It depends, but you can't transfer the licence to another PC without deactivating the current install (as each key is locked to your hardware)
If you have reinstalled windows or your hard drive has crashed, then you will need to email them to get a new key.
Are you following the license transfer info on page 22 in the Marmoset docs?
i start the license transfer tool, give my new hardware fingerprint and then it crashes without providing me a new key, but it still deactivates my old one
i start the license transfer tool, give my new hardware fingerprint and then it crashes without providing me a new key, but it still deactivates my old one
Hmm, I would email them with the fingerprint to get a new key.
I really don't know how to fix the issue you are having
I can't seem to render dynamic lights in marmoset. Everytime I go to add a new light the user interface goes blank. There are no menus on screen. I don't get an error message. Im using an ATI Radeon HD 7850 graphics card. Is this just a graphics card problem?
it look like i got some problem with the download system... i did enter my email but nothing come in my inbox... it was a bug ? i didn't have any problem with my email, i wonder why ? i guess because my email is from orange.fr
Iam currently having problem with my alpha planes. This seems to me like its the Alpha Sorting Issue. However It displays fine inside Marmoset viewport with Alpha to Coverage turned on but Doesnt work when i take a screenshot ( Render )
Here are few images to explain further
t would be great if anyone could help. Thank you
I've run into this problem before and my suggestion would be to turn on both 'Use Alpha Testing' and 'Use Alpha-to-Coverage' but ramp up the 'Alpha Threshold' to around 0.15 or higher - not too high though, because your mesh will disappear. Also, make sure you set the blend mode to 'Alpha' - this is vital. Hope this helps.
I can't seem to render dynamic lights in marmoset. Everytime I go to add a new light the user interface goes blank. There are no menus on screen. I don't get an error message. Im using an ATI Radeon HD 7850 graphics card. Is this just a graphics card problem?
I'm having the same issues as you Zin83, and this is especially annoying since I've recently bought a new graphics card - ATI Radeon HD 7770. I never had any problems with the UI or mesh disappearing with my previous card (Nvidia 9600GT), or the ATI HD 5570. I've emailed a bug report to the Marmoset team in hope that they'd fix the issue. Will report back if and when I recieve a reply.
The other minor issue I've encountered since installing the new card is the UI now appears 'washed out'. Again, never had this issue with either the Nvidia card (9600GT) or ATI card (HD 5570).
I've figured that it must be a compatibility issue Marmoset has with newer ATI cards (7000 series), since trying to fix it by uninstalling / reinstalling marmoset and updating to latest and beta drivers. Despite this everything else works perfectly, apart from the custom lights feature mentioned above.
Does using alpha blend, with properly sorted alpha meshes produce a cleaner look in marmoset? I am currently trying to update to the latest one, but have some license issues they are taking care of.
Trying out Marmoset for the first time and running the 30day trial of 106. I knocked up a very quick rock in zbrush as a test piece to bake and got my maps from xNormal. Using the xNormal 3d viewer everything is fine, however in marmoset I was getting seams so I figured flipped channel or something was to blame. No success with changing any settings or maps, but now it appears that there is something else to blame.
I downloaded the trial of Marmoset at work, wondering if something was amiss on my home setup, but this time I had re-exported the low res from max (2009) with the mesh scaled up and the XForm reset. This version of the low res works fine in marmoset, no seams. Trying to reproduce this on my home machine however and things remain broken.
Importing this working version of the mesh into max and re-exporting causes it to again be broken and display seams. The 2 meshes also look different in marmoset as soon as I load them in (i.e. with no textures applied). I'm definitely exporting with my smoothing groups (per UV island), and I can't see any other settings that could be causing this to happen, but I can't for the life of me get a working version exported correctly on my home machine. I'm also getting fluctuating file sizes (1st image 20kb, 2nd image 27kb, 3rd image 18kb)
I'm having the same issues as you Zin83, and this is especially annoying since I've recently bought a new graphics card - ATI Radeon HD 7770. I never had any problems with the UI or mesh disappearing with my previous card (Nvidia 9600GT), or the ATI HD 5570. I've emailed a bug report to the Marmoset team in hope that they'd fix the issue. Will report back if and when I recieve a reply.
