@IStonia no luck it is showing only 4 selections in the undo stack, but the edge i used to shift+loop select the 2nd loop is deselected after i shift+double click it.
i either need to select the problem edge first than doable click it, or i need to doable click and than select the edge.
passerby: If I held down Shift+Ctrl I will get your result. Shift+Ctrl is toggle selection in my setting, so I guess you have set Shift for toggle selection. Check you settings in Edit > Customize Tools > Common Modeling Shortcut Tools group. Or you can check it in the SmartTips list, if you want to change the hotkey for Toggle Selection, righ click its hotkey field in the SmartTips.
passerby: If I held down Shift+Ctrl I will get your result. Shift+Ctrl is toggle selection in my setting, so I guess you have set Shift for toggle selection. Check you settings in Edit > Customize Tools > Common Modeling Shortcut Tools group. Or you can check it in the SmartTips list, if you want to change the hotkey for Toggle Selection, righ click its hotkey field in the SmartTips.
thanks that would be it, i swapped hotkeys for toggle and add selection and get the expected outcome now.
was that hotkey changed in the one of the previous versions, i dont remember setting it myself, to be different but i have changed lots of other keys and have been exporting and importing my setup time to time.
Thanks for your response. I finally managed to fix the problem by opening the .chm file properties window and clicking the "Unblock" button. Apparently some versions of Windows(I have Vista) automatically block external program content from the Internet and stop access(according to info I read). Anyway, I can now access the help file from within VoidWorld so everything is okay.
Thought I'd post this just in case anybody else runs into the same problem.
Summary of changes:
* I made a mistake in last update, the updated help file documents didn't go with it. It is in this update now.
* Visual 'Vertex Camfer' tool is added.
* Once 'Edit > Options > Shortcut Symmetry Options > X Axis/Y Axis/Z Axis/Cycle Symmetry Axis' command is executed, the coresponding axis plane for each mesh will show up temprorarily.
* A couple of bugs in 'Calculate Symmetry' are fixed. ghib, please test and see if those bugs you came across still there.
* 'Manipulation' panel ui is reorganized to reduce vertical space in wide screen.
mald: thaks for posting the solution. it is hard to find.
thanks for the symmetry, and the manipulation panel changes, it's nice to still be able to have the panel open since it is used much, and still have a nice big viewport.
got a question though about 2 things.
what is hte easiest way to create a edge between 2 verts, and is there a config anywhere which stores the default sizes for primitives.
i also got a suggestion for the UV editor.
im really thinking it should work with existing tools, and commands.
so still use alt mmb, rmb for nav in the UV editor and still use W,E,R to move between the move, scale and rotate UV tools.
Not sure the first question. In VW, one edge must be connected to one or two polygons. New edges must be created by extruding/bridging/cutting/etc, you can't create an edge without creating the coresponding polygons. Maybe what you mean is creating an edge that cut through a polygon. If so, I would say the easiest way is select the two vertices then activate the streamline Cut tool C. This tool has 'Context Cut(BreakEdges)' as its activating tool in default setting.
I will create two commands 1.Save Current Primitive Settings. 2.Load User Primitive Settings. On programe startup, user primitive settings will be loaded as well. What do you think?
The uv editor is big big job. I need to create a streamline structure that is similar to the modeling streamline tool and reorganize all the tools. I have to leave it to untill I can finish the performance stuff.
ya i meant creating a edge between to completely separate verts, but it isnt a big deal since i could just enable snapping and extrude the whole edge and snap and weld it.
Hi Istonia, I am a (former) Silo user that is very excited by your program. I model for training development and I am not an expert, but somewhat knowledgeable. I have printed your Help File to a PDF for those who are having trouble with the CHM file (it also makes it easier to print out). What is the best way to get it to you to look at? It's actually smaller than the CHM file (2.7 MB). Keep up the good work, I will be interested in purchasing when you get to that point.
Istonia it wasn't so much that the Calculate symmetry is buggy but more in how it is implemented.
The problem with the 2 vertex method you have at the moment is that it can't be used in meshes that aren't connected down the centre e.g. eyeballs.
Other Symmetry calculation methods out there use Topology rather than vertex coordinates. Using Topology method is far more useful imho. Headus UVLayout is really clear in the way it works. 1 or 2 edge selection methods.
select 1 edge running down the centre seam
select 2 edges; on either side of the centre line and topologically identically symmetrical (try saying that with a mouthful of donut
It would also be great if it were all colour coordinated for visual clarity.
*edit* I'll try and illustrate what I mean if I get a chance.
Summary of changes:
* Create > Primitives > Save Current Primitive Settings/Load Saved Primitive Settings. It only works if a primitive tool is opened.
