There seems to be a bit of a problem with defining new hotkeys. They often won't work during a session but if you restart they take effect.. I'll have to try and reproduce but it might be worth having a look in the mean time.
If I can reproduce it I'll write up a proper bug report.
Also, while I'm on the subject. Circularize no longer seems to work.
ghib: I have done something about the edge render problem. Please check it.
I can't see any thing wrong with the Circularize tool.
I can't produce the selection bug you mentioned. It would be great if you can reproduce it with some simple objects and save it to a scene file.
Hey IStonia, that seems to be better with regards to the edge render problem.
with Circularise. I made a streamline 'Surface Flow' tool bound to the Z key which has:
LMB = Curve Loop
MMB = Space Loop
RMB = Circularize
With this setup. both Curve Loop & Space Loop work but when holding Z + RMB Circularize does nothing, regardless of the subobject level you are in. I tried it on subobjects selected and with nothing selected. Nothing working. Perhaps you could try setting up a similar streamline tool to see if it's a particular combination.
If you don't mind I have a few more suggestions. Sorry about bombarding you but I notice lots of things as I work with Voidworld, and please tell me if something already exists. I do have a dig around in the docs and the menus to see.
here are a few things I think could be improved.
A Non-destructive symmetry. Meaning it can Calculate Symmetry without destroying vertex order. Highlight non-symmetrical geometry.
Symmetry Plane. - we need some way to visualise what the symmetry plane is in realtime. Maybe a temporary symmetry plane will display when the hotkey for an axis shortcut is pressed, then revert back to showing what the ACTUAL plane is.
Soft selection needs 3 checkboxes to control what it can effect.
Area - Area falloff selecting only connected mesh. Everything after this is affected with Area.
Mesh - Soft selection travels from selected subobjects to other meshes
Object - Soft selection travels from selected subobjects to other Objects
A crude analogy would be to think of it like the rays of the sun; moving out into our solar system and hitting the planets.
It makes sense to layer it in that order. To further clarify;
If all are OFF - the falloff will 'walk' across the contiguous topology.
Area on - works similarly to how you have it BUT the falloff won't travel to other Meshes or Objects in the scene.
Mesh on - Falloff travels to other Meshes within the objects.
Object on - Falloff Travels to EVERYTHING in the scene.
Having it this way you will be stepping up in levels of detail each time so if you have 'Mesh on' everything else lower in detail will be on (Area on& walk) and anything above greyed out (Object on). Hope this makes sense, I find it hard to explain myself sometimes.
Could the Lighting setup be remembered between sessions? At the moment I have to go in and chick Head Light everytime I open.
Anyway, I'll lay off a little as I know I've been posting lengthy reports recently I'm loving VW at the moment and starting to really rely on it to handle what I need to do.
p.s. I have a few issues with Curve Loop & Space Loop combos, but I'll save that for a rainy day
Arkadius: I don't think I have done anything special for your case. Do any of the previous updates work now as well?
ghib: I don't understand this "A Non-destructive symmetry. Meaning it can Calculate Symmetry without destroying vertex order. Highlight non-symmetrical geometry".
Please explain with a working sample.
Have you noticed this: View > Show Symmetry Plane ?
ghib: I don't understand this "A Non-destructive symmetry. Meaning it can Calculate Symmetry without destroying vertex order. Highlight non-symmetrical geometry".
Please explain with a working sample.
Have you noticed this: View > Show Symmetry Plane ?
In Silo (and other applications) you are able to calculate the symmetry based on the exisiting topology; if the mesh is already symmetrical.
The way you currently have 'Symmetry remove Negative' etc it is the same as deleting one side, then mirroring the geometry and welding the centre verts. This will wreck the vertex order of your mesh & any UVs you have on the model. Not that this is wrong so don't get rid of this feature, it's very useful.
What you can do in Silo and other apps is select a centre edge on your symmetry line and then activate 'Calculate Symmetry' You can then continue modelling and make proportional changes but it won't destroy the vert order or existing uvs as you're not deleting any mesh geometry. (albeit any cuts or extrudes will again destroy the vert order & uvs but that's fine)
If a mesh is mostly symmetrical but with a few areas aysymmetrical then the calculate symmetry should automatically select and highlight the non-symmetrical components.
The reason I think this is important is for creating blendshapes or fine tuning a base mesh to be taken back to a sculpting app. There are other uses I'm sure.
Hope this is a little more clear. I made a video of how this works in Silo this morning but I was in a rush and didn't have time. I'll upload later..
I've just noticed quite a serious bug to do with hotkeys.
