Hey Earthquake. Well as you can see the saved screenshots are coming out weird and the toolbag is showing an alpha without any textures loaded at all. So it's somehow picking up an alpha, I don't know where though.
Thanks for the screenshot with the material settings shown, this is an easy fix. The problem is that you do not have a diffuse map applied. You must have a diffuse map and normal map applied at minimum, otherwise the app will load a random texture from the VMem and throw it in there, which is what you're seeing (likely some image from the UI is being used). Its a bit of a weird bug/feature.
Is there an issue with Marmoset 1.08 and AMD 7800 cards? Specifically I am seeing the edge of my different meshes if they are open (not "sealed" mesh) popping through. In example, say the teeth. From certain angles you see the outline of the bottom open edge of the teeth showing through the head mesh. I did shrink it to the default human reference.
Didn't see a current bug list on Marmoset.co to compare against.
I don't believe I saw this issue on my Nvidia machine.
Is there an issue with Marmoset 1.08 and AMD 7800 cards? Specifically I am seeing the edge of my different meshes if they are open (not "sealed" mesh) popping through. In example, say the teeth. From certain angles you see the outline of the bottom open edge of the teeth showing through the head mesh. I did shrink it to the default human reference.
Didn't see a current bug list on Marmoset.co to compare against.
I don't believe I saw this issue on my Nvidia machine.
Yeah, I think there are some issues on various ATI cards still, getting Toolbag to run stable on ATI cards is a constant battle unfortunately.
Post a screenshot and I'll get it logged in our internal bug system.
I highly recommend running it on a system with an nvidia card if you have access to one.
Oxy, those problems become much more intense if you have lights other than the skylight added - if you have some, try turning them off to see if that makes it bearable. Not being able to use lights is a bit shitty though.
Earthquake, here are some screenshots I have of the issue (win7, amd 7870). Note the one circled in blue isn't because of the lights, marmoset just seems worse at z-sorting? (In reflection I should've joined the mesh there, but in some cases it's impractical)
Lights on:
lights off:
Also meshes seem to flicker constantly if I enable tessellation with specularity enabled.
Hi, i like to include in the render the Marmoset Toolbag watermark.
I set this option ON but no logo is rendered.
I have a license working fine.
Is there another type of full license ?
ty in advance
“Include Toolbag logo” will re-enable the Marmoset Toolbag watermark on your
exported images and video – to show the world how you get your pretty pictures,
of course. **This option is only available for full licensees**
Bek: Thanks for the shots. Z-sorting is a bit of an issue with marmoset, you can try scaling the mesh up, I think that should help in some cases.
Yeah I did give that a go (after googling the issue previously and finding that suggestion), didn't seem to make a difference though (Using marmoset's slider, not re-exporting a larger mesh if there's a difference somehow). Lowering the FOV (As if you wanted to take an orthographic shot) also makes it much worse.
Hi, i like to include in the render the Marmoset Toolbag watermark.
I set this option ON but no logo is rendered.
Try playing with the Enlargement and AA values in the Output tab. Adding 2x enlargement made the logo work for me for memory. Or you could download the marmoset logo and add it manually in photoshop.
Does anybody have a decent lighting tutorial for marmoset? Specifically for hard surface (weapon). I just can't get a decent setup and, even though the standard lighting presets are cool, it just doesn't add to the model very much. I've tried the advice on lighting on the marmoset website too but can't seem to get anywhere with that either...
I've baked my normalmaps in object space and they look great in Toolbag! However I have one mesh that uses mirrored UVs, so the lighting was the same on both sides of the x-axis. I've since used handplane to convert the objectspace map but every type (_max, _maya2012/2013 etc) I've tried results in the seam being visible down the centre of the mirrored UVs. What's the best practice for tangent maps currently? Do any of the handplane presets yield good results with mirrored UVs?
I've baked my normalmaps in object space and they look great in Toolbag! However I have one mesh that uses mirrored UVs, so the lighting was the same on both sides of the x-axis. I've since used handplane to convert the objectspace map but every type (_max, _maya2012/2013 etc) I've tried results in the seam being visible down the centre of the mirrored UVs. What's the best practice for tangent maps currently? Do any of the handplane presets yield good results with mirrored UVs?
