I've just started using the Marmoset Toolbag 30 day trial, It's great, but is there a way to get overlapping UV's to render normally?
They always come up brighter than everything else.
I've just started using the Marmoset Toolbag 30 day trial, It's great, but is there a way to get overlapping UV's to render normally?
They always come up brighter than everything else.
Try offsetting the mirrored parts of your uvs 1 unit in any direction.
Hello all,just found out about marmoset today.I wanted to ask if marmoset could be used to render out a full environment with dynamic lighting and characters.Can one import animations done with Maya into it?I think this is better than having to learn how to use game engines to make renders.Most of the works I have seen using marmoset here are with just characters,props,weapons.Which makes me wonder if the app can handle heavy or moderate scenes.
Hello all,just found out about marmoset today.I wanted to ask if marmoset could be used to render out a full environment with dynamic lighting and characters.Can one import animations done with Maya into it?I think this is better than having to learn how to use game engines to make renders.Most of the works I have seen using marmoset here are with just characters,props,weapons.Which makes me wonder if the app can handle heavy or moderate scenes.
A. Marmoset is a game engine. It is the engine that powered the wildly successful game Darkest of Days
B. Marmoset can handle large and complex scenes, however something like UDK may be easier to use. The current version of Marmoset lacks tools like loading multiple meshes, transformation tools for meshes, etc. You can set up your scene in your 3d app of choice, place all your models, separate the ones that need different materials and export that in one big file, and then set up your materials in marmoset. This will work fine. You can set up dynamic lights in Marmoset Toolbag.
C. Animations are supported in marmoset but only exported from Maya(and limited versions of Maya I believe).
Complex scene handling and animation support is something we plan on improving for the next major release(not the next 0.0X release) of toolbag.
Hello, I'm sorry if this doesn't really belong here but it seems it does so...
I'm completely new to Marmoset and I just wanted to try it with a simple mesh I have. The problem is, as soon as I open the mesh it crashes. And if it successfully imports it I get this http://i304.photobucket.com/albums/nn199/Cuvey/Sinttulo.png it kind of explodes :S And it's always that part of the mesh and another little bit that can't be seen there. And it doesn't look the same everytime either. I've tried exporting an fbx from max but then Marmoset just crashes and I'm unable to import it.
I couldn't find any solutions online so I'm asking here...
Thanks for any help
Hello, I'm sorry if this doesn't really belong here but it seems it does so...
I'm completely new to Marmoset and I just wanted to try it with a simple mesh I have. The problem is, as soon as I open the mesh it crashes. And if it successfully imports it I get this http://i304.photobucket.com/albums/nn199/Cuvey/Sinttulo.png it kind of explodes :S And it's always that part of the mesh and another little bit that can't be seen there. And it doesn't look the same everytime either. I've tried exporting an fbx from max but then Marmoset just crashes and I'm unable to import it.
I couldn't find any solutions online so I'm asking here...
Thanks for any help
I had issues like this before - check your UVs. For some reason, if you don't have UVs in channel 0, marmoset freaks out and explodes your mesh. For me, it would also crash if I messed around with the exploded mesh too much.
If you DO have UVs then make sure they at least have a temp unwrap.
I'm trying to apply a gloss map to a model - on my texture alpha I've made the parts I want glossy a mid grey, everything else black. However, when I save out the spec map as a 32 bit targa and bring into Marmoset, the whole model is made glossy (when I just wanted only certain parts to be.) Any idea why? Thanks
EDIT: While I'm here, might as well ask a separate q - is there anyway to disable lighting for presentation of hand painted models, for example if you just wanted to view the diffuse map with no spec/normals or lighting?
I'm trying to apply a gloss map to a model - on my texture alpha I've made the parts I want glossy a mid grey, everything else black. However, when I save out the spec map as a 32 bit targa and bring into Marmoset, the whole model is made glossy (when I just wanted only certain parts to be.) Any idea why? Thanks
It's not a good idea to use 100% black in the gloss, try something like 10% grey and then 100% black in the spec.
Maybe post a pic?
