Hmmm, I wonder why they keep changing the girl's appearence? Seems like they're struggling with her. I really liked her with short hair and the corset and jacket were kind of unique, now she looks more generic.
Yeah, you see her in both of the costumes in some of the earlier trailers. Will be interesting to see why exactly she changes to the less practical corsetted one after meeting the player in the schoolgirl typed outfit.
looks nice.. but one thing thats always bugged me from the start is that high up in the clouds.. its going to be cold and hard to breathe.. but yet everyone is dressed like they would be on the ground -.-.
Looks great Gav, really looking forward to it, just seen this pop up on rockpapershotgun as well, haven't finished watching it yet but Ken Levine is always interesting to listen to.
I've been here more and more about this game, and it actually seems like it'll be worth the investment. Too bad i won't be getting it until the end of May.... i have to save money to move to my new apt.
You've got to take early IGN reviews with a pinch of salt, since they have some kind of agreement in place to publish before the embargo, which means it's not in their interests to give it a low score.
Yea... i do agree with that... i don't take IGN too seriously... i rather wait for RPS to give an opinion on the game... since they seem to be just giving impressions and thoughts, instead of a score.
I hope it sells well, bacause it costed a lot, or that is what the press is saying, it's true that it costed around 200 million of dollars? Ken Levine joked in twitter about it.
Gamefly is selling the game for 30 pounds and you get for free bioshock 1 & 2 + X-com Enemy unknown + some cash. And Greenmangaming has also a similar deal like too many stores. It looks like 2k games is desperate to sell . There's something fishy there.
I already own the other games, so i will wait for reviews and a better deal.
I think i am sold on this game... i hope i can pick it up tomorrow.
IGN - 9.4 [9.5 on PC]
Going in, I had to question whether Infinite could live up to the BioShock name after having discarded its signature world of Rapture, with its Big Daddies and Little Sisters and warring philosophies, and starting from scratch. On the way out, I'm forced to seriously question which is the better game. In total, BioShock Infinite is a brilliant shooter that nudges the entire genre forward with innovations in both storytelling and gameplay. It trips over itself in a couple of spots, but not in any way that should keep you from embracing it with your utmost enthusiasm.
CVG - 9.1
Sky-high with character, conspiracy, controversy and chaos. A great all-round shooter, even if it doesn't innovate as much as expected.
Eurogamer - 10/10
Most of all, though, you'll be amazed that Elizabeth works. To begin with, you imagine she will be someone who tags along behind you as you plunder Columbia for loot and scraps of bonus narrative, but her AI is such that you often find her running in front of you, anticipating where you want to go. It's a great trick, but it's also symbolic, because by the end of the game you realise that you are not the main character in any real sense. She is. She always has been. She always will be. It's her journey. You're just along for the ride. Still: what a ride.
EDGE - 9/10
BioShock Infinite is a sequel, in short more so than BioShock 2. Irrational has made a game in thematic dialogue with its predecessor, with the same interests but different tastes, and one that expands mechanically and technically on what came before. And its given us a city in the sky that reflects upon the one beneath the waves.
Joystiq - 5/5
While the end of 2013 will be filled with talk about a new generation of video games, BioShock Infinite's narrative will stand out as an achievement, helping put a cap on a generation that propelled narrative as a focus for the industry. Undoubtedly the finest game crafted by Irrational Games, BioShock Infinite is one of the best told stories of this generation. It simply cannot be missed.
Polygon - 10/10
I'm still thinking about BioShock Infinite now, days after finishing. Irrational built a believable, fantastic world rooted in dark pieces of American history. But for everything it has to say, for all the questions it asks many of which have no easy answers BioShock Infinite's big thoughts and complicated narrative don't obscure the brilliant action game that carries those messages through. It's hard to know if Infinite will prove to be another major point of artistic discussion and development of the medium the way that BioShock was. But in every way, BioShock Infinite lives up to the promise of its legacy, and it looks poised to establish a new one.
Destructoid - 10/10
As a game, BioShock Infinite has its successes and its falterings consistent with any suitably complex piece of interactive entertainment. As a story, as an exercise in drawing the player into a believable and relevant world, as proof of exactly what a videogame can mean to a person ...