BUG REPORT - Hotkey Hijacking
When VoidWorld is open it will take over the hotkeys globally on the entire computer. Even when it is running in the background.
Hotkeys in Photoshop & Silo no longer work until I shut down VW. I haven't tried it with any other apps yet. Just to let you know. This may frustrate users.
It's not 100% reproducible but it happens every so often. I think when VW is opened 1st then other apps.
Yeah but in my opinion it's not good when one app takes higher precedence over another (exceptions being fraps or OneNote Windows Key + S = Screengrab etc).
Most artists work with multiple apps open (more so with the current 'AppLinks' mentality) and the conflict will drive people nuts. I'd say this is an important bug to fix.
I know Ghib, but I reported that already and think that Istonia is kinda cornered on that matter. SHortcuts are kinda hacked in vw, eve nthe ctrl/shit/alt base shortcuts don't work as expected some time. You have to press the "x" key before the ctrl/shift/alt modifier.
Oh right nice one. I think it would be worth IStonia looking into this and implementing the hotkeys to work correctly. I've also noticed that (before the change to lock hotkeys when VW is open) it was really inconsistent when hotkeys had combinations with ctrl, shift, alt.
It is one of the top level barriers between user and content so is really important to get right I think. It needs to be so transparent that the user eventually doesn't even notice it's there and it's hard enough trying to remember all the combinations anyway never mind the sequence you need to press them
Anyway, glad it's already been reported by yourself.
Summary of changes:
* View > Head Light On
* Modify > Fill Jagged Border Edges. It is for this purpose:
* Calculate Symmetry feature is added
- Modify > Calculate Symmetry from Two vertices. The selection must be two vertices or an edge. The program will assume the line between the two vertices is perpendicular to the intended symmetry axis and will use this as the hint to perform symmetry calculation. An internal object size based threshold will be used.
- There is also a button tool "Cal Symmetry" under vertex mode.
- Once a "Calculate Symmetry" operation is performed. The non-symmetrical geometry will be selected automatically.
- Selections > Select Non-symmetrical Subobjects.
ghib, BeatKitano: I can't produce any key problems you have encountered. I have tried many many times. The coding for keyboard hooking is very simple, not many lines. When the program is not in front, it won't hook. I suspect that the in-front status may not be detected properly, but it's just fine in my machine.
Summary of changes:
* An error in normal-move computation is fixed. It occured if object's orientation is not the same as world space.
* Workplane feature is added. Details can be found in the online book. Help > Contents > Modeling > Workplane.
* Two basic streamline tools are added under "Edge Tools" group. Extend_Edge, Extend_Edge_Workplane. By default, they are not assigned to any streamline tool. So in order to use them, You may need to create a new streamline tool to accommodate them.
Really, thanks for making this available. I haven't had time to test recently but I'll have a go soon. I have some feedback on the Calculate symmetry but I'll post up a bit later.
hey Istonia, do you have any more model formats planned for support? I'm particularly interested in collada
edit: I'm just trying it out again with the idea of using it in production, and I've a few more bits of input:
1- I selected 'maya mode' and began using the controls I would in maya. One key difference I noticed is that mouse wheel does not zoom as it would in maya. I noticed it scrolling through snap options, which isn't something I really need to do that freuqnetly to have on mouse control.
2- I set the floor grid interval to 1, and created a box with size of 1. Why are the grid and box sizes different? also, I believe you will need more comprehensive grid/scene scale options for VW to be used as a main production tool.. If I need 1 unit to = 1 meter, how do I work in VW? a 1x1 box is tiny on the grid, I need to adjust the settings accordingly so I'm working at a reasonable scale
3- the scale tool- I notice that the smaller the scale of object, the less your mouse movement scales when using the tool, and vice versa. I wonder about this- I wouldn't update this on the fly as you scale the object- I would make it per click/operation. Because it means that the scaling you apply to something accelerates the larger you make it, becoming hard to control. It also means, if you click and drag to scale something, waggle the mouse around trying different sizes, and bring your mouse back to the start position- the object is probably now a very different scale to when you clicked in that same position. IMO for precision control if you click to scale something, move the mouse away then back to the start point when you should be looking at how the object was when you clicked.
to highlight this problem, take the scale tool and without letting go of the mouse button scale something to be flat, scale it normal, scale it flat- repeat that a couple times and soon the object will be permenantly flat and you can't scale it big again, because by then you're scaling in tiny fractions
Summary of changes:
* Once a primitive tool is opened, mouse wheel will serve as snapping option cycler. This allows user to change snapping options during the primitive creation. If want to perform view zooming instead of snapping option cycling, press down Alt key on keyboard.
