Damn, it would be nice if at least one of these render only applications was smart enough to recognize that you're trying to import something with the same name, and then automatically delete the old one and assign that same material to the new one.
Stuck with "Mental/V-ray". For now.
Thanks guys!
Marmoset already automatically updates meshes and images of the same name. Is that what you need?
You can't edit meshes within Marmoset, but if you save over a mesh once you have made changes in Max or textures in Photoshop or whatever, it will automatically load the changed mesh.
Just make sure Auto-Reload and Auto-Reload Textures are checked in the File menu.
Damn, it would be nice if at least one of these render only applications was smart enough to recognize that you're trying to import something with the same name, and then automatically delete the old one and assign that same material to the new one.
Thanks guys!
well - as metalliandy pointed out - it does try to do that. it's just in my experience that the update isn't all that reliable in the versions i've tried to use it in. not something to count on for a workflow IMO.
also - when you're changing the scene - you're changing the scene then it will fail.
if you wanted realtime display and editing capabilities at the same time it almost sounds like you'd have to look at building your stuff in something like unreal or cryengine-worldeditor from building blocks. then you'd end up with content that most likely could not be easily transferred/rendered in max though.
Hi, Im pretty new with marmoset and have some noob questions.
I want to render my ship model in marmoset, i usually render in maya/max. The problem I have is how can i achieve the maya smooth in marmoset? otherwise my model looks a bit dull in some areas such as arc o cylinder shapes?
Hi, Im pretty new with marmoset and have some noob questions.
I want to render my ship model in marmoset, i usually render in maya/max. The problem I have is how can i achieve the maya smooth in marmoset? otherwise my model looks a bit dull in some areas such as arc o cylinder shapes?
Thanks very much
You're going to have to be more specific by what you mean when you say "Maya smooth" are you talking about sub-division? Smooth mesh normals?
If you're using subD to 'preview' the smoothing in maya then you'll need to actually divide the model into geo, then export. I don't use maya so I can't tell you where to find the button for it.
If you're using subD to 'preview' the smoothing in maya then you'll need to actually divide the model into geo, then export. I don't use maya so I can't tell you where to find the button for it.
Pretty much this. You can mess about with the sub-division for displacement, but you should really have a displacement map to use that, otherwise results will likely be unpredictable.
But yeah, just sub-divide your mesh before exporting. (mesh -> smooth in maya).
Generally you wouldn't be using sub-d like this for a realtime/game asset, so I'm a little confused as to exactly what you're trying to do?
i just started using marmoset and so far it is great. i have a question
question is how to move marmoset meshes, textures and materials to a different computer without the mesh file losing its connection to its materials. i have a mesh with materials hooked up on my desktop, but i also need to take them with me on my laptop. if i move the mesh, materials and textures to my laptop, the mesh opens up without the materials connected. once i load the materials in, the texture connections are broken as well. it is because the mesh file, textures and materials aren't in the exact same location in the directory structure on my laptop. so is there a way to get this to work, or does the entire same directory structure need to be intact? from where the mesh file is located all directories further down are in the same location, it is just that the mesh file, materials and textures are located on a different drive.
Pretty much this. You can mess about with the sub-division for displacement, but you should really have a displacement map to use that, otherwise results will likely be unpredictable.
But yeah, just sub-divide your mesh before exporting. (mesh -> smooth in maya).
Generally you wouldn't be using sub-d like this for a realtime/game asset, so I'm a little confused as to exactly what you're trying to do?
Load your highpoly in marmoset?
Yeah, thats exactley my problem.
I can load high poly models, but is not an option for game assests.
The problem I have is due to arc and cylinder shapes, wich need to appear smoothed (subd.
Just encountered a reproducible crash, it's nothing major and probably known about, but just for anyone that's googling Marmosest access violation error when loading / importing a model:
If your model has partial UV's, delete the UV's and try again. (I was quickly throwing pieces together to export to the toolbag, but one piece did not have UV's)
Hi all, and thanks for this great piece of software.
I'm currently having an issue at the seams. They are showing up at the seams where my symmetry start.
Not sure if this should be in here, but since this is a question dealing with Marmoset, I figured I'd try here first.