Handplane does not currently have a "Toolbag" preset and none of them will match 100%, though Maya 2012 is probably the closest. In Toolbag 2.0 we plan on supporting a variety of tangent spaces though.
Hey there!
I've been using marmoset for a while now but The little thing that is bugging me is I feel that my render never get a very crisp result like the result I can see from other people using marmoset too. When I am using spotlight instead of only the different skybox I often get artifact and light shining trought some area (like from inside the polygone under the shirt etc). I noticed too that when I take my screenshot, at 100% I always get very blurry and non defined texture. Tho my texture are very crips and have way higher resolution that what is showing up in my screenshot. People made me notice that I always get those black outline on my characters, I am not using the outline option
I am sorry if any of those subjetcs have been covered before, I did some research and found nothing really that similar
Here is a screenshot of the blurry texture at 100%, you can see artifact around the eye from using spotlights and outline around the silhouette
Here is a screenshot of the blurry texture at 100%, you can see artifact around the eye from using spotlights and outline around the silhouette
Hey Tits, first things first, be sure you updated to the most recent graphics drivers available.
Do the strange artifacts only appear when a dynamic light (spotlight) is in the scene?
Also, what are your image output settings (enlargement & supersampling)? Have you noticed the strange outline artifact changing with adjustments to those settings? Lastly, try taking the same screenshot with the exact same export settings, but with Sharpen disabled (Render tab->Post Effects->Sharpen) then compare. Does the output improve?
Hey! I aldready checked for new driver but I am up to date, I am wondering if its because i'm using an AMD video card?
The artifact mostly happens/ is more noticeable with dynamic lights.
I tried a lot of different output setting, from no supersampling to 25 multisampling etc. The quality doesn't even seem to change no matter what setting I chose. For the outline I didn't notice if the sharpen affect it but without it it's very blurry and doesn't look right at all. I will try to do another render with my BF computer who use Nvidia, will see if it makes a difference.
@Tits, Thanks for checking on those. The strange silhouette artifact is a known issue when sharpening is combined with supersampling on output.
There is also some biasing disabled on ATI cards due to ATI cards not playing nicely with OpenGL. That could be the source of the blurry texture effect you are experiencing. Just to be sure this is the case, let us know how the same scene looks on the NVIDIA card when you get the chance to test that. There may be another global mip-mapping bug we need to investigate.
Greetings, humans! Have a problem - can't load .obj and .fbx models into Marmoset. Capsule and plane - which are coming as examples (.mesh format) are loading ok.
When I chose a file and pressed OPEN - nothing happens - at all (!!!). <---using last version 108. The field "MESH" remains blank.
Maybe I am doing something wrong while exporting? (look screenshot)
Help me please or blame me for not reading the whole thread. Thanks.
ATI radeon 4850 1gb, 24 gb RAM, core i7.
Video drivers - latest - 13.1. Installed Openal (likely).
Somehow it started to work properly. Though I didn't figure how. Maybe turning off kaspersky helped... Maybe export settings...
I'm angry... Problem is that Marmoset do not support cyrillic in folder and file names... Must remember... same as Handplane...
Video drivers are all up to date.
System is:
Radeon HD 7850
16GB DDR3 ram
Windows 7 64bit
I have no problems with tessellation in any other software only seems to happen in marmoset.
Doing a bit more testing, the problem stops if I set the sky Lighting preset to Black and add my own lights. But as soon as I adjust the Specular Fresnel it set it off again.
I have the same card. I just wanted to chime in and say I'm experiencing the same issues. Displacement seemed to be working fine, but once I enabled specularity the whole thing went jittery and it became unusable.
Regardless, love the program, it just keeps getting better and better! One of the best game-art related purchases I've made.
Handplane does not currently have a "Toolbag" preset and none of them will match 100%, though Maya 2012 is probably the closest. In Toolbag 2.0 we plan on supporting a variety of tangent spaces though.
