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A new modeling tool released



  • Moog
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    Moog polycounter lvl 5
    Hi Istonia, went to try VoidWorld for the first time, and I get the following error message:

    System.IO.FileNotFoundException: The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E) at DigitalFossil.AnimationDesign.AnimationDesignForm..ctor(Boolean supressed, Form startForm, String prodName, String version, String formatVersion, Int32 startHeight, FormWindowState startWindowState) at DigitalFossil.StartForm.GenerateApp()

    I'm running XP Pro 64, I've got DX9+, and .Net 1.1
  • Michael Knubben
    Rooster: I suggested this a few posts back, and suggested ctrl and shift. Ctrl for moving/rotating/scaling in increments, shift for snapping. Both to be used AFTER initiating the action, as you'd do it in Photoshop. That way you could also just freeform move something as far as you'd like and then press ctrl while moving to jump to the nearest value.

    I'll repost them here:

  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    right, so if I have something at position 0.2, its easy to move it to either 1, or 1.2 (in any axis) (absolute snap, or relative x+1 move)
  • Arkadius
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    Arkadius polycounter lvl 13
    WOW this is great! Awesome little program. Just downloaded last night at 3 am and It had me excited I couldn't sleep, I've been playing with the program all morning.

    I have a question though is there like a vertex tolerance when selecting verts, I use a tablet and its a pain to have to click directly on top of the vert for it to get highlighted.
  • BeatKitano
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    BeatKitano polycounter lvl 16
    You can set the radius selection in the preference windows, but I have to admit using a tablet almost 95% of the time, vw is kinda tricky to get selection correctly with a stylus. I hope you're better than me (or more lucky).

    I can't really discribe what the issue is, but I've got to be damn precise to make a single vert selection (resulting in me using the lasso 100% of the time in vw), I think it has to do with the steadiness. The reason I think is vw mistaking a click drag for a simple click (cause we all shake a lil bit even in our best days :poly124:)
  • Arkadius
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    Arkadius polycounter lvl 13
    Yeah I've been using the lasso too as well. I also been using the pen's side buttons as a middle button, it targets selections pretty well, I'm not use to it yet but it works well for now. Blender has a good vertex selection... as far as tablets go.

    Bean you wouldn't happen to be the person who posted a tribute video for Silo on youtube?
  • saikafu
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    saikafu polycounter lvl 8
    i have a question...
    can we change object's pivot now just like other 3d app...(not only axis..it shoud include position..)
    i cant't find this feature now...
  • IStonia
    Arkadius: Thanks for the post. You made me laugh! I have improved the selection behaviour, you should be able to test it in the next update.

    saikafu: Can you give more detail on what you talked about? Do you mean I should present object's pivot in a form something like cross hair?
  • BeatKitano
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    BeatKitano polycounter lvl 16
    Arkadius wrote: »
    Yeah I've been using the lasso too as well. I also been using the pen side buttons as a middle button it makes targets the selection pretty well, I'm not use to it yet but it works well for now. Blender has a good vertex selection... as far as tablets go.

    Bean you wouldn't happen to be the person who posted a tribute video for Silo on youtube?

    Yes that's me. A last attempt to make nevercenter react and get back to bug fixing silo.. But that was before voidworld, now I couldn't care less about silo :)

    @Istonia: For pen tablet users: good news everyone ! (with farnsworth voice)

    About pivot point positioning, in maya it works like that (you can snap it to grid/component too. And rotate can be adjusted at an angle too)

  • saikafu
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    saikafu polycounter lvl 8
    sorry..my English is pool...
    i mean that i want to "move" my object's pivot position and rotate it..just like a feature called "adjust pivot->affect object only" in 3dsmax .
    when "affect object only" enabled we can move pivot anywhere..it will effect the resault when i use symmety..

    or can i move the symmetry plane ?
  • IStonia
    In VoidWorld, an object has a hierarchy structure. That's the bottom of the framework so it can't be changed. So an obje has a pivot, each meshes of that object has a pivot too. There is a hierarchy mode under which you can move and rotate those pivots. I will put that mode back on.
  • Arkadius
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    Arkadius polycounter lvl 13
    @BeatKitano That was LOL I played the video like 5 times. It convinced me not to buy silo. I say GJ!