EDIT: While I'm here, might as well ask a separate q - is there anyway to disable lighting for presentation of hand painted models, for example if you just wanted to view the diffuse map with no spec/normals or lighting?
Use the FlatEnvironment in the material dropdown and then go to Render and choose Diffuse Channel in the View dropdown.
Hi! I have a problem here, I have a weapon on wich I had applied a specular/gloss map and a glow map, I had set the specular and the gloss maps to be black in the places where there is the glow to avoid sovrapposition, but the glow map seems to disappear when I enable the specularity...I don't know why and I need to have the spec and glow on the same piece. someone can help me please?
Hi! I have a problem here, I have a weapon on wich I had applied a specular/gloss map and a glow map, I had set the specular and the gloss maps to be black in the places where there is the glow to avoid sovrapposition, but the glow map seems to disappear when I enable the specularity...I don't know why and I need to have the spec and glow on the same piece. someone can help me please?
Can you post an image of your problem?
Currently I think the way the gloss function works, is by making the diffuse and specular on those areas *very* bright. So you may actually need to have some detail to the specular for it to show up.
Can anyone post a screen shot of the export settings for 3ds max? In FBX or OBJ mode, whichever works best. I am just unsure of what settings I need for a normal created in max, smoothing set up in max and what things should be check marked. And dose my green channel need to be flipped in photoshop/any other things check off when importing to Toolbag? Didnt see anything in the manual about that.
Im sure this was covered somewhere but this thread is about 50 pages long! :O
(note my 3ds max export settings are no longer set to whatever the normal "default" was so if you say default I cant be sure what that is ha)
I generally export an .obj from Max. I also Render my normal in max. With my experience you need to invert the Green Channel which you can do in Marmoset. Here are my settings. They Work for me. Hope this helps.
Currently I think the way the gloss function works, is by making the diffuse and specular on those areas *very* bright. So you may actually need to have some detail to the specular for it to show up.
It's difficult to make a picture of it, it will show or not the glow...however I had fixed the problem I think...I don't know why but scaling down the glow map seems to make it work correctly.
Now I have an other problem:
I think that the problem is connected to the wrong settings, but I don't know what.
So, the problem is that when I made a render and open up the image in photoshop I can clearly see a blur line on the profile of my model, I tryed to change or disable the sharpness and change or disable the depth of field in the render menu but the problem is still the same... I tryed to reinstall marmoset and recreate the scene from start but the problem is still there...
I don't know if it's something wrong or something normal in marmoset...
I saw in some post that disabling the sharpen effect can fix the problem but it seems it doesn't works for me
Can anyone post a screen shot of the export settings for 3ds max? In FBX or OBJ mode, whichever works best. I am just unsure of what settings I need for a normal created in max, smoothing set up in max and what things should be check marked. And dose my green channel need to be flipped in photoshop/any other things check off when importing to Toolbag? Didnt see anything in the manual about that.
Im sure this was covered somewhere but this thread is about 50 pages long! :O
(note my 3ds max export settings are no longer set to whatever the normal "default" was so if you say default I cant be sure what that is ha)
Thanks in advance
You need to make sure that mesh normals, tangents, etc are exported in either obj or FBX. You can invert the green channel in PS, but we've got an option in the material to do it too.
You may need to toggle on or off the compression option for OBJs, I remember that causing some problems for people.
Try this out and let me know if you're having any specific issues and I'll try to figure it out.
It's difficult to make a picture of it, it will show or not the glow...however I had fixed the problem I think...I don't know why but scaling down the glow map seems to make it work correctly.
Now I have an other problem:
I think that the problem is connected to the wrong settings, but I don't know what.
So, the problem is that when I made a render and open up the image in photoshop I can clearly see a blur line on the profile of my model, I tryed to change or disable the sharpness and change or disable the depth of field in the render menu but the problem is still the same... I tryed to reinstall marmoset and recreate the scene from start but the problem is still there...
I don't know if it's something wrong or something normal in marmoset...
I saw in some post that disabling the sharpen effect can fix the problem but it seems it doesn't works for me
Sorry about the issues, we're looking into it but its something we can't reproduce on our end, so we'll need some more information.