Great reviews all round. Thanks to their silly embargo it's now too late for me to pre-order though (so I'll have to pick it up at retail in 2-3 weeks instead).
Did some work on this as well, seems to have turned out great, and happy to see a lot of my stuff in the videos, too bad i Don't have a good PC a ps3 or an Xbox360 lol, really want to try this out.
I hope it sells well, bacause it costed a lot, or that is what the press is saying, it's true that it costed around 200 million of dollars? Ken Levine joked in twitter about it.
Gamefly is selling the game for 30 pounds and you get for free bioshock 1 & 2 + X-com Enemy unknown + some cash. And Greenmangaming has also a similar deal like too many stores. It looks like 2k games is desperate to sell . There's something fishy there.
Your ability to put a negative spin on practically any subject is quite something.
Trailer looks badass, I am stoked.
Gav and Paul.
Congratz on finishing the game!
anyway will probably pick it up anyway..
I'll get excited when I can see some reviews.
404 page not found
Doesn't matter much for me though, already got my copy ordered, can't get here quick enough.
well that was just splendid.
-though buddy at 5:33 looks exhausted:(
cant wait for tuesday
Gamefly is selling the game for 30 pounds and you get for free bioshock 1 & 2 + X-com Enemy unknown + some cash. And Greenmangaming has also a similar deal like too many stores. It looks like 2k games is desperate to sell
I already own the other games, so i will wait for reviews and a better deal.
I think i am sold on this game... i hope i can pick it up tomorrow.
IGN - 9.4 [9.5 on PC]
Going in, I had to question whether Infinite could live up to the BioShock name after having discarded its signature world of Rapture, with its Big Daddies and Little Sisters and warring philosophies, and starting from scratch. On the way out, I'm forced to seriously question which is the better game. In total, BioShock Infinite is a brilliant shooter that nudges the entire genre forward with innovations in both storytelling and gameplay. It trips over itself in a couple of spots, but not in any way that should keep you from embracing it with your utmost enthusiasm.
CVG - 9.1
Sky-high with character, conspiracy, controversy and chaos. A great all-round shooter, even if it doesn't innovate as much as expected.
Eurogamer - 10/10
Most of all, though, you'll be amazed that Elizabeth works. To begin with, you imagine she will be someone who tags along behind you as you plunder Columbia for loot and scraps of bonus narrative, but her AI is such that you often find her running in front of you, anticipating where you want to go. It's a great trick, but it's also symbolic, because by the end of the game you realise that you are not the main character in any real sense. She is. She always has been. She always will be. It's her journey. You're just along for the ride. Still: what a ride.
EDGE - 9/10
BioShock Infinite is a sequel, in short more so than BioShock 2. Irrational has made a game in thematic dialogue with its predecessor, with the same interests but different tastes, and one that expands mechanically and technically on what came before. And its given us a city in the sky that reflects upon the one beneath the waves.
Joystiq - 5/5
While the end of 2013 will be filled with talk about a new generation of video games, BioShock Infinite's narrative will stand out as an achievement, helping put a cap on a generation that propelled narrative as a focus for the industry. Undoubtedly the finest game crafted by Irrational Games, BioShock Infinite is one of the best told stories of this generation. It simply cannot be missed.
Polygon - 10/10
I'm still thinking about BioShock Infinite now, days after finishing. Irrational built a believable, fantastic world rooted in dark pieces of American history. But for everything it has to say, for all the questions it asks many of which have no easy answers BioShock Infinite's big thoughts and complicated narrative don't obscure the brilliant action game that carries those messages through. It's hard to know if Infinite will prove to be another major point of artistic discussion and development of the medium the way that BioShock was. But in every way, BioShock Infinite lives up to the promise of its legacy, and it looks poised to establish a new one.
Destructoid - 10/10
As a game, BioShock Infinite has its successes and its falterings consistent with any suitably complex piece of interactive entertainment. As a story, as an exercise in drawing the player into a believable and relevant world, as proof of exactly what a videogame can mean to a person ...
Tomorrow is the day.
I'll have to wait until I get home from GDC to pick it up, but definitely purchasing it.
Your ability to put a negative spin on practically any subject is quite something.