Oh yeah, I forgot about this guy. Thanks for the reminder.
Mine is done entirely in ZBrush on account of me not having access to Maya at home at the moment. I'd suggest most of the others are using a combination of ZBrush and Either Maya or Max
Oh yeah, I forgot about this guy. Thanks for the reminder.
Mine is done entirely in ZBrush on account of me not having access to Maya at home at the moment. I'd suggest most of the others are using a combination of ZBrush and Either Maya or Max
Swizzle actually uses mudbox for his head sculpts.
Looks great! My only two gripes are that the top of the head looks very low poly and the light part of the hands looks kind of weird. Does the Demoman have lighter skin like that on his hands?
Yeah. Though on Swizzles perhaps a more gradual transition would be better, especially on the back of his hand where it looks like a seem. Looking nice though, keep it up.
I hadn't given up, I just didn't have access to the stylus for my tablet. I'm visiting my brother right now and I accidentally left it at home. I got somebody to send it in the mail, so now I'm back working on this.
It's just a proportional thing. The legs on my model are longer than the legs on the original heavy, so it makes him look taller. In reality, he's almost exactly the same height.
There's not much to be done about the top of his head. While I could throw a few more tris at it, I'd be pushing limits. His head is already 2450 tris, and that's a good 536 tris more than the original heavy's head. As for the hands, I'm working on them. I know the transition looks pretty sharp in that image, but I'm toning it down a bit.
The scout, most likely. I don't want to do something that somebody else has already done in this thread without giving them a chance to finish theirs, otherwise I'd do the demo.
I think I'd need to see him in a bit more natural of a pose before I could properly judge. The reference pose just looks unusally strange with those proportions.
I got somebody to send it in the mail, so now I'm back working on this.
well thats just awesome
wires look really good, but something about the suspender teeth bugs me. maybe they're too short, they just don't look like they're properly attatched to the belt.
and, should the vest really be so far away from the neck? I don't really notice until I was looking at the shoulder geo to see if it would deform properly, but that neck opening is HUGE and now I can't stop looking at it.
wires look really good, but something about the suspender teeth bugs me. maybe they're too short, they just don't look like they're properly attatched to the belt.
and, should the vest really be so far away from the neck? I don't really notice until I was looking at the shoulder geo to see if it would deform properly, but that neck opening is HUGE and now I can't stop looking at it.
yeah i noticed that too.
here's a sloppy paintover just in case you decide to do anything else swizzle, and need inspiration.
the only thing is that it kinda hides the suspenders, and i like the suspenders.
also, it strays away from the original concept and looks more the original heavy, which can be a good or bad thing.
The scout, most likely. I don't want to do something that somebody else has already done in this thread without giving them a chance to finish theirs, otherwise I'd do the demo.
I don't even remember what the scout looks like in the comic.:( And btw, what's your method on texturing these models? I can't exactly tell just by looking and I don't wanna read the entire thread.
I don't even remember what the scout looks like in the comic.:( And btw, what's your method on texturing these models? I can't exactly tell just by looking and I don't wanna read the entire thread.
Looks like it's just base colors, AO, normal map for folds, a bit of painting here and there like on the hands and eyebrows and then a gradient to make the bottom darker and to represent dirt.
Once I get these finished, I'd like to pose 'em up like the ones in the group shot. They'll look a lot better once they're posed.
I know what you mean about the opening for the neck, but I actually like it. It's also pretty similar to the drawing this is based on, so I think it's a plus.
I'd considered something like that, but I just don't think it'd work very well. As for the shirt color, I think it'd kind of defeat the purpose of having team colors.
He's the one sitting down in front in this image. As for the texturing, it's really simple. Zipfinator pretty much nailed it.
nice work, really nice work. but maybe you could push him into a bit more toony direction here and there? i think the silhouette break on the legs of the original heavy works really cool, you could do something like this as well, with makin his ankles/lower legs slimmer - also i think it might be kind a funny oif him heaving pretty thin legs, but this massive upper body - worth a shot i'd guess
I was working on some other stuff, because I want to have my portfolio online asap.
This is just a rough mockup of how I want him to look (open for suggestions though). I'll probably be able to reuse most of engi's body.
