I'm kinda liking the right side of the shotgun more than the first person view and I notice you keep showing the right side in most of your renders. (maybe you think so too?) ... How about flipping the entire gun so the tank can be seen from first person. You could just angle the gauge slightly and you'd still see the ammo hatch off to the side (which seems like it'd be a better silhouette then it currently provides from first person. Please?
Also, the end of the barrel seems a bit too contrasty and/or detailed for a TF2 texture. I really like it but maybe the lighter value toned down slightly would be a bit more fitting.
got rid of the end of the barrel stuff. Most of my texture is one plain color, so I still need to give it a tad more detail. I've just been tweaking the major stuff for now. As for the tank, I only show it from that position since the viewport shader I'm working with shows it best from there with the lighting. With the lid on the left side for loading purposes I think having the tank on the other side would unbalance the weapon visually.
How about a single streak of that brighter colour as if the paint had been scratched off up the barrel?
EDIT: Like a line of peeling paint along the barrel, as opposed to the end of it.
IMO the team colors are too bright. Look at any other viewmodel texture and you'll notice that (if it's team colored) then the colors aren't this saturated. As it is right now it seems a little distracting.
IMO the team colors are too bright. Look at any other viewmodel texture and you'll notice that (if it's team colored) then the colors aren't this saturated. As it is right now it seems a little distracting.
I would say the RED colour is too saturated, wouldn't say so for the BLU.
ya, the viewport shader I was using to work with, i had cranked the diffuse up to be brighter. I put it back to normal. it may still look off since its not in engine, but I took the exact blue from the pallete sheet.
heres what I got for today. Aside from a little bit of grime on some underparts and giving the gauge a different color to pop out more i'm almost finished with it.
It looks so cool that I can't really offer any criticism on it except for the sake of criticizing it (which always ends up being bad advice anyway). In my opinion it's about as perfect as it can get.
TBH I hate the stains on the end of the barrel. Seems a little out of place. Maybe if it was scratchier, in a smaller area, and just blended in more with the other colors it'd be fine.
TBH I hate the stains on the end of the barrel. Seems a little out of place. Maybe if it was scratchier, in a smaller area, and just blended in more with the other colors it'd be fine.
The hook at the front would do well with a couple of extra polys and the shape of the stock is still bugging me. It wouldnt work if you tried to brace it against your shoulder.
the shotgun is shot from the hip. think I mentioned it before in the thread as well.. but shooting a blunderbuss this size wouldn't be too practical to shoot from the shoulder anyways.
Just wanted to weigh in on the logo to say how much better the new one is when compared to the old one. I think the posters above must be trying to sabotage your entry as they feel threatened!
The stock look fine, this is TF2 so the looks of a gun's stock would take priority over it's sense.
I prefer the old provisions actually, new one seems too stretched in a away.
However, I think making them team coloured is a bit of a mistake. As far as I'm aware all of the weapons are a neutral colour, having it team coloured just seems a bit excessive.
The stock look fine, this is TF2 so the looks of a gun's stock would take priority over it's sense.
I prefer the old provisions actually, new one seems too stretched in a away.
Try the old logo, without the white background.
>the "new" logo is the "old" logo without the white background
Sitting here trying to find something to critique but I think this gun is pretty much done. Other than maybe fiddling with the provisions label and jiggle bones you should move on to your next item.
hey, if anyone is decent with getting items in engine, could ya perhaps give me some feedback on what I'm doing wrong here? everything compiled fine, but when I go to use the shotgun its missing. I looked in the console and I"m getting this error. Any help to what I might have done wrong would be awesome.
Yeah, Cheeezy is right. If you're using the stock shotguns animations you need to reference the original MDL to use it's animations. This means you need to remove the $sequence lines in your current .QC. Using $include will make it use the sequence lines from the original shotgun that hasn't been decompiled so there will be no errors.
There's a fairly decent tutorial on the specifics of this here. I'm not sure if that's the exact link because the site is down, but I think it's right. If it's not right, just search "Recompiling TF2 Models" in the tutorial section there.
well, still can't see it in game, but it might be because in the model veiwer its facing upwards instead of straight like the other engy view models. Any idea how I can get it rotated? I've tried rotating it all in max but it keeps coming in facing upwards. blah, might just jump to the revolver if I can't get this working.