I've got a character with UVs and a separate weapon with its own UVs. When I go to attach the weapon to the character I see there are separate Materials and the exporter tells me there are 2 materials, but when I import it into MT, it doesn't show up as two different chunks. Any suggestions?
I tried this many times this evening and now I can't seem to attach the two pieces and keep the UVs. If I do manage to keep the UVs, Max crashes when I try to export this model. GGAAAHHH! Does anyone have any ideas as to what I am doing wrong???
Not sure if this should be in here, but since this is a question dealing with Marmoset, I figured I'd try here first.
I've got a character with UVs and a separate weapon with its own UVs. When I go to attach the weapon to the character I see there are separate Materials and the exporter tells me there are 2 materials, but when I import it into MT, it doesn't show up as two different chunks. Any suggestions?
I tried this many times this evening and now I can't seem to attach the two pieces and keep the UVs. If I do manage to keep the UVs, Max crashes when I try to export this model. GGAAAHHH! Does anyone have any ideas as to what I am doing wrong???
Make sure you have two separate objects, not just materials, in max. Attaching them would seem to be counter productive to your problem.
Hi all, and thanks for this great piece of software.
I'm currently having an issue at the seams. They are showing up at the seams where my symmetry start.
Do you know what produce this?
Hey, nobody has answered you yet, and I noticed another person had the same question, so allow me.
That artifact you're getting happens when you lay out your UV's, and then you mirror the model or the UV's. When this happens in whatever modeling program you're using the mirrored UV's get aligned directly underneath the original UV's, if that makes sense, like folding a piece of paper on itself.
To fix this problem, you have to select the loop where your UV's are mirrored (so the seam in the direct middle), and then cut the UV's there (Mark UV Seam, in many programs).
This fixes the issue. If I'm not explaining it correctly or clearly, let me know, I can use nice pictures to show you exactly what to do.
Have errors on a mirrored part of my mesh, UV aren't overlapping and the mesh shown has UVs in the +1 V Space. The lighting is mirrored as well, so when one side of the bug is lit the other side is as well. I have seen similar problems before, same thing is happening with the eyes they are always lit wrong. Feels like I'm losing it, haven't had this issue before.
I saw this got asked before, but a option to turn off texture filtering would be nice, so we can render lowpoly models with texture sizes of 32x32 and above.
another thing worth checking when shading looks odd is the tangent basis (under view tab: reference). when exporting the mesh from max via obj that screwed up for me pretty quickly. if it's broken in your case, use (a recent) fbx exporter, triangulate the mesh and check 'tangents and bi-normals' on export.
Johnny come lately here but that solved my artifact issue! Thanks!
I saw this got asked before, but a option to turn off texture filtering would be nice, so we can render lowpoly models with texture sizes of 32x32 and above.
what is the most ideal way of baking a displacement map for the DX11 tesselation feature?
should i subdivide my mesh a couple of times (so it's the target density WITH tesselation) and then bake the displacement map?
which software gives the best results for displacement in marmoset? bearing in mind almost all of them have different settings and results, and much like normalmaps, almost all of the editors i've tried have different ways of outputting displacement.
I'd be also interested to know a bit more about the displacement map workflow and marmoset. I did a few tests and got decent results with maps extracted from topogun, but I'd be interested to hear who's using what and how .
I saw this got asked before, but a option to turn off texture filtering would be nice, so we can render lowpoly models with texture sizes of 32x32 and above.
Is there a way to toggle image maps? Like if I want to toggle just my normal map on/off - currently what I do is open the mipmap preview and go down until the image is gone, but this is kinda silly for obvious reasons.
New Toolbag version has been released guys, version 1.07
There's no change log on the Marmoset website, but I have tested it myself. Custom lights is now working - one of the major glitches in the previous version to do with AMD 7000 series GPUs. I'm told the gamma issues are still present due to AMD's drivers, rather than something on Marmoset's side.
Have errors on a mirrored part of my mesh, UV aren't overlapping and the mesh shown has UVs in the +1 V Space. The lighting is mirrored as well, so when one side of the bug is lit the other side is as well. I have seen similar problems before, same thing is happening with the eyes they are always lit wrong. Feels like I'm losing it, haven't had this issue before.
What are you export it as? .obj, .fbx?