* Modify > Edge Commands > Calculate Symmetry Topologically. One or more edges need to be selected in the symmetry center line.
* Toplogical function is also added into 'Cal Symmetry' tool in vertex mode. It is more versatile. It can used for symmetry parts that are not connected to each other through centerlines. The two parts can also be in seperate shells. Details can be found in online book, Help > Contents > Modeling > Vertex Section > Mesh Vertex > Calculate Symmetry.
* A new tool group 'Common Tools' is added for radial menu.
* UV tool shortcut keys W/E/R/T -> Move/Rotate/Scale/Free-Form. W/E/R hotkeys also serve as sticky keys.
* UV Editor, MMB/RMB -> Pan/Zoom.
In one of your recent upgrades you noted that an "xray button" was added to the viewport. Could you tell me where it is(and what it does) as I can't find it?
Also could you tell me what the last of 5 buttons in the viewport(grid, wireframe, shaded, shaded wireframe,???) does? I can't see any changes when I click on it.
I'm doing a complete 3ds max tutorial in VoidWorld at the moment and enjoying it a lot. VW is fun to use and, so far, extremely stable!!
Would be happy to pay for this program if you decide to go down that path.
mald: Elte asked for the x-ray button and he didn't explain what it is. I quess it is the Bone mode button since you can see bones through x-ray.
In the 'Visual Tools' dock panel, you will see those mode buttons on the top. If the 'Visual Tools' panel is visible, those buttons won't appear in viewport as it is intened to save space. If you hide or minimize 'Visual Tools' panel, they will come up in the active viewport.
grid button: toggle grid visiblily.
wire button: shaded meshes will be hidden and edges are visible.
shaded button: edges will be hidden and shaed meshes are visible.
shaded wireframe button: edges and shaded meshes are all visible.
background button: toggle background image on/off.
The mesh/edge visibility control can also be set through the viewport context menu which can be accessed by clicking the viewport viewtype label top right of the viewport.
woop... sorry istonia for not explaining, basically what an xray does is setting the objects to become less opaque so that we can see what's behind them. THis is useful during the modeling, when we need to constantly toggle on/off to refer to the blueprint/image plane.
IC. You can achieve that by click 'Rendering > Transparent/Solid'. Make sure 'Rendering > Cull BackFacing' is ON or 'Rendering > Back Face In Gray' is Off.
All these commands are also available in radial menu and top toolbars, also can be hotkeyed.
What's the best way to collaborate online in the documentation? Wiki? I mean since this program evolves and the workflow, button placement and all those are gonna change, why don't we put it online. And on major release, create a chm or pdf file so ppl can view it offline?
Summary of changes:
* Rendering > Toggle Transparent/Solid. Also available in viewport buttons.
* Texture UV Mapping Form > Options > Preference > Selection Radius.
* The tool 'Symmetry Calculation by edge topologically' is improved, Modify > Edge Commands > Calculate Symmetry Topologically. If the two symmetry parts connect to each other through center lines, select one or more edges along the center line. Otherwise, mark two symmetrical polygons by selecting their symmetrical edges, at least two but not all of the polygon's edges must be selected.
* 'Show Symmetry function' is added into 'Cal Symmetry' visual tool in vertex mode to show up vertices in symmetry colors.
elte: I wouldn't bother to worry about that yet. Just don't have extra time to think about it.
Istonia, good job with the update to calculate sym on edges. It worked 1st time, which is more than I can say for Calculate Sym on Vertices; I couldn't for the life of me figure out how to get that working even after reading the docs.
Is there any way you can think to make the selection process a lot simpler?
i.e. using only 2 verts or just 2 edges. 1 on each side of the symmetry line.
*Feature Request*
I've also just thought of an addition to the Calculate symmetry family. 'Resymmetry' (similar to Zbrush Smart Resymm) Whereby you can select components and the opposite corresponding components will be made symmetrical.
At the moment you can see this effect if you turn on soft selection after calculating sym and moving some vertices around. The components on the opposite side that weren't symmetrical suddenly are.
I wonder if it would be useful to have the entire mesh use averaged vert positions if no component is selected when the Resymetry button is pressed.
Anyway fantastic job on this. Voidworld is just amazing.
Anyway fantastic job on this. Voidworld is just amazing.
Agreed, evnen though I don't participate in this thread much, having switched to max and customized it A LOT, I still get back to voidworld for quick modeling (cause it's so much more efficient for roughing out ideas).
Silo is so dead in the water with voidworld, it has all silo's advantage modeling wise plus much more functionalities ! With a little reorganisation in the menus for more clarity (maybe a way to hide uneeded stuff a la photoshop ?), it's max modeling toolset how it should be
Summary of changes:
* The tool 'Symmetry Calculation by edge topologically' is improved again, Modify > Edge Commands > Calculate Symmetry Topologically. Two edges can be used as non-center-line edges.