    @IStonia: Excellent! Thank you very much!
  • Moog
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    Moog polycounter lvl 5
    Old Silo convert here - really hope VoidWorld can . . . fill the void.
  • Michael Knubben
    Rooster: I was thinking it would be absolute, not relative. So in your example it would snap to 1, not 1.2. To me, that seems the least confusing.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    I'd quite like the choice, but maybe that's just because maya already offers it and that's what I use. As long as there's a way to snap in 3d easily
  • Mime
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    Mime polycounter lvl 14
    Great work IStonia!! Played with VW a few months ago and i mus say it has come a LONG way. I will try to use it more often and see how i can fit it in my workflow.

    For some feedback : one thing i love about max is the ability to set values to zero by right clicking on the spinners. Would love that in VW aswell.

    I'll post more (if i find any) as soon as i work with it more.
  • achillepr
    First: thank you for your goood job. Now, i think, we need a little guide to use the program.
    When you'll have time to do it, naturally.
  • Michael Knubben
    Achillepr: The program is still a bit of a moving target, with things changing all the time. Have you looked at the box that appears on the left of the viewport though? It shows you a few of the tools and what keys they're mapped to. I suggest you create a box and get experimenting!
  • IStonia
    achill: I think you can post any difficulty you come across. That way, many people can help you besides me. It will also help me how to do document and tutorials in the future. Currently it is not a good time to do those things yet.
  • BeatKitano
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    BeatKitano polycounter lvl 16
    MightyPea wrote: »
    Achillepr: The program is still a bit of a moving target, with things changing all the time. Have you looked at the box that appears on the left of the viewport though? It shows you a few of the tools and what keys they're mapped to. I suggest you create a box and get experimenting!

    Voidworld is one of those program that you can 'learn' in a few hours just by trying it out. And it's the first to my knowledge to actually have a constant guide for everystep you take. I really think there's not much need (msot of the time at least) for a documentation as it's very intuitive with all these real time help appearing during actions.
  • IStonia
    new update.

    Summary of changes:
    * Top menu items are reorganized.
    * Edit > Options > Radial Menu Options > Positioning Style > Center On Cursor Position
    * Once a primitive creation tool is opened WMB will act as a snapping option cycler. It can change the snapping option or turn them all off. This is usefull for changing snapping option during the primitive's creating. In the middle of a primitive creating, if you want to use the grid in an other viewport for snapping, right click that viewport twice to make it active.
    * View > Hide Toobars On Full Screen.
    * Edit > Customize Tools > Common Modeling Shortcut Tools > Reverse Marquee Selection Facing Intention.
    * A stepping group control is added into the Manipulation window. That's where the stepping control value can be set for move, rotate and scale operations. To make it work, you need to use cursor to activate the manipulator.
    * Keyboard control is improved. Alt key can be used with all other keys.
    * a threshold of 6 is added for marquee activation to ensure easy single click selection.
    * Three StreamLine tools Move/Rotate/Scale are added, default Key W/E/R. They are for the convinience when you want to use manipulators but don't want to interact the axis with cursor.
    * Hierarchy mode is put back on so mesh pivot can be manipulated.
    * Pivot tool is added under Object Mode. It can be used to transform object pivot.
    * Selection document is updated. Help > Contents > Modeling > Selection Tools. Plase notice that the Selection Mode tool is now used to clear point selection record prior a pattern selection operation.


    Mime: Thanks for the suggestion. It should be done by next update.

    MightyPea: Can you explain more about the 'SnapNotCursor'. I don't quite get it.
    The polygon S LMB tool is actually not a scale tool. I have change its name to Bevel.

