Ok, found out about the camera's "field of view". That solved one of my problems.
Now what on earth is happening to SSAO? Checking the box and adjusting the intensity makes no difference.
OK, I finally found what was causing SSAO to not show up. It was the scale of my model! I just reduced its size during export and it was all fine. Silly me....
It's because your saving a high dynamic range shot. Disable the checkbox and you'll get .tga's coming out.
Thanks Daelus! I was having this same problem. After thinking I was so smart and imported it into Photoshop I found that I couldn't Save As a jpeg. I should have checked Polycount hours ago. Problem solved... Now I can sleep.
Hmm i was wondering is it possible to obtain different render passes ( elements ) out of marmoset .. you like light pass .. specular pass .. etc etc like those we can get from 3ds max render elements window ..
how many polys can marmoset handle ? and is it possible to achieve photo realistic results as in vred or deltagen ?
A lot.
I remember when one day I made a mistake and tried to load my high poly instead of my low poly. 2.5 millions loaded without any problem, marmoset was a bit slow to turn the camera, but otherwise it was fine.
I have this problem with some basic grass (one object) and a ground object. The grass has alpha in the diffuse texture. Looks fine inside Marmoset, but when using F12 to render the pic, the result is screwed up. I use a ATI HD5870 and newest drivers.
I also made a normal screenshot to show the comparison:
Hmm i was wondering is it possible to obtain different render passes ( elements ) out of marmoset .. you like light pass .. specular pass .. etc etc like those we can get from 3ds max render elements window ..
I'd like to know, why this screw disappears behind this Porthole's glass? :poly117:
Many Thanks
Which material are you using for the glass? PhongEnvironment? Have you tried with ComplexRefraction? If not, it's the same set up as normal but the spec is used for transparency (black fully refractive, white fully opaque)
Im using the default PhongEnviroment shader...
But I can't use the "complexrefraction" because I need an emissive map...
Export the glass as a sub object so that it shows as a different object in the chunk list, assign a new material to it and then change the shader in the channel model to ComplexRefraction for that material only (the rest being PhongEnviroment etc.).
You can have totally different material settings for each chunk, so it should work fine
Hello everyone I was wonder if anyone knows if there is a way have mirrored and or duplicated objects to have the correct lighting information without giving each object it own UV space. I’m trying to save UV space and also use object space normals but this doesn’t seem possible. I’ve searched to find as solution but all I can find about this is that I need a special shader or manipulate the normals of each object which i do not know have to do. If anyone can clarify it would be a big help.
Hello everyone I was wonder if anyone knows if there is a way have mirrored and or duplicated objects to have the correct lighting information without giving each object it own UV space. Im trying to save UV space and also use object space normals but this doesnt seem possible. Ive searched to find as solution but all I can find about this is that I need a special shader or manipulate the normals of each object which i do not know have to do. If anyone can clarify it would be a big help.
Object space normal maps require specific shader support for mirroring object space normal maps, and I'm not 100% sure that Marmoset supports it. One of the 8ml guys will have to clarify I think.
You shouldn't be changing your normals or anything like that really.
Hello everyone I was wonder if anyone knows if there is a way have mirrored and or duplicated objects to have the correct lighting information without giving each object it own UV space. Im trying to save UV space and also use object space normals but this doesnt seem possible. Ive searched to find as solution but all I can find about this is that I need a special shader or manipulate the normals of each object which i do not know have to do. If anyone can clarify it would be a big help.
I'm having a bit of a problem with marmoset. I'm working on a scene render of a model using spotlights. When I am at any usable distance from the model I can see the outline of all the meshes. For instance, I can see the outline of the models eyes through the models face, or the outline of the models shoulders through the models coat. I am also noticing that lights penetrate single layer models, or models with no thickness, such as a wall.
An image of the problem. Note the way you can see the eyeballs in her head, etc.
I should note that I have attempted to scale both the lights and the mesh using the marmoset model import scale and also natively in a modeling program, tampered with the alpha just to be sure, tried scaling, reducing, repositioning the lights and also rendering out in several sizes. None if it makes the problem better or worse. The only way I can get a decent view is if I zoom in to the model so far that only a portion of the face is visible.
And as a control, here is a shot of the model on a simple turntable with only one light, the standard 'pavement' light.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for the great product by the way. I am eagerly awaiting the skin tutorial.
Not sure if this has been posted before, sorry if it has.
This happens when I enable 3D Stereo Mode:
It's interesting how the menu shown on the weapon actually scrolls and changes tabs when I do so in marmoset. Even the sliders move!
Not a huge problem for me since I never really use it, but I figured I'd report it.
Hey, I finally bought this awesome tool, but I've run into a couple of issues...
The first one, I tried importing a model made up of quite a few different parts. Toolbox would just crash when I loaded it. I broke the model up into separate chunks and it imported fine.
