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Team Fortress 2: 1850 Edition



  • Gerre
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    Gerre polycounter lvl 10
    I'm joining in on the fun :). I was surprised nobody was doing Radigan Conagher, so I started working on him.
  • n88tr
    Heavy looks like he has no "package" lol

    Also looks a strange black color. A lighter skinned dude would look more realistic. I kno that's a strange word to use for TF2 but I think you understand what I mean. Maybe add a little ink to his arms like an homage to his chainguns
  • ShadowBrain
    Gerre wrote: »
    I'm joining in on the fun :). I was surprised nobody was doing Radigan Conagher, so I started working on him.

    Wow, nice one dude!
    It looks exactly like the picture if it was in 3D.
  • Gerre
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    Gerre polycounter lvl 10
    Still needs some tweaking though. I made his cranium a bit smaller to pronounce the chin a bit more.
    Going to do the hair next and start retopo-ing.
  • Radamein
    Hooray for being a newbie :c

    By the way, Looks amazing and would be a shame not to make more.
  • Browncoat Fox
    Awesome job guys! When I first saw the image I hoped a project like this would be started.

    One thing on my mind, the first model made here, I always assumed that character was the "scout" due to his bag full of newspapers. And the cowboy sitting down was the "engy".

    He is in the general Engy spot though, and perhaps the "newspapers" are blueprints. The tuning fork would make more sense anyway, so I am probably wrong in my assumption.

    Either way, to see TF retooled in a way to take advantage of balancing these "new" classes would be amazing. A melee heavy, steampunk engineer, demo-dynamite, a melee medic (with hopefully a revival of TFC infection), and the Chinese assassin (perhaps falling back to TFC again with a feign death and hallucinogenics? since invisibility would be difficult to explain in this time).

    Anyway, I assumed the most difficult part of this being a community project would be the professional looking models. But the people in this thread have wowed me.
  • Browncoat Fox
    Awesome job guys! When I first saw the image I hoped a project like this would be started.

    One thing on my mind, the first model made here, I always assumed that character was the "scout" due to his bag full of newspapers. And the cowboy sitting down was the "engy".

    He is in the general Engy spot though, and perhaps the "newspapers" are blueprints. The tuning fork would make more sense anyway, so I am probably wrong in my assumption.

    Either way, to see TF retooled in a way to take advantage of balancing these "new" classes would be amazing. A melee heavy, steampunk engineer, demo-dynamite, a melee medic (with hopefully a revival of TFC infection), and the Chinese assassin (perhaps falling back to TFC again with a feign death and hallucinogenics? since invisibility would be difficult to explain in this time).

    Anyway, I assumed the most difficult part of this being a community project would be the professional looking models. But the people in this thread have wowed me.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    The engi is the one who looks like Nikola Tesla.

    Anyone have any idea who the Scout is supposed to be? If everyone bar the Medic and Soldier are supposed to be based on someone then he has to be, you know, someone. Would make modelling him easier if I knew his origin.
  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18
    Dkk, Now that is a great color set for him! All you need to do now is finish up the texture, and give him his frying pan!

    Swizzle, I like that new take a lot more that the old, first thing that comes to mind is that his head needs to be at least as big as the thickness of his arms.
  • crazy-g
    Great job everyone! I just loved looking through the thread (it's a brilliant idea), so much so that it inspired me to try and make a character as well!

    I'm working on the scout, who is supposedly based off of Billy the Kid... although if that were true he would be -9 in 1850. Still, I tried make him look young and stay somewhat true to the picture from the comic.


    Anyway here is what i got so far



    missing bandana knot and spurs to name a few... also his chin is so pointy since it will be a beard as in the comic
    Some really neat stuff going on here.

    Thought I'd do a paintover to possibly help you Swizzle or just to give you some ideas since the heavy doesn't seem quite there yet.


    - Head more like the concept, smaller more angular skull, large angular jaw, bigger ears, wider nose and mouth, overall head slightly larger.
    - Bandana more angular
    - Chest sticking out a bit more, bulkier
    - Biceps slightly larger
    - Thighs that start wider, less flat crotch area (not sure about this change, but some people mentioned it so I tried it)
  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18
    Great paintover!

