaning.
This over a week ago now and wizards were overpowered so we had the help of that, its impressive how fast the tides turn when you get a 600+ dps weapon in Act I, it pretty much enables you to work your way through it slowly but surely.
Diablo is a lot of fun... i've cleared upto azmodan now and I dont really care enough to kill diablo himself as i find myself asking the question "for what?". I wonder how to really review timeplayed in a game like this. As is it feels a bit fake and dragged out to get to what is the real game, id go as far to say that i wasnt really playing diablo until i got midway through Hell as up until that point afflix/animations had next to no meaning. And the analogy I want to keep using is that its like frogger without cars or logs, the game isnt really the same at all.
Oh well, had my fun but would have liked for something a little deeper and longer lasting. Bring on Dark Souls, one of the best games in a long time.
My compulsive gamer nature makes me want to beat Inferno, but I have a feeling it will take a while. I'm starting to get more and more excited about the idea of trying to get to Hell or Inferno with a Hardcore Character, trying to find the right class and skill set for that.
Here's hoping they have a long tail expansion plan, and continue to improve and develop the game similar to World of Warcraft. If they put out new content patches or yearly expansions I will be playing for a while.
A barbarian and DH do a great job in party. Tank + Damage Dealer. In a run, we can get 1.000.000 of gold with the proper equipment. This Diablo 3 is quite easy.
My fav act is the third
I played both. HC mode and SC mode. In SC mode you can revive if you die, in HC if you die you die forever.
These 2 Cores come with 4 difficulties Normal, Nightmare, Hell and inferno.
At Nightmare its a completely different game.
EDIT: Forgot to post the other part; Doesnt matter if its HC or SC the difficulty is pretty much the same, loots are the same, elite spawn maybe a little higher then SC, but it doesnt mean that its any thrilling then SC.
The first character I ran was on HC as a DH with my guild. In the act three we all died. There are some things that can not be done in HC unless you really grind for level ups and good gear.
Totally. I'm doing a hardcore normal run with my wizard and its really different. I'm thinking of just doing hardcore runs from here on, only problem trying not to die. T.T
There are really only two simple rules for this fun challenge mode:
- when you level up and get new skills and runes you MUST equip them
- NO elective mode
By not using elective mode you're forced to rotate out your skills at an even pace. You get some crazy effective builds you wouldn't have thought to try before and some less than stellar builds. But that's the fun. Every level you need to adapt to the changes and find a new playstyle that maximizes the efficiency of your current build. Besides the two main rules I set, there were a couple of freedoms I allowed myself:
- passive skills can be swapped at any time (and is encouraged to create synergy with new skills/runes)
- if a build is obviously broken (ie: Sacrifice without Zombie Dogs) you're allowed to change that skill to something appropriate (like the last skill you acquired in that slot)
So far playing this way has been loads of fun and I'd encourage others who want to get more out of D3 to try it too!
Hardcore makes you pay a very small amount more attention from an earlier difficulty but the end result is essentially the same. Normal is still stupidly easy with most attack animations being pointless and playing Inferno HC when the game is so incredibly contradictory in whether or not it wants to be a gear check or skill based isn't fun.
Look at how much Kungen had to farm and get help, it just makes it infinitely more tedious come inferno.
Now with diablo 3 you don't need to grind items, you go to the AH and you buy good rare items, better than legendary. But in hardcore... ugh you can't find as many items because only a few ones play in that mode.
anywho, need people to play with, so if you're EU time, hit me up. Almightygir#1441
Because they want to 2 shot the boss maybe?