What are your system specs? ie: OS, CPU, Video Card, etc
What image file format are you saving?
Can you do a screencap(printscreen + paste into photoshop) to compare what it looks like in the realtime view vs the render output?
Can you try outputting a render with anti-aliasing off and see if you still have the problem?
Try different output sizes too, ie: 1x,2x,4x and see if the problem is consistent.
Sorry about the issues, we're looking into it but its something we can't reproduce on our end, so we'll need some more information.
What are your system specs? ie: OS, CPU, Video Card, etc
What image file format are you saving?
Can you do a screencap(printscreen + paste into photoshop) to compare what it looks like in the realtime view vs the render output?
Can you try outputting a render with anti-aliasing off and see if you still have the problem?
Try different output sizes too, ie: 1x,2x,4x and see if the problem is consistent.
I have a intel core 2 Duo processor P7450 (2.13 GHz, 1066 MHz FSB), 4 Gb memory, 500 Gb HDD, Nvidia Geforce GT240M.
Maybe the problem is that the maps are too big and slow down and bug the render? The maps are 4k each exeptfor the alabard texture, normal and glow(the spec/gloss map of the alabard if 2k doesn't work right)
The model is about 17000 tris with the alabard.
In the attach there is the screencap
next i'll try different sizes and anti-aliasing on/off
the result without anti-aliasing present the same problem
I tryed to make a render with HDR and there isn't the problem but without the alpha the hair looks bad
I really don't understand what's wrong...I tryed anything, is maybe my computer too lowrange for marmoset?...
I think I finally found out what the problem is about! The problem seems connected to the "use alpha to coverage" when I activate it on a material the piece on which the material is applied become blurred.
I cecked the alphas and and don't seem to be any error with them.
I use psd format for marmoset because when I save the maps in tga format with alpha channesl and apply them to the diffuse or specular in marmoset, the program does read the alpha channel as it is black or as it doesn't exist.
Is the problem the psd format? I tryed the tga format but it's the same..
I think I found an other way round without using the alpha to coverage, I used the old metod changing the blend mode to alpha and increasing the alpha threshold, this seems to work well... for now XD
When I was trying save the scene or material i have this message: Error: Access violation at 0x737F74B2 (tried to read from 0x73F84B2). Program terminated.
I changed drivers on older and I have still the same message.
Good uncle google told me that I have to change driver. But this is not solution.
When I was trying save the scene or material i have this message: Error: Access violation at 0x737F74B2 (tried to read from 0x73F84B2). Program terminated.
I changed drivers on older and I have still the same message.
Good uncle google told me that I have to change driver. But this is not solution.
What are your system specs? CPU, GPU/Video card, RAM, OS?
I sent specs, logs and rest of the informations at email. I think that other application could have influence to the marmoset. After a clean install of the system i don't have any problem with save. Ok Maybe one, but this time has different nature. When I assigned materials and saved scene and when I open it again I had have lost informations of materials assigned to mesh. Every mesh has blank, white material.
I tried save scene. Save scene and materials. Save mesh. But always after the save I have same situation. When I launch Marmoset again, and open my scene. I have blank materials on mesh.
Sorry for my East European English. I hope this post is clear to you .
So the 2 screens are exactly the same setup except the bottom one at a slightly lower camera angle.
The mesh behind the glass just render and fail to as I cross a certain angle.
I have the transparency in the alpha channel of my diffuse map and blend mode set to alpha. Is my setup wrong? Thanks for any help and let me know if more information is needed.
I had some annoying issue. When I try to open both .obj and .fbx files (exported from Maya 2012 x64), program just cannot open these files. No error appears at all. It's still working but doesn't react on these file formats. I used 1.05 and 1.08 trial versions and it's still the same.
I sent specs, logs and rest of the informations at email. I think that other application could have influence to the marmoset. After a clean install of the system i don't have any problem with save. Ok Maybe one, but this time has different nature. When I assigned materials and saved scene and when I open it again I had have lost informations of materials assigned to mesh. Every mesh has blank, white material.
I tried save scene. Save scene and materials. Save mesh. But always after the save I have same situation. When I launch Marmoset again, and open my scene. I have blank materials on mesh.