You need to make it face the same direction that the shotgun is when you import the original SMD of the viewmodel. Then after you've positioned the shotgun in the same spot as the other one, apply the bone to its skin. If you apply the bone first, THEN rotate it it won't work because it'll snap back to the same position it was in when you applied the bone automatically.
ug.. i thought I could get it in without a headache. seriously never had so much issues with getting stuff imported in any other engine.
So i took the smd of the shotgun with viewmodel hands, replaced the shotgun with mine. weighed the weapon bone to mine. Didn't rotate it at all. Still comes in pointing straight up in the model viewer. I'm sure thats the problem now since when I shoot, the projectile still hits the cross hairs but its coming from like a foot above my head.
not sure if its my smd importer for max. I imported the shotgun smd and didn't touch anything and tried to compile that and it still points up.
I know it sounds tedious, but it's Source. At one point you'll just accept the fact that things don't work from the word go when using Source so you'll take the errors lightly.
ya, i'm going to put the gauge just in the texture I guess. I actually used that tutorial and somewhere along it just didn't work i guess. now that I got the shotty in I'm confident I can get the others in to preview.
Also, the end of the barrel seems a bit too contrasty and/or detailed for a TF2 texture. I really like it but maybe the lighter value toned down slightly would be a bit more fitting.
Keep it up!
For what it's worth I like the mallet.
EDIT: Like a line of peeling paint along the barrel, as opposed to the end of it.
heres what I got for today. Aside from a little bit of grime on some underparts and giving the gauge a different color to pop out more i'm almost finished with it.
Even if they dont use this gun .... this .. i mean ... i would defenitly use this weapon. Just because it looks so damn good. Really.
When they dont use this one as weapon, it would be veeeery nice, when u upload this to fpsbanana as shotgun skin.
How 'bout using the needle on the meter showing the percentage of metal u still have. Just as an stylish feature.^^
Current version looks great, maybe put some small scratches in the paint job on the barrel, unless it's black metal. Either way looks great.
I prefer the old provisions actually, new one seems too stretched in a away.
Try the old logo, without the white background.
However, I think making them team coloured is a bit of a mistake. As far as I'm aware all of the weapons are a neutral colour, having it team coloured just seems a bit excessive.
$cd "C:\Users\josho\Desktop\Team_fortress_dev\big_mean_mother_hubbard\output"
$modelname "weapons\v_models\v_shotgun_engineer.mdl"
$model "v_shotgun" "v_shotgun_engineer.dmx.smd"
$cdmaterials "models\weapons\viewhubbard\"
$texturegroup skinfamilies
$hboxset "default"
$hbox 0 "bip_upperArm_L" -4.640 -13.280 -4.240 3.090 1.300 5.270
$hbox 0 "bip_lowerArm_L" -3.460 -11.590 -3.460 2.540 3.960 3.540
$hbox 0 "bip_hand_L" -2.630 -6.500 -2.830 2.390 0.500 3.120
$hbox 0 "bip_upperArm_R" -3.090 -1.300 -5.270 4.640 13.250 4.240
$hbox 0 "bip_lowerArm_R" -2.360 -6.140 -3.170 3.640 12.980 3.830
$hbox 0 "bip_hand_R" -1.940 -2.500 -3.720 4.060 6.500 3.280
$hbox 0 "weapon_bone" -1.250 -0.100 -3.000 1.250 4.900 35.000
// Model uses material "models\player\engineer\engineer_handR_red.vmt"
// Model uses material "models\player\engineer\engineer_handL.vmt"
// Model uses material "models\player\engineer\engineer_red.vmt"
// Model uses material "models\weapons\viewhubbard\hubbard.vmt
