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TF2 - Polypack - Thrillho



  • Khthon
    Thrillho - You should have a reference to the Cuban Missile Crisis http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuban_missile_crisis

    You could have the shotgun model be shaped like a Soviet era nuclear missile with doodads from nuclear stuff, but have it load/shoot/pump normally. Just shape like a missile.

  • Thrillho
    Khthon wrote: »
    Thrillho - You should have a reference to the Cuban Missile Crisis http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuban_missile_crisis

    You could have the shotgun model be shaped like a Soviet era nuclear missile with doodads from nuclear stuff, but have it load/shoot/pump normally. Just shape like a missile.

    I had been considering some way to allude to the Cuban Missile CrY SOME MOAR... but I just couldn't figure out a good way to fit it in. However, I may use the color from the 4th picture down somewhere on the gun. A subtle reference is better than no reference at all. :-)
  • Thrillho
    Texturing progress:


    Haven't worked on the specular map or any of that stuff yet, but what do you think of the colors/details so far?
  • ThePowerPlumber
    that looks awesome, much better than what I have so far. But thats mostly because I dont have anything yet :( Im such a failure
  • Thrillho
    that looks awesome, much better than what I have so far. But thats mostly because I dont have anything yet :( Im such a failure

    Aww, you're not a failure... you just work 'in theory'. Like Communism. :-)
  • ThePowerPlumber
    Thrillho wrote: »
    Aww, you're not a failure... you just work 'in theory'. Like Communism. :-)

    Haha well Ive got the concept art and everything but I just cant figure out this darn Blender program :P and that deadline is steadily approaching
  • Thrillho
    Haha well Ive got the concept art and everything but I just cant figure out this darn Blender program :P and that deadline is steadily approaching

    If you haven't even started modeling yet, I'd cut my losses and just try for the Contribution program at this point. There's no way you can get 3 models done in 9 days and make them look good. Sorry. :-(
  • ThePowerPlumber
    Thrillho wrote: »
    If you haven't even started modeling yet, I'd cut my losses and just try for the Contribution program at this point. There's no way you can get 3 models done in 9 days and make them look good. Sorry. :-(
    Yeah thats kinda why I said I was a failure XD

    Oh by the way I would suggest making the Hammer and Sickle logo on the Hammer to have more solid edges but keep it faded
  • Khthon
    Will it be much sharper in the final?
  • Thrillho
    Khthon wrote: »
    Will it be much sharper in the final?

    *sigh* I know it's a little pixelated, but between the size of my UV map and the 512x512 texture map restriction, this is about as sharp as I can get it without having to completely redo the UV map and Ambient Occlusion pass. However, this is a pretty close shot of the logo... when you're farther back, it's harder to notice.

    Is it that bad?
  • Khthon
    Well, you'll see it a lot in first person. :<

    I think 512 is more of a guideline than a hard and fast rule. You can submit a scaled back 512 and a good looking higher res for them to pick between (Valve will pick the nicer looking one most likely).
  • Thrillho
    Khthon wrote: »
    Well, you'll see it a lot in first person. :<

    I think 512 is more of a guideline than a hard and fast rule. You can submit a scaled back 512 and a good looking higher res for them to pick between (Valve will pick the nicer looking one most likely).

    Well, seeing as to how I'm already more than halfway done with the texture map as is, and I've only got a short amount of time to completely do my shotgun replacement, I'm going to call this 'good enough' for now... I'm going to focus on getting that 3rd item done, then go back and improve this one if I have time.
  • Thrillho
    Khthon wrote: »
    Will it be much sharper in the final?

    Oh, one thing I forgot about... Maya has a habit of slightly blurring things when they render. Since I'm pretty sure that the Source engine doesn't have the same function, it might actually get slightly sharper when in-game.
  • Khthon
    Don't endanger your chances to win, I just think if you have time it would be nice to up the texture. :)
  • Thrillho
    Khthon wrote: »
    Don't endanger your chances to win, I just think if you have time it would be nice to up the texture. :)

    True, but if I don't finish 3 items, I'll have no chance of winning anyway.

    Like I said, I will if I have time...

    Other than that, though, how is it looking so far?
  • Khthon
    I would proudly bash some tiny cowards with the Hammer. I think it looks good, but maybe look at the Homewrecker for ideas on the texture metal.

  • Thrillho
    Khthon wrote: »
    I would proudly bash some tiny cowards with the Hammer. I think it looks good, but maybe look at the Homewrecker for ideas on the texture metal.

