that hat is pure genius, excited to see what else you can cook up
Thanks dude!
Anyhow, after re-reading/re-interpreting the rules of the contest, it seems to have rendered the model I am currently working on unfit for this contest. However, I have a few ideas that I think I can work into a themed pack for the Heavy.
My intent is to create a 'Boxing' theme for the Heavy. I want to create a replacement for the K.G.B., as well as a padded boxing helmet. I am still pondering what the third item will be, but I am leaning towards a misc. item like a championship belt or a Sandvich replacement (perhaps a huge slab of raw meat...).
Anyhow, hopefully I'll have the time to make some concept art soon.
Granted... Basically, it just means I have to come up with a very different *style* of boxing helmet. It just means that it will be a more rewarding challenge. :-)
Ok, so after spending a day brainstorming for ideas on how to make a 'Boxing Heavy' theme work, I realized that:
1)The existing Heavy boxing helmet is actually really, really good, and I'd actually really like to see it make it into the game, and that even if I did make a different design for my own boxing helmet, Valve would likely never add both to the game.
2)There really aren't that many ways to modify a boxing helmet's design without making it look silly and outlandish.
3)I really didn't have many good ideas for a third object, in any case.
Therefore, I think I'll change my plans a bit. The idea I had for a replacement K.G.B. relied heavily on a Communist theme, so why not make my Heavy theme explore the Heavy's connection to Communism? I was thinking of modeling a hat for him based on the Chinese communist caps (the ones with the red star in the middle). Now I'll just need to come up with a third item and I'll be ready to roll.
Anyhow, if someone has already made a Chinese Communist cap, please let me know. Sometimes, it seems like all the good ideas have already been done or are in the process of being done. :-)
Extra damage to the head, would work like a professionals facestabing weapon, although thinking back it might be a silly idea, no one would aim for the head in melee really.
Extra damage to the head, would work like a professionals facestabing weapon, although thinking back it might be a silly idea, no one would aim for the head in melee really.
This is true. I'm trying to think of a decent game mechanic for my KGB replacement, because I believe if you inspire Valve with an interesting gameplay idea, they're more likely to chose your model. I've been toying with a few ideas, such as escalating damage for each successful hit, or having a different effect depending on which fist they are hit with. If you think of something cool, you should send it to Contribute! as an update to your brass knuckles, I think it'll improve your chances.
When I visited Russia I bought a hat like this for my friend:
They look pretty hilarious (and are Russian like the heavy). But of course it is up to you, I just thought you might be interested.
When I visited Russia I bought a hat like this for my friend:
They look pretty hilarious (and are Russian like the heavy). But of course it is up to you, I just thought you might be interested.
Nice! 'Fraid I won't using THAT idea, tho. Thanks for the suggestion!
Ok, so here's the concept I had for a KGB/Fists replacement:
The Batterin' Bolshevik (working title)
In a fit of patriotic inspiration, the HWG finds himself a few spare tools and lashes together a new weapon for himself: The Batterin' Bolshevik. Strapped to his hands are the tools that make up the symbol of Communism itself: The sickle and the hammer. On his left hand, a pair of sickles form an ominous slashing weapon, while on his right, a hefty sledge stands ready to bash opponents into next Wednesday. "HA HA!" Exclaims the Heavy. "Mother Russia will thank me for sure!"
As for effects (yes, I know they don't matter for the scope of the contest), I was thinking that left-handed punches might cause a minor bleeding effect (perhaps half that of the Shiv), while right-handed punches would do more damage. Alternately, if Valve doesn't like the idea of separate effects for each fist, perhaps an escalating amount of damage per punch would be an interesting play mechanic (say 10 dmg less than the KGB on the first successful hit, but +2 dmg every time a punch is successful, with a potential damage ceiling, dependent on playtesting, which would reset after every death).
As for the images below, I did a very quick concept sketch of what the weapon might look like (thankfully I model better than I draw). Hopefully, my drawing is legible enough that you can get an idea what I'm trying to do. Also, I modeled up a quick hammer and sickle to use as a starting point (they're still in a very simple state... I don't want to add details until I know what kind of polycount I could be potentially dealing with here...)
