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Team Fortress 2: 1850 Edition



  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    They're a bit amorphous. Probably if you pulled in a few verts on the back of the wrist they'd work better.

    I'd suggest that the large area of checked pattern would be far, far too noisy for a TF2 character.
  • Gerre
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    Gerre polycounter lvl 10
    I suggest a darker color for the gloves, more like his hat. And maybe try another color for the bandana? The current color makes it blend too much into the shirt imo.
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    Since its the 1850s why not give the black heavy ankle chains etc?

    100% kidding. Looks great, but as to the others, i repeat, it may not be such a good idea to mess with the proportions. Valve has mentioned that the silhouettes of the characters are very specific and significant to identifying to class type from a distance.
  • jakelear
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    jakelear polycounter lvl 14
    frell wrote: »
    Since its the 1850s why not give the black heavy ankle chains etc?
    Pst, your racism is showing. (Again.)
  • Simski
    Swizzle wrote: »
    I know he looks a bit older than the original scout, but I think the design still works pretty well. I'm not going for straight copies, anyway.
    I fear rather that he looks too old to resemble Billy the kid that he's supposedly based off.
    If you make him look more younger, he'll both fit that reference as well as Scout better.

    Currently he looks good, but somewhat like a generic train robber.
    Make him look more like a boy rather than a man, but make sure that he still doesn't look too innocent.
  • Swizzle
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    Swizzle polycounter lvl 16
    Hey Frell, would it be possible for you to post comments that are a little less appropriate? I'm not quite getting enough of a racist feel, so maybe throw in words like "negro" and "blackie" so you come across a little more clearly.

    As for silhouette identification, these don't really count. They're certainly not going in TF2 unless somebody (not me) makes a mod, so silhouette identification isn't an issue as they're in a very different context from the original models.

    Agreed on basically all counts. I smoothed out his features a bit, so he ought to look a bit more youthful.

    I think I'm as done with this blockout as I'm going to get. This was just supposed to give me a rough base for modeling and I kind of went overboard, but I think it was worth it. The scout doesn't have as wacky of proportions as some of the other characters, so getting a feel for exactly how he should look was a little tougher because I needed a bit more subtlety.

    On to the final model.
  • jakelear
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    jakelear polycounter lvl 14
    I think you nailed it this time Swizzle. I've always had this notion that people in the past looked older, probably because they had to work harder and weren't so obsessed with being eternally youthful.

    With that in mind, I think that the scout should look just a bit older than his modern-day rendition, and I think you've nailed it with your most recent blockout.

    Loving it so far, and excited to see what you come up with.
  • ScudzAlmighty
    awww, he doesn't look like Emilio at all :(
  • NathanA
    I really like the new scout model Swizzle but if I were to change one thing it would be that right now its looking a little too... Pixar-ish
    Normally that wouldnt be a bad thing but maybe revisiting the eyes will bring it back to the slightly evil tf2 style.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    Whatever background Frell may have, the concept of escaped slave as mercenary isn't actually that bad an idea. A broken manacle around one leg would give the character some history. Alternatively, given he's apparently supposed to be John Henry, sticking a couple of railway spikes in his pocket would be an alternative. Neither seem especially necessary, but a little visual storytelling is always nice.

    I'm really liking your latest version of the Scout.
  • chickenman
    are you going to give the scout a hat swizzle?
  • Swizzle
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    Swizzle polycounter lvl 16

    Pfft. Emilio. Next you'll be wanting me to make the sniper look like Fess Parker. Though that's probably not a bad idea...

    Most of the TF2 characters' faces look fairly neutral in their reference poses, so don't worry too much about the eyes. Once I'm done, there'll be plenty of evil.

    I agree about visual storytelling, but I don't think it's really necessary in the case if TF2-style characters. They're pretty much blank slates even with all their voice acting and such, so I'm not too worried.


    Got some work done on the scout model. I still need to model the holsters for his gunbelts and add some other stuff like a hat and some smaller details.
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    Jackablade wrote: »
    Whatever background Frell may have, the concept of escaped slave as mercenary isn't actually that bad an idea. A broken manacle around one leg would give the character some history. Alternatively, given he's apparently supposed to be John Henry, sticking a couple of railway spikes in his pocket would be an alternative. Neither seem especially necessary, but a little visual storytelling is always nice.

    I'm really liking your latest version of the Scout.
    But no, excuseeeee meee for mentioning slavery in a topic about the 1850s.