I got an email back from them and they said Marmoset has been tested on Radeon 5000 and 6000 series cards, not yet on the 7000 series of cards though. They're concerned about it and looking into a fix for it. I'll post back here once I've gotten another response.
New release looks good, loving the new icon too. Thanks guys.
I have been attempting to sort out a normal map shading issues in toolbag for the past 3 days (read banging head on keyboard, alot). In particular I was getting hard edges and random tears when the normal map was applied. I found that using ResetXForm sorted the issue for me. Hope this helps someone
I'm having a bit of trouble with maya 2012 and tangents/binormals. Whenever I use a detail map it randomly flips the strength of the detail based off the tangents/bitangents of the mesh from maya. I've remapped it, unlocked/reset normals, tried flipping normals/uv winding, and every combination of OBJ and FBX settings (including the obvious tangent/binormals flag). Any help would be great as I'm at my wits end.
Excuse the silly question if it is stated somewhere already but is it possible to load 2 texture sheets at the same time? Say if I have a weapon with a silencer on a separate sheet, how do I load them both in the scene at the same time?
If they are different objects in the same obj then yes. In the materials tab on the right side you can assign materials to different objects in the scene.
I think I'm going to post this here since it is about Marmoset. I modeled this carriage in Maya 2012 and brought it into Marmoset 1.05 and I get this:
I have tried triangulating it and deleted all history. However I do have UVs on top of each other for easier texturing since this isn't going in a game engine, that might be it. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
I'm having issues... I have two meshes and two materials. For some reason, the textures from one mesh affect the other one, and it creates this weird speckled specular effect. It's super annoying
I'm having issues... I have two meshes and two materials. For some reason, the textures from one mesh affect the other one, and it creates this weird speckled specular effect. It's super annoying
Did you make sure you created, saved and applied 2 separate materials to the meshes? The default material thats assigned to the mesh will go wacko unless you create and apply a new material to the mesh you want it on.
How much is Toolbag now? I've been to the website but the buy tab leads you to a 404.
It's $49.99.
They changed their name to Marmoset and website over to a new .co url, which explains the 404.
They now can be found at http://www.marmoset.co/toolbag/store#buy
@Monophobe: I've had problems like that too; sometimes if I use a .fbx mesh it looks like that, but at times it'll look fine. I just use .obj files. I have no idea what's up with the importing/exporting craziness though.
I also have a problem with rendering this girl; I exported her from 3ds Max as an .obj and am currently using a diffuse, specular, and normal map in a phong environment. But, I keep getting these weird shading errors on certain parts of the model. This never happened before I used the skin modifier, though.
I can probably still work with this, but it looks like poop and I don't like it.
I tried changing it to an editable mesh and then back to an editable poly, but nothing. I tried attaching it to a box and then detaching (which sometimes solves some issues). None of the pieces take up the same space in the UV channel because I offsetted them.
The only things I can think of at the moment are A) I have been exporting things the wrong way the entire time I have used the program (which is very likely) or Something went wrong with the skin modifier (I exported with the skin modifier collapsed, and nothing changed).
I have no idea what's up with this. If anyone has any ideas, please help.
I am trying to take a screenshot of my wolf fur model but I encounter some problems with the transparency of my model. On the first picture the left fur has no problems and it was taken with print screen option. The other fur has no transparency at all and it was taken with marmoset toolbag built in screenshot option.
Here I have added a bit of alpha threashold and now there is transparency but there are also some wierd seams
Do you hae any ideas how I could fix it ?
What tangent basis is the toolbag using? I've got a bake from max and thought I'd test out the new toolbag, but I'm seeing all the usual triangulation issues associated with incorrect tangent basis (not in sync the baking tangents).
