ok, I'll try that out IStonia. However its worth noting that the problem I was having is that when moving quickly, the mouse has moved much further than 4 pixels before the program notices. that's the real problem imo, rather than the number 4. I'll try it out anyway see how it goes
thanks the "End" + menu item method is just as good so that really helps, and thanks for adding the numpad to the assignable keys.
got one more major suggestion which would be to have it save it's settings to a external file in the documents folder like Maya does. or maybe take blenders approach where pretty much all settings are saved to a document that is loaded on start.
hi IStonia, I turned the distance to 0, and I can notice a bit of a difference but I'm still managing to get my mouse far away from the extrude edge when using the tool quickly.. I know this is an extreme case but I find it noticable (I don't think I'm moving the mouse *unreasonably* fast, and I can notice it when moving slowly sometimes too)
heres a pic of what i mean:
the screengrab didnt get my mouse but it was somewhere where the red dot is. I pressed A and dragged my mouse to the point I wanted the edge (the dot) but the edge extrusion couldn't keep up and has only moved a small way. This happens to me a fair bit, so I always have to move the mouse much more than I'd like
ooh, also a usability suggestion:
whem I'm doing the A-drag extrude, when it detects I've begun an action I think the top left box should hide, since it can obscure what you're editing
another unrelated suggestion:
I think 'best fit' should respect which sub-object mode you're in / what's selected. for instance, if I have an edge or polygon selected and choose best fit, I'd like to zoom in on that area- but I think at the moment it just uses the whole mesh? if nothing is selected, or the whole object is selected, then it could use the mesh then
minor request:
I'd like the option to switch the left/middle selection functionality, so left selects through objects and mmb uses backface culling- if this isnt already possible
sorry for bombarding the thread, lots of stuff pops into your head when you're actively using the program.
right now I'm puzzling over how to edit transforms for an object. Is there any way of seeing/editing all 3 transform, rotation and scale vectors of an object?
like if I rotate the object to 60 degrees in x, is there somewhere I can type '0' to reset it's rotation?
(ninja edit: ok, i see the absolute works for translate and rotate, i guess I made a bad example because I'm trying to use it for scale, not rotate. can I ask how come the absolute scale is greyed out? I'd like to use it, including being able to negatively scale objects)
EDIT: just tried new version, I think you nailed the extrude mouse issue MUCH more enjoyable to use now
rooster: In the 'Manipulator' window, you should see those 'Absolute' and 'Offset' fields. The 'Absolute' fields are based on world space by default. If you want it to be based on a specific space. You can save that space's transform in the 'Transform List' window first. Then select it in the list and check 'Use as input space' option. Are you doing some precision engineering stuff?
mm, not precision engineering but I'll be hoping to use voidworld for modular pieces which need to fit together precisely. Also, I like to quickly mirror things by just typing -1 in whatever axis I need
i 2nd roosters though for the numerical scale it should start off at 1 and allows you to enter negative or positive numbers and use negatives to flip and scale.
i also will you be working in optimization anytime soon been noticing huge slow down when working with a model that is just under 300k faces after i apply subsurface level 2 to it.
even with smaller meshes that are about 100k face when subdiveded the app still runs smooth but hangs for a good 20 seconds when i toggle subdivsion
1. Can I use this software in commercial projects?
2. How do I set the base units? Like when I import it in Blender or Wings, the model is really huge. Where do I set the units?
1. Can I use this software in commercial projects?
2. How do I set the base units? Like when I import it in Blender or Wings, the model is really huge. Where do I set the units?
Thank you.
you would need to ask the dev about question 1 but for the 2nd question the units are actually 1 for 1 it is just how there are used in blender your usually working with small units and fractions of units where voidworlds grids and default for primitives are working with hundreds of units at a time.
so there are to things you could do adjust the grid settings in all of your 3d packages to be the same or setup up voidworld to downscale objects when saved which is in "options > file Format settings"
just set the obj formate to downscale exports and upscale imports.
1. surely you can use VoidWorld in any purpose you would like.
2. What passerby said is a possible solution. There is also another way should help too. View > Floor Settings(Scene Scale). You can setup the scene scale to like 0.01 so it is close to what other app uses. After that, View > Best Fit to update view camera settings.
Summary of changes:
* The "Instant Help" Window will hide away as soon as user performs an editing action.
* View "Best Fit" operation is improved so it's contextual.