* Scaling behaviour is improved as rooster suggested.
rooster: Thanks for the inputs!
The grid interval is only used as a reference value, the actual grid interval will be decided by the scene scale. To change scene scale, View > Floor Settings(Scene Scale). In the case you mentioned, set the floor scale to 0.1. After that, View > Best Fit... to update camera settings. Also, View > Show Grid Size, so you can see the actual grid size on top-right corner of the viewport.
Collada format is supported, but not available in Save Scene/Load Scene yet.
thedaemon: I don't know what is morph target's purporse in modeling. I only know they can be used in vertex animation.
There are some other formats are supported. .x/.3ds/.dae/.md5/.smd. They are only available for objects save in the library.
To save an object into the library, Create > Save To Library. If you have an empty library, you need to create new folders. Just right click in the library window or a folder node to bring up a folder creation context menu. There are three kinds of folder, only the Group Folder can actually contain objects.
To Open the library, Create > Open Object Library. If you right click at a group folder node, you will have the import format options. If you right click at an object node, you will have the export format options.
Just downloaded and tried out VoidWorld - I like it a lot.
Just a suggestion - do you think you could include a visual indicator in the scene name when the scene has been amended(e.g. some programs add an asterisk after the name) to remind you to resave the file if you wish to keep the changes?
I look forward to future updates and will try to give further feedback as I get more familiar with the program.
Hi IStonia, thanks for that great app. I come form blender and this modeling work-flow is like heaven compared to blender.
One question from me is VoidWorld has some support for retopo?
Anyway I believe this app will be quite popular among blender users.
I played with it a bit, and looks there is snapping, so the only thing required for retopo would be x-ray mode.
So hires model would be in shaded mode, new lowpoly would be in transparent-wire mode with x-ray and backface culling, so it would be visible even when hidden under hi-poly mesh furface. Maybe option to color object would help too, in distinguishing hipoly from lowpoly
also a Blender user here.
The bad things is, VoidWorld 2.4 does not run. It crashes at startup. I can run VoidWorld 2.3 just fine.
VoidWorld 2.4.exe
12.04.2011 20:09
Nicht berichtet
Stopped working
Pfad der fehlerhaften Anwendung: C:\Users\oldbob\Downloads\VoidWorld-Apr-6-11\VoidWorld 2.4.exe
Just discovered your program and I can say WOW! It's already feeling very very powerful and very user friendly. One question - maybe an oversite. Is there a reason why you can't bind the numpad keys?
mald: I may not 100% understand what you mean. If you open a scene from a file or save the scene to a file, the file name will appear in the app form title bar top-left window. If you want to save the scene to the same file after its been changed, File > Save Scene. When you try to close an unsaved scene, the app will prompt you to save to the same file if it is from a file.
JoseConseco: You can render the object in transparent or wired, Rendering > Transparent. Also you can try the Retopo tool which is a button tool available under edge mode. It was implemented long time ago, so don't expect it as good as those modeling tools. The instructions can be found in the online book, Help > Contents > Modeling > Edge Section > Retopo.
oldbob: There are some other people have got the same problem as you did. But they got it works after trying the new updates. I have no clue what's the reason as it never happen to me, but mine is 32bit. Can you try these two tests and tell me what happened?
I want to know how far the program can go. So please let me know every thing you can get, what happened visually and what messages you catched.
Just to explain what I mean. Sometimes when you are working with the program for an extended period you forget if you have amended the scene since the last save(e.g. you may have been navigating around the scene lokking at your model or doing other activities which haven't actually changed the scene's contents). If there is an indicator against the scene's name it reminds you that changes have been made and if you wish to keep them you will need to do a save. As I mentioned programs like modo and MOI add an asterisk on the end of the scene name as a visual indicator to remind you to save. Once you have made the save the asterisk is removed from the name. Hope this makes it clear.
mald: Thanks fo explaining! It shold be available in next update.
JoseConseco: Sounds like you are trying to create a polygon from click points. Make sure there is only one unfreezed and visible mesh in the selected object. Otherwize the app won't know which mesh the new polygon shold belong to. I should pop up a message box for that. Try this: 1. Create a sphere. 2. Create a plane. 3 Open the Retopo tool. 4. Click 3 points on the sphere then click the first point again. That will add a tri face into the plane mesh.
oldbob: That looks good. Can you right click the window taskbar at screen bottom to bring up a context menu then click "Start Task Manager". In the popup "Windows Task Manager", open Process tab. Find the test programe there. I want to make sure it is running under 32-bit.