Anyhow, I have a question regarding whether or not the following would be kosher in terms of the contest: I know all of the work presented is supposed to be our own, but since these weapons would basically be strapped on to Heavy's existing fists, can I use the existing model and simply add to it? I worry that if I try to model a new set of hands for Heavy, it will just look wrong.
No comments on the concept sketches yet, eh? Oh well... In the meantime, I've been working on a hat...
The Comrade's Cranial Protector (or C.C.P.) - A Chinese Red Army cap, which looks comically tiny on a giant man! Note: CCP also stands for Chinese Communist Party.
The hat is normally green with a red star on the front, however, I am toying with the idea of messing with the main hat color (green) and leaving the star red, perhaps a different shade depending on the team. Of course, until I finish laying out the UV maps, this is all theoretical.
Sorry, there's about 100 or so threads here and so many great ideas flying around. I love the communism theme, and your hat has a good start, but your knuckles seem a bit out of place. Maybe some gloves with stars on them, or a sickle and hammer on them?
Sorry, there's about 100 or so threads here and so many great ideas flying around. I love the communism theme, and your hat has a good start, but your knuckles seem a bit out of place. Maybe some gloves with stars on them, or a sickle and hammer on them?
Oh, no problem, it just seems that my posts have been falling off the first page without any comments all day, so it's not just one person not commenting, it's everyone. But thank you for leaving a comment, you have proven to me that I actually do exist and have a corporeal body on this fine green earth. I was wondering there for a second...
Anyhow, I'm not sure how the knuckles are 'out of place'... TF2 has repair/gardening tools strewn about all over the place.. it doesn't take a huge leap of the imagination to have Heavy strap some of 'em to his fists. I could make them gloves, but I don't want them to be simple palette swaps of the originals. Glad you liked the hat, tho!
that hat, is hilarious. i was thinking maybe you should just keep the hat team colors, and the the star a neutral color, like yellow or something. im not diggin the fist idea to be honest. id say its the sickles, they just dont fit. the hammers though i think would work. its just to me the heavy is all about brute force, and hes kinda slow. so even though its remarkably easy to make that sickle fist, it just doesnt say heavy to me.
thats just how i see it though. im keeping an eye on this too, man i love that whoopee cap hahaha
that hat, is hilarious. i was thinking maybe you should just keep the hat team colors, and the the star a neutral color, like yellow or something. im not diggin the fist idea to be honest. id say its the sickles, they just dont fit. the hammers though i think would work. its just to me the heavy is all about brute force, and hes kinda slow. so even though its remarkably easy to make that sickle fist, it just doesnt say heavy to me.
thats just how i see it though. im keeping an eye on this too, man i love that whoopee cap hahaha
It took me a long time to figure out a way to incorporate the sickles, and I agree, they are kind of a weak fit. However, it seems pointless to make a hammer fist if I can't make a sickle fist to go wit it... that would break the theme. If someone can suggest a better way to fit the sickle in, I'm all ears.
Oh, no problem, it just seems that my posts have been falling off the first page without any comments all day, so it's not just one person not commenting, it's everyone. But thank you for leaving a comment, you have proven to me that I actually do exist and have a corporeal body on this fine green earth. I was wondering there for a second...
Anyhow, I'm not sure how the knuckles are 'out of place'... TF2 has repair/gardening tools strewn about all over the place.. it doesn't take a huge leap of the imagination to have Heavy strap some of 'em to his fists. I could make them gloves, but I don't want them to be simple palette swaps of the originals. Glad you liked the hat, tho!
Well, right now it's just a sketch, it may look more natural fleshed out, but right now you've got 2 sickles on a strap, a lot of TF2 items are home, kitchen, or gardening tools, but they look a bit more constructed, this just looks like raw sickles strapped down, an obvious Soviet reference but still, a bit weird looking.
Well, right now it's just a sketch, it may look more natural fleshed out, but right now you've got 2 sickles on a strap, a lot of TF2 items are home, kitchen, or gardening tools, but they look a bit more constructed, this just looks like raw sickles strapped down, an obvious Soviet reference but still, a bit weird looking.