    The only thing i disagree with is the bandanna needing more tweaking. The head is spot on to what i was talking about!
  • ScudzAlmighty
    just wanna throw this up off Adam's blog post, some good civil war stuff:

  • a gentlman
    Oh god yes, thank you!

    I really hope you make them downloadable skin replacements. Ever since I first saw the 1850 pic I've thought "someone should totally do a model replacement for those characters" :)
  • Snowloss
    This is just... unreal.
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    I wouldnt reccomend changing the main shape of the classes. Valve has said they did this to make the characters class noticeable from a distance.
  • ThePowerPlumber
    I'm utterly astounded. This cheered me up when I found out they werent announcing the polycount winners today.
  • BANG!
    Great stuff people!

    Might take some time and do one too =)
  • KazooieBanjo
    Valve should just pick this guy up, make Team Fortress 2: 1850, and sell it for 5 bucks or tack it on to the main game for free.
  • Shadow1993
    Hey a quick suggestion to the person making the model of the pyro/Lincoln, there is this video on Youtube that shows a list of deathmasks (If you dont know what that is you can Google it) but at around 31 seconds is the best picture of Lincoln's face you will ever get.

    Here is the link:
  • soso188
    New mode. Classic match,
    Control points can only be captured by turning a hand crank.
  • Tumerboy
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    Tumerboy polycounter lvl 17
    I'd pay $15

    As long as the heavy can do some old style boxing I'd be happy!
  • Kyir
    BANG! wrote: »
    Great stuff people!

    Might take some time and do one too =)

    I would buy it for the same price as original TF2 really.
  • The Jamster
    DKK wrote: »
    Swizzle: I also have to ape the opinion that he looks way too busy.

    This guy is getting really tiring.

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zfQlQjqE8XQ&safe_search=on"]That guy must definetaly get his Jeans from Barney's[/ame]
  • Sukotto
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    Sukotto polycounter lvl 8
    crazy-g wrote: »
    Great job everyone! I just loved looking through the thread (it's a brilliant idea), so much so that it inspired me to try and make a character as well!

    I'm working on the scout, who is supposedly based off of Billy the Kid... although if that were true he would be -9 in 1850. Still, I tried make him look young and stay somewhat true to the picture from the comic.


    Anyway here is what i got so far



    missing bandana knot and spurs to name a few... also his chin is so pointy since it will be a beard as in the comic

    This looks great so far but I would try to skinny him up if you can since he's supposed to be the Scout
  • chickenman
    crazy-g wrote: »

    that first one looks a lot like Frank Fontaine.

  • JMRboosties
    Thegodzero wrote: »
    Dkk, Now that is a great color set for him! All you need to do now is finish up the texture, and give him his frying pan!

    Swizzle, I like that new take a lot more that the old, first thing that comes to mind is that his head needs to be at least as big as the thickness of his arms.

    looks sweet, id say to pull his chin up a little bit though, its jutting a bit too much
  • giantpandapoweredbycocain
    Just joined for this thread. Swizzle, I think you will be a lot happier with your result if you lightened the heavies skin a little. Look at the photo, he looks light-skinned-ed :-) A lighter skin will also help the washout that dark skin is giving the features...
  • FishnChips65
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    crazy-g wrote: »
    I'm working on the scout, who is supposedly based off of Billy the Kid...
    Ah, alright then. So that leaves what, the medic and sniper? Davy Crockett looks like more fun. I suppose I'd better get started right away this time so I don't get beaten to the punch again.
  • chickenman
    i really like it actually

    i did a paint over, but everything i did was more akin to facial repositioning which could be done with facial pose animation already.

    basically it looks good. good job.

    edit: one thing i do want to note though is separate the beard from the side burns like in the paint over. makes him look more like abe lincoln
  • Karkasmolenklok
    Lincoln has to maintain that creepy soulless smile like in the photo.
  • Ruskeydoo
    That heavy has a belt and braces? That's kinda weird.
  • Rommy
    crazy-g wrote: »
    Great job everyone! I just loved looking through the thread (it's a brilliant idea), so much so that it inspired me to try and make a character as well!

    I'm working on the scout, who is supposedly based off of Billy the Kid... although if that were true he would be -9 in 1850. Still, I tried make him look young and stay somewhat true to the picture from the comic.

    Ya know I am going to guess Wild Bill (James) Hickok. He'd only be 13 in 1850. Wikipedia lists him as a good shot (and a good scout) at a young age, but he didn't move west till 1855. However, since the will was only READ in 1850, 5 years is not that long a time.