However, in the material tab, if I try to click on the different chunks it will crash. This has happened with two different models I've imported.
Sorry if this has been brought up before, I couldn't find anything...
Error: Access violation at 0x69A62B3A (tried to write to 0x11370000), program terminated.
I tried saving and reloading the scene, saving the mesh as a .mesh... Still crashes.
It seems to have become slightly more stable, allowing me to click one or two chunks (there are four) before crashing.
Hej everyone,
new Marmoset user here and I'm having trouble getting the 360 shot feature to work properly. I have a mesh in .obj format and one material with a set of .tga files plugged into it (Diffuse with alpha, normal and spec - all are 4096*4096px and 24bit execpt for the diffuse map which is 32bits for the alpha to work). Now, when I try to render a 360 shot, the alpha gets ignored. The rest of the time it gets drawn just fine, this only happens when I try and render a 360 shot. Do I miss the obvious here? Google and a forum search didn't yield anything yet. Beste, jan
Had a search for this but no joy, I opened marmoset for the first time in a month or so tonight ( been busy with other stuff honest ) and once I have done something inside the program the minimise and restore buttons no longer work....I have to minimise from the taskbar in order to get the little buttons in the top left to work properly, and as soon as I do something in marmoset the stop working again ....also my turntable is juddering if I change the light brightness during the rotation.....any sugestions would be much apriciated
I have been wondering if there is a way to get a matte shadow object into marmoset? So that I can keep the shadow information but not have the background color. Thank you for any help.
Am I doing something wrong? Am I thinking totally wrong or why is it like this? No one that have any idea?
It is as if the specular function is not working correctly, like it is simply laying it as an image and not only when the light shines over it.
I use 2048x2048 .tga files.
Hey guys, I've been experienced crashes in my system after some minutes with Marmoset toolbag open. I'm not doing complex things, just the basic, adjusting material and trying to do some descent lighting.
I haven't read the complete thread, but anyone can point me if this was reported, or if this is happening with anyone else? My system is Windows 7 64, 4GB ram, Geforce 8600M GT.
Nobody? I sent an email for 8monkeylabs tech support yesterday and didn´t have response either.
Do you have the latest drivers installed?
Do you get any sort of crash message?
Is there anything specific that you are doing that causes the crash and is it reproducible?
1. Yes, latest drivers.
2. Nope, computer simply turns off.
3. Nope. I'm experimenting a lot of different things. Add lights, change enviro settings, add normal, specular, etc maps. Crashes occur in a randomic way, not with an specific thing. Yesterday I was using PSD files as textures. I switched for TGA, thinking htis could be the problem, but crashes continues.
But one thing I noticed is that on task manager, toolbag process consumes a lot of CPU activity. From 50-80% average. My computer uses a Intel Core 2 DUO.
hmm. That is pretty strange.
Have you tried a clean uninstall/reinstall of the drivers and marmoset?
It could be that you might be pushing your GPU a little hard. The 8600M GT meets the minimum system requirements, but something 400 series+ is recommended.
How simple is your object in regard to texture size, polygon count, chunks etc.?
Can you post a picture of your settings? If you want to post the assets here (or PM me with them), I would be happy to see if I can reproduce the crashes.
It's due overheating. Toolbag makes a high use of CPU, even if we have nothing loaded. I'm monitoring CPU temperatures, and they raise fast when Toolbag is working. In some minutes they go from 53º for about 75º. Quiting the program before temperatures go too high makes my computer continues working normaly.
Another question I could put here then is: There's some way to tranfer part of this processing to the GPU, instead of main processor? Or thaere's some way to configure Toolbag to use less resources of CPU?
I never thought about the CPU as this rarely happens unless overclocking.
All the workload will be divided as needed as AFAIK, there is no way to divide computation resources between the CPU and GPU.
Maybe unplugging the PC and then cleaning your CPU fan by removing dust build up on the fins etc. would give some good results?
I have reduced my CPU temp by 10°c just by cleaning the fan before now. Also, make sure that your case has sufficient airflow by cleaning it's fans, removing dust from the mobo and moving cables away from the path of in in/out flow fans.
Yes, if your CPU is spiking that badly it is likely a hardware issue, as your computer should be able to run at 100% CPU load without overheating, if it can't thats a hardware/cooling issue in your computer.
Make sure the CPU fan is clean and working
Make sure you have good airflow etc
Turn on air conditioning if it is very hot where you live
One thing you can try, if you have a dual/quad core CPU is this:
Go to task manager, click on the processes tab
Right click on toolbag
Click "Set Affinity"
and disable some cores there
That way you can force toolbag to only use a % of your total cpu.
You will have to do this every time you start the app, I believe.
Thank you guys. I cleaned the fans, but I believe the only solution to me is to buy a new computer. Mine is more than 3 years old, it's time for an upgrade.