* Edit > Preference > Misc Settings > Switch marquee select through from MMB to LMB/Switch Paint...
* If the Scale-Manipulator is on, typing -1 into an "Offset" input field will cause the program to perform mirroring operation on that axis.
rooster: Thanks alot for the new suggestions!
passerby: The performance is an old issue. I have yet to find a way to improve it.
nabeelaejaz: You are very wellcome! Thanks for liking VoidWorld.
also not sure if this is fixed on today build but number 1 on the numpad was bindable and shift+num keys weren't bindable.
the shift one isnt a bug though since it was just doing the secondary functions of the numpad which is home end phup and pgdown.
also i noticed that i can move the cursor between text fields using the tab key like you can in most applications, which really slows down creating objects or using the numerical editors when you have to use the mouse to focus the next field.
hi man, great changes, thanks! the only thing that doesn't quite feel satisfying is the -1 offset/mirror part. It feels a bit like a band-aid for a specific circumstance rather than addressing the root, which is precise control over an objects scale value. Is there a reason why you're reluctant to treat scale the same way as position and rotation? (accessed through the absolute input panel)
I would say, what if I wanted to scale by -0.5 or -1.5? I think it's best not to try and cater to individual things you think the user will want, and just provide as deep a control as possible
edit: there's one other thing I'm curious about, that feels a bit strange. When scaling, the scale operation doesn't seem to be in relation to the pivot point. I'm trying to think of a simple way to explain what I mean- basically at the moment if I create a box and scale it down in 1 axis, I get a flat plane centered where the box was. That's fine, that's as expected, because the pivot point was in the center of the box.
what seems odd, is when I move the pivot anywhere else, completely outside of the box, I get the exact same behaviour. I expected the scale behaviour to be applied in relation to the pivot point, rather than simply centered on the object- so if I did that same flattening with an offset pivot, the flat plane would end up at the pivot point, not centered on the box
edit2: ok, I notice that this *does* happen how I expect when editing vertexes, edges or faces. Why not the object?
I guess so, if not there then somewhere.. but it seems to make sense to use the absolute panel right? set them to 1 when the object is created, and allow them to be changed just like the transform and rotation values
yet another edit:
ok on the pivot point thing I was talking about. I see what's happening, it uses the object pivot point, but there's no way to edit the object pivot point. I guess thats what I'm really asking for. (I do also think that scale should use whatever the active pivot is though. but editable object pivot is the main thing for me)
it is possible to sort-of edit the object pivot, by moving the verts of an object the opposite direction you want to move the pivot, but this seems a bit back to front does that make sense?
on a related note too, if you do move the objects pivot via the workaround I mention, it's noticable that the 'frame object' command uses the pivot rather than actual mesh, so it can frame nothing if the object pivot is offset from the actual object. It's not a huge deal, but worth noting.
When working with things like modular environment pieces, it's very frequent not to have the object pivot centered in the object, but instead at a particular point which you use to snap the objects together
passerby: right, I see. I'm simply referring to the scale x,y,z. From my personal standpoint, I don't care if the 'size' data there gets discarded at object creation. so if you create a 2x2 cube or a 1x1 cube, it's scale still begins at 1,1,1 either way. maybe some would argue different?
IStonia: are either of these values actually kept by VW?
on a related note too, if you do move the objects pivot via the workaround I mention, it's noticable that the 'frame object' command uses the pivot rather than actual mesh, so it can frame nothing if the object pivot is offset from the actual object. It's not a huge deal, but worth noting.
When working with things like modular environment pieces, it's very frequent not to have the object pivot centered in the object, but instead at a particular point which you use to snap the objects together
maybe move the pivit like in silo where you can just going manip edit mode and place the origin anywhere you want using the widget and snap to grid or verts if needed.
blender has a good approach to moving the origin too but that is because you got the 3d cursor that can you can snap things too including the orgin and it can also be used as a temp pivit point.
ah sorry rooster didn't notice that i usually have VW set fullsecreen so didn't notice that.
well since your talking about using it with moduler meshes why no just a simple commands to set the component selection the the origin since your most commonly going to want it on one of the corner verts of the object. so with this commands you could just select the vert and hit the key for the command.
but that is barley faster than just turing on pivot set mode and vertex snapping and dragging it on the vert.
passerby: there's no guarantee that the actual snap point is going to be on a vert though, I can imagine scenarios where it isn't.