* Rendering > Show Symmetry Temprorarily
* Selections > Selec Left/Right-symmetrical Subobjects
* Modify > Resymmetry. Center symmetry vertices will be moved into symmetry plane. Unselected vertex will move to its symmetry position. Special tricks: 1. If no selection, the whole mesh will be mirrored. 2. If all selected, only the center symmetry vertices will be moved.
BeatKitano: Thanks for every letter you typed. They sound like key notes!
I sent an email to Zbrush for AppLink SDK a month ago and haven't got any response.
just a quick one, how about choosing how many chamfer edges one wants to have?
like, as it is now i understand i have to create an object, click the edge selection, select the edges and click on chamfer?
i can chamfer them once, sure, but in max for instance you can choose how many edges u want to fill in
xXm0RpH3usXx: For chamfer/extrude/inset operations, you can hit a number key to finish the the operation with segments. Hopefully that's what you mean.
Agreed, evnen though I don't participate in this thread much, having switched to max and customized it A LOT, I still get back to voidworld for quick modeling (cause it's so much more efficient for roughing out ideas).
Silo is so dead in the water with voidworld, it has all silo's advantage modeling wise plus much more functionalities ! With a little reorganisation in the menus for more clarity (maybe a way to hide uneeded stuff a la photoshop ?), it's max modeling toolset how it should be
+1 to this statemeant silo still performs a bit better with higher poly counts but im sure voidworld will surpass silo in that since silo could never handle as many faces as max and maya did.
VW+Maya is pretty much all i use now.
i never really got why NC left silo out to die, if they kept support and kept working with the community like with this project it should have done very well with the extra man power.
Thanks for update istonia. File history, and ctrl+d for duplication are helpfull, and intuitive.
I have some feature requests, hopefully not hard to do:
a) when I have pivot set to object in manipulation toolbar (bottom one) when I click set I would like to set object pivot (not manual how it is doing now)
b) when I have instance of object, snapping wont work on it. But maybe this is how instance works? But then again, there is no way to snap one instance to another instance.
Thanks again for updates
Just a couple of corrections you might want to make in the program.
.In the help file the comments(instructions) under Edge Commands>Cap Hole and Split are exactly the same.
.In the viewport menu top right the last item in the dropdown menu should read "Perpendicular to Workplane"(no "a" after the "c").
Hope you don't mind the comments - VoidWorld is really developing into a very professional 3d program and fixing small errors may serve to enhance this.
On a different note - do you plan to include a fillet tool in the program?
Continuing to get a lot of pleasure out of using VoidWorld.
Jose - If you want to move the object pivot you can do this by going into Object mode and clicking Pivot from the Visual tools panel. You can also get to it from the Misc Tools > Pivot menu item.
The Set > Manual buttons are more for temporary custom pivots I think.
Istonia - I've noticed a few inconsistencies with the way LMB MMB RMB works with the tweak tools. Not sure if this is the best time to bring it up but it's been bugging me for a while now..
I use the Silo Hotkey Style but I changed the Ctrl Tweak Mouse buttons to be-
MMB = Tweak_Rotate in screen space
RMB = Tweak_Scale Universally
I did this to correspond to the layout of the W E R keys (Move, Rotate, Scale) At the moment you have it as Move, Scale, Rotate.
Also.. The W E R Streamline Menus contain a duplication of the Tweak functions but on a different Mouse button. It all feels a bit messy. I made a quick image to show how I think the menu items should be by default. I actually wonder if it would be better to get rid of the Tweak function from the Translation Streamline tools completely that would leave a free slot for another function. e.g. Tweak Scale in Screen space (similar to the way Axis Scale works but having the axis align to screen space instead)
I know I can change object pivot in Pivot menu, but imo it is better to have one pivot tool that is context sensitive. So when i have object pivot selected, pressing set would make sense to change object pivot.
Less tools but with more functionality (context sensitive), ale always more user friendly, rather than more tools (harder to learn requires more clicking) and with lower/specialized functionality.
Jose - true, now that you put it like that, it makes sense to streamline every function and tool in Voidworld. For instance, the Set Manual for Orientation and Pivot Position could be merged (the gizmo has. I find myself constantly having to jump between the two when I work.
I actually really like the way the Softimage temporary pivot system works where you have the main pivot but also a temporary pivot that you can use to quickly place and snap to grid or geometry.
It's similar to Voidworld's Manual but it's more streamlined and the pivot moves with your translation. It's brilliant for quickly rotating around specific points on a mesh or snapping at object level to specific edges or verts.. it has loads of uses and it's on a sticky key making it transparent in your workflow.