After not using Marmoset in a while, I opened it, updated, but none of my scenes will open. They open, I suppose, but nothing shows. Restarted everything still no dice. Any ideas?
After not using Marmoset in a while, I opened it, updated, but none of my scenes will open. They open, I suppose, but nothing shows. Restarted everything still no dice. Any ideas?
It sounds like the assets might be in a different location on your hard drive than where you initially saved them (Marmoset doesn't remap paths relatively)
If you open the .tbag and .mat files in notepad, you will be able to see the original paths in there somewhere.
Okay this is such a newb question, but how do I properly apply a rectangular texture in Marmoset? (i.e. 1024*512) I know how to do it in Maya and Unreal but I'm not seeing any similar options in Marmoset.
Okay this is such a newb question, but how do I properly apply a rectangular texture in Marmoset? (i.e. 1024*512) I know how to do it in Maya and Unreal but I'm not seeing any similar options in Marmoset.
You load them just like a regular square texture (the texture aspect ratio is defined by the UVs). Are you not getting the results you expected?
You load them just like a regular square texture (the texture aspect ratio is defined by the UVs). Are you not getting the results you expected?
The texture ratio is defined... By the texture. =P The uvs scale to match the texture.
To use a 1:2 texture, you would stretch your uvs 1:2 before exporting, maybe thats what you meant.
CKohl: Max/Maya have some functions to automate this process, which on export should give you the correct uvs. You shouldn't need to do anything really if your texture displays correctly in Max/Maya
Now what on earth is happening to SSAO? Checking the box and adjusting the intensity makes no difference.
Anyone care to comment?
OK, I finally found what was causing SSAO to not show up. It was the scale of my model! I just reduced its size during export and it was all fine. Silly me....
thanks for reading!
Thanks Daelus! I was having this same problem. After thinking I was so smart and imported it into Photoshop I found that I couldn't Save As a jpeg. I should have checked Polycount hours ago. Problem solved... Now I can sleep.
how many polys can marmoset handle ? and is it possible to achieve photo realistic results as in vred or deltagen ?
A lot.
I remember when one day I made a mistake and tried to load my high poly instead of my low poly. 2.5 millions loaded without any problem, marmoset was a bit slow to turn the camera, but otherwise it was fine.
I've got a riddle for you...:
I'd like to know, why this screw disappears behind this Porthole's glass? :poly117:
Many Thanks
I also made a normal screenshot to show the comparison:
Edit: I tried with the latest update of marmoset (1.05)... doesn't solve the problem
Which material are you using for the glass? PhongEnvironment? Have you tried with ComplexRefraction? If not, it's the same set up as normal but the spec is used for transparency (black fully refractive, white fully opaque)
Also is the glass just 1 plane or a more geo?
But I can't use the "complexrefraction" because I need an emissive map...
Export the glass as a sub object so that it shows as a different object in the chunk list, assign a new material to it and then change the shader in the channel model to ComplexRefraction for that material only (the rest being PhongEnviroment etc.).
You can have totally different material settings for each chunk, so it should work fine
i think you have to reverse your normals on the duplicate, and a delete history to be shore
You shouldn't be changing your normals or anything like that really.
That's a good question.
An image of the problem. Note the way you can see the eyeballs in her head, etc.
I should note that I have attempted to scale both the lights and the mesh using the marmoset model import scale and also natively in a modeling program, tampered with the alpha just to be sure, tried scaling, reducing, repositioning the lights and also rendering out in several sizes. None if it makes the problem better or worse. The only way I can get a decent view is if I zoom in to the model so far that only a portion of the face is visible.
And as a control, here is a shot of the model on a simple turntable with only one light, the standard 'pavement' light.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for the great product by the way. I am eagerly awaiting the skin tutorial.
This happens when I enable 3D Stereo Mode:
It's interesting how the menu shown on the weapon actually scrolls and changes tabs when I do so in marmoset. Even the sliders move!
Not a huge problem for me since I never really use it, but I figured I'd report it.
This is probably a bush-league question but I'm rather new to Toolbag. I've looked on the forum for an answer to my question to no avail.
Is there a way to prevent my materials from resetting/unloading when my mesh is updated?
I make a change to my model in Max, export the .fbx and with the mesh update in Toolbag my materials go bye-bye.
Is this normal behavior? Is there a way around it?
The first one, I tried importing a model made up of quite a few different parts. Toolbox would just crash when I loaded it. I broke the model up into separate chunks and it imported fine.
However, in the material tab, if I try to click on the different chunks it will crash. This has happened with two different models I've imported.
Sorry if this has been brought up before, I couldn't find anything...
I tried saving and reloading the scene, saving the mesh as a .mesh... Still crashes.
It seems to have become slightly more stable, allowing me to click one or two chunks (there are four) before crashing.