Sorry for my East European English. I hope this post is clear to you .
I think I may have seen this issue before. There may be a bug if you save your scene file first, and then try to save your mesh file.
Try this:
Import your mesh, set up your materials, save "mesh and materials"
Then set up your lights, camera, and save your scene.
So the 2 screens are exactly the same setup except the bottom one at a slightly lower camera angle.
The mesh behind the glass just render and fail to as I cross a certain angle.
I have the transparency in the alpha channel of my diffuse map and blend mode set to alpha. Is my setup wrong? Thanks for any help and let me know if more information is needed.
First thing to do would be make sure you don't have alpha enabled on your other material, only on the glass material. If you do the sorting may get messed up.
Otherwise, if you upload your files somewhere I can have a look. Sorting isn't always reliable.
I had some annoying issue. When I try to open both .obj and .fbx files (exported from Maya 2012 x64), program just cannot open these files. No error appears at all. It's still working but doesn't react on these file formats. I used 1.05 and 1.08 trial versions and it's still the same.
.mesh format WORKS FINE!
Gfx card driver is up to date.
Any ideas? Would be grateful!
One suggestion: Is your scale very large or very small? The mesh may be opening but not visible because of scale issues(this would surprise me). Check the mesh list after you click open to see if something shows up there.
You may have some errors in your mesh, like missing or incorrect uv channels or something of that nature.
If you can send me your mesh(in obj or fbx format) I would be happy to have a look.
@EarthQuake: I'm pretty sure that is not a scale problem, because I tried to open a lot of meshes before (including simple test-box) and also nothing appears + directory path is still blank.
@EarthQuake: I'm pretty sure that is not a scale problem, because I tried to open a lot of meshes before (including simple test-box) and also nothing appears + directory path is still blank.
First thing to do would be make sure you don't have alpha enabled on your other material, only on the glass material. If you do the sorting may get messed up.
Otherwise, if you upload your files somewhere I can have a look. Sorting isn't always reliable.
Also, what are your system specs? CPU/GPU/OS?
Yep, only the glass material has alpha blend mode on and everything else doesn't.
The computer's specs are:
CPU: Intel(R) Core (TM)2 Quad CPU Q8200 @ 2.33 GHz 2.34 GHz
OS: Windows 7 Professional
I have another machine that runs windows 7 and my machine at work is also running windows 7 and the lighting looks great on those 2 machines but when i load the same scene on my windows 8 machine, the lighting just looks wrong. lights seem to penetrate meshes. for example, a backlight will completely light the front side of the character and look wrong. I would post an image with what I'm working on but its of proprietary material i can't post yet. i will try it out with something else to see if i get a similar result. i can't imagine windows 8 would make that big of a difference. in any case, just wondering if there were any known cases for this sort of problem in 1.08?
Ok EarthQuake. I checked that. Working well. But this time I used exporter for Maya. In last try I used obj. I will try with obj too. I will see if it works well.If not I will send you a message. For now I stick to Stooge script.
By the way. Drag and drop is working well ? For example I used this name's convention:
name_s.ext for speculars,
name_d.ext for diffuse,
name_n.ext for normal.
I don't know why sometimes Marmoset is loading textures in good slot, but sometimes he put in in a random channels. Can you tell me how I must name the textures ? - If this works of course.
Yep, only the glass material has alpha blend mode on and everything else doesn't.
The computer's specs are:
CPU: Intel(R) Core (TM)2 Quad CPU Q8200 @ 2.33 GHz 2.34 GHz
OS: Windows 7 Professional
EarthQuake, I sent you a PM for the files.
Thanks, I had a look at your files and I'm not seeing anything particularly wrong here(with the asset itself), and I am seeing the same glitches that you are.
It looks like issues with alpha sorting/draw order, I've sent the file to our tech guys to see if they give me any more information.
I have another machine that runs windows 7 and my machine at work is also running windows 7 and the lighting looks great on those 2 machines but when i load the same scene on my windows 8 machine, the lighting just looks wrong. lights seem to penetrate meshes. for example, a backlight will completely light the front side of the character and look wrong. I would post an image with what I'm working on but its of proprietary material i can't post yet. i will try it out with something else to see if i get a similar result. i can't imagine windows 8 would make that big of a difference. in any case, just wondering if there were any known cases for this sort of problem in 1.08?