Can you post an image of your problem?
Thanks EQ, here's a quick test asset image. Simple sphere, in the image I've got two islands in the UVs but I also tried with a single island in the 0-1 space and the other shifted 1 space to the right (mirrored uvs)
Baked in xnormal x+ y+ z+ with a cage. Also tested with a conversion from an object space map to a maya2012 with handplane but that actually increased the visibility of the seam in Toolbag.
I've also tried bakes with hard edges on the UV splits in the smoothing groups which didn't help either.
*Edit - just tested asset in UDK and there isn't a seam if I use the _unreal preset in handplane for the normal map. So I'm guessing this is an issue that won't be fixed until v2.0?
@Tits, Thanks for checking on those. The strange silhouette artifact is a known issue when sharpening is combined with supersampling on output.
There is also some biasing disabled on ATI cards due to ATI cards not playing nicely with OpenGL. That could be the source of the blurry texture effect you are experiencing. Just to be sure this is the case, let us know how the same scene looks on the NVIDIA card when you get the chance to test that. There may be another global mip-mapping bug we need to investigate.
Hellooo, So I did some super testing on different computer to see how well it would work haha. So I tried on my BF computer that unfortunatly got an Ati card too after all. Result were pretty similar, kinda blurry texture, outline a little less obvious than mine (for some reason) but artefact were present too etc. Today I tried with an Nvidia card and its like day and night, HUGE difference. I looked online so many time because I could see so many beautifull and crisp render with marmoset and I always wondered why my textures looked blurry and had some artifact.. Well now at least I know why, so sad I can't change to Nvidia at the moment haha...
So here are two screenshot to show the HUGE difference
A co-worker just solved this issue (via another post somewhere else on PC). The solution was to export as an .obj with optimize turned off for normals instead of using FBX. The same normal map and mesh exported as obj results in no seams with the mirrored UVs! Phew. Works not too badly with the _maya2012 preset in handplane as you suggested EQ. We actually re-imported the exported FBX mesh back in to max which revealed split normals on the mesh right down the seam. So something funky is going on with the FBX export somewhere (I had downloaded the latest FBX plugin too).
Thanks EQ, here's a quick test asset image. Simple sphere, in the image I've got two islands in the UVs but I also tried with a single island in the 0-1 space and the other shifted 1 space to the right (mirrored uvs)
Baked in xnormal x+ y+ z+ with a cage. Also tested with a conversion from an object space map to a maya2012 with handplane but that actually increased the visibility of the seam in Toolbag.
I've also tried bakes with hard edges on the UV splits in the smoothing groups which didn't help either.
*Edit - just tested asset in UDK and there isn't a seam if I use the _unreal preset in handplane for the normal map. So I'm guessing this is an issue that won't be fixed until v2.0?
I'm having a couple of issues with the Stooge exporter for Maya 2013 x64:
1) Does the exporter not recognize the current selection? I have a scene with all of various geo organized (high poly, exploded geo for bakes, etc.) and when I select just the low poly meshes I want to export, Maya crashes. Looking at the Output window, it's not recognizing data on all of the other stuff in the scene which it's trying to export as well. If this is the case, it's kind of a pain. I have to delete everything else in the scene to get the export to run.
2) When I export using Stooge, I don't have a .mesh file extension available to me. The export dialog will only let me select things like .ma, .obj, etc. So I always get an extra file type appended, like Model.ma.mesh and I have to go rename it every time.
Stooge is exporting correct tangent basis though, so thank you for that
I'm having a couple of issues with the Stooge exporter for Maya 2013 x64:
1) Does the exporter not recognize the current selection? I have a scene with all of various geo organized (high poly, exploded geo for bakes, etc.) and when I select just the low poly meshes I want to export, Maya crashes. Looking at the Output window, it's not recognizing data on all of the other stuff in the scene which it's trying to export as well. If this is the case, it's kind of a pain. I have to delete everything else in the scene to get the export to run.