Next I'm going to clean up topology of the head
Swizzle- That heavy is looking awsome, really digging his proportions and the textures look really good :thumbup:. Can't help wondering what your using for the screen grabs. Are they done using the model viewer or some other method???
Gerre- Liking your approach to modeling this dude. His face has a lot of personnality, and it looks like you have got the chops down nicely. I was worried ours would look too similar, but it looks like we're heading in different directions. Lantern is a great idea
I've had some time to model out his body and start messing with proportions. This will be a playable character to replace the engie in game, so I am slightly constrained by his rig. Pretty happy with it so far, any comments or crits are welcomed.
Did you add the stubble to make him look more like the original Heavy?
I personally think it changes his appearance from the image you based it on rather drastically, and I'm not sure how well I think it matches with the hair on his head.
I also personally feel his jaw/chin looks too round and too small.
In the reference image it is almost bigger than Heavies, but in your model it is smaller and rounder than Heavies.
I've been using Mudbox and Modo for somewhere around five years now on a hobbyist basis.
I agree about the legs and it's on my to do list, but I don't think I'm going to be able to get to it right now.
Yeah, I used the Source SDK model viewer for these screenshots. It's a lot easier to get an idea of what the final product needs to look like with all the proper shaders and lighting and such, so I import the models as soon as I have them unwrapped.
I actually like the chin in the comic a lot better than the one the model has now, but I didn't make it like the one in the comic because it simply wouldn't fit with the style of the actual character models from TF2. While all the characters' chins are different, they're all round when viewed in cross section from above, so throwing in that square of a chin would just look weird. I think that was a good reason to change it up.
That'd be pretty cool, but it's not really what I'm aiming for. I need portfolio stuff and I'm currently lacking finished pieces at the moment.
Using my patented As Done As It's Gonna Get technology, I've gotten the heavy to the point where I just want to not look at it ever again. I really need to move on to the next one, so I'm going to let this sit as is for a while and try not to think about all the little tweaks I aught to make to it.
I lowered the stubble opacity and refined his hairline a little and made some small texture tweaks just about everywhere else as well. He now has working spec maps, too. Time to move on.
Since the scout's face is so small (and partially covered) in the original image, this is mostly just me screwing around with shapes I thought were interesting. I know he's supposed to be based on Billy the Kid, but he didn't really have a terribly interesting face, so I'm just kind of making this up.
If his chin looks weird, it's because I'm going to give him a little bit of a goatee.
I think your Heavy looks a lot more like the old one now that you toned down the stubble a bit, I like it :O
I can sympathize with you want wanting to have it be too square and pointy, I was merely thinking of making it slightly more like Heavy's while at the same time making it somewhat larger.
I'm pretty settled with your latest addition though.
I'm not sure if you changed his jaw or if you just toned down the stubble, but it looks a lot better.
Swizzle I think you are concentrating too much on front and sideview when sculpting, his head feels too much like a box atm. I'm not an expert sculpter, but I usually start with sculpting a very basic skull, with proportions I like, before adding detail like eyes, nose, mouth, ears...
Cleaned the topology of the head. He has a mouth now Still have to work on the back of his head though.
btw is it just me or does he look like Hellboy :shifty:
edit: Just noticed that tri at his nostril and cleaned it up.
Gerre, it might be the angle but the bottom of the beard looks a little too flat. Given the length of the beard hairs and imagining him shaved, his chin would be very close to the bottom of his mouth. It just seems there's not enough jaw by his chin especially since the beard looks a little concave.
Back from vacation, here's my revived attempt at the Scout. Thinner than before, the proportions match the original scout so it can be rigged in theory. But having a few weeks to clear my mind, I don't know how much more in depth I want to go on this particular project.
I've screwed around with the shape of the head some more. I think it's looking a lot better now. I also tried playing with a simple texture to make sure the things I'm planning will work out well, and I think I can make this how I want it to look.
I know he looks a bit older than the original scout, but I think the design still works pretty well. I'm not going for straight copies, anyway.
I don't like the new face much. It makes the character seem too muscular and manly when the scout is supposed to be a bit scrawny and childish. The old face portrayed that better although it was too similar to the current Scout.
Gerre, it might be the angle but the bottom of the beard looks a little too flat. Given the length of the beard hairs and imagining him shaved, his chin would be very close to the bottom of his mouth. It just seems there's not enough jaw by his chin especially since the beard looks a little concave.