I've made a previous post on this subject but it wasn't picked up on unfortunately. Hoping to see it in one day as I use it all the time in SI.
Another feature request , kinda big one probably
- I have lots of instances on one mesh, that makes scene explorer, and selecting those mess.
- I would like basically have way to group them, so eg. i can select object and all of it's instances at once, and translate, rotate them all at once. Hidding group would be cool to, and maybe if they collapse to one element in scene explorer would be nice too.
- double click would open group, or something similar.
- and maybe ctrl+d for duplicating group, like now it is for object..
can i set extrude up to extrude by zero if i just tap it's key.
and is there a way to make a shape follow the path of a spline, i got a fairly complex cylindrical shape going on for the handle of a weapon im making and i need to give it a slight bend.
also VW is stilling jacking input from other apps when it is in the background.
passerby: You can only create zero extrusion through visual tool. I feel it's too risky to make it available in streamline tool.
For creating shape from path, you can create two splines then go to vertex mode and use the visual Slide. For more info, see Help > Contents > Modeling > Vertex Section > Spline Vertex > Spline Slide.
If keyboard hijack still works at background. Make VW focused then switch to another app. It seems some times the window event didn't work properly.
is it possible for me to set 0 extrude to extrude+mmb or something like that.
for some of the work i do it is very common to need to extrude a edge loop and use the move or scale manipulator later, so maybe have it not default to letting you do 0 extrudes but letting the user add it in if they want, and also giving the option of have the warning or not.
or maybe a way of choose what is done with the extrude like being able to scale the extrude right off the bat.
and about the input jacking, it happens at random, but never happens if i manually minimize the app, seems to mostly happen when alt+tabbing between apps or when i start voidworld and switch to something else while it is loading.
Hi, I'm wondering if this could be improved when removing edges in VW.
As an example I made a plane and started cutting my way into it but let's say that those added edges are unnecessary and I want to remove them, I then select them and press delete and this happens.
For some reason the middle left edge get deleted but all other vertices are still there. Is this a bug of some sorts? I know I could select the "remove 2-edge vertices" option but then this happens.
The middle left edge still gets deleted but the border vertices connected to my selection also gets deleted because they are 2-edged verts. Could this be fixed somehow? I know in Max you can Shift-Backspace the selection to remove the vertices as well but it won't remove border vertices.
I don't think this is an issue of improvement. It depends on the way the data of the geometry are stored in program's internal structures and probably on the order of creating of the new geometry.
I suppose the 'Undo' function is your way...
I have come to a bit of a hiccup, I have played around in the programme, and searched these forums, but cannot seem to find the answer.
I have fired up Voidworld again after seeing some positive remarks in the DAZ forums.
I am starting at the beginning and am following the truck tutorial, my problem is:
when I select the faces to do the extrusion only the outside borders highlight but not the faces, when I hit the space bar to open the other views it shows the faces are shaded red to indicate that they are selected, but in the perspective view only the edges are shown.
What am I missing?
How to I get the faces to highlight?
philem: There is a view context menu for each viewport which you can access by clicking the view direction label top-left viewport. make sure the 'Show Polygon' is on. It is for selected polgon only, if off only the edges of the selected polygons will show in red.
philem: There is a view context menu for each viewport which you can access by clicking the view direction label top-left viewport. make sure the 'Show Polygon' is on. It is for selected polgon only, if off only the edges of the selected polygons will show in red.
been only using VW for modeling all week, and now im really used to it and loving it, actually feels kinda awkward when i have to open something in silo or maya now, since i gotten so used to VW.
keep up the work, but also im wondering if you got a projected date or anything you want to get the UV stuff up to snuff and about dealing with performance issues.
Summary of changes:
* The edge Chamfer tool is improved. Rounded and Flat features are added. See Help > Contents > Modeling > Edge Section > Chamfer Edge. The two new features also available in basic streamline tools. To change the Offset value when using streamline tools, hit a number key before chamfer is dragged out. I saw these features in a nearby thread and so managed to get it done. mald, hopefully this is the fillet feature you mentioned.
* Keyboard hooking is improved. passerby, please test it.
* One more edge delete option is added so you can choose not to delete border vertices.
* Edge selection cut tool is improved to keep polygon quad. This is based on the idea exposed by BeatKitano in another thread.
* Edge/Polygon zero extrusion can be made by two streamline tools 'Edge_Extrude_CursorDirection' and 'Polygon_Extrude_CursorDirection'. But you need to enable the option Edit > Options > Allow Edge/Polygon Streamline Zero Extrusion.
* Edit > Cutomize Tools > Snapping Options > Align Selection To Under Cursor Object...