2) When I export using Stooge, I don't have a .mesh file extension available to me. The export dialog will only let me select things like .ma, .obj, etc. So I always get an extra file type appended, like Model.ma.mesh and I have to go rename it every time.
Stooge is exporting correct tangent basis though, so thank you for that
Have you tried OBJ or FBX? Stooge is really only necessary when exporting animations.
Have you tried OBJ or FBX? Stooge is really only necessary when exporting animations.
I've been having issues with FBX messing up my tangent basis, I think Autodesk borked something with FBX2013, as UDK is giving me weird behavior as well. I will try .obj as well, but I've never had luck with .obj correctly carrying correct TBN information either.
I've been having issues with FBX messing up my tangent basis, I think Autodesk borked something with FBX2013, as UDK is giving me weird behavior as well. I will try .obj as well, but I've never had luck with .obj correctly carrying correct TBN information either.
AFAIK Toolbag's OBJ loader calculates the same tangent basis as the Stooge exporter, which isn't a perfect match for Maya's tangent basis either way.
Toolbag 2 will have selectable tangent basis though, on a per-mesh basis, the Maya TB works great in the early build I have here.
Toolbag 2 will have selectable tangent basis though, on a per-mesh basis, the Maya TB works great in the early build I have here.
Show off
Not sure if this has been suggested yet, but for Toolbag 2, a more intuitive way to set output resolution would be great. Unless I'm missing something, the only way to set image res is by the window size. Settings for 1080P, 720P, or custom would be awesome.
Not sure if this has been suggested yet, but for Toolbag 2, a more intuitive way to set output resolution would be great. Unless I'm missing something, the only way to set image res is by the window size. Settings for 1080P, 720P, or custom would be awesome.
Yeah, this is something that will be improved, we have direct resolution settings in there now, and will likely have a dropdown for common resolutions as well.
Hi, i new with Marmoset,I love the software, but is there any way to use an OBJ or Fbx with multimaterial or Different materials ids.
You can use multiple materials by exporting multiple objects(mesh chunks) within the same OBJ file. There is no way to use material ids/sub materials via partial polygon selection however, sorry.
Been encountering something odd, or something stupid caused by me. Not sure which. Basically, the controls for specular seem to not control much of the specular, but the opacity of some wireframe.. thing.. (view wireframe box is definitely UNchecked)
Hopefully this is visible:
EDIT: SOLVED. Had an overlay of the UVs as the alpha channel for some reason
I have a couple models that are displaying some kind of shading artifact. They are high poly models that are not UV unwrapped and the normals are all fine. I've been troubleshooting this for a while, but can't find a fix.
I have a couple models that are displaying some kind of shading artifact. They are high poly models that are not UV unwrapped and the normals are all fine. I've been troubleshooting this for a while, but can't find a fix.
Marmoset Toolbag 1 requires your mesh to have UVS. You can apply a simple planar uv map or atlas uv map to your mesh before importing.
I'm having a couple of issues with the Stooge exporter for Maya 2013 x64:
1) Does the exporter not recognize the current selection?
2) When I export using Stooge, I don't have a .mesh file extension available to me.
*What EQ already said*, but also...the file name issue with the export dialog is a known issue. Autodesk switched some things around with their latest SDK which has caused the default .ma extension to be appended to all filenames from our exporter. There will not be a fix for this, so regrettably you must continue to manually edit the file names following export.
As for what content gets exported, Stooge does not account for what is actively selected. It will export anything visible in the scene. If there are components you do not wish to have exported you must either A) delete from scene before exporting, or append "_DONTEXPORT" to the name of any objects that should not be exported.
It should be known that StoogeExport is being phased out for future releases of Toolbag. The Stooge exporter has always been pretty rudimentary, but served its initial purpose well. We are moving away from any proprietary file formats and are adding more extensive support to the common model formats such as OBJ, FBX, and COLLADA.
I can't seem to render dynamic lights in marmoset. Everytime I go to add a new light the user interface goes blank. There are no menus on screen. I don't get an error message. Im using an ATI Radeon HD 7850 graphics card. Is this just a graphics card problem?