    Hope that helps in you model design.
    (BTW: Hi! I'm new! I'll introduce myself formally elsewhere)
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    Took a while, but I think I've a look that kinda works. Still need to simplify the planes and do some other tweaking to get him in line with the Team Fortress art style.
  • Hawt Koffee
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    Hawt Koffee polycounter lvl 13

    Ehh... it could be better but I had no intention on doing the whole medic
  • CrisM1
    in my opinion " oldies demoman " looks pretty low-res compared to others ( Heavy and Soldiers looks amazing )


    probably Soldier would be better with short hairs, like scout; soldiers in that period usually used to grow up beard but hair were ALWAYS short, and all we know that Soldier is pretty intollerant to hairs ( domination text, heavy military doctrine etc.. )
  • Rashkool
    CrisM1 wrote: »
    In my opinion "oldies demoman" looks pretty low-res compared to others ( Heavy and Soldiers looks amazing )


    Soldier would probably be better with short hair, like scout. Soldiers in that period sometimes grew beards but their hair was ALWAYS short, and all we know that Soldier is pretty intolerant to hair ( domination text, heavy military doctrine etc.. )

    Made by different people.


    I'm pretty sure that soldiers were allowed to keep their hair. I mean, this is civil war period.

    He also has long hair in the original "photo" so...
  • Gravekeeper
    It's been great fun keeping up with this thread- excellent jobs all around!
    DKK wrote: »
    One of them is glass Scudz. As far as crazying up the face, and giving him a pose, thats something i'd rather do with morph targets, and a rig, and I don't want to do those, I'll probably come back to it later. Got bigger better plans though, and I want to call this done.


    DKK, I know you're done with 1850's Demoman, but if you ever want to go back to him, or if anyone else wants to give him a shot, there's a slightly better reference to be found.

    Makani, the artist for the Engineer Loose Canon comic and all the other non-3D art in the update frequents TF2Chan, and she provided a quick sketch of the Demoman's face for those interested in what's going on in that teeny tiny drawing.

  • CrisM1
    no he has not, he got thick hairs but he got no tails or long hairs behind, check it out better.
  • chickenman
    hey guys, just a heads up that Makani is planning on redoing the picture bigger with more detail as a wallpaper.
    Demo does look better in that latest concept cause he has that "I'm crazy" look to him that would suit a demoman perfectly. DKK It'd be cool to see your demo more crazy, he looks way too serious at the moment. His beard should be half singed off too.
  • TheMetaKnight
    chickenman wrote: »
    hey guys, just a heads up that Makani is planning on redoing the picture bigger with more detail as a wallpaper.
    As much of a lurker as I am... THIS^

    My mind was blown when the 1800's TF2 was put into the Loose Canon comic... and my mind is blown again with the models being put together in this thread. Awesome awesome stuff folks.
  • Sharp
    REKLAS wrote: »
    Demo does look better in that latest concept cause he has that "I'm crazy" look to him that would suit a demoman perfectly. DKK It'd be cool to see your demo more crazy, he looks way too serious at the moment.
    Remember that all of these models are in a "neutral" pose for design purposes, so none of them are going to fit their character until they're posed. Even the Valve models of each original TF2 class look pretty serious until they're animated
  • a gentlman
    Amazing work Swizzle, you should at least consider contribute!-ing the soldier's hat, if you're not already planning on it, I really like it :)
  • 1Fort 2Fort
    Wow this is greaT! LOL this inspired me to try a model. im not posting it until i think yall wont laugh but heres a hiint about who it is...its called Project Hale...Yup. Thats what the folder on my desktop says.

    (the engineer looks like the crack explosives guy from Atlantis the lost empire movie.)
  • n88tr
    Pretty old images, I hope to update them soon along with newer Tier versions


    And yes I see the dimple in the magazine head at the bottom :)
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    Think you got the wrong thread there n88tr :P Nice stuff anyway :)
  • Sparkwire
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    Sparkwire polycounter lvl 9
    Hey, remember to do separate first person hands so i can animate with them :)
  • 1Fort 2Fort
    this is just a novice talkin, but how would one go about doing the eyes and teeth? I think all the classes share blue eyes but demo...
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