    BeatKitano: I still don't understand what you talk about the radial menu items. Can you give an example. Also regarding the internal unit, I am confused. In real world, we have ISO units, British imperial and American imperial. But in virtual world, 1 can stand for 1 meter, 1 mile or what ever you want. Please just tell me what I should do.

    rooster: How do you normally do to snap 0.2 to 1 or 1.2?
  • BeatKitano
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    BeatKitano polycounter lvl 16
    Couple things regarding the hotkeys:

    -When voidworld is running windows key is deactivated.

    -Voidworld now intercept all shortcuts when running. Example:
    We can't alt-tab (could be in the exception list for alt+something key) which is extremely annoying if you want to switch between apps (for references or sculpting in another software). This is true for cntrl+c too in most apps. I guess you kinda hooked voidworld to windows hotkeys but it does very weird things (sometimes the "alt+ " shortcuts start oepn the menus like before then proceed to the proper command activation).

    -For the radial menus: It's very close to the maya way, the only thing missing now is more space between commands and origin point. If you manage to make it more safe by spacing it, it's perfect.

    -I don't have problems with tablet selection now, good job :)

    -Pivot positioning works as expected but I can't get the pivot to snap to grid/coomponent etc. Maybe I'm missing the option ?
    And it would be really cool if the pivot position was saved in each mode (object manual) etc, to permit the user to switch between the modes and still get their designated pivot position.
    -About real world measurements: I will get back on it after a few experiments, thank you for asking. Basicaly what I'm asking in a input to set the scale in voidworld to a user designated unit.

    That's all for now, very cool update (the tablet support changes are really appreciated) !

    Unrelated Question: Do you have a paypal ?
  • Michael Knubben
    Just a quick post as I don't have much time: ctrl works with manipulators, but not with for instance extrude. The way I'd like to see it work is this:
    I select (or highlight) an edge, press a to extrude, and then start holding ctrl. From the moment I start holding ctrl, the newly extruded edge snaps to *whatever value I set*

    edit: bevel/inset polygon now doesn't work anymore. Doesn't show anything in the smart tips either, just defined tools, defined events (with nothing else)

    edit: in the cursorsnap gif ( http://dl.dropbox.com/u/17715/VW_SnapNotCursor.gif ) you can tell the vert doesn't snap to the grid, the mouse-cursor does. I hope that's clearer!
  • SpeCter
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    SpeCter polycounter lvl 14
    Sometimes i really wonder if IStonia sleeps at all :)
  • Michael Knubben
    Here's another image about the snapping:


    I suppose the problem is also that I want the snapping to override the tweak's screenspace. If something snapable gets highlighed, I want the selection to snap to it absolutely, not relatively.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    IStonia: here's the snapping/movement options I use in maya:

    grid snap- if I need to snap exactly to coordinates on my grid (say, I have the grid lines at 1.5 intervals, I hold X and move using any of the 3 axis handles. This snaps in any direction to multiples of 1.5

    alternately, if I want to move one or several objects in X increments, and don't want to change my entire grid setup just to do it, I use an option on the move tool (discrete move): I can enter a value in the move tool options, and when I use it the object won't move until the cursor has travelled that distance, and the object snaps to the new position. So the object is at .2, the tool is set to 1, the next snap is 1.2, then 2.2 etc

    personally, I value having both options- I like setting my grid setup for the project, and using discrete move as and when it's useful

    for example, if I have several objects positioned together, and for whatever reason I want to move them apart (but move back later) but I also don't want to change their pivots to align on the grid- I can turn on discreet move, shove the objects wherever I like, and I know that as long as I move them with discreet move they'll all snap back in the same relative place. Thats a bad example because there's loads of ways to achieve that, but there are definately handy uses for it
  • beezul
    soooo Arkadius told me about this awesome new software of yours... and ide LOVE to use it... but it wont run on my computer.
    i have windows 7 and as far as i know i jsut installed the latest updates.
    when i try to download from download.com i get an error that states
    : This setup requires the .NET franework version 1.1.4322. Please install the .Net Framework and run this setup again.

    then it directs me to a site where i can downlaod this. and i do. and i install. and i still; get the same error...
    now when i try to run the latest update that you provided here i get a different error message when trying to run the exe file.

    it states:

    System.IO.FileNotFoundException: the specific module could not be found.
    (Exception from HRRESULT: 0x8007007E)
    at DgitalFossil.AnimationDesign.AnimationDesignForm..ctor(boolean supressed, Form startForm, String prodName, String version, String formatVersion< Int32 startHeight, FormWindowState startWindowState)
    at DigitalFossil.StartForm. GenerateApp0

  • elte
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    elte polycounter lvl 18
    Oh wow, BetelGeist, I don't think you get the correct download link in download.com, the program is frequently updated, read previous replies in this thread you'll find the latest link to download.