    It was inappropriate though, sorry.
  • Swizzle
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    Swizzle polycounter lvl 16
    Another little update before bed. I should've been in bed hours ago, but I was sort of on a roll. Now that I have all the major pieces in place, it's sleepytime.
  • The Scrub
    Swizzle wrote: »
    Another little update before bed. I should've been in bed hours ago, but I was sort of on a roll. Now that I have all the major pieces in place, it's sleepytime.
    Is that neck looking a bit nope.avi to anyone else?

    I don't know if it's a bit too long but it looks a bit like it to me

    Also is the back half of his pants missing? Is that intended, are the faces flipped or is it just not finished entirely?
  • MattBradley
    I think they're meant to be chaps, Scrub.
  • Simski
    Swizzle wrote: »
    Fucking nailed it :P

    I also do not worry that he looks too innocent, Scout looks that way too before he starts expressing his smug personality.
  • Simski
    Here's the image the artist who drew the original 1850 TF2 image most likely based her image.
    If you compare this image to the TF2 team, you will for example notice his strange hair and smug look.

    Another 2 images can be found on this site, possible fakes. A man claims to have found images of Billy the kid, and I do admit there is a resemblance... however you can't be 100% sure.

    I am posting this just in case you found this knowledge useful for making it resemble him more, but I do not at have any objections at all if you feel you would rather not change your current look.
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    a lot of win in here!
  • Swizzle
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    Swizzle polycounter lvl 16
    The Scrub:
    The neck was looking pretty long, so I've shortened it a little. Also, yes, those are chaps. Hopefully it's more obvious in this latest image.

    I saw those pictures, but decided not to base him on them. While they're good references, I just didn't think they were as useful as they could be.


    This is just base colors and AO. I haven't touched the head except to add a big blob for the hair and I still need to figure out the exact color scheme I'm going to use for the jacket/vest/shirt area.
  • Simski
    Could you consider having his hat pulled back a bit though?
    To make him look more cocky :P
  • jakelear
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    jakelear polycounter lvl 14
    I'm not sure if it's just the angles that have been provided so far, but he looks a little wide at the hips, or perhaps the head is too small. Also, I know you aren't designing these with gameplay in mind, but the low holsters would severely impede this fastest of the classes' running ability. (And also lack some practicality as to how they would be held up)
  • Ferg
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    Ferg polycounter lvl 18
    lovin this thread swizzle, great work

    crit - whats up with the crossed hip bandoleer belt holster things? The overall design is solid, but they don't look like they'd stay up like that... maybe lift the top of the loops over the hips a little? You could bump them up and adjust the main belt a bit to accommodate them, great opportunity for some asymmetry.
  • xk0be
    I really like it, what's with the thing at the bottom of the pants though? The outwards bump thing? Is that just gonna be an area with a big fold or something?

    Only suggestion I have really that kind of touches on what the last few posters are saying, I would try to move that cross holster thing up above the belt, it looks really cool but a bit impractical imo.
  • masterem243
    I think the Scout should have straw hanging out of his mouth, sort of like this.

  • ShadowBrain
    Swizzle wrote: »
    The Scrub:
    The neck was looking pretty long, so I've shortened it a little. Also, yes, those are chaps. Hopefully it's more obvious in this latest image.

    I saw those pictures, but decided not to base him on them. While they're good references, I just didn't think they were as useful as they could be.


    This is just base colors and AO. I haven't touched the head except to add a big blob for the hair and I still need to figure out the exact color scheme I'm going to use for the jacket/vest/shirt area.

    Yeah for being the fastest he doesn't look like he's ready to run anywhere with that outfit. (spurs, holster position, wide pant legs, chaps, layered clothing shirt/vest/jacket/thick gloves (unnecessary weight). Seems like non of which a fast runner would wear.
  • Cap Hotkill
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    Cap Hotkill polycounter lvl 13
    Awesome idea, I cant wait to see it done :D
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
  • ThePowerPlumber
    I just noticed something. Why are all the models being made RED if the team you are drawing was the 1850's BLU team :0
  • Monkeez
    I just noticed something. Why are all the models being made RED if the team you are drawing was the 1850's BLU team :0

    That whole team's a SPAH!
  • The Scrub
    I just noticed something. Why are all the models being made RED if the team you are drawing was the 1850's BLU team :0

    TPP: Give Swizzle "The Look"

    Swizzle: D:

    And now
    Plot: ====>

    I want to know what happens next :p

    But I'm pretty sure there is an explanation somewhere like his/her models are loose interpretations or something like that somewhere on the first page but that woudn't explain the team color difference
  • artur
    :poly136:Hello'm sorry that I do not know my english language but I send you my work I had narisaval not made in 3d editor I once shook a 3D editor can not I have not turned out to do, I send you the job character arsonist with a view of 1850 included three weapons and a mask is not a gas mask is a mask like a spy with the anti smoke masksth arsonists model is the same as the people have chosen the forum of your polycount only mask and izmeninie weapons but I will say that the International Mobile Equipment offer you a pyromaniac without a gas mask is not only 1850 but is common with a person a citizen of tfc same when he went to sniper videos present a sniper and He said the boom in the Golo and the figure hit a citizenhead but now that national red and blue arsonist arsonist is a scout mom message?current_folder=2030000720004359459&ids=2030000001090432896
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    Alright, here we go once again. I reworked the head to match the pixel art on the previous page. I think I'm a bit closer to the style now. Maybe. Not really sure whether to go all hard edged and angular on the hair or make it a bit rougher.

