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Team Fortress 2: 1850 Edition



  • Simski
    Aww, darn :(
    I would like if you made it slightly longer and made it start slightly higher up though.
  • A.Kincade
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    A.Kincade polycounter lvl 9
    This is a rad idea. Loving the whole thread. The demo is my fav so far.
  • Gerre
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    Gerre polycounter lvl 10
    messing with proportions
  • Simski
    I think it looks a lot better now, excellent work!
  • Pogo
    Massive improvement, the mouth still looks a little too frowney, but it's definitely there
  • Stunball
    Same thing I said about cheeks being too sunken, and what the other guys said about the jaw and hair, but otherwise amazing!
  • masterem243
    So what happened to this thread? It seems like things just ground to a screeching halt.
  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    not sure if this has been posted somewhere...Just went up on Kotaku. Awesome!

  • Bishop
    Nice going guys, you made "wet-dream" news in some gamer's fantasy. :/

    On a side note, I have been practicing my modeling, so the spy is WIP. Dunno if I'll post it or still even work on it just because I really like Swizzles work, but it could be useful as a reference? Kinda sucks at this point right now '~'
  • Swizzle
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    Swizzle polycounter lvl 16
    Stinger88 wrote: »
    not sure if this has been posted somewhere...Just went up on Kotaku. Awesome!


    This is me right now:

  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18
    WELL DONE! Always good to see PC in the news!
  • Bishop
    Swizzle wrote: »
    This is me right now:


    ...So appropriate...
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Just a heads up, it was me that emailed kotaku, I figured it was about half-way done and Swizzle deserved some pimpin'

    Great work so far.
  • Swizzle
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    Swizzle polycounter lvl 16
  • seforin
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    seforin polycounter lvl 18
    swizzle just go to valve already and put your balls on the table already :p
  • Swizzle
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    Swizzle polycounter lvl 16
    I'd thought about moving the hat back a bit, but I just like it a little better when it's pushed forwards.

    His hips are a touch wide, but I need to do a bit of proportion tweaking all around anyway. I'm also going to raise the holsters a touch. I'll to post later with an updated model.

    Hip holsters actually ride pretty low so it's easy to draw your gun, but you're right that they're still a bit low. I'm going to raise them a bit.

    The bunched up part by his feet is just a big fold. It'll look a little better once I have the normal maps and finished AO on there.

    I actually plan on adding a bit of wheat. I'd simply forgotten to add that, so look for it in my next update.

    Nuh uh!

    To be fair, I'm actually following the concept for the scout a lot more closely than any of the concepts for the previous models, so in this case you should just blame Makani for most of it. :poly142:

    I don't think the color really matters. It's not like there are going to be separate models for the same classes on different teams. It's just a matter of swapping out skins.

    I know this is one of the areas where I deviated pretty heavily from the concept, but I was having a tough time figuring out how to do big, puffy hair that could have hats swapped out without it looking gnarly as hell. I was able to do it with the soldier by simply making him balding, but that wouldn't work so well with the much-younger scout.

    Enthusiast of Tea:
    The attitude of the original characters doesn't come across from the reference posed models very well, either.

    I'll have to watch Back to the Future 3 again.

    Here's a little update on the color scheme. I haven't had much of a chance to work on this since the last update because I've been taking care of some family issues and stuff. As such, I haven't done any modification of the model at all, so his holsters are still a bit off and there are a couple of other issues that need to be addressed.

    And here's some approximation of what he should look like after the textures are finished.
  • Norron
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    Norron polycounter lvl 13
    I have to say, his vest isn't sitting right with me. I'm not too sure why though. Something about the angle that its resting at looks odd.