Thanks for contacting us, we just got Windows 8 support officially in yesterday with 1.08, so any information you can give us about compatibility issues is great. If you can get together some screenshots of non-NDA work, or you can send us some images privately as well if that would be better, it would be very much appreciated.
I'm going to let our tech guys know about this though.
The problem was my name in a location path (folder name has a polish letter). I moved my .obj to C:/OBJs/pillartest.obj and IT WORKS.
Sorry for that and big thanks for help!
I'm very glad you got it sorted out! Thank you for posting the solution here, I'll get this flagged as a bug and hopefully we can get the issue fixed in a future patch.
EQ, first of all, thanks for the awesome material tutorial. I've got a question for ya about textures/shading in toolbag.
I was wondering about how marmoset handles gamma on texture files read in. The only mention of gamma in the user manual is in relation to the HDR checkbox in the screenshot section saying that the image produced is not gamma corrected at all.
Does marmoset handle a linear workflow in the background automatically? just curious.
Thanks, I had a look at your files and I'm not seeing anything particularly wrong here(with the asset itself), and I am seeing the same glitches that you are.
It looks like issues with alpha sorting/draw order, I've sent the file to our tech guys to see if they give me any more information.
Thank you for following through, I await for more progress!
I was wondering about how marmoset handles gamma on texture files read in. The only mention of gamma in the user manual is in relation to the HDR checkbox in the screenshot section saying that the image produced is not gamma corrected at all.
Does marmoset handle a linear workflow in the background automatically? just curious.
Yes, we do. We assume all color texture inputs are in sRGB color space (diffuse, specular mask, and the like but not things like normal or height maps), and they are corrected for this during rendering, allowing us to properly compute lighting in linear space. The rendered results are then readjusted back into sRGB space for display on your monitor.
Maybe we should list this in our advertising and product descriptions, as it's not something every renderer does right.
Yes, we do. We assume all color texture inputs are in sRGB color space (diffuse, specular mask, and the like but not things like normal or height maps), and they are corrected for this during rendering, allowing us to properly compute lighting in linear space. The rendered results are then readjusted back into sRGB space for display on your monitor.
Maybe we should list this in our advertising and product descriptions, as it's not something every renderer does right.
Yes, we do. We assume all color texture inputs are in sRGB color space (diffuse, specular mask, and the like but not things like normal or height maps), and they are corrected for this during rendering, allowing us to properly compute lighting in linear space. The rendered results are then readjusted back into sRGB space for display on your monitor.
Maybe we should list this in our advertising and product descriptions, as it's not something every renderer does right.
Thanks for posting this! We've just started using toolbag for rapid prototyping of art assets as our engine is still a work in progress. Thanks for clearing this up. Marmoset is such a great tool! Keep up the great work.
I think adding the info as a highlight on your site would be great too.
Is there a known issue with lighting and shadows having issues with newer Nvidia cards? I posted an issue I had with a GTX660 and now I have seen similar issue with people who have the GTX560 in their computers on multiple systems. I will try to put a screenshot together of these issues but just wondering if anyone has reported similar problems?
Is there a known issue with lighting and shadows having issues with newer Nvidia cards? I posted an issue I had with a GTX660 and now I have seen similar issue with people who have the GTX560 in their computers on multiple systems. I will try to put a screenshot together of these issues but just wondering if anyone has reported similar problems?
Windows 8 support is new for 108 so its not something we've had a lot of time to test "in the wild", I assume that's where the issues are coming from but it could be a GPU related problem as well, its really hard to give you any more information than that, sorry!
So yeah, any information you can give us, screenshots, etc to help us figure out the issue will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for following through, I await for more progress!
Ok, so I may have a possible solution for you here.
What you should do is split each glass element into its own mesh chunk, ie: the side window is one chunk, the front window, etc. This should fix or at least improve the issue.