One thing worth noting, in max/maya you have the ability to move the object verts, and the pivot, and freeze the transformations (reset xform). So you can have it that an object has translation of 0,0,0 but the pivot is not on the origin, and neither is the mesh. I think this is correct though, but I don't know how this would affect VW. I don't see a freeze transform in VW but I can imagine it being needed
ah right, yeah I misunderstood a little bit
pea: I kinda wonder if the tickbox should just turn stepping on or off. do you think having it on control/shift is good? I tend to use it a bunch of times then want it off, rather than doing one or two free moves, then one or two stepped moves, mixing and matching.
so for me I would end up constantly holding control for a period, and I'd rather just check a box
ah right, yeah I misunderstood a little bit
pea: I kinda wonder if the tickbox should just turn stepping on or off. do you think having it on control/shift is good? I tend to use it a bunch of times then want it off, rather than doing one or two free moves, then one or two stepped moves, mixing and matching.
so for me I would end up constantly holding control for a period, and I'd rather just check a box
other programs like blender do it both way with it ticked off you hold control to use stepping and with it ticked on it steps by default and you hold control for free movement.
I really enjoy having it available under ctrl (or shift. Why both?), but the fact it doesn't snap to the grid, and it doesn't work for a ton of tools (doesn't work for extrusion, either!) make it basically a hassle.
edit: what passerby says!
I like that in Blender.
I really enjoy having it available under ctrl (or shift. Why both?), but the fact it doesn't snap to the grid, and it doesn't work for a ton of tools (doesn't work for extrusion, either!) make it basically a hassle.
edit: what passerby says!
I like that in Blender.
you know snapping and stepping are 2 different things what you want is that the top of the screen grid point snapping.
I realise that, but what I'm talking about is for possibly starting stepping at the beginning of the action (move, extrude, rotate, whatever), rather than from the moment you start pressing ctrl.
Snapping doesn't work during extrusion either, mind you.
I realise that, but what I'm talking about is for possibly starting stepping at the beginning of the action (move, extrude, rotate, whatever), rather than from the moment you start pressing ctrl.
Snapping doesn't work during extrusion either, mind you.
could just start the extrude than finish it using the move tool.
It wouldn't work. If I extrude, I move the new faces an unknown amount, and whatever stepped movement I do after that will be in addition to said unknown. Unless I'm missing another way to do it? Anyway, I'd much prefer if ctrl would work everywhere.
the 'both ways' solution sounds pretty good..
so: ctrl/shift move always does the step move, tickbox turns it on permanantly
also agree that having it work more universally sounds good too.
you run into a problem when editing a scaled object though, at least you would in maya/max, not sure yet how void world is handling scale.
but you have the potential problem of: does it extrude 1 unit with or without the object scale applied to it? (maybe I'm overthinking it, and you just say world unit rather than local. but it's worth asking)
ya a fix that that would be just being able to tap extrude to make it make the new geo but not move anything.
silo does it like this quite often i will just tap extrude to make the new geo than do the rest using a other tool like inset scale.
but it seems for void you need to move a fraction of a unit before anything happens.
would be nice if same idea was done for adding edge loops right now you need to hold the key for it and press mmb for connecting down the middle or lmb for the mouses location.
in silo you can just hover a edge and just tap the key for putting the new edge in the center or hold the key to move it.
Summary of changes:
* One bug related to the NumberPad 1 key is fixed.
* Shift + NumPad Keys works now.
* A new option "Activate NMB action on activated" is added for streamline tools.
Example of use
1. Edit > Customize StreamLine Tools.
2. Select the LoopCut/Slide Edges tool.
3. Assign the Edge_Loop_Cut/Slide_Proportional to the NMB tool.
4. In Options group, check "Activate NMB action on activated" option.
5. Create a box.
6. Goto edge mode.
7. Hover cursor over an edge.
8. Press down S key on keyboard. A loop edges should be cut out as soon as the tool is engaged.
* Grid interval can be used as move stepping value. The option button is next to the stepping value input field.
* Extrusion behaviour is more reasonable in between stepping enabled and disabled.
* The object "Pivot" tool is improved.
* View > Synchronize View Zooming
MightyPea: What is Axis_move stepping?
rooster: When you do scaling, make sure the mesh pivot is in the right position, mesh pivot and object pivot are different. Scaling infos are not kept, that's why you can't use absolute input fields for scaling. What is freeze transform?
passerby: For streamline extrusion tools, after activating the tool, you can just click to create the extrusion by using the previously used extrusion value.
thanks you actually fixed a other minor bug i was going to mention about the viewports in this release too.
i noticed your website is quite outdated and is not really doing much to attarct users and since i want to see this move forward i could work on some mockups and implementing a new site for you sometime in the future, if you would like.