This is from the front view, so any skewed lines you see is because of movement along the wrong axis, not perspective distortion.
The first time it moves along the X axis, but all other times I'm moving it along the Y axis, and you can tell it moves slightly along the X axis, despite being constrained to Y.
Any idea why this might happen?
edit: to clarify, this is using w+rmb. There's no nmb defined, so that's not the problem. It's really quite strange!
Special Note: oldbob has found out why VoidWorld didn't work on his computer. The msvcr71.dll is missing. This file is registry related. I think it is worth to point out that if registry is damaged or wrongly moified, it may cause the program to crash because some files will not be found as their locations are missing in the registry.
Summary of changes:
* It is possible to work on multiple objects in subobject modes.
* A little improvement on the symmetrizing operation. If there is no mesh right under cursor, all the visible and unfreezed meshes of all the selected objects will be symmetrized, otherwize only the under cursor mesh will be symmetrized.
* Three more view navigation tools: Edit > Customimize Tools > View Navigation Tools > Auxiliary Rotate View.... They allow view navigating during an operation like extruding/etc.
* Edit > Options > Soft Selection Options > Allow Crossing Objects/Meshes/Shells.
* The transform constraint bug reported by MightyPea is fixed. MightyPea: Thaks alot for pinning down this bug! Please test to make sure it's truely fixed.
* Workplane settings can be save and reused through "Transform List" window.
* Edit > Cutomize Tools > View Navigation Tools > Align Along An Edge/Perpendicular To Workplane. Also available in viewport context menu.
Thanks for update. One thing I miss is, when I use eg. cut tool or loop cut it ignores snapping options - so it won't snap to eg grid, or middle of edge. But snapping works ok with edge extrusion.
IStonia, I found 2 bugs with soft selection:
- with subdivision preview it won't work
- with symmetry (ctrl+q) when change selected item eg. vertex or edge it won't work (I need to turn it off and on, when I change selected item every time)
Summary of changes:
* A new dockable panel. View > Windows > Scene Explorer. It is the combination of 'Object List' and 'Material Editor'. The previous 'Material' tool is removed.
* The 'Cut' tool now uses the 'Edge Mid Point' and 'Polygon Center' snap options.
* Some soft selection bugs are fixed.
JoseConseco: Thanks for the bug reporting. Loopcut tools don't use snapping options. You can use edge S+MMB tool to create loopcut through edge mid point.
nabeelaejaz: Thanks for reminding me about the Website updating. I just haven't got time to do it yet.
hi there, can anyone tell me if it's possible to select through objects? (disable selection backface culling) ta
ps: also, I've been thinking I would like to use the move manipulator handles when extruding an edge.. the default options arent that satisfying for me (edge direction, normal or screen space). Is there a way to extrude an edge and just move it using say, the 2-axis constraint of the move tool
I tried applying an extrude of 0 distance and then moving the edge, but no dice
- what I'm suggesting is that if I select an element, hold a button and use the manipulator handles, a new edge/vert/face is extruded in that direction. I have a lot more control over the extrusion that way, imo. then if I want to extrude using the normal, I set the manipulator to normal. I realise there's some issues about multiple selections to iron out there
Summary of changes:
* A new dockable panel. View > Windows > Scene Explorer. It is the combination of 'Object List' and 'Material Editor'. The previous 'Material' tool is removed.
* The 'Cut' tool now uses the 'Edge Mid Point' and 'Polygon Center' snap options.
* Some soft selection bugs are fixed.
JoseConseco: Thanks for the bug reporting. Loopcut tools don't use snapping options. You can use edge S+MMB tool to create loopcut through edge mid point.
nabeelaejaz: Thanks for reminding me about the Website updating. I just haven't got time to do it yet.
Hey, if I can help you with it in any way, then please do let me know. Something that I can do to give you back for the awesome work you are doing.
Summary of changes:
* Move manipulator can be used to control vertex/edge/polygon extrusion. You need to highlight the constraint axis first. It works only if 'Cursor Control' flag is on if use the visual tools. For streamline tools, Vertex/Edge: A + NMB/LMB, Polygon: A + MMB.