By the way. Drag and drop is working well ? For example I used this name's convention:
name_s.ext for speculars,
name_d.ext for diffuse,
name_n.ext for normal.
I don't know why sometimes Marmoset is loading textures in good slot, but sometimes he put in in a random channels. Can you tell me how I must name the textures ? - If this works of course.
Ok, got word back, there is a "smart loader" that checks for a variety of common terms and tries to put the maps into the correct slots. Here are some safe terms to use, like assentname_term.tga:
They always come up brighter than everything else.
Try offsetting the mirrored parts of your uvs 1 unit in any direction.
A. Marmoset is a game engine. It is the engine that powered the wildly successful game Darkest of Days
B. Marmoset can handle large and complex scenes, however something like UDK may be easier to use. The current version of Marmoset lacks tools like loading multiple meshes, transformation tools for meshes, etc. You can set up your scene in your 3d app of choice, place all your models, separate the ones that need different materials and export that in one big file, and then set up your materials in marmoset. This will work fine. You can set up dynamic lights in Marmoset Toolbag.
C. Animations are supported in marmoset but only exported from Maya(and limited versions of Maya I believe).
Complex scene handling and animation support is something we plan on improving for the next major release(not the next 0.0X release) of toolbag.
I'm completely new to Marmoset and I just wanted to try it with a simple mesh I have. The problem is, as soon as I open the mesh it crashes. And if it successfully imports it I get this http://i304.photobucket.com/albums/nn199/Cuvey/Sinttulo.png it kind of explodes :S And it's always that part of the mesh and another little bit that can't be seen there. And it doesn't look the same everytime either. I've tried exporting an fbx from max but then Marmoset just crashes and I'm unable to import it.
I couldn't find any solutions online so I'm asking here...
Thanks for any help
I had issues like this before - check your UVs. For some reason, if you don't have UVs in channel 0, marmoset freaks out and explodes your mesh. For me, it would also crash if I messed around with the exploded mesh too much.
If you DO have UVs then make sure they at least have a temp unwrap.
EDIT: While I'm here, might as well ask a separate q - is there anyway to disable lighting for presentation of hand painted models, for example if you just wanted to view the diffuse map with no spec/normals or lighting?
It's not a good idea to use 100% black in the gloss, try something like 10% grey and then 100% black in the spec.
Maybe post a pic?
Use the FlatEnvironment in the material dropdown and then go to Render and choose Diffuse Channel in the View dropdown.
No worries, mate!
Can you post an image of your problem?
Currently I think the way the gloss function works, is by making the diffuse and specular on those areas *very* bright. So you may actually need to have some detail to the specular for it to show up.
Im sure this was covered somewhere but this thread is about 50 pages long! :O
(note my 3ds max export settings are no longer set to whatever the normal "default" was so if you say default I cant be sure what that is ha)
Thanks in advance
It's difficult to make a picture of it, it will show or not the glow...however I had fixed the problem I think...I don't know why but scaling down the glow map seems to make it work correctly.
Now I have an other problem:
I think that the problem is connected to the wrong settings, but I don't know what.
So, the problem is that when I made a render and open up the image in photoshop I can clearly see a blur line on the profile of my model, I tryed to change or disable the sharpness and change or disable the depth of field in the render menu but the problem is still the same... I tryed to reinstall marmoset and recreate the scene from start but the problem is still there...
I don't know if it's something wrong or something normal in marmoset...
I saw in some post that disabling the sharpen effect can fix the problem but it seems it doesn't works for me
You need to make sure that mesh normals, tangents, etc are exported in either obj or FBX. You can invert the green channel in PS, but we've got an option in the material to do it too.
You may need to toggle on or off the compression option for OBJs, I remember that causing some problems for people.
Try this out and let me know if you're having any specific issues and I'll try to figure it out.
See iamtravis316's post as well.
Sorry about the issues, we're looking into it but its something we can't reproduce on our end, so we'll need some more information.
What are your system specs? ie: OS, CPU, Video Card, etc
What image file format are you saving?
Can you do a screencap(printscreen + paste into photoshop) to compare what it looks like in the realtime view vs the render output?