* One new streamline tool 'Snap Selection'. It can be used to snap the current selection to a highlighted snapping point. The manipulator's position and orientation affect the snapping result as they are used as the selection origin and space.
* One new streamline tool option 'Can be activated when visual tool is on'. This can be usefull for a streamline tool like 'Snap Selection' to work without the need of turning the visual tool off.
* It is possible to snap to subobjects of instance object.
* Object 'Duplicate' command is improved. If an object and its instances both are selected, the new duplicated instances will link to the duplicated object.
passerby: I can't give a date bacause new requests just keep coming in.
been only using it for 30 0r 40min sofar but haven't been able to recreate any of the input stealing issues sofar so i think that bug might be dead now.
also btw i love the changes to edge chamfer, and extrude, love it how in 1 step i can directly extrude a edge loop inwards instead of having to do a zero unit textured and finish up with the scale tool. and the duplication changes are nice, since i tend to instance and duplicate lots of things when i do high poly work.
also i got a other suggestion, is it possible to make the spline modify non destructive, since it would be nice to be able to edit the spline later on the make changes to the curve and have it effect the geo, and or being able to edit geo with it switched off.
i been working around this by just duplicating the geo first and hiding a version.
Thanks iStonia. New chamfer rules.
I have question. I want to align box B to box A so they stick at corners- image. Is there way to do this when walls are separate objects? Right now It seem wall B snaps by it's pivot point. But if I move B pivot point then symmtery of B is messed up.
One thing - bug I presume -> ctrl+H shoudl hide/unhide but it only works for hidding.
Guys, I am learning VW and was trying to use the Bridge tool,
am I right in assuming that the Bridge tool only works with holes?
I created 2 cubes of different sizes,
deleted the faces that were facing each other,
selected the edges of both cubes,
selected the bridge tool,
but, all that happened was that the faces came back again.
Does this mean that 2 cubes or entities can not be bridged ?
philem: you are right, you need to merge the two cubes into one object first. in object mode, select the two cube then execute Modiy > Object Commands > Combine.
philem: you are right, you need to merge the two cubes into one object first. in object mode, select the two cube then execute Modiy > Object Commands > Combine.
Thanks again, helped me a lot, am bridging anything I can think of lol
Thanks again, helped me a lot, am bridging anything I can think of lol
Is there a point at which entities won't combine anymore?
I have bridged 7 different primitives, but the eighth will not combine I have tried everything I can think of (which at the moment is not a great deal but it won't combine and therefore I cannot bridge it.
What am I missing ?
philem: If any combining between mesh objects failed, it means a bug. Can you check in the object list view after combining, Misc Tools > Object List, or just look into the 'Scene Explorer' dockable panel, to see the result. If you can recreate the bug, please let me know the steps so I can fix it.
Btw, are you buiding a harbour bridge or even an ocean bridge?
i either need to select the problem edge first than doable click it, or i need to doable click and than select the edge.
thanks that would be it, i swapped hotkeys for toggle and add selection and get the expected outcome now.
was that hotkey changed in the one of the previous versions, i dont remember setting it myself, to be different but i have changed lots of other keys and have been exporting and importing my setup time to time.
Thanks for your response. I finally managed to fix the problem by opening the .chm file properties window and clicking the "Unblock" button. Apparently some versions of Windows(I have Vista) automatically block external program content from the Internet and stop access(according to info I read). Anyway, I can now access the help file from within VoidWorld so everything is okay.
Thought I'd post this just in case anybody else runs into the same problem.
Summary of changes:
* I made a mistake in last update, the updated help file documents didn't go with it. It is in this update now.
* Visual 'Vertex Camfer' tool is added.
* Once 'Edit > Options > Shortcut Symmetry Options > X Axis/Y Axis/Z Axis/Cycle Symmetry Axis' command is executed, the coresponding axis plane for each mesh will show up temprorarily.
* A couple of bugs in 'Calculate Symmetry' are fixed. ghib, please test and see if those bugs you came across still there.
* 'Manipulation' panel ui is reorganized to reduce vertical space in wide screen.
mald: thaks for posting the solution. it is hard to find.
got a question though about 2 things.
what is hte easiest way to create a edge between 2 verts, and is there a config anywhere which stores the default sizes for primitives.
i also got a suggestion for the UV editor.
im really thinking it should work with existing tools, and commands.
so still use alt mmb, rmb for nav in the UV editor and still use W,E,R to move between the move, scale and rotate UV tools.
Not sure the first question. In VW, one edge must be connected to one or two polygons. New edges must be created by extruding/bridging/cutting/etc, you can't create an edge without creating the coresponding polygons. Maybe what you mean is creating an edge that cut through a polygon. If so, I would say the easiest way is select the two vertices then activate the streamline Cut tool C. This tool has 'Context Cut(BreakEdges)' as its activating tool in default setting.