I've had bizarre seam issues that disappeared when I exported the object with a UVW unwrap on the top of the stack (I'm using Max) as an FBX.
I have NO idea why having a UVW unwrap modifier on my mesh makes the seams disappear but I swear it does.
I don't know if thats the right place but I need help.
I'm trying use the marmoset toolbag in windows 7 x64 but this error appears
"The application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect. Please see the application event log for more detail"
i tried many Microsoft Visual C + + but had no results.
The error that appears is this
"Microsoft.VC80.CRT version 8.0.50727.6195. cannot be found"
i´m trying to install vcredist_IA64, but failed to install.
Any help will be very grateful.
Had this as well when upgrading to 1.07. A reinstall of the MS Visual C 2005 and 2005 SP1 Redistributables fixed it (after a fair amount of fiddling and swearing).
Hi! I updated to 1.07 and now the toolbag doesn't work. The aplication has faild to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect. anybody know how to fix this issue?
Had this as well when upgrading to 1.07. A reinstall of the MS Visual C 2005 and 2005 SP1 Redistributables fixed it (after a fair amount of fiddling and swearing).
One post above your's
disclaimer: didn't need to do that myself, so not sure this'll work for you
What graphics card?
What drivers?
Running as Admin?
Did it run before? If yes, what was the last few things you did before it stopped working?
Does going back to the older version still work?
For those wondering, I had 1.06 installed in Windows7 64bit, upgraded to Windows 8. 1.07 no go on Windows 8, however, 1.07 runs just fine under Windows 8.
Hi all, I've tried searching for info for this but I can't find anything, and marmoset's help doesn't mention it either but:
Is there a way to get Marmoset to import multiple UV tiles and assign each tile its own textures/shaders straight from a mesh without having to actually separate the mesh? This would save a lot of time...
Hi all, I've tried searching for info for this but I can't find anything, and marmoset's help doesn't mention it either but:
Is there a way to get Marmoset to import multiple UV tiles and assign each tile its own textures/shaders straight from a mesh without having to actually separate the mesh? This would save a lot of time...
You need to have a separate mesh chunk/object for each additional material.
There currently isn't any way to load "material ids" or similar, if that's what you're looking for.
Marmoset already automatically updates meshes and images of the same name. Is that what you need?
You can't edit meshes within Marmoset, but if you save over a mesh once you have made changes in Max or textures in Photoshop or whatever, it will automatically load the changed mesh.
Just make sure Auto-Reload and Auto-Reload Textures are checked in the File menu.
well - as metalliandy pointed out - it does try to do that. it's just in my experience that the update isn't all that reliable in the versions i've tried to use it in. not something to count on for a workflow IMO.
also - when you're changing the scene - you're changing the scene
if you wanted realtime display and editing capabilities at the same time it almost sounds like you'd have to look at building your stuff in something like unreal or cryengine-worldeditor from building blocks. then you'd end up with content that most likely could not be easily transferred/rendered in max though.
I want to render my ship model in marmoset, i usually render in maya/max. The problem I have is how can i achieve the maya smooth in marmoset? otherwise my model looks a bit dull in some areas such as arc o cylinder shapes?
Thanks very much
You're going to have to be more specific by what you mean when you say "Maya smooth" are you talking about sub-division? Smooth mesh normals?
Im talking about subdivision yh, something equivalent to maya smooth preview or max smoothing groups.
Pretty much this. You can mess about with the sub-division for displacement, but you should really have a displacement map to use that, otherwise results will likely be unpredictable.
But yeah, just sub-divide your mesh before exporting. (mesh -> smooth in maya).
Generally you wouldn't be using sub-d like this for a realtime/game asset, so I'm a little confused as to exactly what you're trying to do?
Load your highpoly in marmoset?
question is how to move marmoset meshes, textures and materials to a different computer without the mesh file losing its connection to its materials. i have a mesh with materials hooked up on my desktop, but i also need to take them with me on my laptop. if i move the mesh, materials and textures to my laptop, the mesh opens up without the materials connected. once i load the materials in, the texture connections are broken as well. it is because the mesh file, textures and materials aren't in the exact same location in the directory structure on my laptop. so is there a way to get this to work, or does the entire same directory structure need to be intact? from where the mesh file is located all directories further down are in the same location, it is just that the mesh file, materials and textures are located on a different drive.