    Or maybe I'm just crazy. You decide.
  • zenarion
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    zenarion polycounter lvl 17
    DKK: how about some more blue stuff on his back? Like some kind of extra equipment bag? As is, you got a dark neutral-colored jacket, and just his collar that signifies what team he belongs to.
  • Gerre
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    Gerre polycounter lvl 10
    Stunball: His cheeks are that sunken, at least that's how I interpreted the sketch.
    DKK & Swizzle: Looking awesome :D

    Progress on the body. Only thing left to do is the piece of cloth in his chestpouch.
  • Noors
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    Noors greentooth
    Is there some reason why you did the scout with gloves ? It feels a bit inappropriate to me.
    Just some thoughts :poly136:
    oh i've just read you decided to stick to the concept, well i leave this here anyway :bear:
  • Mark Dygert
    I agree on the scout gloves, I think some devation from the concept is needed, but I don't fault you for sticking to the source material.

    They seem too much like the rubber gloves the medic wears. Probably something in line with rodeo/cowboy leather gloves IF you where to change them. If you're going to keep them it might help to turn them a bit more red because he's kind of running low on a significant amount of team colors?

    Sure you'll probably have a slightly different shade of brown for the blue version but at a distance with some of the HDR and shadow areas it can get kind of confusing. Also once his hands move into a gun holding postion its going to be hard tell the difference at a distance. The TF2 heavy has this problem from time to time especially from the back, thanks to the big black vest. Thankfully from the front he has a big brightly colored belly and sleeves.

    Any who... just some junk to chew on. Keep up the awesome work!
  • Bishop
    True. I will admit that something was off for me about the gloves. Just didn't feel quite right. I didn't know if it was the fact that you gave him gloves, or the fact they looked like medic gloves and were such a neutral maroonish colour. Other than that, coming along nicely Swizzle.

    And DKK, What I noticed on yours, that it looked like the crotch was square, the waistband of the pants didn't look quite right, and something was off for me with the positioning off the belt. What's with the stance by the way? Quick Draw TNT-Suicide-Bomb?
  • The Scrub
    DKK he looks smug about something not like he's going to blow something up.
    It seems more like a mad grin than a smug smile on the concept and he is kind of more hunched over on the concept I think.
    But it's coming along good so you keep doing what you want.
  • ScudzAlmighty
    looks good Swizzle, I really like the direction of the paintover,
    DKK, that pose is killer.

    figured I'd throw this up here since my zb4 thread disapeared so quickly. It's a high poly sculpt only and I really don't have time for an lp at the moment, but this is my final Heavy Henry:

  • wizo
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    wizo polycounter lvl 18
    looking very good guys!! tho id say as a general idea, put more polys around the eyes for more definition. Except for Swizzles models/textures, some creases around the eyes are too soft , I think it could really make the character's expression pop out if the eye region was more definied.

    Ok im done nitpickning, as a whole, this is some hi-lvl stuff going straight in my inspiration folder. Much love for all your hard work. Keep it up.
  • Bishop
    Damn, Scudz. Just damn.

    Gold mine.
  • Swizzle
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    Swizzle polycounter lvl 16
    Looking good, Scudz. I'd suggest simplifying the base a bit, though. There's a lot of visual clutter down there that's not reading well.
  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18
    Scudz, Have you tried throwing the hammer up on to his shoulder? Its the more traditional way to carry/hold them when not in use. That or have the heavy end on the ground and the wood pointing up and out a away from him a bit with him resting his hand on its end. Its looking great but just needs a little bit more life to its pose.
  • The Scrub
    realy like that Heavy :D
  • masterem243
    Hey DKK, not to nitpick, but isn't the Demo supposed to have a rag covering his right eye? And I absolutely love that Heavy!
  • Enthusiast of Tea
    Holy coconut, Scudz. This guy is avsum. Except da face, lil bit tiki statue :O

    DKK - make him moar MAAAAD :O
  • MikeOMe
    The Heavy Looks Awesome Scudz. If these Skins Were Released I would Download Immediately. And I would tell Mah Friends :D
  • The Scrub
    MikeOMe wrote: »
    The Heavy Looks Awesome Scudz. If these Skins Were Released I would Download Immediately. And I would tell Mah Friends :D

    unfortunately I think Scudz only has a high Poly version as of now(could take a long time if at all to get the low poly) so with that Heavy you could probably kiss your smooth gameplay goodbye :p
  • murphy8
    Can't wait for the source files. Actually if I would mess a bit with the scaling and proportions of the models they could fit the default skeleton of the classes and I would be able to get em rigged up and ingame.
  • Snake
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    Snake polycounter lvl 17
    Here's a small update on the sniper. I didn't have much time to work on it. I'm still working on the face and I'm planning to improve the detail on the coat plus to add a bag and a gunpowder horn hanging.

