It looks way more interesting than the first bioshocks I have to say. I'm feeling this one quite a bit!
She is rocking quite a cleavage. Somehow I feel she'd be more the prudish type. Oh well! Boobies!
This game looks amazing! just looking at it amazed me, so much detail and it's sooooo colorful. I had no interest in the second BioShock. But this one i'll play it for the art. The gameplay looks different, so i'll give it a chance.
well its heading in the right direction... first it was undersea, now in the air hopefully after this it will go back into space where it all began and i can hug shodan in my arms again...
Perhaps you should change your avatar then, traitor!
Yeah, I only payed notice to this game after the last trailer, the fact that there was another bioshock, and even the blur cinematic, didn't sell me on the idea, but the actual game looks really great! Looks like it has some nice ideas behind it, and I like the art direction and flinging my character off blimps n stuff. Awesome.
Bioshock without big daddies, little sisters, claustrophobia and horror = not Bioshock. Apart from the title logo I wouldn't have even clicked that this was a Bioshock game. It's good in a sense that there's a new setting but I don't get how they can change so many features that made the first two games so memorable.
It's still early days though and I'll be waiting and hoping for some bad ass bosses, security hacking and intelligent steampunk weapons with good ai again.
Looks fantastic. The scene was of course heavily scripted, but who cares; the atmosphere was great.
I'm starting to like the characters, the dialogue albeit short felt surprisingly natural; it's like something that Half Life Ep2 could have been if Gordon had stopped being a dick.
But does Elizabeth really need such a huge rack? I know we're supposed to feel like we have to protect her and all that jazz, but come on. The dialogue alone makes her sympathetic enough; no need to staple two watermelons to her chest.
I don't think her chest is all that big, it's just that her dress is very low cut. Honestly, I can't take my eyes off her face. Whoever modeled and textured her deserves massive kudos.
What I admired most about Bioshock was that it was blatantly based on Ayn Rands nutty philosophy. When's the last time you saw THAT in a videogame?
Wonder if Infinites will have the same stuff...
Looks fantastic. The scene was of course heavily scripted, but who cares; the atmosphere was great.
I'm starting to like the characters, the dialogue albeit short felt surprisingly natural; it's like something that Half Life Ep2 could have been if Gordon had stopped being a dick.
But does Elizabeth really need such a huge rack? I know we're supposed to feel like we have to protect her and all that jazz, but come on. The dialogue alone makes her sympathetic enough; no need to staple two watermelons to her chest.
she's wearing a corset, they exist to make boobs look big, get over it :poly142:
Am I the only one not bothered by her boobs, but by the fact that her dress doesn't fit with the idea of the enviroment?
High class people who want to keep away from rapscalians and what not, yet she has her puppies smellin the fresh air of the world like there is no tomorrow. Unless, she is a rapscalian also, in which case, YAY, go pups...
she's wearing a corset, they exist to make boobs look big, get over it :poly142:
Yeah, yeah I know she's wearing a corset :poly142: But come on, that's not the point I'm trying to make here and you know it. I like them healthy titties like every other guy, but when a company known for creating complex stories and great narratives goes for this level of fanservice I feel like there's something wrong.
Ah, fuck it. Who cares. I know I will love the game anyway. I just wish they could have kept that shit a little bit more subtle.
Am I the only one not bothered by her boobs, but by the fact that her dress doesn't fit with the idea of the enviroment?
High class people who want to keep away from rapscalians and what not, yet she has her puppies smellin the fresh air of the world like there is no tomorrow. Unless, she is a rapscalian also, in which case, YAY, go pups...
In many European societies between the Renaissance and the 19th century, wearing low-cut dresses which exposed breasts was more acceptable than today; with a woman's bared legs, ankles, or shoulders being considered to be more risqu
the boobs are fine. I love her character and how naive she seems, it's like he's toddling around a 12 year old. it's AWESOME! yeah super scripted but it's a good kind, it feels super polished compared to the first e3 game-play trailer.
Wow, I didn't know that it was a social level thing back then. So wait, are they trying to say that in present day that sluts are aristocratic blue collar workers?
the boobs are fine. I love her character and how naive she seems, it's like he's toddling around a 12 year old. it's AWESOME! yeah super scripted but it's a good kind, it feels super polished compared to the first e3 game-play trailer.