    I'm trying the latest build and the UI is getting better and better, although startup time tend to get longer. One thing I'd like to point out is try to simplify and justify whether the feature should be added or not, or will there be lots of people using 'em?

    I dunno if it's just me coming back from a break and tried the latest build, seems like I've lost track.

    Again I see this from a point of view of new user, and comparing with silo, VW is starting to get complicated.

    Just a thought.
  • IStonia
    BetelGeist: Can you try this debug version. Hopefully it may throw out more specific error msg.
  • achillepr
    Hallo, latest version of VW doesn't start on my computer (Win XP pro sp3). This isn't the first version that doesn't work, the one before this was ok, but some versions before didn't load.
    It's a very strange situation. One works, the other not, casually.
  • IStonia
    achill: If you can tell me what happened in detail, I may can find a way to track the problem down. Is feb-15a-11 the last version you have tried?
  • achillepr
    No the version was 15 feb.
    But the problem is old, like i told in other posts.
    The program interface sometimes doesn't load and sometimes does.
    It's a big mistery. Now, for example i tried and it starts.
  • IStonia
    When it doesn't, can you still see the flash screen? Next time when it doesn't work, can you do this:
    Right click the taskbar at bottom of your screen to bring up a contex menu, click the 'Start Task Manager' to open the 'Windows Task Manager' Dialog. Under Process tab, see if you can find VoidWorld2.4.exe.
    I suspect that could be an operating system problem when it trys to initialize a process. But I will check in the code to see if I can find any clue.
  • beezul
    ive tried the latet dowload you have provided and i still get the same error
    (system.IO.filenotfound etc)
  • beezul
    would jsut like to add that it runs perfectly fine on my laptop which is windows vista 64bit.. but still get the same error with an updated windows 7 64bit os on my desktop :/
  • achillepr
    Under Process tab, see if you can find VoidWorld2.4.exe
    Yes i see this.
    Probably it's my comp. problem, but all other programs (tons) work correctly.
  • Moog
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    Moog polycounter lvl 5
    Hi Istonia, just wanted to repeat my previous post, as it took several days for it to get approved (new member here). I seem to be having the same problem as BetelGeist. This is the exact message:

    System.IO.FileNotFoundException: The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E) at DigitalFossil.AnimationDesign.AnimationDesignForm. .ctor(Boolean supressed, Form startForm, String prodName, String version, String formatVersion, Int32 startHeight, FormWindowState startWindowState) at DigitalFossil.StartForm.GenerateApp() in C:\Users\kun\Desktop\VoidWorld\StartForm.cs:line 804

    I'm running XP Pro 64, I've got DX9+, and .Net 1.1

    Along with the message, I see the splash screen, and afterwards I see a process running in the task manager. Any help getting this puppy running would be great - I can't wait to give it a try!
  • IStonia
    new update.

    Summary of changes:
    * Keyboard control improved. If main app form is not in front, keyboard will not be hooked.
    * Radial menu spacing enlarged.
    * Most of the spinner controls can be reset to its default value by right click at its up/down arrow button.
    * Snapping now works properly in TweaMove operation.
    * Extrud/Bevel/Inset/Chamfer operations also use Manipulation Window > Steppings > Move Increment value for stepping.


    BeatKitno: I don't see any problem in the pivot snapping. Can you tell me how you have attempted to do it? As to having pivot different setting in different modes, I can't see a good way to do that and it also seems to make things complicated. Yeah, I do have a paypal.