Can you try outputting a render with anti-aliasing off and see if you still have the problem?
Try different output sizes too, ie: 1x,2x,4x and see if the problem is consistent.
Sorry but the file format we use for HDR currently doesn't support alpha channels.
A work around would be to export an HDR image, an then a standard TGA and grab the alpha from the TGA.
I have a intel core 2 Duo processor P7450 (2.13 GHz, 1066 MHz FSB), 4 Gb memory, 500 Gb HDD, Nvidia Geforce GT240M.
Maybe the problem is that the maps are too big and slow down and bug the render? The maps are 4k each exeptfor the alabard texture, normal and glow(the spec/gloss map of the alabard if 2k doesn't work right)
The model is about 17000 tris with the alabard.
In the attach there is the screencap
next i'll try different sizes and anti-aliasing on/off
the result without anti-aliasing present the same problem
I tryed to make a render with HDR and there isn't the problem but without the alpha the hair looks bad
I really don't understand what's wrong...I tryed anything, is maybe my computer too lowrange for marmoset?...
I think I finally found out what the problem is about! The problem seems connected to the "use alpha to coverage" when I activate it on a material the piece on which the material is applied become blurred.
I cecked the alphas and and don't seem to be any error with them.
I use psd format for marmoset because when I save the maps in tga format with alpha channesl and apply them to the diffuse or specular in marmoset, the program does read the alpha channel as it is black or as it doesn't exist.
Is the problem the psd format? I tryed the tga format but it's the same..
I think I found an other way round without using the alpha to coverage, I used the old metod changing the blend mode to alpha and increasing the alpha threshold, this seems to work well... for now XD
The compression options was what was doing it. Kept getting issues everywhere my UV islands were broken. Checked those off and it fixed it
Thanks guys!
When I was trying save the scene or material i have this message: Error: Access violation at 0x737F74B2 (tried to read from 0x73F84B2). Program terminated.
I changed drivers on older and I have still the same message.
Good uncle google told me that I have to change driver. But this is not solution.
What are your system specs? CPU, GPU/Video card, RAM, OS?
I sent specs, logs and rest of the informations at email. I think that other application could have influence to the marmoset. After a clean install of the system i don't have any problem with save. Ok Maybe one, but this time has different nature. When I assigned materials and saved scene and when I open it again I had have lost informations of materials assigned to mesh. Every mesh has blank, white material.
I tried save scene. Save scene and materials. Save mesh. But always after the save I have same situation. When I launch Marmoset again, and open my scene. I have blank materials on mesh.
Sorry for my East European English. I hope this post is clear to you
So the 2 screens are exactly the same setup except the bottom one at a slightly lower camera angle.
The mesh behind the glass just render and fail to as I cross a certain angle.
I have the transparency in the alpha channel of my diffuse map and blend mode set to alpha. Is my setup wrong? Thanks for any help and let me know if more information is needed.
I had some annoying issue. When I try to open both .obj and .fbx files (exported from Maya 2012 x64), program just cannot open these files. No error appears at all. It's still working but doesn't react on these file formats. I used 1.05 and 1.08 trial versions and it's still the same.
.mesh format WORKS FINE!
Gfx card driver is up to date.
Any ideas? Would be grateful!
I think I may have seen this issue before. There may be a bug if you save your scene file first, and then try to save your mesh file.
Try this:
Import your mesh, set up your materials, save "mesh and materials"
Then set up your lights, camera, and save your scene.
Let me know if that works.
First thing to do would be make sure you don't have alpha enabled on your other material, only on the glass material. If you do the sorting may get messed up.
Otherwise, if you upload your files somewhere I can have a look. Sorting isn't always reliable.
Also, what are your system specs? CPU/GPU/OS?
One suggestion: Is your scale very large or very small? The mesh may be opening but not visible because of scale issues(this would surprise me). Check the mesh list after you click open to see if something shows up there.
You may have some errors in your mesh, like missing or incorrect uv channels or something of that nature.
If you can send me your mesh(in obj or fbx format) I would be happy to have a look.
Here's .obj file http://www.sendspace.com/file/4ppk5e
Thanks in advance.