FIXED: I updated my display drivers.
new Marmoset user here and I'm having trouble getting the 360 shot feature to work properly. I have a mesh in .obj format and one material with a set of .tga files plugged into it (Diffuse with alpha, normal and spec - all are 4096*4096px and 24bit execpt for the diffuse map which is 32bits for the alpha to work). Now, when I try to render a 360 shot, the alpha gets ignored. The rest of the time it gets drawn just fine, this only happens when I try and render a 360 shot. Do I miss the obvious here? Google and a forum search didn't yield anything yet. Beste, jan
can you explain me why marmoset don't see my mat channel id? i exported in .fbx
I use sunlight and testing different specular settings in Marmoset, but I dont get it to look good.
In marmoset:
In 3D Max with xoliuls Shader, not the same angle as in Marmoset but still a huge difference:
My maps (WIP):
The marmoset specular gets flat and over the whole object. I want the to shine on the edges more as it does in Max.
I hope that you understand my question, thanks!
Sorry for spamming the thread with pictures but here is an update on the specular map, but it still looks a bit flat in Marmoset:
Original specular settings:
The best I can get:
In Max:
Old vs new spec map:
It is as if the specular function is not working correctly, like it is simply laying it as an image and not only when the light shines over it.
I use 2048x2048 .tga files.
Latest in 3Ds Max:
Same maps and mesh in Marmoset:
Same settings as above but with specular map added:
Close-up and original settings at specular:
Sorry for double post, but I really want to figure this out. How will it look in a game engine? Like the one in Max or the one in Marmoset?
I figured it out, the Alpha channel on the specular was totally black instead of white.
This is what it looks like now:
Here I think, but I'm not sure.
Nope, just click on the "use culling" or whatever checkbox in the material settings.
Turning off culling will mean one side gets lit incorrectly though, for best results, manually duplicate and flip the faces you want double sided.
I haven't read the complete thread, but anyone can point me if this was reported, or if this is happening with anyone else? My system is Windows 7 64, 4GB ram, Geforce 8600M GT.
Thanks in advance.
Do you get any sort of crash message?
Is there anything specific that you are doing that causes the crash and is it reproducible?
2. Nope, computer simply turns off.
3. Nope. I'm experimenting a lot of different things. Add lights, change enviro settings, add normal, specular, etc maps. Crashes occur in a randomic way, not with an specific thing. Yesterday I was using PSD files as textures. I switched for TGA, thinking htis could be the problem, but crashes continues.
But one thing I noticed is that on task manager, toolbag process consumes a lot of CPU activity. From 50-80% average. My computer uses a Intel Core 2 DUO.
Have you tried a clean uninstall/reinstall of the drivers and marmoset?
It could be that you might be pushing your GPU a little hard. The 8600M GT meets the minimum system requirements, but something 400 series+ is recommended.
How simple is your object in regard to texture size, polygon count, chunks etc.?
Can you post a picture of your settings? If you want to post the assets here (or PM me with them), I would be happy to see if I can reproduce the crashes.
It's due overheating. Toolbag makes a high use of CPU, even if we have nothing loaded. I'm monitoring CPU temperatures, and they raise fast when Toolbag is working. In some minutes they go from 53º for about 75º. Quiting the program before temperatures go too high makes my computer continues working normaly.
Another question I could put here then is: There's some way to tranfer part of this processing to the GPU, instead of main processor? Or thaere's some way to configure Toolbag to use less resources of CPU?
All the workload will be divided as needed as AFAIK, there is no way to divide computation resources between the CPU and GPU.
Maybe unplugging the PC and then cleaning your CPU fan by removing dust build up on the fins etc. would give some good results?
I have reduced my CPU temp by 10°c just by cleaning the fan before now. Also, make sure that your case has sufficient airflow by cleaning it's fans, removing dust from the mobo and moving cables away from the path of in in/out flow fans.
Make sure the CPU fan is clean and working
Make sure you have good airflow etc
Turn on air conditioning if it is very hot where you live
One thing you can try, if you have a dual/quad core CPU is this:
Go to task manager, click on the processes tab
Right click on toolbag
Click "Set Affinity"
and disable some cores there
That way you can force toolbag to only use a % of your total cpu.
You will have to do this every time you start the app, I believe.
It sounds like the assets might be in a different location on your hard drive than where you initially saved them (Marmoset doesn't remap paths relatively)
If you open the .tbag and .mat files in notepad, you will be able to see the original paths in there somewhere.
Hope that helps!
The texture ratio is defined... By the texture. =P The uvs scale to match the texture.
To use a 1:2 texture, you would stretch your uvs 1:2 before exporting, maybe thats what you meant.
CKohl: Max/Maya have some functions to automate this process, which on export should give you the correct uvs. You shouldn't need to do anything really if your texture displays correctly in Max/Maya
I simply meant that if the UVs were 1:2 you couldn't use a 1:1 texture without stretching