Can I ask why scale is not kept? that's pretty much against the standard in any modelling program I've used. Kind of a shame in my opinion
freeze transform (maya)/reset xform (in max) is a command which says 'ok mesh stays put, but I'm going to set transform, rotation and scale data to 0 (well, scale is set to 1) in maya you can choose just to freeze position, rotation or scale seperately or all at once.
this can be pretty important in exporting models into game engines, which can often read an objects translation, rotation and scale, and sometimes you may want them to have no translation info, sometimes you do.
also got 1 addtion to most of the tools that would be nice, which when doing a streamline tool function if there was some text near the cursor or the orgin of the operation displaying by how much something is being modified, so for example it would show how many units something was extruded by.
also i noticed the app seems to steal keystrokes when it inst focused and in the background. minimize it helps a bit but it still likes to jack the shift key on me.
Summary of changes:
* Under mesh/polygon/edge/vertex mode, negative values can be input into the manipulation Offset fields to create mirroring scaling.
* Edit > Transform Value Display Options > ...
* One new Basic Streamline edge tool "Crease_Subdivistion" is added.
rooster: What was in my mind about the scaling is that it seem like an unwanted guest in most cases and people would wish it were not there. Any way, many implementations have been done under this conept and it's too hard to wind back now.
Thanks for explaining the freeze transform. I think the "Reset Base" command in object mode does the similar thing.
passerby: Please check the key stroke problem with this new update and see if it's still there.
It'd be very nice if you can do a website mockup!
only been working on with it for a about 30min sofar and had it grab input on me once but i cant get it to do it in a reproducible manner anymore and it rarely happens now.
and about the mockup i will try to start that next week.
hi IStonia, ok I guess I'll try forget scale . Feels like I'm gonna miss it, I do kinda wonder how you know the majority of people find it gets in the way
Back to the pivot stuff, I have tried all combinations I can think of in VW and I can't perform the actions in the following pic.
the reasons are:
1. scaling does not use the visible gizmo as the center of the scale operation (which I think it should)
2. the manual pivot is not relative to the object, and stays put when I move the object somewhere else. Thats fine for some uses, but I need a pivot which stays with the object (like the object pivot, except I can edit it's position). So I suggest you allow the editing of the object pivot position
note that before I scale I move the object up, so the current stationary custom pivot won't work
edit: also notice a small bug:
when I have object pivot selected, and I'm in object mode, I can't snap the pivot to the grid
edit2: one more, very minor:
if you export preferences, it defaults to documents folder, but exporting tool settings defaults to voidworld directory. probs should have same default so you can save em both together easily.
oo, I also wanted to ask if I could get a hint when there'll be a regular collada load/export option?
I don't want to bring up too many seperate topics at once here, but about the material system.. I'm just looking at it now and I really don't know about having a different set of materials for every object. It's an odd idea imo..
at the most basic level of concern, how do I have one material applied to a few models, and then make a change to the material? do I have to copy that material to every object, every time I make a change to it?
Following this thread is always a pleasure, there is so much good stuff going on.
However, things like the scale and pivot behaviors (and now the material system as well, it seems) really should follow established standards. There are many reasons why Max, Maya and XSI behave the way they do and it would be wise to follow these norms. 3D artists rely on this kind of stuff heavily everyday, it's really important. No need to reinvent the wheel! Blender and to some extend Zbrush as well try to be original and "revolutionary" but in the end it simply annoys industry veterans - and they are precisely the kind of people you should follow the suggestions of, I think.
hi IStonia, I just found a bug in the latest version with chamfering and undo.