    Hmmm... I do like the gradient on the non-stressed part of the metal, but I think I'd be more likely to use something like that on the sickle blades than the hammer head. Truth be told, I kinda like how the hammer head turned out.
  • larolaro
    Offline / Send Message
    larolaro polycounter lvl 9
    Thrillho wrote: »
    If you haven't even started modeling yet, I'd cut my losses and just try for the Contribution program at this point. There's no way you can get 3 models done in 9 days and make them look good. Sorry. :-(

    Lol, this is exactly what im doing except i have 8 days and 5 models. :D
  • BaronVonFail
    as much as i love the idea i don't think the hammer and sickle will be liked by valve, I'm referring to the one on the hammer not the weapons them self. Heavy is Russian and allot of his achievements have a soviet theme to them but they never activity call heavy a communist. I think the fact its a hammer and a sickle its self is a sutill enough so people know its that with out it painted onto its hammer its self.
  • jgoodroad
    as much as i love the idea i don't think the hammer and sickle will be liked by valve, I'm referring to the one on the hammer not the weapons them self. Heavy is Russian and allot of his achievements have a soviet theme to them but they never activity call heavy a communist. I think the fact its a hammer and a sickle its self is a sutill enough so people know its that with out it painted onto its hammer its self.

    you know...now that I think about it... I have to agree, the decal is a bit overboard, however I still like the Idea of the TF2 symbol being there.
  • Simski
    I think the weapons being hammer and sickle is a fun reference.

    However when the communist logo itself is on the hammer, it kind of stops being a reference :O
  • BaronVonFail
    Yeah i like the tf2 logo, there aren't that many uses of it in game. i can only think of the ones on the Glengarry Bonnet and then the same one that got used on the Sergeant's drill hat
  • jgoodroad
    and the chocolate bar.
  • Psyke
    and the heavy duty rag
  • Tinker
    I'd keep the texture of the hammer itself clean, just metal, because the entire thing with straps and all is busy enough as it is. No logos.
  • Thrillho
    Well, if you guys really think it will hurt my chances, I can always submit an alternate version without the symbol.
  • Khthon
    I don't see how it would hurt his chances.
  • jgoodroad
    not hurt, more of taint. Valve might think it's acceptable, or they might think it's overboard...
    I think it's overboard, you think it's acceptable... but in the end it doesn't matter what we think.
  • Thrillho
    Well, like I said, it's easy enough to send them 2 versions and let them decide. If I give them options, then it won't matter either way.

    Anyhow, I decided to take a break from texture painting and started working on my shotgun replacement... however, I'm having some trouble decompiling the Heavy Shotgun V model... MDLDecompiler keeps crashing every time I try to extract it. I can get the W model shotgun decompiled without any trouble, but I kinda wanted to get a better view of how Heavy holds the shotgun... Any of you gents know a fix, or can anyone send me a pre-decompiled file?
  • Simski
    Khthon wrote: »
    I don't see how it would hurt his chances.
    You don't much bother looking for flaws if you like the basic idea though, no offense :P
  • Thrillho
    Ok, I think I've done about as much as I can with the current texture map for the Batterin' Bolshevik... If I get time after working on my shotgun replacement, I will re-map the UV layout and give it another try. Anyhow, here's the textures for the left/sickle hand.


    Anyhow, I don't know if anyone noticed my question above... I'm having trouble decompiling the V model of Heavy's shotgun, which I'll need to help me avoid clipping issues with my model. Is there anyone who can either help me decompile the file without Mdldecompile crashing, or simply decompile the file for me and send it my way?

    Thanks in advance for any advice/help you can give.
  • Khthon
    Send a message to Buck, he's doing a Heavy shotgun replacement and could probably help you out.
  • Thrillho
    Khthon wrote: »
    Send a message to Buck, he's doing a Heavy shotgun replacement and could probably help you out.

    Not a bad plan. I've sent Buck a PM, but just in case he can't/won't send me the file, I'd be very thankful if anyone else could step up and give me a hand.
  • Galago
    I love the model, but the color scheme's kind of all over the place. I think you should tone stuff down, use darker wood, darker metal, and remove the reds (or make them darker). Right now it's too garish.

    Maybe something like this?
    I know it's super sloppy Photoshop re-coloration, but it gets my idea across.
  • Thrillho
    Galago wrote: »
    I love the model, but the color scheme's kind of all over the place. I think you should tone stuff down, use darker wood, darker metal, and remove the reds (or make them darker). Right now it's too garish.