* Single-Vertex-Slide tools don't work properly in the last update. It's fixed now.
rooster: Thanks for the suggestion! It's a good idea to enable using manipulator to control extrusion.
nabeelaejaz: Thanks for the help offering! I will contact you.
hey man! really like the change to extrude. some suggestions:
- I'm not so keen on the 'wait till the mouse has moved x before apply' distance. When I move my mouse quick using this tool, sometimes the cursor can end up a good distance away from the edge I'm controlling and it feels weird. The distance can vary depending on how fast I'm moving the cursor at the time, creating a sort of 'wooly' feel to me. I don't think I'm imagining it, try using the tool as if you were 'speed modelling'
I understand it's there to allow detection of other mouse buttons without accidental triggering.. maybe there's some way to have both. I think though when using this tool often (strip modelling) the 'dead space' adds up. It's frustrating because each time your mouse ends up far away from the edge, you need to drag it all the way back to perform another extrusion.
hmm, maybe as a compromise it could default to the last used movement mode? so you don't have to keep moving the mouse back to the gizmo? this would also avoid the situation of accidentally using the screen space move when you meant to use an axis. Alternately if the mouse move distance wasnt able to vary based on moving the mouse fast, that might also do the trick since the intended distance is small
- I think it'd be nice if you could use it on face extrude too?
still interested in the no backface culling selection, is it possible?
rooster, not sure is that what you mean but no backface culling selection is performed by mmb+drag rectangle. Just read manual.
Admins sticky this.
IStonia thanks for update.
man finally decided to give this a try out today and once i get used to or rebind the keys i think i will edging towards using this to replace silo as my main modeling tool.
keep up the good working im going to try to come up with some suggestions after i use it for a few weeks.
well i do got one suggestion, it would be nice to be able to make key binds on the go like you can in silo.
and there doesn't seem to be a way to bind things to the keypad numbers.
rooster: I set a 4 pixel threshold to prevent accidental extrusions that are too small to notice. Now I have made the threshold value available for customizing. Edit > Preference > Misc Settings > Extrude threshold in pixels.
You can use the move manipulator to control polygon/vertex extrusion too as stated in the descriptons for the last update.
If you want to create tidy extrusion intervals, you can use the Stepping constraint available in the Manipulation dockable panel.
passerby: The menu items i am using don't have key events, so I can't implement the hotkey assigning method you mentioned. The best way is press down End key then navigate the menu items and click the desired menu item to bring up the customizing window with the related tool selected.
I have made some more keys available for customizing, including those number pad keys.
If I can reproduce it I'll write up a proper bug report.
Also, while I'm on the subject. Circularize no longer seems to work.
I can't see any thing wrong with the Circularize tool.
I can't produce the selection bug you mentioned. It would be great if you can reproduce it with some simple objects and save it to a scene file.
with Circularise. I made a streamline 'Surface Flow' tool bound to the Z key which has:
With this setup. both Curve Loop & Space Loop work but when holding Z + RMB Circularize does nothing, regardless of the subobject level you are in. I tried it on subobjects selected and with nothing selected. Nothing working. Perhaps you could try setting up a similar streamline tool to see if it's a particular combination.
If you don't mind I have a few more suggestions. Sorry about bombarding you but I notice lots of things as I work with Voidworld, and please tell me if something already exists. I do have a dig around in the docs and the menus to see.
here are a few things I think could be improved.
A Non-destructive symmetry. Meaning it can Calculate Symmetry without destroying vertex order. Highlight non-symmetrical geometry.
Symmetry Plane. - we need some way to visualise what the symmetry plane is in realtime. Maybe a temporary symmetry plane will display when the hotkey for an axis shortcut is pressed, then revert back to showing what the ACTUAL plane is.
Soft selection needs 3 checkboxes to control what it can effect.
- Area - Area falloff selecting only connected mesh. Everything after this is affected with Area.
- Mesh - Soft selection travels from selected subobjects to other meshes
- Object - Soft selection travels from selected subobjects to other Objects
A crude analogy would be to think of it like the rays of the sun; moving out into our solar system and hitting the planets.It makes sense to layer it in that order. To further clarify;
Could the Lighting setup be remembered between sessions? At the moment I have to go in and chick Head Light everytime I open.
Anyway, I'll lay off a little as I know I've been posting lengthy reports recently
p.s. I have a few issues with Curve Loop & Space Loop combos, but I'll save that for a rainy day
I don't know what you did, but it works now!
ghib: I don't understand this "A Non-destructive symmetry. Meaning it can Calculate Symmetry without destroying vertex order. Highlight non-symmetrical geometry".
Please explain with a working sample.
Have you noticed this: View > Show Symmetry Plane ?
In Silo (and other applications) you are able to calculate the symmetry based on the exisiting topology; if the mesh is already symmetrical.
The way you currently have 'Symmetry remove Negative' etc it is the same as deleting one side, then mirroring the geometry and welding the centre verts. This will wreck the vertex order of your mesh & any UVs you have on the model. Not that this is wrong so don't get rid of this feature, it's very useful.