I've got the exact same problem, as soon as I click "add light", Marmoset turns to a grey empty window.
I didn't find how to solve this on that thread, shall I ask on marmoset forums directly, or could someone help me with this?
Apologies if this has been answered before but whenever I save the Scene from Toolbag after importing a model, setting up multiple materials, importing textures for each etc. and reload it at a later date, the object comes in as a flat grey, with no materials loaded or setup on the character. The light settings and objects etc all load up fine but I need to setup the materials and re-import textures every time I open the scene.
Is there a way to automatically load all the materials that are applied to the object or am I missing something in the way I save?
Save materials on the right hand side UI section when you have a material set up. Then you just load your scene, select your chunks, load material, apply selected material.
Save materials on the right hand side UI section when you have a material set up. Then you just load your scene, select your chunks, load material, apply selected material.
Ah OK - I'd assumed that saving the scene would save EVERYTHING, including materials like you'd expect. Not too much work re-applying them again though I guess.
Ah OK - I'd assumed that saving the scene would save EVERYTHING, including materials like you'd expect. Not too much work re-applying them again though I guess.
Yeah, its a confusing system. You may be happy to know that it has been replaced with a universal scene system for Toolbag 2.0, not more save mesh/materials/scene, everything is saved into a scene file now.
solved . Weird so after reinstalling 208 kaspersky popped up and asked if I trust this application. Which i said yes to then had to manually force it to be a trusted app with full privileges.
I then updated to 209 which tripped up kaspersky and it blocked the toolbag.exe again. So i had to again tell it to be a trusted app.
Strange as I didn't think I had set kaspersky to be super picky with application security at all.
This just happened to me as well with Kapersky. Even setting it to a trusted application does nothing as Kapersky quarantines and deletes the toolbag.exe file every time I boot my system up. :poly118:
I have to reinstall Marmoset every time I boot my computer if I want to use it, but thankfully my license information stays in tact so it only sets me back about 2 minutes. Still annoying though.
Hey guys, I'm a Marmoset User since a few weeks. I've just finished 2 projects using Toolbag, the current challenge "The Escape" (team Burgerstorm http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=117818 ) and an art test for an application. I have a few feedbacks coming along with these works.
First, I want to say that I find this tool incredibely handy and I will defenitely buy a license as soon as my trial is over.
The things I would love to see coming in Marmoset are : Ctrl Z ! The ability to rename lights / camera. A cubemap support. Rendering settings by camera instead of general settings for the whole scene. Relative texture / mesh path (when I load a scene from an other computer, I always have to rebuild path).
Maybe some of these things already exist, I'm not a power user yet, I did my best to find solutions by my own.
Hey guys, I'm a Marmoset User since a few weeks. I've just finished 2 projects using Toolbag, the current challenge "The Escape" (team Burgerstorm http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=117818 ) and an art test for an application. I have a few feedbacks coming along with these works.
First, I want to say that I find this tool incredibely handy and I will defenitely buy a license as soon as my trial is over.
The things I would love to see coming in Marmoset are : Ctrl Z ! The ability to rename lights / camera. A cubemap support. Rendering settings by camera instead of general settings for the whole scene. Relative texture / mesh path (when I load a scene from an other computer, I always have to rebuild path).
Maybe some of these things already exist, I'm not a power user yet, I did my best to find solutions by my own.
Hi, first off thanks for the suggestions. Luckily most of these features are already in or are planed for Toolbag 2.0.
Cubemap support is already in Toolbag 1 however, the default image based lighting uses cubemaps for diffuse lighting, and cubemaps for specular lighting. If you want more reflective materials, turn up the specular sharpness setting, this will use a sharper cubemap for specular reflections (you can also control this with the gloss map in your Spec map's alpha channel. More here: http://www.marmoset.co/toolbag/learn/materials
And is it possible to transfer the Individual Node-Locked License to a new computer if you upgrade your computer or it crashes, or if you have 2 workstations.