// Model uses material "models\player\engineer\engineer_blue.vmt"
$bonemerge "bip_upperArm_L"
$bonemerge "bip_lowerArm_L"
$bonemerge "bip_wrist_L"
$bonemerge "bip_hand_L"
$bonemerge "bip_thumb_0_L"
$bonemerge "bip_thumb_1_L"
$bonemerge "bip_thumb_2_L"
$bonemerge "bip_index_meta_0_L"
$bonemerge "bip_index_0_L"
$bonemerge "bip_index_1_L"
$bonemerge "bip_index_2_L"
$bonemerge "bip_middle_meta_0_L"
$bonemerge "bip_middle_0_L"
$bonemerge "bip_middle_1_L"
$bonemerge "bip_middle_2_L"
$bonemerge "bip_ring_meta_0_L"
$bonemerge "bip_ring_0_L"
$bonemerge "bip_ring_1_L"
$bonemerge "bip_ring_2_L"
$bonemerge "bip_pinky_meta_0_L"
$bonemerge "bip_pinky_0_L"
$bonemerge "bip_pinky_1_L"
$bonemerge "bip_pinky_2_L"
$bonemerge "forearm_twist_01_L"
$bonemerge "bip_upperArm_R"
$bonemerge "bip_lowerArm_R"
$bonemerge "bip_wrist_R"
$bonemerge "bip_hand_R"
$bonemerge "bip_thumb_0_R"
$bonemerge "bip_thumb_1_R"
$bonemerge "bip_thumb_2_R"
$bonemerge "bip_index_meta_0_R"
$bonemerge "bip_index_0_R"
$bonemerge "bip_index_1_R"
$bonemerge "bip_index_2_R"
$bonemerge "bip_middle_meta_0_R"
$bonemerge "bip_middle_0_R"
$bonemerge "bip_middle_1_R"
$bonemerge "bip_middle_2_R"
$bonemerge "bip_ring_meta_0_R"
$bonemerge "bip_ring_0_R"
$bonemerge "bip_ring_1_R"
$bonemerge "bip_ring_2_R"
$bonemerge "bip_pinky_meta_0_R"
$bonemerge "bip_pinky_0_R"
$bonemerge "bip_pinky_1_R"
$bonemerge "bip_pinky_2_R"
$bonemerge "weapon_bone"
$bonemerge "bip_twist_R"
$bonemerge "prp_pump"
$bonemerge "prp_shell"
$bonemerge "prp_chamber"
$attachment "weapon_bone" "weapon_bone" -0.00 -0.00 0.00 rotate -0.00 -0.00 0.00
$attachment "muzzle" "weapon_bone" 0.00 3.73 34.92 rotate -90.00 -0.00 0.00
$attachment "eject_brass" "weapon_bone" -0.31 2.56 13.86 rotate -10.89 159.26 3.57
$surfaceprop "default"
$illumposition 19.395 -11.617 -8.242
$sequence draw "draw" ACT_VM_DRAW 1 fps 30.00 node raised {
{ event 5004 1 "Weapon_Shotgun.Draw" }
$sequence idle "idle" loop ACT_VM_IDLE 1 fps 30.00 node raised
$sequence fire "fire" ACT_VM_PRIMARYATTACK 1 fps 30.00 node raised {
{ event 5004 7 "Weapon_ShotgunEngineer.Cock_Back" }
{ event 5004 12 "Weapon_ShotgunEngineer.Cock_Forward" }
{ event 6002 13 "3" }
$sequence reload_start "reload_start" ACT_RELOAD_START 1 fps 30.00
$sequence reload_loop "reload_loop" loop ACT_VM_RELOAD 1 fps 30.00 {
{ event 5004 10 "Weapon_Shotgun.Reload" }
$sequence reload_end "reload_end" ACT_RELOAD_FINISH 1 fps 35.00 {
{ event 5004 12 "Weapon_ShotgunEngineer.Cock_Back" }
{ event 5004 17 "Weapon_ShotgunEngineer.Cock_Forward" }
$includemodel weapons/v_models/v_oldshotgun.mdl
It won't show up in the model, but it will take its animations and whatnot.
There's a fairly decent tutorial on the specifics of this here. I'm not sure if that's the exact link because the site is down, but I think it's right. If it's not right, just search "Recompiling TF2 Models" in the tutorial section there.
Source and Max use Z for up.
So Valve has to put a special line in the QC to rotate the model, with something like "$origin x y z rotations".
Oh actually you're saying that it still points up no matter how you rotate it, so my bet is that you have some strange bone issues.
So i took the smd of the shotgun with viewmodel hands, replaced the shotgun with mine. weighed the weapon bone to mine. Didn't rotate it at all. Still comes in pointing straight up in the model viewer. I'm sure thats the problem now since when I shoot, the projectile still hits the cross hairs but its coming from like a foot above my head.
not sure if its my smd importer for max. I imported the shotgun smd and didn't touch anything and tried to compile that and it still points up.