Model is exported from Max 2012 using FBX 2012 (.fbx of course), with tangents & binormals.
What tangent basis is the toolbag using? I've got a bake from max and thought I'd test out the new toolbag, but I'm seeing all the usual triangulation issues associated with incorrect tangent basis (not in sync the baking tangents).
Model is exported from Max 2012 using FBX 2012 (.fbx of course), with tangents & binormals.
AFAIK, it uses the old xNormal one, before that got replaced with mikktspace
xNormal is still a very good match though with very few errors.
Ah righto, thanks for that.
Does xNormal have the ability to switch between the old and new?
If you can get hold of an old version of xNormal then you can switch between them by hitting the plugin icon at the bottom left of the main interface and going to the Tangent Basis Calculators tab and picking the old one in there.
The think the old tangent space would go into the plugins directory in the xNormal install path...I'm not 100% sure on that though.
AFAIK, it uses the old xNormal one, before that got replaced with mikktspace
xNormal is still a very good match though with very few errors.
This isn't really correct. Xnormal has a .mesh loader that you can use to bake, but we never really got the best results with it(I wouldn't call it "synced"). The .mesh tangent space isn't quite what Xnormal uses(even the older version) afaik. You'll need to make your cage within Xnormal if you're using the .mesh loader though, which isn't a great solution.
You can get .mesh files from loading an obj(or whatever) in toolbag and resaving it, or by using the stooge export plugin for Maya.
Personally I get the best results baking in Maya 2008, using a script to harden edges along uv borders and then using the Maya stooge exporter. Also being liberal with the bevels and hard edges/uv splits to ensure your smoothing doesn't get out of hand.
OBJ out of Maya should be pretty good too(if baked in Maya), but make sure to lock normals and then triangulate before exporting.
This isn't really correct. Xnormal has a .mesh loader that you can use to bake, but we never really got the best results with it(I wouldn't call it "synced"). The .mesh tangent space isn't quite what Xnormal uses(even the older version) afaik. You'll need to make your cage within Xnormal if you're using the .mesh loader though, which isn't a great solution.
You can get .mesh files from loading an obj(or whatever) in toolbag and resaving it, or by using the stooge export plugin for Maya.
Personally I get the best results baking in Maya 2008, using a script to harden edges along uv borders and then using the Maya stooge exporter. Also being liberal with the bevels and hard edges/uv splits to ensure your smoothing doesn't get out of hand.
OBJ out of Maya should be pretty good too(if baked in Maya), but make sure to lock normals and then triangulate before exporting.
ahh ok, cool. Thanks for the heads up.
You can still get good results using an obj and baking with xNormal too (though I use an obj mesh as a cage) but the results are decent enough with only a few errors as long as you use hard edges/uv splits etc.
Personally I get the best results baking in Maya 2008, using a script to harden edges along uv borders and then using the Maya stooge exporter. Also being liberal with the bevels and hard edges/uv splits to ensure your smoothing doesn't get out of hand.
In a very general sense this should improve a max-baking specific workflow as well, as you're essentially reducing the extreme shading, so tangent space issues are less of an issue. You can use the function in Textools(I think thats the one) to convert uv islands to smoothing groups.
I haven't tried it out(from max), but if you're using max anyway this is probably easier for you to do, as baking directly in max with max's cage system is better than an xnormal centric workflow, so at the very least it should be easier to do testbakes and tweak and testbake and tweak etc to figure out what works. Neither Max nor XN provides a correct tangent space, so you might as well use Max if you're comfortable with it, though I would be really curious to see your results.
ahh ok, cool. Thanks for the heads up.
You can still get good results using an obj and baking with xNormal too (though I use an obj mesh as a cage) but the results are decent enough with only a few errors as long as you use hard edges/uv splits etc.