    Maybe something like this?
    I'll know it's super sloppy Photoshop re-coloration, but it gets my idea across.

    I'll definitely consider it... I'm abandoning the texture painting for now to focus on my shotgun replacement, but when I pick it up again, I'll consider it. As for 'garishness', I find that when you're painting a texture for Red team, the official palette always sticks out more, almost to the point of being an eyesore. The Blu team colors, however, I find a lot more soothing. Try switching the tint around to a Blu team color and see if that works better for you. :-)
  • Thrillho
    Ok! After a few days of intense modeling, I've got my 3rd and final item modeled. I introduce to you... The Smoking Barrel!

    Note that this is intended to be a shotgun that Heavy got from his comrades in Communist Cuba... The triangle shape with the star on it connecting the body of the gun to the barrel is meant to mimic the Cuban flag, seen here:


    The stripes are not modeled, as I intend to paint them along the gun barrel. Also, along one side of the body, a shell holder has been added. However, instead of putting extra shells inside, Heavy has loaded Cuban cigars into it! If possible, I'd love it if Valve could add a smoke particle effect to the shortest cigar (presumably, Heavy has already started smoking that one). Finally, on the end of the barrel, a choke tube has been added. A choke tube works to modify the blast cone of a shotgun, so if Valve wanted to add a game mechanic, it could be a modification of the shotgun's radius and/or range.

    Anyhow, it's time to map the UV's for this monster. Hope you like it!
  • SixTwoSixFour
    Cigars in a shell loader? ...I love this gun.
  • Thrillho
    Cigars in a shell loader? ...I love this gun.

    Heh, thanks man. :-)
  • Buck
    Man this shotty looks sweet! Want, WANT.. WAAAANT!!
  • Khthon
    Really nice ideas incorporating the Cuban flag and the Cigars into the model. You could create a smoke particle effect and add it to the pack for Valve to consider implementing, it would be more likely then I think.

    EDIT: Also, since the flag has blue and red on it just go with the flag colors instead of trying to team color it, imo.
  • Snowloss
    Now THAT is a shotgun!
  • Thrillho
    Buck wrote: »
    Man this shotty looks sweet! Want, WANT.. WAAAANT!!

    Lol! Thanks Buck! I think your shotty looks great, too... I'd REALLY like to see what it will look like with the jigglebones working.
    Really nice ideas incorporating the Cuban flag and the Cigars into the model. You could create a smoke particle effect and add it to the pack for Valve to consider implementing, it would be more likely then I think.

    EDIT: Also, since the flag has blue and red on it just go with the flag colors instead of trying to team color it, imo.

    Thanks dude! The only problem with me creating a smoke particle effect is that I don't know how, and I doubt I'll have the time to learn before the contest ends. I figure that if Valve likes the idea enough, they'll add it on their own. As for the flag colors vs. team colors, I quite agree with you. This weapon will not have a different version for each team.
    Now THAT is a shotgun!

    I'm enjoying the look of it myself (so far)... it turned out better than I had expected it to. Even if I don't win the contest, I hope Valve will consider adding it as a Community item.
  • Thrillho
    Ok, I've managed to get the UVs laid out for the Smoking Barrel, and I've thrown down some flat colors... However, before you guys say anything, I'm aware that the colors are REALLY bright. I'm still working on them, and they'll be toned down as I go. Mostly, I just wanted to show what I meant when I talked about incorporating the Cuban flag into the design.

  • Ikimono
    Oh hell no with those colors... D:
  • Thrillho
    Ikimono wrote: »
    Oh hell no with those colors... D:

    Well, like I said, they're not final.
  • MacD11
    Sorry To say this man but.........HURRY UP OR BUCK IS GONNA MAKE ORDERVES OUT OF YA!
  • Ikimono
    Thrillho wrote: »
    Well, like I said, they're not final.
    quick thought just hit me...it has no ejection port for the shells.
  • Psyke
    MacD11 wrote: »
    Sorry To say this man but.........HURRY UP OR BUCK IS GONNA MAKE ORDERVES OUT OF YA!

    cruise control for cool there.

    anyway, I like the colours but I'd really weather them down as to take away the garish look on them
  • MacD11
    Aggreed with psyke.

    Also,idk if I should take it as a compliment or insult.
  • Khthon
    For the wood stock/pump may I suggest Cuban Mahogany?

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