$modelname "weapons\v_models\v_shotgun_engineer.mdl"
$model "v_shotgun" "v_shotgun_engineer.dmx.smd"
$cdmaterials "models\weapons\viewhubbard\"
$texturegroup skinfamilies
$includemodel weapons/v_models/v_oldshotgun.mdl
$hboxset "default"
$hbox 0 "bip_upperArm_L" -4.640 -13.280 -4.240 3.090 1.300 5.270
$hbox 0 "bip_lowerArm_L" -3.460 -11.590 -3.460 2.540 3.960 3.540
$hbox 0 "bip_hand_L" -2.630 -6.500 -2.830 2.390 0.500 3.120
$hbox 0 "bip_upperArm_R" -3.090 -1.300 -5.270 4.640 13.250 4.240
$hbox 0 "bip_lowerArm_R" -2.360 -6.140 -3.170 3.640 12.980 3.830
$hbox 0 "bip_hand_R" -1.940 -2.500 -3.720 4.060 6.500 3.280
$hbox 0 "weapon_bone" -1.250 -0.100 -3.000 1.250 4.900 35.000
// Model uses material "models\player\engineer\engineer_handR_red.vmt"
// Model uses material "models\player\engineer\engineer_handL.vmt"
// Model uses material "models\player\engineer\engineer_red.vmt"
// Model uses material "models\weapons\viewhubbard\hubbard.vmt
// Model uses material "models\player\engineer\engineer_blue.vmt"
$bonemerge "bip_upperArm_L"
$bonemerge "bip_lowerArm_L"
$bonemerge "bip_wrist_L"
$bonemerge "bip_hand_L"
$bonemerge "bip_thumb_0_L"
$bonemerge "bip_thumb_1_L"
$bonemerge "bip_thumb_2_L"
$bonemerge "bip_index_meta_0_L"
$bonemerge "bip_index_0_L"
$bonemerge "bip_index_1_L"
$bonemerge "bip_index_2_L"
$bonemerge "bip_middle_meta_0_L"
$bonemerge "bip_middle_0_L"
$bonemerge "bip_middle_1_L"
$bonemerge "bip_middle_2_L"
$bonemerge "bip_ring_meta_0_L"
$bonemerge "bip_ring_0_L"
$bonemerge "bip_ring_1_L"
$bonemerge "bip_ring_2_L"
$bonemerge "bip_pinky_meta_0_L"
$bonemerge "bip_pinky_0_L"
$bonemerge "bip_pinky_1_L"
$bonemerge "bip_pinky_2_L"
$bonemerge "forearm_twist_01_L"
$bonemerge "bip_upperArm_R"
$bonemerge "bip_lowerArm_R"
$bonemerge "bip_wrist_R"
$bonemerge "bip_hand_R"
$bonemerge "bip_thumb_0_R"
$bonemerge "bip_thumb_1_R"
$bonemerge "bip_thumb_2_R"
$bonemerge "bip_index_meta_0_R"
$bonemerge "bip_index_0_R"
$bonemerge "bip_index_1_R"
$bonemerge "bip_index_2_R"
$bonemerge "bip_middle_meta_0_R"
$bonemerge "bip_middle_0_R"
$bonemerge "bip_middle_1_R"
$bonemerge "bip_middle_2_R"
$bonemerge "bip_ring_meta_0_R"
$bonemerge "bip_ring_0_R"
$bonemerge "bip_ring_1_R"
$bonemerge "bip_ring_2_R"
$bonemerge "bip_pinky_meta_0_R"
$bonemerge "bip_pinky_0_R"
$bonemerge "bip_pinky_1_R"
$bonemerge "bip_pinky_2_R"
$bonemerge "weapon_bone"
$bonemerge "bip_twist_R"
$bonemerge "prp_pump"
$bonemerge "prp_shell"
$bonemerge "prp_chamber"
$attachment "weapon_bone" "weapon_bone" -0.00 -0.00 0.00 rotate -0.00 -0.00 0.00
$attachment "muzzle" "weapon_bone" 0.00 3.73 34.92 rotate -90.00 -0.00 0.00
$attachment "eject_brass" "weapon_bone" -0.31 2.56 13.86 rotate -10.89 159.26 3.57
$surfaceprop "default"
$illumposition 19.395 -11.617 -8.242
$sequence draw "draw" ACT_VM_DRAW 1 fps 30.00 node raised {
{ event 5004 1 "Weapon_Shotgun.Draw" }
In all seriousness though I can completely sympathize with the frustration.
I'd suggest doing it again, but trying to place your own shotgun to be as close as possible to the positioning of the default one.
and only then getting rid of stock and skinning to bone.
I know it sounds tedious, but it's Source. At one point you'll just accept the fact that things don't work from the word go when using Source so you'll take the errors lightly.
Glad you got it working!
Also, that looks really nice, any animation for the door-flap yet?
This is the tutorial I used to learn. It's really good.
The same guy has a world model tut as well.