What you can do in Silo and other apps is select a centre edge on your symmetry line and then activate 'Calculate Symmetry' You can then continue modelling and make proportional changes but it won't destroy the vert order or existing uvs as you're not deleting any mesh geometry.
(albeit any cuts or extrudes will again destroy the vert order & uvs but that's fine)
If a mesh is mostly symmetrical but with a few areas aysymmetrical then the calculate symmetry should automatically select and highlight the non-symmetrical components.
The reason I think this is important is for creating blendshapes or fine tuning a base mesh to be taken back to a sculpting app. There are other uses I'm sure.
Hope this is a little more clear. I made a video of how this works in Silo this morning but I was in a rush and didn't have time. I'll upload later..
Quality is crap & it's stretched :poly142: but I think it gets the point across.
BUG REPORT - Hotkey Hijacking
When VoidWorld is open it will take over the hotkeys globally on the entire computer. Even when it is running in the background.
Hotkeys in Photoshop & Silo no longer work until I shut down VW. I haven't tried it with any other apps yet. Just to let you know. This may frustrate users.
It's not 100% reproducible but it happens every so often. I think when VW is opened 1st then other apps.
Most artists work with multiple apps open (more so with the current 'AppLinks' mentality) and the conflict will drive people nuts. I'd say this is an important bug to fix.
It is one of the top level barriers between user and content so is really important to get right I think. It needs to be so transparent that the user eventually doesn't even notice it's there and it's hard enough trying to remember all the combinations anyway never mind the sequence you need to press them
Anyway, glad it's already been reported by yourself.
Summary of changes:
* View > Head Light On
* Modify > Fill Jagged Border Edges. It is for this purpose:
* Calculate Symmetry feature is added
- Modify > Calculate Symmetry from Two vertices. The selection must be two vertices or an edge. The program will assume the line between the two vertices is perpendicular to the intended symmetry axis and will use this as the hint to perform symmetry calculation. An internal object size based threshold will be used.
- There is also a button tool "Cal Symmetry" under vertex mode.
- Once a "Calculate Symmetry" operation is performed. The non-symmetrical geometry will be selected automatically.
- Selections > Select Non-symmetrical Subobjects.
ghib, BeatKitano: I can't produce any key problems you have encountered. I have tried many many times. The coding for keyboard hooking is very simple, not many lines. When the program is not in front, it won't hook. I suspect that the in-front status may not be detected properly, but it's just fine in my machine.
Summary of changes:
* An error in normal-move computation is fixed. It occured if object's orientation is not the same as world space.
* Workplane feature is added. Details can be found in the online book. Help > Contents > Modeling > Workplane.
* Two basic streamline tools are added under "Edge Tools" group. Extend_Edge, Extend_Edge_Workplane. By default, they are not assigned to any streamline tool. So in order to use them, You may need to create a new streamline tool to accommodate them.
edit: I'm just trying it out again with the idea of using it in production, and I've a few more bits of input:
1- I selected 'maya mode' and began using the controls I would in maya. One key difference I noticed is that mouse wheel does not zoom as it would in maya. I noticed it scrolling through snap options, which isn't something I really need to do that freuqnetly to have on mouse control.
2- I set the floor grid interval to 1, and created a box with size of 1. Why are the grid and box sizes different? also, I believe you will need more comprehensive grid/scene scale options for VW to be used as a main production tool.. If I need 1 unit to = 1 meter, how do I work in VW? a 1x1 box is tiny on the grid, I need to adjust the settings accordingly so I'm working at a reasonable scale
3- the scale tool- I notice that the smaller the scale of object, the less your mouse movement scales when using the tool, and vice versa. I wonder about this- I wouldn't update this on the fly as you scale the object- I would make it per click/operation. Because it means that the scaling you apply to something accelerates the larger you make it, becoming hard to control. It also means, if you click and drag to scale something, waggle the mouse around trying different sizes, and bring your mouse back to the start position- the object is probably now a very different scale to when you clicked in that same position. IMO for precision control if you click to scale something, move the mouse away then back to the start point when you should be looking at how the object was when you clicked.
to highlight this problem, take the scale tool and without letting go of the mouse button scale something to be flat, scale it normal, scale it flat- repeat that a couple times and soon the object will be permenantly flat and you can't scale it big again, because by then you're scaling in tiny fractions
Summary of changes:
* Once a primitive tool is opened, mouse wheel will serve as snapping option cycler. This allows user to change snapping options during the primitive creation. If want to perform view zooming instead of snapping option cycling, press down Alt key on keyboard.