Thats odd, it loads right up for me without any issues using 1.08.
You said you can load other models(.mesh), just not this one?
What are your system specs?
I tried just everything. All models exported as a .mesh works fine (including pillar!).
In case of .obj and .fbx, Marmo still works, but doesn't open files.
My system spec:
Win7 x64
GeForce GTX460
and... I've been using Marmo in the past and it worked... Can't get it
The problem was my name in a location path (folder name has a polish letter). I moved my .obj to C:/OBJs/pillartest.obj and IT WORKS.
Sorry for that and big thanks for help!
Yep, only the glass material has alpha blend mode on and everything else doesn't.
The computer's specs are:
CPU: Intel(R) Core (TM)2 Quad CPU Q8200 @ 2.33 GHz 2.34 GHz
OS: Windows 7 Professional
EarthQuake, I sent you a PM for the files.
os: windows 8 pro
cpu: intel core i7-3770 cpu@ 3.4 Ghz 3.40 Ghz
ram: 32 gb
gpu: nvidia GeForce GTX 660
I have another machine that runs windows 7 and my machine at work is also running windows 7 and the lighting looks great on those 2 machines but when i load the same scene on my windows 8 machine, the lighting just looks wrong. lights seem to penetrate meshes. for example, a backlight will completely light the front side of the character and look wrong. I would post an image with what I'm working on but its of proprietary material i can't post yet. i will try it out with something else to see if i get a similar result. i can't imagine windows 8 would make that big of a difference. in any case, just wondering if there were any known cases for this sort of problem in 1.08?
By the way. Drag and drop is working well ? For example I used this name's convention:
name_s.ext for speculars,
name_d.ext for diffuse,
name_n.ext for normal.
I don't know why sometimes Marmoset is loading textures in good slot, but sometimes he put in in a random channels. Can you tell me how I must name the textures ? - If this works of course.
Thanks, I had a look at your files and I'm not seeing anything particularly wrong here(with the asset itself), and I am seeing the same glitches that you are.
It looks like issues with alpha sorting/draw order, I've sent the file to our tech guys to see if they give me any more information.
Thanks for contacting us, we just got Windows 8 support officially in yesterday with 1.08, so any information you can give us about compatibility issues is great. If you can get together some screenshots of non-NDA work, or you can send us some images privately as well if that would be better, it would be very much appreciated.
I'm going to let our tech guys know about this though.
I'm very glad you got it sorted out! Thank you for posting the solution here, I'll get this flagged as a bug and hopefully we can get the issue fixed in a future patch.
I was wondering about how marmoset handles gamma on texture files read in. The only mention of gamma in the user manual is in relation to the HDR checkbox in the screenshot section saying that the image produced is not gamma corrected at all.
Does marmoset handle a linear workflow in the background automatically? just curious.
Yes, we do. We assume all color texture inputs are in sRGB color space (diffuse, specular mask, and the like but not things like normal or height maps), and they are corrected for this during rendering, allowing us to properly compute lighting in linear space. The rendered results are then readjusted back into sRGB space for display on your monitor.
Maybe we should list this in our advertising and product descriptions, as it's not something every renderer does right.
Thanks for posting this! We've just started using toolbag for rapid prototyping of art assets as our engine is still a work in progress. Thanks for clearing this up. Marmoset is such a great tool! Keep up the great work.
I think adding the info as a highlight on your site would be great too.
Windows 8 support is new for 108 so its not something we've had a lot of time to test "in the wild", I assume that's where the issues are coming from but it could be a GPU related problem as well, its really hard to give you any more information than that, sorry!
So yeah, any information you can give us, screenshots, etc to help us figure out the issue will be greatly appreciated.
Ok, so I may have a possible solution for you here.
What you should do is split each glass element into its own mesh chunk, ie: the side window is one chunk, the front window, etc. This should fix or at least improve the issue.
Ok, got word back, there is a "smart loader" that checks for a variety of common terms and tries to put the maps into the correct slots. Here are some safe terms to use, like assentname_term.tga:
diffuse: diff
normal: norm
specular: spec
detail: detail
glow: glow
Though _d, _s, and _n should work too