NP, the reason I generally avoid baking in XN with OBJ only is that the default ray casting method creates gaps at your hard edges, and the cage editor is really annoying to use. So if I'm baking in XN(as has been requested by clients, with custom XN tangent plugins) I generally do the cage setup in Max or Maya, and export to xnormal via SBM. XN in itself isn't really "bad" in any way when it comes to bakes, its just that nothing is actually synced with Marmoset, so I gravitate towards the app that has the best baking tools.
I am trying to take a screenshot of my wolf fur model but I encounter some problems with the transparency of my model. On the first picture the left fur has no problems and it was taken with print screen option. The other fur has no transparency at all and it was taken with marmoset toolbag built in screenshot option.
Here I have added a bit of alpha threashold and now there is transparency but there are also some wierd seams
Do you hae any ideas how I could fix it ?
So no one knows how this might be fixed ? I found that this issue should have been fixed in earlier versions of the app but looks like it is not or am I doing somethign wrong ?
I got an email back from them and they said Marmoset has been tested on Radeon 5000 and 6000 series cards, not yet on the 7000 series of cards though. They're concerned about it and looking into a fix for it. I'll post back here once I've gotten another response.
Hi guys,
I got another reply, and they said they've found a fix for the interface disappearing (custom lighting issue) with the AMD 7000 series cards. They're still working on fixing the other bugs reported, amongst them another issue I was having with the interface having a washed-out appearance. The team is working to get a new release out soon (version 1.07), either this weekend or early next week.
Hello to the forum.
I'm a 3ds max user, working in ArchVIZ. I already tried Artlantis and i didn't like it because of it's complete inability to edit models in any way.
Example: i have a finished house, ready to be rendered, but client has changed his mind and wants to move one window to the left, and add another one. This would involve "hacks" like deleting parts of the model, exporting only those parts, importing them, assigning materials all over again, and if changes collide with something else in the model it would just become to much of a hassle.
My question is, can Marmoset be used in that type of workflow in terms of editing model on the fly? If not, would the process of changing it be the same as described above?
no, marmoset would not be helpful there at all - you'd have to re-export everything everytime the mesh changes ever so slightly. and re-assign materials (in my case anyway).
no, marmoset would not be helpful there at all - you'd have to re-export everything everytime the mesh changes ever so slightly. and re-assign materials (in my case anyway).
This is correct, Marmoset is a model viewing application, not a 3d modeling application. Any mesh editing will have to be done in your 3d application of choice.
no, marmoset would not be helpful there at all - you'd have to re-export everything everytime the mesh changes ever so slightly. and re-assign materials (in my case anyway).
Damn, it would be nice if at least one of these render only applications was smart enough to recognize that you're trying to import something with the same name, and then automatically delete the old one and assign that same material to the new one.
Stuck with "Mental/V-ray". For now.
It depends, but you can't transfer the licence to another PC without deactivating the current install (as each key is locked to your hardware)
If you have reinstalled windows or your hard drive has crashed, then you will need to email them to get a new key.
Are you following the license transfer info on page 22 in the Marmoset docs?
the thing is
i start the license transfer tool, give my new hardware fingerprint and then it crashes without providing me a new key, but it still deactivates my old one
I really don't know how to fix the issue you are having
I've run into this problem before and my suggestion would be to turn on both 'Use Alpha Testing' and 'Use Alpha-to-Coverage' but ramp up the 'Alpha Threshold' to around 0.15 or higher - not too high though, because your mesh will disappear. Also, make sure you set the blend mode to 'Alpha' - this is vital. Hope this helps.
I'm having the same issues as you Zin83, and this is especially annoying since I've recently bought a new graphics card - ATI Radeon HD 7770. I never had any problems with the UI or mesh disappearing with my previous card (Nvidia 9600GT), or the ATI HD 5570. I've emailed a bug report to the Marmoset team in hope that they'd fix the issue. Will report back if and when I recieve a reply.