* Scaling behaviour is improved as rooster suggested.
rooster: Thanks for the inputs!
The grid interval is only used as a reference value, the actual grid interval will be decided by the scene scale. To change scene scale, View > Floor Settings(Scene Scale). In the case you mentioned, set the floor scale to 0.1. After that, View > Best Fit... to update camera settings. Also, View > Show Grid Size, so you can see the actual grid size on top-right corner of the viewport.
Collada format is supported, but not available in Save Scene/Load Scene yet.
I've kind of hit a perod of not-much-modelling right now but I'll try check out the changes soon!
Just downloaded and tried out VoidWorld - I like it a lot.
Just a suggestion - do you think you could include a visual indicator in the scene name when the scene has been amended(e.g. some programs add an asterisk after the name) to remind you to resave the file if you wish to keep the changes?
I look forward to future updates and will try to give further feedback as I get more familiar with the program.
One question from me is VoidWorld has some support for retopo?
Anyway I believe this app will be quite popular among blender users.
I played with it a bit, and looks there is snapping, so the only thing required for retopo would be x-ray mode.
So hires model would be in shaded mode, new lowpoly would be in transparent-wire mode with x-ray and backface culling, so it would be visible even when hidden under hi-poly mesh furface. Maybe option to color object would help too, in distinguishing hipoly from lowpoly
also a Blender user here.
The bad things is, VoidWorld 2.4 does not run. It crashes at startup. I can run VoidWorld 2.3 just fine.
VoidWorld 2.4.exe
12.04.2011 20:09
Nicht berichtet
Stopped working
Pfad der fehlerhaften Anwendung: C:\Users\oldbob\Downloads\VoidWorld-Apr-6-11\VoidWorld 2.4.exe
Problemereignisame: APPCRASH
Application Name: VoidWorld 2.4.exe
Application Version: 2.3.4113.26637
Application Timestamp: 4d9bc64b
Fault Module Name: KERNELBASE.dll
Fault Module Version: 6.1.7600.16385
Fault Module Timestamp: 4a5bdbdf
Exception Code: e0434f4d
Exception Offset: 0000b727
Betriebsystemversion: 6.1.7600.
Gebietsschema-ID: 1031
EDIT: OS is Windows 7 64bit
JoseConseco: You can render the object in transparent or wired, Rendering > Transparent. Also you can try the Retopo tool which is a button tool available under edge mode. It was implemented long time ago, so don't expect it as good as those modeling tools. The instructions can be found in the online book, Help > Contents > Modeling > Edge Section > Retopo.
oldbob: There are some other people have got the same problem as you did. But they got it works after trying the new updates. I have no clue what's the reason as it never happen to me, but mine is 32bit. Can you try these two tests and tell me what happened?
I want to know how far the program can go. So please let me know every thing you can get, what happened visually and what messages you catched.
The test works. Two clickable buttons.
What's changed since version 2.3 ? It works so why the problems with 2.4 ?
Just to explain what I mean. Sometimes when you are working with the program for an extended period you forget if you have amended the scene since the last save(e.g. you may have been navigating around the scene lokking at your model or doing other activities which haven't actually changed the scene's contents). If there is an indicator against the scene's name it reminds you that changes have been made and if you wish to keep them you will need to do a save. As I mentioned programs like modo and MOI add an asterisk on the end of the scene name as a visual indicator to remind you to save. Once you have made the save the asterisk is removed from the name. Hope this makes it clear.
Can you test this and see if it runs?
mald: Thanks fo explaining! It shold be available in next update.
JoseConseco: Sounds like you are trying to create a polygon from click points. Make sure there is only one unfreezed and visible mesh in the selected object. Otherwize the app won't know which mesh the new polygon shold belong to. I should pop up a message box for that. Try this: 1. Create a sphere. 2. Create a plane. 3 Open the Retopo tool. 4. Click 3 points on the sphere then click the first point again. That will add a tri face into the plane mesh.
This is from the front view, so any skewed lines you see is because of movement along the wrong axis, not perspective distortion.
The first time it moves along the X axis, but all other times I'm moving it along the Y axis, and you can tell it moves slightly along the X axis, despite being constrained to Y.
Any idea why this might happen?
edit: to clarify, this is using w+rmb. There's no nmb defined, so that's not the problem. It's really quite strange!
new update.
Summary of changes:
* It is possible to work on multiple objects in subobject modes.
* A little improvement on the symmetrizing operation. If there is no mesh right under cursor, all the visible and unfreezed meshes of all the selected objects will be symmetrized, otherwize only the under cursor mesh will be symmetrized.
