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Team Fortress 2: 1850 Edition



  • Snake
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    Snake polycounter lvl 17
    This is what I got so far. I haven't come down to the face yet (I mean I haven't even worked on the concept yet), but the body is pretty much done.

  • LobsterJohnson
    Hey! I just saw this stuff, you guys are all doing God's work here, that's no doubt. =P I can't wait to see it all finished. I signed up to let you guys know I'm writing some voice responses and recording them tomorrow. Here's a couple themes I'm gunning for. Please Crit them so they can be as good as possible!

    Spy: Only KIND of having a sterotypical asian accent, not unlike how spy only sounds kind of French.

    Demoman: Since the pyro obviously can talk, I'd like for one character to be inaudible. And after a little thinking, I decided on demoman. He's already a prospector-looking type, so imagine a prospector, doing his little prospector-jig, only with a thick-as-molasses Cajun accent. I'm talking every other word is AU SHAW ZE LA NE WOOOWEE! A good example is boomhauer if you're having trouble picturing it.

    Pyro: I'm honestly just going to try to make as many Abe Lincoln puns as I can.

    Medic: Since he's (assuming) sigmund freud, I'm going to try and work off the psychology angle. I'd also like to throw in a reference to the song "Frontier Psychiatrist."

    Heavy: I don't know what I'm going to have him say. I do, however, know what I want people to say about him. Tesla/Engineer, for one, will have lots of mean things to say about machines winning after all, and I'm thinking someone should mistake him for, among other tall tale-related things, Sasquatch and Paul Bunyan.

    Any other ideas before I start recording some of these tomorrow?

    Here's a few Examples:

    Pyro Domination: Four score and seven years ago, I started TANNIN' YOUR HIDE, BOY.

    Pyro Domination on Spy: I've been assassinated once already, you think I don't know how you play, Son?

    Pyro Domination: I'll be honest. You're not gonna last much longer.

    Pyro Domination: You just got Emancipated...FROM LIFE!

    Spy Domination on Pyro: Sig Semper Tyranus, Mr. Plesident.
  • Snake
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    Snake polycounter lvl 17
    I would recomend you to stop concentrating on the head for now and rethink the body mesh. Spend more polygons and play more with shapes and the meshflow, try to imitate more the TF2 style of models while keeping the Abe Lincoln look.
    The legs for example, they're too straight, too sharp, while keeping them skinny, try to give them a more cartoony look, some waves, folds, wrinkles, etc. The forearms are just too thin for a TF2 model. Try to think how Popeye is drawn, with unproportionate forearms and hand compared to the rest of the arms. Also, make every piece of clothing that's folded or bent more extruding, like if it was made out of very thick leather and not regular fabric.
  • ThePowerPlumber
    The Lincoln needs a darker shade of red for the suit, almost brown. Kinda like the Spy wears.
  • Swizzle
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    Swizzle polycounter lvl 16
    itismario, you need to take a step back and ask yourself some tough questions:

    - Does it look appealing?
    - Is it well proportioned?
    - Does it follow conventions set by Valve in their TF2 designs?

    I don't mean to sound like a jerk, but I want to be honest because I think you can take this: Were I to answer these questions, I would be forced to say no to all of them.

    I think you have a good start on the model, but I think a good start is all you have right now. There's a lot of room for improvement and there are a lot of really easy things you can do to make those improvements. Snake nailed quite a few of them, so I'm not going to repeat what he said. Instead I'm going to focus on how you could improve the head with just some minor tweaks.

    This is kind of a shitty liquify job since the stylus for my tablet is a hundred miles away at the moment, but it touches on most of the proportional issues I think the head has. Don't use this for reference, though; there are some horrible things going on with the front view.

    One of the main things that's weirding me out with your model right now is the bulgy eyes. You're making him look like an alien or something and that's not what you want.

    Eyes are inside of eye sockets, and over the top are eyelids and some fleshy bits like the epicanthic fold. Try to emphasize that by pulling the eyes into the head. This will also have the nice effect of accentuating the brow, and most TF2 characters have very prominent brows.

    In addition, making the eyes smaller will lessen the alien effect and make him look more human and less weird.

    Try to throw some more polygons at the head. Most of the TF2 heads are between 2000 and 3000 tris, so you have a lot of wiggle room. This amount of polygon density will allow you to emphasize things like the nasolabial folds, the nostrils, the lips and the shape of the beard and hair.

    Completely rebuild your ears. Period. I know that ears are an unholy bitch of a thing to build and that they're time consuming and annoying, but it'll be worth it if it makes them look like they fit the game and it'll bring the head's appeal up a notch. Ears, even though they're on the sides of the head and not often looked at, are weird make-or-break propositions. You want to make it.