The other minor issue I've encountered since installing the new card is the UI now appears 'washed out'. Again, never had this issue with either the Nvidia card (9600GT) or ATI card (HD 5570).
I've figured that it must be a compatibility issue Marmoset has with newer ATI cards (7000 series), since trying to fix it by uninstalling / reinstalling marmoset and updating to latest and beta drivers. Despite this everything else works perfectly, apart from the custom lights feature mentioned above.
Trying out Marmoset for the first time and running the 30day trial of 106. I knocked up a very quick rock in zbrush as a test piece to bake and got my maps from xNormal. Using the xNormal 3d viewer everything is fine, however in marmoset I was getting seams so I figured flipped channel or something was to blame. No success with changing any settings or maps, but now it appears that there is something else to blame.
I downloaded the trial of Marmoset at work, wondering if something was amiss on my home setup, but this time I had re-exported the low res from max (2009) with the mesh scaled up and the XForm reset. This version of the low res works fine in marmoset, no seams. Trying to reproduce this on my home machine however and things remain broken.
Importing this working version of the mesh into max and re-exporting causes it to again be broken and display seams. The 2 meshes also look different in marmoset as soon as I load them in (i.e. with no textures applied). I'm definitely exporting with my smoothing groups (per UV island), and I can't see any other settings that could be causing this to happen, but I can't for the life of me get a working version exported correctly on my home machine. I'm also getting fluctuating file sizes (1st image 20kb, 2nd image 27kb, 3rd image 18kb)
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Cheers.
I got an email back from them and they said Marmoset has been tested on Radeon 5000 and 6000 series cards, not yet on the 7000 series of cards though. They're concerned about it and looking into a fix for it. I'll post back here once I've gotten another response.
New release looks good, loving the new icon too. Thanks guys.
I have been attempting to sort out a normal map shading issues in toolbag for the past 3 days (read banging head on keyboard, alot). In particular I was getting hard edges and random tears when the normal map was applied. I found that using ResetXForm sorted the issue for me. Hope this helps someone
Cheers mate.
Searched back and forth....
View tab> Wireframe check box near the bottom
I have tried triangulating it and deleted all history. However I do have UVs on top of each other for easier texturing since this isn't going in a game engine, that might be it. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
Overlapped UV can't do that.
For me it looks like corrupted vertices.
Did you make sure you created, saved and applied 2 separate materials to the meshes? The default material thats assigned to the mesh will go wacko unless you create and apply a new material to the mesh you want it on.
It's $49.99.
They changed their name to Marmoset and website over to a new .co url, which explains the 404.
They now can be found at http://www.marmoset.co/toolbag/store#buy
@Monophobe: I've had problems like that too; sometimes if I use a .fbx mesh it looks like that, but at times it'll look fine. I just use .obj files. I have no idea what's up with the importing/exporting craziness though.
I also have a problem with rendering this girl; I exported her from 3ds Max as an .obj and am currently using a diffuse, specular, and normal map in a phong environment. But, I keep getting these weird shading errors on certain parts of the model. This never happened before I used the skin modifier, though.
I can probably still work with this, but it looks like poop and I don't like it.
I tried changing it to an editable mesh and then back to an editable poly, but nothing. I tried attaching it to a box and then detaching (which sometimes solves some issues). None of the pieces take up the same space in the UV channel because I offsetted them.
The only things I can think of at the moment are A) I have been exporting things the wrong way the entire time I have used the program (which is very likely) or
I have no idea what's up with this. If anyone has any ideas, please help.
I am trying to take a screenshot of my wolf fur model but I encounter some problems with the transparency of my model. On the first picture the left fur has no problems and it was taken with print screen option. The other fur has no transparency at all and it was taken with marmoset toolbag built in screenshot option.
Here I have added a bit of alpha threashold and now there is transparency but there are also some wierd seams
Do you hae any ideas how I could fix it ?