Sorry, this discount code expired a while ago (I've removed it from that post, thanks for letting me know). We run sales fairly regularly though, keep an eye on our Facebook page for details on sales and discount codes: https://www.facebook.com/marmosetco?fref=ts
And is it possible to transfer the Individual Node-Locked License to a new computer if you upgrade your computer or it crashes, or if you have 2 workstations.
It is possible to transfer the license to a new computer, or if your hardware profile changes. All you need to do is contact us and we'll get it sorted out. You can not currently use Toolbag 1 on multiple computers. Toolbag 2 has a much, much easier and better licensing system though.
just wondering, toolbag2 (if you can already talk about that), will it be a upgrade (either free or a upgrade fee) or a completely new one you have to pay full price for?
will it be a upgrade (either free or a upgrade fee) or a completely new one you have to pay full price for?
It will be a paid upgrade of some sort. Existing toolbag users will not pay full price, but it won't be free either (it's a big update). Pricing hasn't been finalized yet as it's still several months out.
It's basically a brand new product. I've spent the last several months working on it full time. Recently we put out a maintenance update to 1.0 and the time I spent in the old code was all icky - this 2.0 thing is very shiny and new. I think people are going to like it
Thanks for the screenshot with the material settings shown, this is an easy fix. The problem is that you do not have a diffuse map applied. You must have a diffuse map and normal map applied at minimum, otherwise the app will load a random texture from the VMem and throw it in there, which is what you're seeing (likely some image from the UI is being used). Its a bit of a weird bug/feature.
Didn't see a current bug list on Marmoset.co to compare against.
I don't believe I saw this issue on my Nvidia machine.
Yeah, I think there are some issues on various ATI cards still, getting Toolbag to run stable on ATI cards is a constant battle unfortunately.
Post a screenshot and I'll get it logged in our internal bug system.
I highly recommend running it on a system with an nvidia card if you have access to one.
Earthquake, here are some screenshots I have of the issue (win7, amd 7870). Note the one circled in blue isn't because of the lights, marmoset just seems worse at z-sorting? (In reflection I should've joined the mesh there, but in some cases it's impractical)
Lights on:
lights off:
Also meshes seem to flicker constantly if I enable tessellation with specularity enabled.
I set this option ON but no logo is rendered.
I have a license working fine.
Is there another type of full license ?
ty in advance
“Include Toolbag logo” will re-enable the Marmoset Toolbag watermark on your
exported images and video – to show the world how you get your pretty pictures,
of course. **This option is only available for full licensees**
Try playing with the Enlargement and AA values in the Output tab. Adding 2x enlargement made the logo work for me for memory. Or you could download the marmoset logo and add it manually in photoshop.
Handplane does not currently have a "Toolbag" preset and none of them will match 100%, though Maya 2012 is probably the closest. In Toolbag 2.0 we plan on supporting a variety of tangent spaces though.
Can you post an image of your problem?
I've been using marmoset for a while now but The little thing that is bugging me is I feel that my render never get a very crisp result like the result I can see from other people using marmoset too. When I am using spotlight instead of only the different skybox I often get artifact and light shining trought some area (like from inside the polygone under the shirt etc). I noticed too that when I take my screenshot, at 100% I always get very blurry and non defined texture. Tho my texture are very crips and have way higher resolution that what is showing up in my screenshot. People made me notice that I always get those black outline on my characters, I am not using the outline option
I am sorry if any of those subjetcs have been covered before, I did some research and found nothing really that similar
Here is a screenshot of the blurry texture at 100%, you can see artifact around the eye from using spotlights and outline around the silhouette
Hey Tits, first things first, be sure you updated to the most recent graphics drivers available.
Do the strange artifacts only appear when a dynamic light (spotlight) is in the scene?
Also, what are your image output settings (enlargement & supersampling)? Have you noticed the strange outline artifact changing with adjustments to those settings? Lastly, try taking the same screenshot with the exact same export settings, but with Sharpen disabled (Render tab->Post Effects->Sharpen) then compare. Does the output improve?
The artifact mostly happens/ is more noticeable with dynamic lights.