Back from vacation, here's my revived attempt at the Scout. Thinner than before, the proportions match the original scout so it can be rigged in theory. But having a few weeks to clear my mind, I don't know how much more in depth I want to go on this particular project.
I don't know about that baby blue shirt
I'm not sure why but eh
maybe try plaid like this
but if you don't want to you can just do what you want it's your model and texture after all
I've screwed around with the shape of the head some more. I think it's looking a lot better now. I also tried playing with a simple texture to make sure the things I'm planning will work out well, and I think I can make this how I want it to look.
I know he looks a bit older than the original scout, but I think the design still works pretty well. I'm not going for straight copies, anyway.
Wow, I can't believe how much awesomeness is in this thread.
Swizz, tell me again why you aren't working for Valve? :P Your interpretations of these characters are nearly IDENTICAL to the style of TF2, seriously inspiring work. Can't wait to see what you come up with for the rest of the scout.
I don't know about that baby blue shirt
I'm not sure why but eh
maybe try plaid like this
but if you don't want to you can just do what you want it's your model and texture after all
It's a little darker than the normal scout's shirt actually. Maybe it's not so much the color, but that it is solid all the way to the gloves. I'll try with the sleeves rolled up to break it up maybe. And plaid in TF2? blasphemy! oh wait...
ok that makes sense now, thought it was a full beard. my bad :poly142:
It's a little darker than the normal scout's shirt actually. Maybe it's not so much the color, but that it is solid all the way to the gloves. I'll try with the sleeves rolled up to break it up maybe. And plaid in TF2? blasphemy! oh wait...
It's probably the solid color
maybe it is blasphemy but at least it breaks up the solid colors necasue it seems to me to look like a skin tight suit right now and I can't emphasise enough how much "DO NOT WANT" is in that idea.
Mine is done entirely in ZBrush on account of me not having access to Maya at home at the moment. I'd suggest most of the others are using a combination of ZBrush and Either Maya or Max
Swizzle actually uses mudbox for his head sculpts.
Got a bit of work done on this sucker today. I'm going to put some of the finishing touches on him tomorrow and then move onto the next one.
Omg its so good.
looks good Swizz
Too bad we don't have any voice replacements so John Henry isn't Russian.
Im surprised Valve hasnt thought about buying up the team and these models.
I hadn't given up, I just didn't have access to the stylus for my tablet. I'm visiting my brother right now and I accidentally left it at home. I got somebody to send it in the mail, so now I'm back working on this.
It's just a proportional thing. The legs on my model are longer than the legs on the original heavy, so it makes him look taller. In reality, he's almost exactly the same height.
There's not much to be done about the top of his head. While I could throw a few more tris at it, I'd be pushing limits. His head is already 2450 tris, and that's a good 536 tris more than the original heavy's head. As for the hands, I'm working on them. I know the transition looks pretty sharp in that image, but I'm toning it down a bit.
The scout, most likely. I don't want to do something that somebody else has already done in this thread without giving them a chance to finish theirs, otherwise I'd do the demo.
Wires, as per request.
well thats just awesome
wires look really good, but something about the suspender teeth bugs me. maybe they're too short, they just don't look like they're properly attatched to the belt.
and, should the vest really be so far away from the neck? I don't really notice until I was looking at the shoulder geo to see if it would deform properly, but that neck opening is HUGE and now I can't stop looking at it.
yeah i noticed that too.
here's a sloppy paintover just in case you decide to do anything else swizzle, and need inspiration.
the only thing is that it kinda hides the suspenders, and i like the suspenders.
also, it strays away from the original concept and looks more the original heavy, which can be a good or bad thing.
just some food for thought
I don't even remember what the scout looks like in the comic.:( And btw, what's your method on texturing these models? I can't exactly tell just by looking and I don't wanna read the entire thread.
what would it look like if john heavy henry's undershirt was a pale offwhite, and his neckerchief was red?
Looks like it's just base colors, AO, normal map for folds, a bit of painting here and there like on the hands and eyebrows and then a gradient to make the bottom darker and to represent dirt.
Once I get these finished, I'd like to pose 'em up like the ones in the group shot. They'll look a lot better once they're posed.
I know what you mean about the opening for the neck, but I actually like it. It's also pretty similar to the drawing this is based on, so I think it's a plus.