    Finally managed to coax Maya to work on my laptop again, so I'll have a crack at a body for him over the weekend.
  • Gerre
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    Gerre polycounter lvl 10
    I saw Back to the Future 3 again yesterday and the Sniper needs that rifle that Doc uses :D
  • masterem243
    Something else I noticed with the Scout, is that his hair sticks out in the back. Make sure that he doesn't have short hair.
  • Gerre
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    Gerre polycounter lvl 10
    Finished the head (ignore goggles and body for now)
  • Simski
    I think he looks too alert and angry.

    Old man Engy looks more laid back and cool.
    He looks like the kind of person that has everything planned out and he doesn't worry much about potential problems because he knows he can handle them.

    Your Engy looks more like a grumpy old grandpa who's about to go postal.

    I know these are harsh words, but I'm just trying to help.
    Try visualizing what I said, I imagine he would probably look better if he looked more calm.

    I also think you perhaps made his chin slightly too wide, or his head too short.
  • Simski
    Something else I noticed with the Scout, is that his hair sticks out in the back. Make sure that he doesn't have short hair.

    I agree that I miss this a little.
    This was as far as I understood supposed to make him resemble "Billy the Kid".
    While Swizzle's model is great, I feel a bit saddened that the reference feels kind of lost.
  • Gerre
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    Gerre polycounter lvl 10
    what's wrong with going postal D:
    it's probably just the eyebrows though
  • NeoDement
    He IS going to go postal, he's in actual gameplay, not in a silly comic
  • Simski
    Well I can sympathize with that view Neo, however I still think he looks too much like a grumpy old man rather than the Engineer right now :(
  • Gerre
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    Gerre polycounter lvl 10
    I rotated the eyebrows a bit and made them thinner, so he looks less angry.
    Is this better? I actually like it this way.
  • Enthusiast of Tea
    Gerre -yes, new face makes old chap almost 100% Radiganish, only pair of neat goggles to make this man Legendary.

    Swizzle - meh, this Scout is very nice example of modeling but doesn't really fits into comic style. mister Kid drawned was very cocky and badboy, and face of this pal is just "hullo, imma nice guy!" :O

    Gotta wait some moar, those models are legendary and epic and such - now just make 1850 weapons and 1850 maps with, of course, new hitboxes, stats and stuff, and fanmade Team Fortress prequel will rise and conquer ze world.

    pardon my engrish, me random foreigner who registr'd to enjoy TF2 entries.
  • theharribokid
    Gerre wrote: »
    Is this better? I actually like it this way.
    Yeah it looks much better now, though I think the eyebrows look too flat, there quite bushy in the art, maybe they should be modelled in slightly?
  • RustySpannerz
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    RustySpannerz polycounter lvl 14
    He's amazing! I love him!
  • vcool
    The scout could have a bit more Marty McFly vibe.
  • Stunball
    The spot I circled is the only part I have a problem with. His cheek doesn't look very thick as it goes into his beard, and it gives me the feeling that it's all just Very Very sunken behind the beard.


    Maybe if you showed us a few more face angles I wouldn't feel that way, but from what you've shown he seems lacking in the cheeks department.

    Did I mention that you're doing an amazing job? :thumbup:
  • Simski
    It's looking better, but since I'm an asshole I'm still going to give it some critique :V


    I think his eyes should be a bit more narrow, it makes him look more laid back.
    I think his eyebrows should be slightly longer, it fills out his face better.
    I think his lips should just be SLIGHTLY lower, the underbite feels a bit too exaggerated.
    I think the back of his hair should start a bit further up, and be a bit more frizzy.

    Lastly, I think his hair/beard should be slightly more gray-ish, but only slightly.

    That is all :3
  • Gerre
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    Gerre polycounter lvl 10
    The problem I've been having with the hair is that I can't make it frizzier without adding more geo which would add to the tricount, instead I tried to simplify it. Hair in TF2 in general is very solid. It would probably look to noisy from a distance too.

    I'll look into the rest ^^
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