Well, we'll see soon... I'm going to try playing with it tomorrow, but I'm falling asleep at my keyboard right now.
The hat looks pretty adorable on the Heavy's head. It's a minor point, but historically, Communist Russia and Communist China freakin' hated each other, you know. I do think the hat looks nice, though- the "too small"ness of it is perfect.
The Battering Bolshevik is also quite excellent. I'm not certain about the appearance, I'd have to see some progressed renders, but I really like the idea. I also really like the fact that it's two different weapons on his different hands- finally a proper use the fact that the Heavy's fists are individually controllable! (Beyond my superstition that the right fist hits harder than the left, that is.) I hope that Valve does go with the separate abilities for both fists.
As far as the scythe's slashing not seeming very Heavy? I see what you mean. I personally don't have a problem with it, but if you really wanted, you could poke some fun at the heavy. Have him strap the scythe on backwards, so that he's hitting them with the dull side. He was so excited when he was taping them on, he didn't even notice his mistake!
I'm starting to accept the sickle idea a bit but still, doesn't look as good as it sounds right now, fleshing it out might help. But here's a less than creative idea, what if the Heavy actually held the sickle in his right hand? Critical swing would be like a slice. Or if it was taped on in such a way it would cut for crits, it could work. But what you had going seems a bit better than my idea.
Most of his hats and unlocks aren't Russian at all (I'm looking at you, football helmet), so it's good to see some potentially cool items revolving around Mother Russia.
*cough* Well, I hope you don't mind the fact that the hat is Chinese, then. :-)
Thanks for all the compliments, tho.
It's a minor point, but historically, Communist Russia and Communist China freakin' hated each other, you know.
I've never been much of a history buff, so that's news to me... But the way I see, it, Heavy could have been sent to China as an ambassador to try and assuage those particular differences. However, it didn't take long before being in a strange country full of tiny, itty-bitty men who always seemed to be yelling at Heavy and getting in his face, that Heavy became angry and began to SMASH! In the end, all Heavy gained from his trip to China was this cap, as a trophy, and an order from his superiors to NEVER set foot on Asian soil again.
Have him strap the scythe on backwards, so that he's hitting them with the dull side.
See, that's the funny part... they already ARE backwards. A sickle's sharpened edge is on the INSIDE of the blade, and that was the toughest part of trying to decide how to use them. In fact, the excuse you gave (that Heavy, in his excitement, made a somewhat ineffective weapon) was the very same I was going to use if someone pointed that out.
Think about making the handles smaller/removing them when you put the sickles on the hands. Also: this will inspire Wolverine comparisons!
I agree with you about the handles, I just wanted to try it with them attached first to see if I could make it work. I was worried that people might compare Heavy to Wolverine, but that might not be such a bad thing... can you imagine if this got a custom voice line? "I am de best there is at what I do... and what I do is HURT LEETLE MEN!"
what if the Heavy actually held the sickle in his right hand?
I'd need to learn how to do custom animations for that, and I'm trying to avoid that since I don't know if I'll have time to do so before the contest ends.
Anyhow, thanks for all the comments, guys! I'll play with the Batterin' Bolshevik concept today, see if I can flesh it out a bit more.
(The Heavy is standing in front of the Temple of Heaven in Beijing. There is a look of horror on his face as he stares at the mass of Chinese people going about their day, wandering this way and that.)
Heavy: (Shocked) Entire country is babies!
But yeah, good to hear you're on top of things. Looking forward to more updates!
(The Heavy is standing in front of the Temple of Heaven in Beijing. There is a look of horror on his face as he stares at the mass of Chinese people going about their day, wandering this way and that.)
Heavy: (Shocked) Entire country is babies!
But yeah, good to hear you're on top of things. Looking forward to more updates!
Ok, after a bit of frustration, I managed to get Heavy's hand models imported into Maya. I then took my simplified sickle model and added it so I could get a better feel for how the left hand of the Batterin' Bolshevik should look. I added scribbles and notations in Photoshop.