I will create two commands 1.Save Current Primitive Settings. 2.Load User Primitive Settings. On programe startup, user primitive settings will be loaded as well. What do you think?
The uv editor is big big job. I need to create a streamline structure that is similar to the modeling streamline tool and reorganize all the tools. I have to leave it to untill I can finish the performance stuff.
The problem with the 2 vertex method you have at the moment is that it can't be used in meshes that aren't connected down the centre e.g. eyeballs.
Other Symmetry calculation methods out there use Topology rather than vertex coordinates. Using Topology method is far more useful imho. Headus UVLayout is really clear in the way it works. 1 or 2 edge selection methods.
It would also be great if it were all colour coordinated for visual clarity.
*edit* I'll try and illustrate what I mean if I get a chance.
Summary of changes:
* Create > Primitives > Save Current Primitive Settings/Load Saved Primitive Settings. It only works if a primitive tool is opened.
* Modify > Edge Commands > Calculate Symmetry Topologically. One or more edges need to be selected in the symmetry center line.
* Toplogical function is also added into 'Cal Symmetry' tool in vertex mode. It is more versatile. It can used for symmetry parts that are not connected to each other through centerlines. The two parts can also be in seperate shells. Details can be found in online book, Help > Contents > Modeling > Vertex Section > Mesh Vertex > Calculate Symmetry.
* A new tool group 'Common Tools' is added for radial menu.
* UV tool shortcut keys W/E/R/T -> Move/Rotate/Scale/Free-Form. W/E/R hotkeys also serve as sticky keys.
* UV Editor, MMB/RMB -> Pan/Zoom.
and thanks for being able to set default sizes on primitives.
In one of your recent upgrades you noted that an "xray button" was added to the viewport. Could you tell me where it is(and what it does) as I can't find it?
Also could you tell me what the last of 5 buttons in the viewport(grid, wireframe, shaded, shaded wireframe,???) does? I can't see any changes when I click on it.
I'm doing a complete 3ds max tutorial in VoidWorld at the moment and enjoying it a lot. VW is fun to use and, so far, extremely stable!!
Would be happy to pay for this program if you decide to go down that path.
In the 'Visual Tools' dock panel, you will see those mode buttons on the top. If the 'Visual Tools' panel is visible, those buttons won't appear in viewport as it is intened to save space. If you hide or minimize 'Visual Tools' panel, they will come up in the active viewport.
grid button: toggle grid visiblily.
wire button: shaded meshes will be hidden and edges are visible.
shaded button: edges will be hidden and shaed meshes are visible.
shaded wireframe button: edges and shaded meshes are all visible.
background button: toggle background image on/off.
The mesh/edge visibility control can also be set through the viewport context menu which can be accessed by clicking the viewport viewtype label top right of the viewport.
In max, alt+x does the job
All these commands are also available in radial menu and top toolbars, also can be hotkeyed.
Summary of changes:
* Rendering > Toggle Transparent/Solid. Also available in viewport buttons.
* Texture UV Mapping Form > Options > Preference > Selection Radius.
* The tool 'Symmetry Calculation by edge topologically' is improved, Modify > Edge Commands > Calculate Symmetry Topologically. If the two symmetry parts connect to each other through center lines, select one or more edges along the center line. Otherwise, mark two symmetrical polygons by selecting their symmetrical edges, at least two but not all of the polygon's edges must be selected.
* 'Show Symmetry function' is added into 'Cal Symmetry' visual tool in vertex mode to show up vertices in symmetry colors.
elte: I wouldn't bother to worry about that yet. Just don't have extra time to think about it.
Is there any way you can think to make the selection process a lot simpler?
i.e. using only 2 verts or just 2 edges. 1 on each side of the symmetry line.
*Feature Request*
At the moment you can see this effect if you turn on soft selection after calculating sym and moving some vertices around. The components on the opposite side that weren't symmetrical suddenly are.
I wonder if it would be useful to have the entire mesh use averaged vert positions if no component is selected when the Resymetry button is pressed.
Anyway fantastic job on this. Voidworld is just amazing.
Agreed, evnen though I don't participate in this thread much, having switched to max and customized it A LOT, I still get back to voidworld for quick modeling (cause it's so much more efficient for roughing out ideas).
Silo is so dead in the water with voidworld, it has all silo's advantage modeling wise plus much more functionalities ! With a little reorganisation in the menus for more clarity (maybe a way to hide uneeded stuff a la photoshop ?), it's max modeling toolset how it should be
Summary of changes:
* The tool 'Symmetry Calculation by edge topologically' is improved again, Modify > Edge Commands > Calculate Symmetry Topologically. Two edges can be used as non-center-line edges.