Yeah, thats exactley my problem.
I can load high poly models, but is not an option for game assests.
The problem I have is due to arc and cylinder shapes, wich need to appear smoothed (subd.
If your model has partial UV's, delete the UV's and try again. (I was quickly throwing pieces together to export to the toolbag, but one piece did not have UV's)
I'm currently having an issue at the seams. They are showing up at the seams where my symmetry start.
Do you know what produce this?
I've got a character with UVs and a separate weapon with its own UVs. When I go to attach the weapon to the character I see there are separate Materials and the exporter tells me there are 2 materials, but when I import it into MT, it doesn't show up as two different chunks. Any suggestions?
I tried this many times this evening and now I can't seem to attach the two pieces and keep the UVs. If I do manage to keep the UVs, Max crashes when I try to export this model. GGAAAHHH! Does anyone have any ideas as to what I am doing wrong???
Make sure you have two separate objects, not just materials, in max. Attaching them would seem to be counter productive to your problem.
Hey, nobody has answered you yet, and I noticed another person had the same question, so allow me.
That artifact you're getting happens when you lay out your UV's, and then you mirror the model or the UV's. When this happens in whatever modeling program you're using the mirrored UV's get aligned directly underneath the original UV's, if that makes sense, like folding a piece of paper on itself.
To fix this problem, you have to select the loop where your UV's are mirrored (so the seam in the direct middle), and then cut the UV's there (Mark UV Seam, in many programs).
This fixes the issue. If I'm not explaining it correctly or clearly, let me know, I can use nice pictures to show you exactly what to do.
GAH! I knew it was something stupidly simple I missed! Thanks EarthQuake, problem solved :thumbup:
Right now it makes small textures non-pixely
Johnny come lately here but that solved my artifact issue! Thanks!
Agreed, I would love the same thing !
should i subdivide my mesh a couple of times (so it's the target density WITH tesselation) and then bake the displacement map?
which software gives the best results for displacement in marmoset? bearing in mind almost all of them have different settings and results, and much like normalmaps, almost all of the editors i've tried have different ways of outputting displacement.
disabling mipmapping would also be useful
There's no change log on the Marmoset website, but I have tested it myself. Custom lights is now working - one of the major glitches in the previous version to do with AMD 7000 series GPUs. I'm told the gamma issues are still present due to AMD's drivers, rather than something on Marmoset's side.
And now it does'nt work T_T
I made a new intallation with new Exe from official Site
My problem is not fixed
If someone have any idea ^^
Have you made sure you don't have any phantom Toolbag processes going on in the background?
What are you export it as? .obj, .fbx?
I've had bizarre seam issues that disappeared when I exported the object with a UVW unwrap on the top of the stack (I'm using Max) as an FBX.
I have NO idea why having a UVW unwrap modifier on my mesh makes the seams disappear but I swear it does.
I have Windows XP
So I working on the 1.06
I'm trying use the marmoset toolbag in windows 7 x64 but this error appears
"The application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect. Please see the application event log for more detail"
i tried many Microsoft Visual C + + but had no results.
The error that appears is this
"Microsoft.VC80.CRT version 8.0.50727.6195. cannot be found"
i´m trying to install vcredist_IA64, but failed to install.
Any help will be very grateful.
sorry by the bad English
The aplication has faild to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect.
anybody know how to fix this issue?
One post above your's
disclaimer: didn't need to do that myself, so not sure this'll work for you
The aplication has faild to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect.
any other suggestions?
(You will need the x86 redistributables from these links as the x64 ones will not fix the issues - wtg MS!)
Have you installed both these packages? Marmoset misbehaved as long as I hadn't reinstalled them both.
What drivers?
Running as Admin?
Did it run before? If yes, what was the last few things you did before it stopped working?
Does going back to the older version still work?
That said, Version 1.03 works correctly with little to no hassle.
ATI 6950 // Windows 8 X64
Is there a way to get Marmoset to import multiple UV tiles and assign each tile its own textures/shaders straight from a mesh without having to actually separate the mesh? This would save a lot of time...
You need to have a separate mesh chunk/object for each additional material.
There currently isn't any way to load "material ids" or similar, if that's what you're looking for.