Even as I write this, I'm thinking that I might vary the metal connectors so that they go under the arm instead of over, as that makes the top view somewhat busy-looking. Again, my skills at sketching over top the image are not exactly Da Vinci, but I hope I got the point across. Anyhow, all comments are appreciated.
Ok, so while waiting to hear word back about some rules clarifications regarding Heavy's fists, I've been working on my hat. I've got the modeling done, and most of the textures, there's just a few details left to finish. Let me know what you think, folks!
For some reason I feel it should be a darker shade of green, besides that no complaints whatsoever.
What you have with the sickle claws is still a little bizarre. I can't really convince myself to roll with the entire concept. *shrug*
Yeah, I'm thinking of changing things up a bit... maybe have the hammer on both hands and add the sickle to both in a more cosmetic fashion. Again, I'm waiting for some rules clarifications before I go back to working on the concept.
As for the hat color, it's still not set in stone, as I plan on fooling around with the palette, probably later today, after I finish with the final texture details.
You don't need to model hand grips etc, just have the Heavy fist default and have the sickle modeled over it attached to the wrist with a metal band/bracelet.
If you need to add interest to the sickle hand you could add spikes to the bracelet.
You don't need to model hand grips etc, just have the Heavy fist default and have the sickle modeled over it attached to the wrist with a metal band/bracelet.
If you need to add interest to the sickle hand you could add spikes to the bracelet.
Have you ever attached anything to your wrists with a band/strap and tried to strike with it? I have, being a Ninja Turtles addict when I was younger (trying to emulate Shredder). It doesn't work very well... The strap twists or stretches on your arm, giving you very little striking power. The hand grip braces the weapon, allowing you to strike with more force.
I like the idea of adding spikes, and was already considering adding some, so I guess great minds think alike, eh? :-)
Anyhow, I've gotten in contact with Robin Walker to clarify a few details about the rules, and I think I'll be able to start moving ahead with the Batterin' Bolshevik soon. Still brainstorming for a 3rd item, possibly a minigun, but we'll see how things go.
Just trying to save you work on a superfluous feature that wouldn't really be seen much anyways, and in TF2 realism isn't the ultimate measure.
As for spikes, I tried to think of a way to tie it to this - maybe make the spikes slightly modeled after the Onion Dome aesthetic?
There's already another contestant using the 'onion domes' as part of a minigun replacement, so I think I might steer clear of it. Anyhow, I wouldn't add much detail to the hand grips in either case. Thanks for the input!
Thanks dude!
Anyhow, after re-reading/re-interpreting the rules of the contest, it seems to have rendered the model I am currently working on unfit for this contest. However, I have a few ideas that I think I can work into a themed pack for the Heavy.
My intent is to create a 'Boxing' theme for the Heavy. I want to create a replacement for the K.G.B., as well as a padded boxing helmet. I am still pondering what the third item will be, but I am leaning towards a misc. item like a championship belt or a Sandvich replacement (perhaps a huge slab of raw meat...).
Anyhow, hopefully I'll have the time to make some concept art soon.
Good luck, anyway
"Fists of Brass Injuries"?
No, no... I have something more creative in mind... *cue evil laughter*.
Granted... Basically, it just means I have to come up with a very different *style* of boxing helmet. It just means that it will be a more rewarding challenge. :-)
1)The existing Heavy boxing helmet is actually really, really good, and I'd actually really like to see it make it into the game, and that even if I did make a different design for my own boxing helmet, Valve would likely never add both to the game.
2)There really aren't that many ways to modify a boxing helmet's design without making it look silly and outlandish.
3)I really didn't have many good ideas for a third object, in any case.
Therefore, I think I'll change my plans a bit. The idea I had for a replacement K.G.B. relied heavily on a Communist theme, so why not make my Heavy theme explore the Heavy's connection to Communism? I was thinking of modeling a hat for him based on the Chinese communist caps (the ones with the red star in the middle). Now I'll just need to come up with a third item and I'll be ready to roll.
Anyhow, if someone has already made a Chinese Communist cap, please let me know. Sometimes, it seems like all the good ideas have already been done or are in the process of being done. :-)
I have actually made and submitted these
Sweet work dude! Did you submit them to the Contribute! system, at least?