* Rendering > Show Symmetry Temprorarily
* Selections > Selec Left/Right-symmetrical Subobjects
* Modify > Resymmetry. Center symmetry vertices will be moved into symmetry plane. Unselected vertex will move to its symmetry position. Special tricks: 1. If no selection, the whole mesh will be mirrored. 2. If all selected, only the center symmetry vertices will be moved.
BeatKitano: Thanks for every letter you typed. They sound like key notes!
I sent an email to Zbrush for AppLink SDK a month ago and haven't got any response.
like, as it is now i understand i have to create an object, click the edge selection, select the edges and click on chamfer?
i can chamfer them once, sure, but in max for instance you can choose how many edges u want to fill in
+1 to this statemeant silo still performs a bit better with higher poly counts but im sure voidworld will surpass silo in that since silo could never handle as many faces as max and maya did.
VW+Maya is pretty much all i use now.
i never really got why NC left silo out to die, if they kept support and kept working with the community like with this project it should have done very well with the extra man power.
I have some feature requests, hopefully not hard to do:
a) when I have pivot set to object in manipulation toolbar (bottom one) when I click set I would like to set object pivot (not manual how it is doing now)
b) when I have instance of object, snapping wont work on it. But maybe this is how instance works? But then again, there is no way to snap one instance to another instance.
Thanks again for updates
Just a couple of corrections you might want to make in the program.
.In the help file the comments(instructions) under Edge Commands>Cap Hole and Split are exactly the same.
.In the viewport menu top right the last item in the dropdown menu should read "Perpendicular to Workplane"(no "a" after the "c").
Hope you don't mind the comments - VoidWorld is really developing into a very professional 3d program and fixing small errors may serve to enhance this.
On a different note - do you plan to include a fillet tool in the program?
Continuing to get a lot of pleasure out of using VoidWorld.
The Set > Manual buttons are more for temporary custom pivots I think.
Istonia - I've noticed a few inconsistencies with the way LMB MMB RMB works with the tweak tools. Not sure if this is the best time to bring it up but it's been bugging me for a while now..
I use the Silo Hotkey Style but I changed the Ctrl Tweak Mouse buttons to be-
- MMB = Tweak_Rotate in screen space
- RMB = Tweak_Scale Universally
I did this to correspond to the layout of the W E R keys (Move, Rotate, Scale) At the moment you have it as Move, Scale, Rotate.Also.. The W E R Streamline Menus contain a duplication of the Tweak functions but on a different Mouse button. It all feels a bit messy. I made a quick image to show how I think the menu items should be by default. I actually wonder if it would be better to get rid of the Tweak function from the Translation Streamline tools completely that would leave a free slot for another function. e.g. Tweak Scale in Screen space (similar to the way Axis Scale works but having the axis align to screen space instead)
I know I can change object pivot in Pivot menu, but imo it is better to have one pivot tool that is context sensitive. So when i have object pivot selected, pressing set would make sense to change object pivot.
Less tools but with more functionality (context sensitive), ale always more user friendly, rather than more tools (harder to learn requires more clicking) and with lower/specialized functionality.
I actually really like the way the Softimage temporary pivot system works where you have the main pivot but also a temporary pivot that you can use to quickly place and snap to grid or geometry.
It's similar to Voidworld's Manual but it's more streamlined and the pivot moves with your translation. It's brilliant for quickly rotating around specific points on a mesh or snapping at object level to specific edges or verts.. it has loads of uses and it's on a sticky key making it transparent in your workflow.
I've made a previous post on this subject but it wasn't picked up on unfortunately. Hoping to see it in one day as I use it all the time in SI.
- I have lots of instances on one mesh, that makes scene explorer, and selecting those mess.
- I would like basically have way to group them, so eg. i can select object and all of it's instances at once, and translate, rotate them all at once. Hidding group would be cool to, and maybe if they collapse to one element in scene explorer would be nice too.
- double click would open group, or something similar.
- and maybe ctrl+d for duplicating group, like now it is for object..
can i set extrude up to extrude by zero if i just tap it's key.
and is there a way to make a shape follow the path of a spline, i got a fairly complex cylindrical shape going on for the handle of a weapon im making and i need to give it a slight bend.
also VW is stilling jacking input from other apps when it is in the background.
For creating shape from path, you can create two splines then go to vertex mode and use the visual Slide. For more info, see Help > Contents > Modeling > Vertex Section > Spline Vertex > Spline Slide.