    Don't be concerned with small details like moles. I know it makes you feel cool to have those little details and such, but they'll detract from the final model since this is for TF2. Focus more on getting the large-scale forms right and then worry about the small stuff.
  • Bl4ckie
    Also doing a version of Radigan, couldn't resist after seeing the comic. Not sure whether to keep the beard as a separate object or incorporate it into the mesh. I would like to get it in game and do some facial animations so maybe it has to be, not really sure :\

  • zenarion
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    zenarion polycounter lvl 17
    One of these dudes needs to wear a poncho, and look like Clint Eastwood somehow.
    Achievements related to "The good, the bad and the ugly" as well.
  • giantpandapoweredbycocain
    Swizzle, I'm not sure if you read my comments or not. It was my first post and it took a day or so to get moderated and the thread was a couple pages along once it was finally posted.

    Anyways, I was suggesting you lighten the skin tone of your heavy. I think you will see a HUGE improvement. If you look at the picture, he looks fairly light-skinned. Beyond the source congruency, I think you will find that his features will look a lot less washed out with a lighter skin.
  • BadGeometry
    Holy crap, this thread is all sorts of amazing. I was thinking of how fun it would be to model the 1850s TF team and now I'm glad other people had the same idea. I'm really gonna see if I can push some of my other stuff out quick now 'cause I wanna be part of this.
  • Snake
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    Snake polycounter lvl 17
    Guys, I'm going to need some directions for the Sniper's face because it doesn't have a very defined style. It's very generic actually. What do you think would be a good real life model for him?
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    Davy Crocket would seem to be the logical choice.
  • Snake
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    Snake polycounter lvl 17
    Have you seen Davy Crockett's portraits on the web?
  • chickenman
    whoops double post. can i delete this?
  • chickenman
    here's another suggestion.

    it's up to you if you think this is a good idea or not.

    but just throwing this out there.

    you're doing a good job :poly121:

    edit: lol i noticed that Swizzle told you to lower the top of the head.

    so i guess his advice is better than mine! :poly136:
  • Swizzle
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    Swizzle polycounter lvl 16
    I told him to lower the top of the head because the characters in TF2 generally have their eyes above the midpoint of their heads.
  • xk0be
    mario, if I may...

    - Add more polies to the head so the beard is more separated and you can see the nose-mouth folds from the front view. Personally I'd like the beard to extend up to near his ears, and have it be a bit thicker.

    - IDK if its on purpose, but his proportions are weird, his upper body looks huge and although the coat has nice details the sleeves, pants and shoes are pretty ordinary. I know you don't have any folds going yet but some of those "cuffs" at the end of pants and sleeves or accessories of some sort could look good.

    It's looking way better than it was though, keep it up!
  • asvdveen
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    Snake wrote: »
    Have you seen Davy Crockett's portraits on the web?
    Ah right. Correction, use Fess Parker playing Davy Crocket.
    A handsome fellow with an aquiline nose. The mythical character rather than the slightly less impressive looking (though no doubt tough as a brick shithouse) real version.
  • Sharky
    Wow you guys are doing great! Keep it up!
  • feanix
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    feanix polycounter lvl 7
    Jackablade wrote: »
    I thought this might be of some value in helping define your John Henry style Heavy.

    Wow. I'm feeling at least twice as gay as I already was. Sudden... urge... to... buy... small... dog...
  • Snake
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    Snake polycounter lvl 17
    Jackablade wrote: »
    Ah right. Correction, use Fess Parker playing Davy Crocket.
    A handsome fellow with an aquiline nose. The mythical character rather than the slightly less impressive looking (though no doubt tough as a brick shithouse) real version.

    That would be a better choice. I found some pictures of him on the web, thanks for the hint.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    Glad to help snake
    feanix wrote: »
    Wow. I'm feeling at least twice as gay as I already was. Sudden... urge... to... buy... small... dog...
    Homoerotic or not, I still think he would have been a handy reference when sculpting up the 1850s Heavy.
  • chickenman
    Jackablade wrote: »
    Glad to help snake

    Homoerotic or not, I still think he would have been a handy reference when sculpting up the 1850s Heavy.

    except there's nothing really unique about that picture.

    you could have shown him any picture of a well sculpted black man and gotten the same affect.

    it's just not really a good reference because it doesn't fit TF2's art style

    better examples would be:


    the guy from the green mile
    dr. sweet from atlantis
  • MattQ86
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    MattQ86 polycounter lvl 15
    chickenman wrote: »
    except there's nothing really unique about that picture.

    you could have shown him any picture of a well sculpted black man and gotten the same affect.

