But does Elizabeth really need such a huge rack? I know we're supposed to feel like we have to protect her and all that jazz, but come on. The dialogue alone makes her sympathetic enough; no need to staple two watermelons to her chest.
I think he was joking. It was everyone else who is unironically chomping at this bit for this experience.
In case anyone was worried, it has been painstakingly pointed in virtually every interview that the character that looks and acts 12 is actually 20, so it's okay. Resume being excited about the game's virtual girlfriend.
Agreed, I love the work that was put into her, bloody ace job I would say.
The only thing I'm worried about is how much 'tricking' was put into the game. Half Life 2 did this alot, they usually would have a guard fire at you, so that you were forced to look into a certain direction and respond back in some way, and to have a space ship crash on them as you watch the fireworks.
Basically, they did everything, to make sure if a scene was going to unfold, it would keep the eye focused on the price long enough or in such a way so that you didn't miss anything.
I already see the quality in which she interacts and calls out to the players in exploration bits, if this is how the rest of the game is with her, than this is solid gold, takes real focused mindset and patience to get such a thing going.
Ofcourse, even if we don't get this high end planning step by step so that we get swallowed in the narrative like a 1000$ whore, I'll still enjoy frying pan bullets cannon balls.
The only thing I'm worried about is how much 'tricking' was put into the game. Half Life 2 did this alot, they usually would have a guard fire at you, so that you were forced to look into a certain direction and respond back in some way, and to have a space ship crash on them as you watch the fireworks.
Basically, they did everything, to make sure if a scene was going to unfold, it would keep the eye focused on the price long enough or in such a way so that you didn't miss anything.
Thats called good game design Much better than the 'Hold Y to look where you should be looking' BS that Gears of War introduced.
Thats called good game design Much better than the 'Hold Y to look where you should be looking' BS that Gears of War introduced.
Is that where it came from? I was playing crysis 2 and it had that bullshit and i was like, this doesnt even work properly.
Besides, i find that while its important to have freedom in the way the player acts, few cinematics like what was shown in the video is good and it lets the player to be immersed more in the narrative aspect rather than only just the environment.
Man.... Just watched the Demo. I haven't been that impressed and immersed in a really long time. Didn't Elizabeth use to have a British Accent? Or am I crazy.
BioShock Infinite’s 1999 Mode will feature an especially demanding gaming experience, forcing you to examine your decisions while going through your adventure in Columbia. With every choice you make, there are irreversible implications, and if your choices guide you down a path not suited to your play style, you will suffer for it.
With every choice you make, there are irreversible implications, and if your choices guide you down a path not suited to your play style, you will suffer for it.
Sounds like
something that should be in every single AAA title out there. Seriously, that's all I've been asking for all this time. I just hope it's legitemately challenging and not just PR talk.
I was sold on this game a while back and have gone into media blackout mode, so I'm just registering my enthusiasm here. YES. VERY MUCH YES. 1999 mode sounds like a damn good time.
Dude, i haven't been this excited since the first announcement. Looks incredible. Especially the scene where you get a first look of the floating building. Cant wait to play this game!!!
Stop showing trailers! I don't wanna see anything! I just want to give you monies and get the game already. Really excited about this one. Congrats Gav, Mike, Calen, and the rest of you working on it. Looks awesome and needs to be out like yesterday.
Such an awesome marketing idea. Gav, will you & some of the people at IG be at PAX in March? Will Infinite be there? I honestly could not be more excited for this game!
Hey hey - I'm honestly not sure, I would assume we will be there since we've been there in some form every year. I'll probably be hanging around the city regardless
What's there not to like? :poly142:
I think he was joking. It was everyone else who is unironically chomping at this bit for this experience.
The only thing I'm worried about is how much 'tricking' was put into the game. Half Life 2 did this alot, they usually would have a guard fire at you, so that you were forced to look into a certain direction and respond back in some way, and to have a space ship crash on them as you watch the fireworks.
Basically, they did everything, to make sure if a scene was going to unfold, it would keep the eye focused on the price long enough or in such a way so that you didn't miss anything.
I already see the quality in which she interacts and calls out to the players in exploration bits, if this is how the rest of the game is with her, than this is solid gold, takes real focused mindset and patience to get such a thing going.
Ofcourse, even if we don't get this high end planning step by step so that we get swallowed in the narrative like a 1000$ whore, I'll still enjoy frying pan bullets cannon balls.
Thats called good game design
Besides, i find that while its important to have freedom in the way the player acts, few cinematics like what was shown in the video is good and it lets the player to be immersed more in the narrative aspect rather than only just the environment.
Aye. Pretty bad design if you ask me. If you need a button to tell the player where to look, fire your art director.
and theres breasts too..
pity she dont put out..
party like it's 19...9..dee9
But really, they can take all the time they want. Seriously.
Hope yall make system shock 3 one day. lol
Inspiring as fuck
not sure if they belong together
but overall cool reveal trailer
Really enjoyed this trailer, love the themes being shown here. Urge to buy increasing.