If keyboard hijack still works at background. Make VW focused then switch to another app. It seems some times the window event didn't work properly.
for some of the work i do it is very common to need to extrude a edge loop and use the move or scale manipulator later, so maybe have it not default to letting you do 0 extrudes but letting the user add it in if they want, and also giving the option of have the warning or not.
or maybe a way of choose what is done with the extrude like being able to scale the extrude right off the bat.
and about the input jacking, it happens at random, but never happens if i manually minimize the app, seems to mostly happen when alt+tabbing between apps or when i start voidworld and switch to something else while it is loading.
As an example I made a plane and started cutting my way into it but let's say that those added edges are unnecessary and I want to remove them, I then select them and press delete and this happens.
For some reason the middle left edge get deleted but all other vertices are still there. Is this a bug of some sorts? I know I could select the "remove 2-edge vertices" option but then this happens.
The middle left edge still gets deleted but the border vertices connected to my selection also gets deleted because they are 2-edged verts. Could this be fixed somehow? I know in Max you can Shift-Backspace the selection to remove the vertices as well but it won't remove border vertices.
Thank you.
I suppose the 'Undo' function is your way...
I have come to a bit of a hiccup, I have played around in the programme, and searched these forums, but cannot seem to find the answer.
I have fired up Voidworld again after seeing some positive remarks in the DAZ forums.
I am starting at the beginning and am following the truck tutorial, my problem is:
when I select the faces to do the extrusion only the outside borders highlight but not the faces, when I hit the space bar to open the other views it shows the faces are shaded red to indicate that they are selected, but in the perspective view only the edges are shown.
What am I missing?
How to I get the faces to highlight?
thanks in advance
Damn, I do feel silly
That was it, thanks..
keep up the work, but also im wondering if you got a projected date or anything you want to get the UV stuff up to snuff and about dealing with performance issues.
Summary of changes:
* The edge Chamfer tool is improved. Rounded and Flat features are added. See Help > Contents > Modeling > Edge Section > Chamfer Edge. The two new features also available in basic streamline tools. To change the Offset value when using streamline tools, hit a number key before chamfer is dragged out. I saw these features in a nearby thread and so managed to get it done. mald, hopefully this is the fillet feature you mentioned.
* Keyboard hooking is improved. passerby, please test it.
* One more edge delete option is added so you can choose not to delete border vertices.
* Edge selection cut tool is improved to keep polygon quad. This is based on the idea exposed by BeatKitano in another thread.
* Edge/Polygon zero extrusion can be made by two streamline tools 'Edge_Extrude_CursorDirection' and 'Polygon_Extrude_CursorDirection'. But you need to enable the option Edit > Options > Allow Edge/Polygon Streamline Zero Extrusion.
* Edit > Cutomize Tools > Snapping Options > Align Selection To Under Cursor Object...
* One new streamline tool 'Snap Selection'. It can be used to snap the current selection to a highlighted snapping point. The manipulator's position and orientation affect the snapping result as they are used as the selection origin and space.
* One new streamline tool option 'Can be activated when visual tool is on'. This can be usefull for a streamline tool like 'Snap Selection' to work without the need of turning the visual tool off.
* It is possible to snap to subobjects of instance object.
* Object 'Duplicate' command is improved. If an object and its instances both are selected, the new duplicated instances will link to the duplicated object.
passerby: I can't give a date bacause new requests just keep coming in.
been only using it for 30 0r 40min sofar but haven't been able to recreate any of the input stealing issues sofar so i think that bug might be dead now.
also btw i love the changes to edge chamfer, and extrude, love it how in 1 step i can directly extrude a edge loop inwards instead of having to do a zero unit textured and finish up with the scale tool. and the duplication changes are nice, since i tend to instance and duplicate lots of things when i do high poly work.
also i got a other suggestion, is it possible to make the spline modify non destructive, since it would be nice to be able to edit the spline later on the make changes to the curve and have it effect the geo, and or being able to edit geo with it switched off.
i been working around this by just duplicating the geo first and hiding a version.
I have question. I want to align box B to box A so they stick at corners- image. Is there way to do this when walls are separate objects? Right now It seem wall B snaps by it's pivot point. But if I move B pivot point then symmtery of B is messed up.
One thing - bug I presume -> ctrl+H shoudl hide/unhide but it only works for hidding.
am I right in assuming that the Bridge tool only works with holes?
I created 2 cubes of different sizes,
deleted the faces that were facing each other,
selected the edges of both cubes,
selected the bridge tool,
but, all that happened was that the faces came back again.
Does this mean that 2 cubes or entities can not be bridged ?
Thanks again, helped me a lot, am bridging anything I can think of lol
Is there a point at which entities won't combine anymore?
I have bridged 7 different primitives, but the eighth will not combine I have tried everything I can think of (which at the moment is not a great deal
What am I missing ?
Btw, are you buiding a harbour bridge or even an ocean bridge?