I'd considered something like that, but I just don't think it'd work very well. As for the shirt color, I think it'd kind of defeat the purpose of having team colors.
He's the one sitting down in front in this image. As for the texturing, it's really simple. Zipfinator pretty much nailed it.
This is just a rough mockup of how I want him to look (open for suggestions though). I'll probably be able to reuse most of engi's body.
Next I'm going to clean up topology of the head
Gerre- Liking your approach to modeling this dude. His face has a lot of personnality, and it looks like you have got the chops down nicely. I was worried ours would look too similar, but it looks like we're heading in different directions. Lantern is a great idea
I've had some time to model out his body and start messing with proportions. This will be a playable character to replace the engie in game, so I am slightly constrained by his rig. Pretty happy with it so far, any comments or crits are welcomed.
I personally think it changes his appearance from the image you based it on rather drastically, and I'm not sure how well I think it matches with the hair on his head.
I also personally feel his jaw/chin looks too round and too small.
In the reference image it is almost bigger than Heavies, but in your model it is smaller and rounder than Heavies.
I really like what you've done so far though
I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if these ended up on the TF2 blog.
I've been using Mudbox and Modo for somewhere around five years now on a hobbyist basis.
I agree about the legs and it's on my to do list, but I don't think I'm going to be able to get to it right now.
Yeah, I used the Source SDK model viewer for these screenshots. It's a lot easier to get an idea of what the final product needs to look like with all the proper shaders and lighting and such, so I import the models as soon as I have them unwrapped.
I actually like the chin in the comic a lot better than the one the model has now, but I didn't make it like the one in the comic because it simply wouldn't fit with the style of the actual character models from TF2. While all the characters' chins are different, they're all round when viewed in cross section from above, so throwing in that square of a chin would just look weird. I think that was a good reason to change it up.
That'd be pretty cool, but it's not really what I'm aiming for. I need portfolio stuff and I'm currently lacking finished pieces at the moment.
Using my patented As Done As It's Gonna Get technology, I've gotten the heavy to the point where I just want to not look at it ever again. I really need to move on to the next one, so I'm going to let this sit as is for a while and try not to think about all the little tweaks I aught to make to it.
I lowered the stubble opacity and refined his hairline a little and made some small texture tweaks just about everywhere else as well. He now has working spec maps, too. Time to move on.
Looks good Swizz
If his chin looks weird, it's because I'm going to give him a little bit of a goatee.
I can sympathize with you want wanting to have it be too square and pointy, I was merely thinking of making it slightly more like Heavy's while at the same time making it somewhat larger.
I'm pretty settled with your latest addition though.
I'm not sure if you changed his jaw or if you just toned down the stubble, but it looks a lot better.
Cleaned the topology of the head. He has a mouth now
btw is it just me or does he look like Hellboy :shifty:
edit: Just noticed that tri at his nostril and cleaned it up.
Back from vacation, here's my revived attempt at the Scout. Thinner than before, the proportions match the original scout so it can be rigged in theory. But having a few weeks to clear my mind, I don't know how much more in depth I want to go on this particular project.
I know he looks a bit older than the original scout, but I think the design still works pretty well. I'm not going for straight copies, anyway.
Made a start on the textures for the old geezer, still a work in progress.
It will be more clear once I start texturing.
@Bl4ckie: nice progress
I'm not sure why but eh
maybe try plaid like this
but if you don't want to you can just do what you want it's your model and texture after all
My mind has been blown.
Swizz, tell me again why you aren't working for Valve? :P Your interpretations of these characters are nearly IDENTICAL to the style of TF2, seriously inspiring work. Can't wait to see what you come up with for the rest of the scout.
Keep up the incredible work everyone
ok that makes sense now, thought it was a full beard. my bad :poly142:
It's a little darker than the normal scout's shirt actually. Maybe it's not so much the color, but that it is solid all the way to the gloves. I'll try with the sleeves rolled up to break it up maybe. And plaid in TF2? blasphemy! oh wait...
It's probably the solid color
maybe it is blasphemy but at least it breaks up the solid colors necasue it seems to me to look like a skin tight suit right now and I can't emphasise enough how much "DO NOT WANT" is in that idea.
Now his hands look bigger than the medic's