Model is exported from Max 2012 using FBX 2012 (.fbx of course), with tangents & binormals.
xNormal is still a very good match though with very few errors.
Does xNormal have the ability to switch between the old and new?
The think the old tangent space would go into the plugins directory in the xNormal install path...I'm not 100% sure on that though.
This isn't really correct. Xnormal has a .mesh loader that you can use to bake, but we never really got the best results with it(I wouldn't call it "synced"). The .mesh tangent space isn't quite what Xnormal uses(even the older version) afaik. You'll need to make your cage within Xnormal if you're using the .mesh loader though, which isn't a great solution.
You can get .mesh files from loading an obj(or whatever) in toolbag and resaving it, or by using the stooge export plugin for Maya.
Personally I get the best results baking in Maya 2008, using a script to harden edges along uv borders and then using the Maya stooge exporter. Also being liberal with the bevels and hard edges/uv splits to ensure your smoothing doesn't get out of hand.
OBJ out of Maya should be pretty good too(if baked in Maya), but make sure to lock normals and then triangulate before exporting.
ahh ok, cool. Thanks for the heads up.
You can still get good results using an obj and baking with xNormal too (though I use an obj mesh as a cage) but the results are decent enough with only a few errors as long as you use hard edges/uv splits etc.
What about Max love though?
In a very general sense this should improve a max-baking specific workflow as well, as you're essentially reducing the extreme shading, so tangent space issues are less of an issue. You can use the function in Textools(I think thats the one) to convert uv islands to smoothing groups.
I haven't tried it out(from max), but if you're using max anyway this is probably easier for you to do, as baking directly in max with max's cage system is better than an xnormal centric workflow, so at the very least it should be easier to do testbakes and tweak and testbake and tweak etc to figure out what works. Neither Max nor XN provides a correct tangent space, so you might as well use Max if you're comfortable with it, though I would be really curious to see your results.
NP, the reason I generally avoid baking in XN with OBJ only is that the default ray casting method creates gaps at your hard edges, and the cage editor is really annoying to use. So if I'm baking in XN(as has been requested by clients, with custom XN tangent plugins) I generally do the cage setup in Max or Maya, and export to xnormal via SBM. XN in itself isn't really "bad" in any way when it comes to bakes, its just that nothing is actually synced with Marmoset, so I gravitate towards the app that has the best baking tools.
So no one knows how this might be fixed ? I found that this issue should have been fixed in earlier versions of the app but looks like it is not or am I doing somethign wrong ?
Hi guys,
I got another reply, and they said they've found a fix for the interface disappearing (custom lighting issue) with the AMD 7000 series cards. They're still working on fixing the other bugs reported, amongst them another issue I was having with the interface having a washed-out appearance. The team is working to get a new release out soon (version 1.07), either this weekend or early next week.
Keep an eye out for it
I've recently downloaded the update and it seems to have corrected the problems I was having. Yay!
lowpoly vs tesselated & displaced in Marmoset 1.06
Tess & Displacement doesn't seem to make that huge of and impact for the most part, tho the ears and scalp are much improved.
I'm a 3ds max user, working in ArchVIZ. I already tried Artlantis and i didn't like it because of it's complete inability to edit models in any way.
Example: i have a finished house, ready to be rendered, but client has changed his mind and wants to move one window to the left, and add another one. This would involve "hacks" like deleting parts of the model, exporting only those parts, importing them, assigning materials all over again, and if changes collide with something else in the model it would just become to much of a hassle.
My question is, can Marmoset be used in that type of workflow in terms of editing model on the fly? If not, would the process of changing it be the same as described above?
Thanks in advance!
This is correct, Marmoset is a model viewing application, not a 3d modeling application. Any mesh editing will have to be done in your 3d application of choice.
Damn, it would be nice if at least one of these render only applications was smart enough to recognize that you're trying to import something with the same name, and then automatically delete the old one and assign that same material to the new one.
Stuck with "Mental/V-ray". For now.
Thanks guys!