Did you give them any suggestions as to weapon attributes for it?
This is true. I'm trying to think of a decent game mechanic for my KGB replacement, because I believe if you inspire Valve with an interesting gameplay idea, they're more likely to chose your model. I've been toying with a few ideas, such as escalating damage for each successful hit, or having a different effect depending on which fist they are hit with. If you think of something cool, you should send it to Contribute! as an update to your brass knuckles, I think it'll improve your chances.
They look pretty hilarious (and are Russian like the heavy). But of course it is up to you, I just thought you might be interested.
Nice! 'Fraid I won't using THAT idea, tho. Thanks for the suggestion!
The Batterin' Bolshevik (working title)
In a fit of patriotic inspiration, the HWG finds himself a few spare tools and lashes together a new weapon for himself: The Batterin' Bolshevik. Strapped to his hands are the tools that make up the symbol of Communism itself: The sickle and the hammer. On his left hand, a pair of sickles form an ominous slashing weapon, while on his right, a hefty sledge stands ready to bash opponents into next Wednesday. "HA HA!" Exclaims the Heavy. "Mother Russia will thank me for sure!"
As for effects (yes, I know they don't matter for the scope of the contest), I was thinking that left-handed punches might cause a minor bleeding effect (perhaps half that of the Shiv), while right-handed punches would do more damage. Alternately, if Valve doesn't like the idea of separate effects for each fist, perhaps an escalating amount of damage per punch would be an interesting play mechanic (say 10 dmg less than the KGB on the first successful hit, but +2 dmg every time a punch is successful, with a potential damage ceiling, dependent on playtesting, which would reset after every death).
As for the images below, I did a very quick concept sketch of what the weapon might look like (thankfully I model better than I draw). Hopefully, my drawing is legible enough that you can get an idea what I'm trying to do. Also, I modeled up a quick hammer and sickle to use as a starting point (they're still in a very simple state... I don't want to add details until I know what kind of polycount I could be potentially dealing with here...)
Anyhow, I have a question regarding whether or not the following would be kosher in terms of the contest: I know all of the work presented is supposed to be our own, but since these weapons would basically be strapped on to Heavy's existing fists, can I use the existing model and simply add to it? I worry that if I try to model a new set of hands for Heavy, it will just look wrong.
Anyhow, all comments are appreciated.
The Comrade's Cranial Protector (or C.C.P.) - A Chinese Red Army cap, which looks comically tiny on a giant man! Note: CCP also stands for Chinese Communist Party.
The hat is normally green with a red star on the front, however, I am toying with the idea of messing with the main hat color (green) and leaving the star red, perhaps a different shade depending on the team. Of course, until I finish laying out the UV maps, this is all theoretical.
Anyhow, comments are very much appreciated.
So.... um... no comments? Anyone?
Bueller? ...Bueller?
Oh, no problem, it just seems that my posts have been falling off the first page without any comments all day, so it's not just one person not commenting, it's everyone. But thank you for leaving a comment, you have proven to me that I actually do exist and have a corporeal body on this fine green earth. I was wondering there for a second...
Anyhow, I'm not sure how the knuckles are 'out of place'... TF2 has repair/gardening tools strewn about all over the place.. it doesn't take a huge leap of the imagination to have Heavy strap some of 'em to his fists. I could make them gloves, but I don't want them to be simple palette swaps of the originals. Glad you liked the hat, tho!
thats just how i see it though. im keeping an eye on this too, man i love that whoopee cap hahaha
It took me a long time to figure out a way to incorporate the sickles, and I agree, they are kind of a weak fit. However, it seems pointless to make a hammer fist if I can't make a sickle fist to go wit it... that would break the theme. If someone can suggest a better way to fit the sickle in, I'm all ears.
Well, we'll see soon... I'm going to try playing with it tomorrow, but I'm falling asleep at my keyboard right now.