  • Bishop
    Good, keep this thread alive. Profound his chin, make the forehead wider, along with the lip of the hat.
  • Sukotto
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    Sukotto polycounter lvl 8
    From the group picture I think the sniper looks a lot like the current soldier. I think you should give him a fuller face and more profound chin
  • theharribokid
    Tassels on the underarm of the snipers coat would be nice touch, and the way the arm of the coat isn't flush with the top of the shoulder looks weird to me. In the concept art the collar looks alot tighter to the neck, I know you left the head and neck out to begin with but now there's large neck exposure going on, the buttons looks a bit too big too, a bit to similar to the Chinese spy's coat, i'd say lengthen it down a bit too but I think that it's going to be hard to without further impeding on the spy's look. If you do however, keep it open at the bottom, keep it around knee height (with or without the bottom tassels depending on if you add them) and loose against the leg rather than rigid and poking out like the Spys is.
  • Snake
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    Snake polycounter lvl 17
    There are going to be tassels, but as alpha planes, that's why I didn't add them yet. You are right on the neck, I have to tighten it much more. I think I know what you mean with the joint between the arms and the shoulders not looking right.
    My main problem is that I do intend to put my model in the game. So that's why it's still looking much like the actual sniper model but with new clothes.
  • seven
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    seven polycounter lvl 13
    @swizzle: Hey man. The scout is looking good and maybe you answered this all ready but why did you chose to keep his bushy hair coming out of the bottom of his hat off? I think it could add that extra something to the model.
  • Venomousbeetle
    Nicely Done! I'm not a very good modeler, But if needs be I can hex the models for garrys mod and machinima purposes when you are done. My steam ID is same as username. also, any new progress on fu man chu spy?
  • Snake
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    Snake polycounter lvl 17
    I tried to follow some of the advices and this is what I have so far:

  • The Scrub
    seven wrote: »
    @swizzle: Hey man. The scout is looking good and maybe you answered this all ready but why did you chose to keep his bushy hair coming out of the bottom of his hat off? I think it could add that extra something to the model.
    maybe he'll do it later :p
  • BluntPencil
    I hardly ever got the stones to post here, but I just gotta express my level of squee at what I'm seeing in this thread. Keep up the most awesome work here, guys. :)
  • RedSheep
    Snake, looking good so far, however if I may make a few suggestions, I think that the two pieces of the collar should come together in a "v" shape, it looks a little odd as a stiff square shape. Also same with the bottom of the coat, the separation is too sudden and stiff, if you make it ease into a curve (starting just below the button on the left side) I think it would look better. One last thing, I don't know if you are done with the hat, but it looks too uniform at the moment, if you make it sag and bag up (sorta like the gibus, maybe a little more profound though) it would look great.
    Oh and it would look nice to add cuffs at the bottom of the sleeves.
    Great work so far :) I'm excited for the finished product.
  • Bl4ckie
    Not had much time to work on him, still lots to do. Looking forward to the weekend so I can chill and get things looking better :)

  • Mutated
    His right hand looks like a CLAAAW.

    No, but seriously, his legs are poofy. Like, inflatable mannequin poofy. Consider slimming them down and toning them a bit.
  • BlvdNights
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    BlvdNights polycounter lvl 8
    Bl4ckie wrote: »
    Not had much time to work on him, still lots to do. Looking forward to the weekend so I can chill and get things looking better :)


    The silhouette and form are pretty weak overall. Try making them more defined and unique.
  • Snake
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    Snake polycounter lvl 17
    A small update on the sniper. The comments have been most useful and I'm still working on some of them. I want to start texturing this model already, but I don't want to go back and forth between texturing and remodeling. So until we all feel satisfied with it, I'm going to have to wait =P.

  • The Scrub
    Were are all the posts at?
    It feels like forever since this thread has been posted in :D .
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