I create a box, duplicate it and move the duplicate aside, now I chamfer the edges on the original box. if you hit undo from there to get back to the first box, before it was duplicated, the chamfering is not undone on the original box.
somehow in my testing I also got it to mangle the chamfered box in the undoing process, but I don't know how to reproduce that
on the subject of chamfer, I can't seem to get the desired chamfer (right) on the left object. the left object is a box that I have chamfered the corners of a couple times to get an oval-ish cross section:
notice the chamfer angle is much steeper on the left, and so the inset distance from above is less than the inset from the side. The inset distance is the same top/side for the right box
nabeelaejaz - about the Edge Extend question I don't think VW allows you to create non-manifold geometry I'm afraid. I can see the usefulness of that though if you want to break these new extrusions off.
got one more major suggestion which would be to have it save it's settings to a external file in the documents folder like Maya does. or maybe take blenders approach where pretty much all settings are saved to a document that is loaded on start.
heres a pic of what i mean:
the screengrab didnt get my mouse but it was somewhere where the red dot is. I pressed A and dragged my mouse to the point I wanted the edge (the dot) but the edge extrusion couldn't keep up and has only moved a small way. This happens to me a fair bit, so I always have to move the mouse much more than I'd like
ooh, also a usability suggestion:
whem I'm doing the A-drag extrude, when it detects I've begun an action I think the top left box should hide, since it can obscure what you're editing
another unrelated suggestion:
I think 'best fit' should respect which sub-object mode you're in / what's selected. for instance, if I have an edge or polygon selected and choose best fit, I'd like to zoom in on that area- but I think at the moment it just uses the whole mesh? if nothing is selected, or the whole object is selected, then it could use the mesh then
minor request:
I'd like the option to switch the left/middle selection functionality, so left selects through objects and mmb uses backface culling- if this isnt already possible
rooster: I think I got it right this time. Please test it. I will look into the new suggestions later.
passerby: The user settings folder is moved to C:\Users\***\Documents\DigitalFossils\VoidWorld\User Settings
right now I'm puzzling over how to edit transforms for an object. Is there any way of seeing/editing all 3 transform, rotation and scale vectors of an object?
like if I rotate the object to 60 degrees in x, is there somewhere I can type '0' to reset it's rotation?
(ninja edit: ok, i see the absolute works for translate and rotate, i guess I made a bad example because I'm trying to use it for scale, not rotate. can I ask how come the absolute scale is greyed out? I'd like to use it, including being able to negatively scale objects)
EDIT: just tried new version, I think you nailed the extrude mouse issue
i also will you be working in optimization anytime soon been noticing huge slow down when working with a model that is just under 300k faces after i apply subsurface level 2 to it.
even with smaller meshes that are about 100k face when subdiveded the app still runs smooth but hangs for a good 20 seconds when i toggle subdivsion
1. Can I use this software in commercial projects?
2. How do I set the base units? Like when I import it in Blender or Wings, the model is really huge. Where do I set the units?
Thank you.
you would need to ask the dev about question 1 but for the 2nd question the units are actually 1 for 1 it is just how there are used in blender your usually working with small units and fractions of units where voidworlds grids and default for primitives are working with hundreds of units at a time.
so there are to things you could do adjust the grid settings in all of your 3d packages to be the same or setup up voidworld to downscale objects when saved which is in "options > file Format settings"
just set the obj formate to downscale exports and upscale imports.
1. surely you can use VoidWorld in any purpose you would like.
2. What passerby said is a possible solution. There is also another way should help too. View > Floor Settings(Scene Scale). You can setup the scene scale to like 0.01 so it is close to what other app uses. After that, View > Best Fit to update view camera settings.
Summary of changes:
* The "Instant Help" Window will hide away as soon as user performs an editing action.
* View "Best Fit" operation is improved so it's contextual.
* Edit > Preference > Misc Settings > Switch marquee select through from MMB to LMB/Switch Paint...
* If the Scale-Manipulator is on, typing -1 into an "Offset" input field will cause the program to perform mirroring operation on that axis.
rooster: Thanks alot for the new suggestions!
passerby: The performance is an old issue. I have yet to find a way to improve it.
nabeelaejaz: You are very wellcome! Thanks for liking VoidWorld.
the shift one isnt a bug though since it was just doing the secondary functions of the numpad which is home end phup and pgdown.
also i noticed that i can move the cursor between text fields using the tab key like you can in most applications, which really slows down creating objects or using the numerical editors when you have to use the mouse to focus the next field.