I tried a lot of different output setting, from no supersampling to 25 multisampling etc. The quality doesn't even seem to change no matter what setting I chose. For the outline I didn't notice if the sharpen affect it but without it it's very blurry and doesn't look right at all. I will try to do another render with my BF computer who use Nvidia, will see if it makes a difference.
There is also some biasing disabled on ATI cards due to ATI cards not playing nicely with OpenGL. That could be the source of the blurry texture effect you are experiencing. Just to be sure this is the case, let us know how the same scene looks on the NVIDIA card when you get the chance to test that. There may be another global mip-mapping bug we need to investigate.
When I chose a file and pressed OPEN - nothing happens - at all (!!!). <---using last version 108. The field "MESH" remains blank.
Maybe I am doing something wrong while exporting? (look screenshot)
Help me please or blame me for not reading the whole thread. Thanks.
ATI radeon 4850 1gb, 24 gb RAM, core i7.
Video drivers - latest - 13.1. Installed Openal (likely).
Somehow it started to work properly. Though I didn't figure how. Maybe turning off kaspersky helped... Maybe export settings...
I'm angry... Problem is that Marmoset do not support cyrillic in folder and file names... Must remember... same as Handplane...
Regardless, love the program, it just keeps getting better and better! One of the best game-art related purchases I've made.
Thanks EQ, here's a quick test asset image. Simple sphere, in the image I've got two islands in the UVs but I also tried with a single island in the 0-1 space and the other shifted 1 space to the right (mirrored uvs)
Baked in xnormal x+ y+ z+ with a cage. Also tested with a conversion from an object space map to a maya2012 with handplane but that actually increased the visibility of the seam in Toolbag.
I've also tried bakes with hard edges on the UV splits in the smoothing groups which didn't help either.
*Edit - just tested asset in UDK and there isn't a seam if I use the _unreal preset in handplane for the normal map. So I'm guessing this is an issue that won't be fixed until v2.0?
So here are two screenshot to show the HUGE difference
AMD Card at 100%
With Nvidia at 100%
1) Does the exporter not recognize the current selection? I have a scene with all of various geo organized (high poly, exploded geo for bakes, etc.) and when I select just the low poly meshes I want to export, Maya crashes. Looking at the Output window, it's not recognizing data on all of the other stuff in the scene which it's trying to export as well. If this is the case, it's kind of a pain. I have to delete everything else in the scene to get the export to run.
2) When I export using Stooge, I don't have a .mesh file extension available to me. The export dialog will only let me select things like .ma, .obj, etc. So I always get an extra file type appended, like Model.ma.mesh and I have to go rename it every time.
Stooge is exporting correct tangent basis though, so thank you for that
Have you tried OBJ or FBX? Stooge is really only necessary when exporting animations.
I've been having issues with FBX messing up my tangent basis, I think Autodesk borked something with FBX2013, as UDK is giving me weird behavior as well. I will try .obj as well, but I've never had luck with .obj correctly carrying correct TBN information either.
AFAIK Toolbag's OBJ loader calculates the same tangent basis as the Stooge exporter, which isn't a perfect match for Maya's tangent basis either way.
Toolbag 2 will have selectable tangent basis though, on a per-mesh basis, the Maya TB works great in the early build I have here.
Show off
Not sure if this has been suggested yet, but for Toolbag 2, a more intuitive way to set output resolution would be great. Unless I'm missing something, the only way to set image res is by the window size. Settings for 1080P, 720P, or custom would be awesome.
Yeah, this is something that will be improved, we have direct resolution settings in there now, and will likely have a dropdown for common resolutions as well.
You can use multiple materials by exporting multiple objects(mesh chunks) within the same OBJ file. There is no way to use material ids/sub materials via partial polygon selection however, sorry.
Sorry my english
I'm not sure what you mean, you can currently share the same uvs and materials with multiple mesh chunks.
Hopefully this is visible:
EDIT: SOLVED. Had an overlay of the UVs as the alpha channel for some reason
Good! The alpha channel of your specular map controls glossiness.