This ^ Like when she thought the statue was gold it was amazing! It was just all very natural and nice!
Looks even more linear and dumbed down than their last more linear, more dumbed down game, but now you get to babysit a 12 year old with huge tits for the entire game.
So based upon 'some' footage, you can already say:
1- How linear the game is.
2- How the mechanics will be.
3- The personality of the characters and how their development goes throughout the game.
ALL THIS, while comparing it to another game in the series.
Yes, I can totally see your point, God forbid a game isn't a sandbox full of cheap empty environments, with diluted characters and bog standard mechanics.
I think it's a huge step up from the original one. Never finished it because i kinda got bored with it. I wanted to like it, the art looked awesome.. but it ended up to me being a little meh. This one is trying more vertical play and i think it looks gorgeous, and once i give it some playtime i'll make some comments on how i like that. I don't really care for her... but who knows, it might be a good character that bonds you into the game. Too early to make those assumptions if you ask me. But overall... win win on the looks and aesthetics.
If the entire game can capture that atmosphere and intensity while having the same level of quality throughout its going to be amazing. visually everything is really interesting and looks really fun to play.
She is rocking quite a cleavage. Somehow I feel she'd be more the prudish type. Oh well! Boobies!
Yep, I agree. Of all the vids I've seen from E3 so far, this one feels the most unique and original. It has a style, and a flavor. I'm interested.
(in general look/ambience sorta way)
Perhaps you should change your avatar then, traitor!
Yeah, I only payed notice to this game after the last trailer, the fact that there was another bioshock, and even the blur cinematic, didn't sell me on the idea, but the actual game looks really great! Looks like it has some nice ideas behind it, and I like the art direction and flinging my character off blimps n stuff. Awesome.
HAHAHAHA! why you gotta judge me like that!>!? i was caught up in the heat of the moment.... but i've come to my senses!
my mind is fucking blown!
It's still early days though and I'll be waiting and hoping for some bad ass bosses, security hacking and intelligent steampunk weapons with good ai again.
Really loving the dialogue! I actually lolled when she had that Lincoln mask on!
I really have never been so excited for a game! I could spend ages just in that shop, it's so beautiful!
and that noise at the end is terrifying!
stephen russel & kev levine do it again
i wonder who's the sound designer
I'm starting to like the characters, the dialogue albeit short felt surprisingly natural; it's like something that Half Life Ep2 could have been if Gordon had stopped being a dick.
But does Elizabeth really need such a huge rack? I know we're supposed to feel like we have to protect her and all that jazz, but come on. The dialogue alone makes her sympathetic enough; no need to staple two watermelons to her chest.
Wonder if Infinites will have the same stuff...
she's wearing a corset, they exist to make boobs look big, get over it :poly142:
High class people who want to keep away from rapscalians and what not, yet she has her puppies smellin the fresh air of the world like there is no tomorrow. Unless, she is a rapscalian also, in which case, YAY, go pups...
Yeah, yeah I know she's wearing a corset :poly142: But come on, that's not the point I'm trying to make here and you know it. I like them healthy titties like every other guy, but when a company known for creating complex stories and great narratives goes for this level of fanservice I feel like there's something wrong.
Ah, fuck it. Who cares. I know I will love the game anyway. I just wish they could have kept that shit a little bit more subtle.
In many European societies between the Renaissance and the 19th century, wearing low-cut dresses which exposed breasts was more acceptable than today; with a woman's bared legs, ankles, or shoulders being considered to be more risqu
That's a back of the box worthy quote right there it is. cigarette pack warning label anyone?
This ^ Like when she thought the statue was gold it was amazing! It was just all very natural and nice!
game is absolutely gorgeous, massive, and the roller coaster rail ride shit looks like it will allow a ton of cool gameplay. cant wait
That is some smart design there.
1- How linear the game is.
2- How the mechanics will be.
3- The personality of the characters and how their development goes throughout the game.
ALL THIS, while comparing it to another game in the series.
Yes, I can totally see your point, God forbid a game isn't a sandbox full of cheap empty environments, with diluted characters and bog standard mechanics.