I would say, what if I wanted to scale by -0.5 or -1.5? I think it's best not to try and cater to individual things you think the user will want, and just provide as deep a control as possible
edit: there's one other thing I'm curious about, that feels a bit strange. When scaling, the scale operation doesn't seem to be in relation to the pivot point. I'm trying to think of a simple way to explain what I mean- basically at the moment if I create a box and scale it down in 1 axis, I get a flat plane centered where the box was. That's fine, that's as expected, because the pivot point was in the center of the box.
what seems odd, is when I move the pivot anywhere else, completely outside of the box, I get the exact same behaviour. I expected the scale behaviour to be applied in relation to the pivot point, rather than simply centered on the object- so if I did that same flattening with an offset pivot, the flat plane would end up at the pivot point, not centered on the box
edit2: ok, I notice that this *does* happen how I expect when editing vertexes, edges or faces. Why not the object?
yet another edit:
ok on the pivot point thing I was talking about. I see what's happening, it uses the object pivot point, but there's no way to edit the object pivot point. I guess thats what I'm really asking for. (I do also think that scale should use whatever the active pivot is though. but editable object pivot is the main thing for me)
it is possible to sort-of edit the object pivot, by moving the verts of an object the opposite direction you want to move the pivot, but this seems a bit back to front
where it shows the offset and the real dimensions of the object if it is a cube or the dimensions of the bounding box.
When working with things like modular environment pieces, it's very frequent not to have the object pivot centered in the object, but instead at a particular point which you use to snap the objects together
passerby: right, I see. I'm simply referring to the scale x,y,z. From my personal standpoint, I don't care if the 'size' data there gets discarded at object creation. so if you create a 2x2 cube or a 1x1 cube, it's scale still begins at 1,1,1 either way. maybe some would argue different?
IStonia: are either of these values actually kept by VW?
maybe move the pivit like in silo where you can just going manip edit mode and place the origin anywhere you want using the widget and snap to grid or verts if needed.
blender has a good approach to moving the origin too but that is because you got the 3d cursor that can you can snap things too including the orgin and it can also be used as a temp pivit point.
well since your talking about using it with moduler meshes why no just a simple commands to set the component selection the the origin since your most commonly going to want it on one of the corner verts of the object. so with this commands you could just select the vert and hit the key for the command.
but that is barley faster than just turing on pivot set mode and vertex snapping and dragging it on the vert.
Also, do I really need to enable stepping and set the values every time I use the program? Because those settings aren't sticking.
One thing worth noting, in max/maya you have the ability to move the object verts, and the pivot, and freeze the transformations (reset xform). So you can have it that an object has translation of 0,0,0 but the pivot is not on the origin, and neither is the mesh. I think this is correct though, but I don't know how this would affect VW. I don't see a freeze transform in VW but I can imagine it being needed
pea: I kinda wonder if the tickbox should just turn stepping on or off. do you think having it on control/shift is good? I tend to use it a bunch of times then want it off, rather than doing one or two free moves, then one or two stepped moves, mixing and matching.
so for me I would end up constantly holding control for a period, and I'd rather just check a box
other programs like blender do it both way with it ticked off you hold control to use stepping and with it ticked on it steps by default and you hold control for free movement.
edit: what passerby says!
I like that in Blender.
you know snapping and stepping are 2 different things what you want is that the top of the screen grid point snapping.
Snapping doesn't work during extrusion either, mind you.
could just start the extrude than finish it using the move tool.
so: ctrl/shift move always does the step move, tickbox turns it on permanantly
also agree that having it work more universally sounds good too.
you run into a problem when editing a scaled object though, at least you would in maya/max, not sure yet how void world is handling scale.
but you have the potential problem of: does it extrude 1 unit with or without the object scale applied to it? (maybe I'm overthinking it, and you just say world unit rather than local. but it's worth asking)
silo does it like this quite often i will just tap extrude to make the new geo than do the rest using a other tool like inset scale.
but it seems for void you need to move a fraction of a unit before anything happens.
would be nice if same idea was done for adding edge loops right now you need to hold the key for it and press mmb for connecting down the middle or lmb for the mouses location.
in silo you can just hover a edge and just tap the key for putting the new edge in the center or hold the key to move it.
Thanks for adding the "modified" indicator to the end of the scene name as suggested.
Could you tell me if it is possible to link all windows so that when you zoom in one view e.g. front view the other views will also zoom in similarly?
I continue to enjoy using this program.
Thanks again
Summary of changes:
* One bug related to the NumberPad 1 key is fixed.
* Shift + NumPad Keys works now.
* A new option "Activate NMB action on activated" is added for streamline tools.
Example of use
1. Edit > Customize StreamLine Tools.
2. Select the LoopCut/Slide Edges tool.
3. Assign the Edge_Loop_Cut/Slide_Proportional to the NMB tool.
4. In Options group, check "Activate NMB action on activated" option.
5. Create a box.
6. Goto edge mode.
7. Hover cursor over an edge.
8. Press down S key on keyboard. A loop edges should be cut out as soon as the tool is engaged.
* Grid interval can be used as move stepping value. The option button is next to the stepping value input field.