The Battering Bolshevik is also quite excellent. I'm not certain about the appearance, I'd have to see some progressed renders, but I really like the idea. I also really like the fact that it's two different weapons on his different hands- finally a proper use the fact that the Heavy's fists are individually controllable! (Beyond my superstition that the right fist hits harder than the left, that is.) I hope that Valve does go with the separate abilities for both fists.
As far as the scythe's slashing not seeming very Heavy? I see what you mean. I personally don't have a problem with it, but if you really wanted, you could poke some fun at the heavy. Have him strap the scythe on backwards, so that he's hitting them with the dull side. He was so excited when he was taping them on, he didn't even notice his mistake!
Just a thought. Keep up the good work!
*cough* Well, I hope you don't mind the fact that the hat is Chinese, then. :-)
Thanks for all the compliments, tho.
I've never been much of a history buff, so that's news to me... But the way I see, it, Heavy could have been sent to China as an ambassador to try and assuage those particular differences. However, it didn't take long before being in a strange country full of tiny, itty-bitty men who always seemed to be yelling at Heavy and getting in his face, that Heavy became angry and began to SMASH! In the end, all Heavy gained from his trip to China was this cap, as a trophy, and an order from his superiors to NEVER set foot on Asian soil again.
See, that's the funny part... they already ARE backwards. A sickle's sharpened edge is on the INSIDE of the blade, and that was the toughest part of trying to decide how to use them. In fact, the excuse you gave (that Heavy, in his excitement, made a somewhat ineffective weapon) was the very same I was going to use if someone pointed that out.
I agree with you about the handles, I just wanted to try it with them attached first to see if I could make it work. I was worried that people might compare Heavy to Wolverine, but that might not be such a bad thing... can you imagine if this got a custom voice line? "I am de best there is at what I do... and what I do is HURT LEETLE MEN!"
I'd need to learn how to do custom animations for that, and I'm trying to avoid that since I don't know if I'll have time to do so before the contest ends.
Anyhow, thanks for all the comments, guys! I'll play with the Batterin' Bolshevik concept today, see if I can flesh it out a bit more.
Well, the Hammer and Sickle have been a Communist symbol since the '20s, so I think I'm ok there, historically.
Sure, expect more images soon.
I think most people just ignore the ones that are attached rather than embedded. I'll have to change the way I post them.
Heavy: (Shocked) Entire country is babies!
But yeah, good to hear you're on top of things. Looking forward to more updates!
I lol'd, pretty funny.
Can't wait to see what your first production is.
Even as I write this, I'm thinking that I might vary the metal connectors so that they go under the arm instead of over, as that makes the top view somewhat busy-looking. Again, my skills at sketching over top the image are not exactly Da Vinci, but I hope I got the point across. Anyhow, all comments are appreciated.
What you have with the sickle claws is still a little bizarre. I can't really convince myself to roll with the entire concept. *shrug*
Yeah, I'm thinking of changing things up a bit... maybe have the hammer on both hands and add the sickle to both in a more cosmetic fashion. Again, I'm waiting for some rules clarifications before I go back to working on the concept.
As for the hat color, it's still not set in stone, as I plan on fooling around with the palette, probably later today, after I finish with the final texture details.
If you need to add interest to the sickle hand you could add spikes to the bracelet.
Have you ever attached anything to your wrists with a band/strap and tried to strike with it? I have, being a Ninja Turtles addict when I was younger (trying to emulate Shredder). It doesn't work very well... The strap twists or stretches on your arm, giving you very little striking power. The hand grip braces the weapon, allowing you to strike with more force.
I like the idea of adding spikes, and was already considering adding some, so I guess great minds think alike, eh? :-)
Anyhow, I've gotten in contact with Robin Walker to clarify a few details about the rules, and I think I'll be able to start moving ahead with the Batterin' Bolshevik soon. Still brainstorming for a 3rd item, possibly a minigun, but we'll see how things go.
As for spikes, I tried to think of a way to tie it to this - maybe make the spikes slightly modeled after the Onion Dome aesthetic?
There's already another contestant using the 'onion domes' as part of a minigun replacement, so I think I might steer clear of it. Anyhow, I wouldn't add much detail to the hand grips in either case. Thanks for the input!