  • xk0be
    MattQ86 wrote: »

    It's a pretty sublime feeling to scroll down in a 3d thread expecting well, 3d of some sort, and finding this guy. WITH A MONOCLE. Amazing.
  • haiddasalami
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    haiddasalami polycounter lvl 14
    xk0be wrote: »
    It's a pretty sublime feeling to scroll down in a 3d thread expecting well, 3d of some sort, and finding this guy. WITH A MONOCLE. Amazing.
    SWAN DIVVE!!!!!!
  • Lord McMutton
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    Lord McMutton polycounter lvl 17
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    we should totally move these years 10 years and make it a civil war tf2 mod, confederate vs rebels. steampunk engi sentries ftw
  • Radamein
    My god swizzle you are amazing ._.
  • ScudzAlmighty
    could we maybe get a few less gay jokes and a little more ART?
  • 1Fort 2Fort
    okay then. (please dont laugh i havent done a human yet!!!) heres saxton so far, but im not done yet. Ive got to work is face a bit more and change some proportions. And the computer ate his hat. FFFFFF But ill make another and aslo a hunting jacket and gabe's ban hammer.
  • Mutated
    All he needs is chest hair in the shape of Australia and he'll be set.
  • zenarion
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    zenarion polycounter lvl 17
    Desperately need to find a way to incorporate a poncho-wearing cowboy guy.
  • Snake
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    Snake polycounter lvl 17
    could we maybe get a few less gay jokes and a little more ART?

    A little more less conversation a little more ART please. All this gay conversation ain't satisfactioning him.
  • denvarte
    okay then. (please dont laugh i havent done a human yet!!!) heres saxton so far, but im not done yet. Ive got to work is face a bit more and change some proportions. And the computer ate his hat. FFFFFF But ill make another and aslo a hunting jacket and gabe's ban hammer.


    please spend some time on saxton, he won't be happy if his model is done wrong
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    Giving the medic a go as no one else seemed to be having any kind of serious attempt at him. Having a bit of trouble getting that TF2 flavour down. I think I'm not too far off now, it's just not quite there yet. Any suggestions on what I need to change would be appreciated.
    Glasses are just a very, very rough example and will be completely replaced when I have a functional copy of Maya in front of me.
  • zenarion
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    zenarion polycounter lvl 17
    Jackablade wrote: »
    Giving the medic a go as no one else seemed to be having any kind of serious attempt at him. Having a bit of trouble getting that TF2 flavour down. I think I'm not too far off now, it's just not quite there yet. Any suggestions on what I need to change would be appreciated.
    Glasses are just a very, very rough example and will be completely replaced when I have a functional copy of Maya in front of me.

    Will the good doctor be asking us about our feelings towards our mother?
  • The Scrub
    zenarion wrote: »
    Will the good doctor be asking us about our feelings towards our mother?
    our feelings to the Pyro however...
  • 1Fort 2Fort

    Actually, I plan one speanding at least a week on him. Only worked on it for 3 days and the total time is just for modeling. Ive set aside 2 weeks for texturing.
    And I did have quite a few refrences including some of those comic ones too.
    I think hes coming outgreat considering hes my first human and I hope Saxton himself wont pummel me until I say im finished....
  • 1Fort 2Fort

    If I jack up, Im am afraid of getting locked in a fridge! I know Saxton would just do this!
  • Sukotto
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    Sukotto polycounter lvl 8
    Jackablade wrote: »
    Giving the medic a go as no one else seemed to be having any kind of serious attempt at him. Having a bit of trouble getting that TF2 flavour down. I think I'm not too far off now, it's just not quite there yet. Any suggestions on what I need to change would be appreciated.
    Glasses are just a very, very rough example and will be completely replaced when I have a functional copy of Maya in front of me.

    I would definitely lower the top of his head as Swizzle has said many times that the TF2 characters's eyes are past the half way point of the head, lowering the top of the head would achieve that. I would also pronounce his brow more and bring his jaw forward as it seems the TF2 characters all have substantial underbites
  • Gerre
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    Gerre polycounter lvl 10
    Sry for the lack of updates. I've been working on him hapazardly, so not that much progress. I'm not happy with the hair on the back of his head yet, so that still needs work. I already started retopologizing and I'm going to work further from there.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    Sukotto wrote: »
    I would definitely lower the top of his head as Swizzle has said many times that the TF2 characters's eyes are past the half way point of the head, lowering the top of the head would achieve that. I would also pronounce his brow more and bring his jaw forward as it seems the TF2 characters all have substantial underbites
    Yeah, I wasn't sure about the cranium for this guy. In the concept his eyes are actually lower than the the middle of his head, accentuating the size of his brain-box. I'll have a play with it and see if I can find a happy medium.

    Thanks for the suggestions
  • tex_cookiedough
  • Sharkisss
  • Steve Schulze
  • Sukotto
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    Sukotto polycounter lvl 8
    I think his head looks much better now, I'm not too sure about his hair color. I don't think it really fits in with the TF2 palette. I mean the hair on his head, not his mustache
  • chickenman
    hair in tf2 is usually shiny and almost solid.

    i also pictured the 1850's medic's hair to be white.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    That's just a quick polypaint to more easily see if everything was working. Probably will go for grey or at least semi-grey hair once I come to texture.

    Could you post your wires for Hale, 1Fort2Fort? It looks like your geometry could use some work.
  • WolfSeagull
    Just would like to say that everything on this thread is amazing! I really cannot wait to see the final product for these classes! Hopefully I can use them in either garrysmod, or as skins in tf2. All in all, keep up the good work! :D
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