* Extrusion behaviour is more reasonable in between stepping enabled and disabled.
* The object "Pivot" tool is improved.
* View > Synchronize View Zooming
MightyPea: What is Axis_move stepping?
rooster: When you do scaling, make sure the mesh pivot is in the right position, mesh pivot and object pivot are different. Scaling infos are not kept, that's why you can't use absolute input fields for scaling. What is freeze transform?
passerby: For streamline extrusion tools, after activating the tool, you can just click to create the extrusion by using the previously used extrusion value.
i noticed your website is quite outdated and is not really doing much to attarct users and since i want to see this move forward i could work on some mockups and implementing a new site for you sometime in the future, if you would like.
freeze transform (maya)/reset xform (in max) is a command which says 'ok mesh stays put, but I'm going to set transform, rotation and scale data to 0 (well, scale is set to 1) in maya you can choose just to freeze position, rotation or scale seperately or all at once.
this can be pretty important in exporting models into game engines, which can often read an objects translation, rotation and scale, and sometimes you may want them to have no translation info, sometimes you do.
also i noticed the app seems to steal keystrokes when it inst focused and in the background. minimize it helps a bit but it still likes to jack the shift key on me.
Summary of changes:
* Under mesh/polygon/edge/vertex mode, negative values can be input into the manipulation Offset fields to create mirroring scaling.
* Edit > Transform Value Display Options > ...
* One new Basic Streamline edge tool "Crease_Subdivistion" is added.
rooster: What was in my mind about the scaling is that it seem like an unwanted guest in most cases and people would wish it were not there. Any way, many implementations have been done under this conept and it's too hard to wind back now.
Thanks for explaining the freeze transform. I think the "Reset Base" command in object mode does the similar thing.
passerby: Please check the key stroke problem with this new update and see if it's still there.
It'd be very nice if you can do a website mockup!
and about the mockup i will try to start that next week.
Back to the pivot stuff, I have tried all combinations I can think of in VW and I can't perform the actions in the following pic.
the reasons are:
1. scaling does not use the visible gizmo as the center of the scale operation (which I think it should)
2. the manual pivot is not relative to the object, and stays put when I move the object somewhere else. Thats fine for some uses, but I need a pivot which stays with the object (like the object pivot, except I can edit it's position). So I suggest you allow the editing of the object pivot position
note that before I scale I move the object up, so the current stationary custom pivot won't work
edit: also notice a small bug:
when I have object pivot selected, and I'm in object mode, I can't snap the pivot to the grid
edit2: one more, very minor:
if you export preferences, it defaults to documents folder, but exporting tool settings defaults to voidworld directory. probs should have same default so you can save em both together easily.
I don't want to bring up too many seperate topics at once here, but about the material system.. I'm just looking at it now and I really don't know about having a different set of materials for every object. It's an odd idea imo..
at the most basic level of concern, how do I have one material applied to a few models, and then make a change to the material? do I have to copy that material to every object, every time I make a change to it?
Following this thread is always a pleasure, there is so much good stuff going on.
However, things like the scale and pivot behaviors (and now the material system as well, it seems) really should follow established standards. There are many reasons why Max, Maya and XSI behave the way they do and it would be wise to follow these norms. 3D artists rely on this kind of stuff heavily everyday, it's really important. No need to reinvent the wheel! Blender and to some extend Zbrush as well try to be original and "revolutionary" but in the end it simply annoys industry veterans - and they are precisely the kind of people you should follow the suggestions of, I think.
Just my 2 cents
I create a box, duplicate it and move the duplicate aside, now I chamfer the edges on the original box. if you hit undo from there to get back to the first box, before it was duplicated, the chamfering is not undone on the original box.
somehow in my testing I also got it to mangle the chamfered box in the undoing process, but I don't know how to reproduce that
on the subject of chamfer, I can't seem to get the desired chamfer (right) on the left object. the left object is a box that I have chamfered the corners of a couple times to get an oval-ish cross section:
notice the chamfer angle is much steeper on the left, and so the inset distance from above is less than the inset from the side. The inset distance is the same top/side for the right box
Well except for low poly work with alphas, I don't see why that would be a disadvantage :>