    MightyPea: I think I have fixed the SnapNotCursor problem. Please test it. Also the step extruding etc. I guess you have tried to use the previous streamline setting for the new update since you have the Polygon S tool emptied. That tool's name has been changed, that's why. You have to reset it in the streamline tool customize form.

    Specter: I know, if not having enough sleeping, I will inevitably create a big mess. That may not be what you mean, but hopefully I am half percent right! I do have average 9 hours of sleeping a day not a week. Sounds a little bit lazzy.

    rooster: Thanks for the explanation. I will consider to make the grid setting customizable.

    Elte: Thanks for bring up the issue. It is not easy to choose the balance between fearture-rich and simplicity. But I'd prefer to have any suggested features implemented first if possible. It's up to user to use it or not. It is hard to justify the value of a feature as different person may use different prefered ways to do stuff.

    BetelGeist: Can you give me more detailed error messages that throwed out by the feb-15a update. I want to see if there is any information like 'line 8372' or something that can help more.

    Achille: I also suspect that graphic card could also be the source of problem. That doesn't mean your graphic card has problem. I have put some extra code for this as try to pin point that bug. I still need some more information from you. I guess the app has failed to start again when you checked the Task Manager, right? When it failed to start, what happened visually? Did you see the flash screen show up ? Did the main UI show up and then disappear?
  • beezul
    actually thats the only error message i get. no more detail then what i already stated :/
    i just tried this latest version and still the same :/
    ide like to add that the process in my task manager doesnt close unless i shut it down. so the program seems to be running. but i have no visual. ( he application closes as soon as i hit ok on the error message stated before but porcess still remains.
  • IStonia
    BetelGeist: Can you try this debug version. It will output messages along the way. Please tell me the last message you can get.
  • SpeCter
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    SpeCter polycounter lvl 14
    What i meant was more like the opposite :D.
    You implement so many features and bugfixes so fast, that it´s almost unbelievable that you sleep :)

    I wish i was that fast with my model viewer :)
  • BeatKitano
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    BeatKitano polycounter lvl 16
    Radial is now ok. I'm very grateful ! Same goes for hotkey hook (but I wouldn't mind if alt-tab was an exception to this hook).

    As for pivot snapping, nevermind I retried and now it works as expected, I don't know what I did wrong before but it's on my side :)
  • beezul
    Stopped working

    Files that help describe the problem:

    this is all i could muster up when running that debug version. i really hope this is helpful
  • saikafu
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    saikafu polycounter lvl 8
    i have a question again~~

    is possible to lock camera and set camera position , rotation just like other 3d app?

    i'm a game artist .. sometimes i need to create 2.5D game pictures..so , if i can set camera in VoidWorld that will be wonderful..
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    saikafu: I don't think there's a renderer in VW, so how will you create the images you need? just screengrab the viewport?
  • IStonia
    BeatKitano: I should'n lock Alt+Tab since it's a good way to switch between apps.

    BetelGeist: I don't know how to access the files you stated.

    saikafu: rooster is right, VW doesn't have the ability to render quality images.
  • saikafu
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    saikafu polycounter lvl 8
    hi , my works always forcus on modeling and texturing ,so i only need modeling in VW and see the model in viewport that is currect or not .. so i think i only need set the camera and lock it to make my model to fit my concept images..rendering is not necessary..
  • IStonia
    So, you want to have a camera in a particular pose so you can view from that camera to check your work but not necessary to do modeling in that camera view. Right?
  • saikafu
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    saikafu polycounter lvl 8
    IStonia wrote: »
    So, you want to have a camera in a particular pose so you can view from that camera to check your work but not necessary to do modeling in that camera view. Right?

    yes~~~orthographic is better..and can rotate camera 45 degrees each time or rotate it X(value can be set) degrees each time...
  • IStonia
    I will give it a go. Quite a big task, may take a while to get it done. I will create a new object type to represent camera. You can create as many camera as you like and pose them. The move and rotation manipulation will be the same as you woud do to normal objects. You can connect/disconnect the viewport camera to/from the selected camera at any time.
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