* Three more view navigation tools: Edit > Customimize Tools > View Navigation Tools > Auxiliary Rotate View.... They allow view navigating during an operation like extruding/etc.
* Edit > Options > Soft Selection Options > Allow Crossing Objects/Meshes/Shells.
* The transform constraint bug reported by MightyPea is fixed. MightyPea: Thaks alot for pinning down this bug! Please test to make sure it's truely fixed.
* Workplane settings can be save and reused through "Transform List" window.
* Edit > Cutomize Tools > View Navigation Tools > Align Along An Edge/Perpendicular To Workplane. Also available in viewport context menu.
edit - just tested it: fixed!
- with subdivision preview it won't work
- with symmetry (ctrl+q) when change selected item eg. vertex or edge it won't work (I need to turn it off and on, when I change selected item every time)
Summary of changes:
* A new dockable panel. View > Windows > Scene Explorer. It is the combination of 'Object List' and 'Material Editor'. The previous 'Material' tool is removed.
* The 'Cut' tool now uses the 'Edge Mid Point' and 'Polygon Center' snap options.
* Some soft selection bugs are fixed.
JoseConseco: Thanks for the bug reporting. Loopcut tools don't use snapping options. You can use edge S+MMB tool to create loopcut through edge mid point.
nabeelaejaz: Thanks for reminding me about the Website updating. I just haven't got time to do it yet.
ps: also, I've been thinking I would like to use the move manipulator handles when extruding an edge.. the default options arent that satisfying for me (edge direction, normal or screen space). Is there a way to extrude an edge and just move it using say, the 2-axis constraint of the move tool
I tried applying an extrude of 0 distance and then moving the edge, but no dice
- what I'm suggesting is that if I select an element, hold a button and use the manipulator handles, a new edge/vert/face is extruded in that direction. I have a lot more control over the extrusion that way, imo. then if I want to extrude using the normal, I set the manipulator to normal. I realise there's some issues about multiple selections to iron out there
Hey, if I can help you with it in any way, then please do let me know. Something that I can do to give you back for the awesome work you are doing.
Summary of changes:
* Move manipulator can be used to control vertex/edge/polygon extrusion. You need to highlight the constraint axis first. It works only if 'Cursor Control' flag is on if use the visual tools. For streamline tools, Vertex/Edge: A + NMB/LMB, Polygon: A + MMB.
* Single-Vertex-Slide tools don't work properly in the last update. It's fixed now.
rooster: Thanks for the suggestion! It's a good idea to enable using manipulator to control extrusion.
nabeelaejaz: Thanks for the help offering! I will contact you.
- I'm not so keen on the 'wait till the mouse has moved x before apply' distance. When I move my mouse quick using this tool, sometimes the cursor can end up a good distance away from the edge I'm controlling and it feels weird. The distance can vary depending on how fast I'm moving the cursor at the time, creating a sort of 'wooly' feel to me. I don't think I'm imagining it, try using the tool as if you were 'speed modelling'
I understand it's there to allow detection of other mouse buttons without accidental triggering.. maybe there's some way to have both. I think though when using this tool often (strip modelling) the 'dead space' adds up. It's frustrating because each time your mouse ends up far away from the edge, you need to drag it all the way back to perform another extrusion.
hmm, maybe as a compromise it could default to the last used movement mode? so you don't have to keep moving the mouse back to the gizmo? this would also avoid the situation of accidentally using the screen space move when you meant to use an axis. Alternately if the mouse move distance wasnt able to vary based on moving the mouse fast, that might also do the trick since the intended distance is small
- I think it'd be nice if you could use it on face extrude too?
still interested in the no backface culling selection, is it possible?
Admins sticky this.
IStonia thanks for update.
keep up the good working im going to try to come up with some suggestions after i use it for a few weeks.
well i do got one suggestion, it would be nice to be able to make key binds on the go like you can in silo.
and there doesn't seem to be a way to bind things to the keypad numbers.
rooster: I set a 4 pixel threshold to prevent accidental extrusions that are too small to notice. Now I have made the threshold value available for customizing. Edit > Preference > Misc Settings > Extrude threshold in pixels.
You can use the move manipulator to control polygon/vertex extrusion too as stated in the descriptons for the last update.
If you want to create tidy extrusion intervals, you can use the Stepping constraint available in the Manipulation dockable panel.
passerby: The menu items i am using don't have key events, so I can't implement the hotkey assigning method you mentioned. The best way is press down End key then navigate the menu items and click the desired menu item to bring up the customizing window with the related tool selected.
I have made some more keys available for customizing, including those number pad keys.