Marmoset Toolbag 1 requires your mesh to have UVS. You can apply a simple planar uv map or atlas uv map to your mesh before importing.
*What EQ already said*, but also...the file name issue with the export dialog is a known issue. Autodesk switched some things around with their latest SDK which has caused the default .ma extension to be appended to all filenames from our exporter. There will not be a fix for this, so regrettably you must continue to manually edit the file names following export.
As for what content gets exported, Stooge does not account for what is actively selected. It will export anything visible in the scene. If there are components you do not wish to have exported you must either A) delete from scene before exporting, or
It should be known that StoogeExport is being phased out for future releases of Toolbag. The Stooge exporter has always been pretty rudimentary, but served its initial purpose well. We are moving away from any proprietary file formats and are adding more extensive support to the common model formats such as OBJ, FBX, and COLLADA.
I've got the exact same problem, as soon as I click "add light", Marmoset turns to a grey empty window.
I didn't find how to solve this on that thread, shall I ask on marmoset forums directly, or could someone help me with this?
Is there a way to automatically load all the materials that are applied to the object or am I missing something in the way I save?
Ah OK - I'd assumed that saving the scene would save EVERYTHING, including materials like you'd expect. Not too much work re-applying them again though I guess.
Yeah, its a confusing system. You may be happy to know that it has been replaced with a universal scene system for Toolbag 2.0, not more save mesh/materials/scene, everything is saved into a scene file now.
"Windows cannot access the specified device, path or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item."
208 worked perfectly.
Windows 8. GeForce 460. Current Drivers 314.22 i think.
Tried running and installing as administrator. No luck.
I then updated to 209 which tripped up kaspersky and it blocked the toolbag.exe again. So i had to again tell it to be a trusted app.
Strange as I didn't think I had set kaspersky to be super picky with application security at all.
I have to reinstall Marmoset every time I boot my computer if I want to use it, but thankfully my license information stays in tact so it only sets me back about 2 minutes. Still annoying though.
Pretty strange
First, I want to say that I find this tool incredibely handy and I will defenitely buy a license as soon as my trial is over.
The things I would love to see coming in Marmoset are : Ctrl Z ! The ability to rename lights / camera. A cubemap support. Rendering settings by camera instead of general settings for the whole scene. Relative texture / mesh path (when I load a scene from an other computer, I always have to rebuild path).
Maybe some of these things already exist, I'm not a power user yet, I did my best to find solutions by my own.
Hi, first off thanks for the suggestions. Luckily most of these features are already in or are planed for Toolbag 2.0.
Cubemap support is already in Toolbag 1 however, the default image based lighting uses cubemaps for diffuse lighting, and cubemaps for specular lighting. If you want more reflective materials, turn up the specular sharpness setting, this will use a sharper cubemap for specular reflections (you can also control this with the gloss map in your Spec map's alpha channel. More here: http://www.marmoset.co/toolbag/learn/materials
Is there any sort of student discount?
Why doesn't the polycount discount freebeer work anymore
And is it possible to transfer the Individual Node-Locked License to a new computer if you upgrade your computer or it crashes, or if you have 2 workstations.
Not currently, though we do provide discounts for bulk purchases to Universities and the like.
Sorry, this discount code expired a while ago (I've removed it from that post, thanks for letting me know). We run sales fairly regularly though, keep an eye on our Facebook page for details on sales and discount codes: https://www.facebook.com/marmosetco?fref=ts
It is possible to transfer the license to a new computer, or if your hardware profile changes. All you need to do is contact us and we'll get it sorted out. You can not currently use Toolbag 1 on multiple computers. Toolbag 2 has a much, much easier and better licensing system though.
It will be a paid upgrade of some sort. Existing toolbag users will not pay full price, but it won't be free either (it's a big update). Pricing hasn't been finalized yet as it's still several months out.
It's basically a brand new product. I've spent the last several months working on it full time. Recently we put out a maintenance update to 1.0 and the time I spent in the old code was all icky - this 2.0 thing is very shiny and new. I think people are going to like it