Recent builds should ship with the "Industry Compatible" keymap. Might be easier for some people here. Generally speaking, they're still tweaking a lot of UI/UX stuff.
That looks pretty promising, I remember Blender 2.79b had default keymaps for 3DSMax and Maya style, but I guess they were a bit too cumbersome to keep updated for 2.8 with all the UI changes. I think this should make switching between apps a lot easier.
Not sure it will fix the gizmo-less move disparity - since according to the UI, clicking on the move tool should be the same behaviour as 'G' (it isn't) - but definitely solves the problem of having to change a bunch of keymappings to get used to the application.
Just tried the April 21st build and the industry compatible keymap fixes all of this. W, E, and R now switch straight to the Move, Rotate, and Scale gizmos as you would expect in any other app.
I don't think they will push it back again. They kept lots of patches out of the code because they knew that a lot of the structure how blender is programmed will be changed from 2.79 to 2.8x. After the initial release of the stable version of 2.80 I guess it moves quickly. From what I (think) I've heard, the patch of the UDIMS is done and they only need to implement it. Adaptive sampling for cycles for example is also on the way. Can't wait for the first release candidate, UDIMs and all those other features are needed for sure. And Redshift is coming to Blender also. Gotta be a cool year for Blender users
Cool. Only time will tell. I gather Blender is now getting a lot of consideration from well established studios with 2.8 release. I hope the stable version gets released soon bc I am tired tbh of getting a new version and noticing the UI and icons has been changed again.
I found the quick tool buttons to the left of the viewport have the correct behaviour (pressing the move tool brings up a gizmo) and hovering over it says that it's shortcut is G. But when you press G, you actually get different behaviour (gizmo-less). IMO this is a bit of a design flaw because G is not the shortcut for the move tool you select from the interface.
You can fix it by right clicking and "Assign Shortcut" - set it to whatever you want, I used the standard W/E/R - and it should then work. Pressing W will bring up the gizmo for the current object or element you have selected. You have to do this for both Object and Edit mode, though.
Since blender uses a hierarchical context system for its operators, you can finesse this by changing what context you add your shortcuts to. You have to do it via preferences, rather than the right click menu, though, and it isn't the most user-friendly system in the world. In this case, your best bet is to add entries to 3D View (Global) that call wm.tool_set_by_id with builtin.move, builtin.rotate, and builtin.scale as their identifiers.
Blender 2.8 treats your active tool as a context for calling operators, too, which means you can add shortcuts that are only active when you have that tool selected. This means that you could build a keymap where pressing W/E/R changes your active tool the first time your press it, and then calls the relevant operator directly the second time you press it.
Hey, @TheFlow - Do you know anything regarding blender redshift development? Couldn't find any useful information since redshift devs asked for help/support ( i think it was at blender-artist ). Hope they didn't get demotivated based on the comments under Andrews twitter post.
Sorry it took a little, didn't check the thread sooner. All my information about RS is coming from the official Redshift User Forum, here's the link for everyone with an account on the RS forums. Back to your question: they will keep the development going and I think it might still take a few months until we see an alpha or beta version of RS working with Blender. Maxon is a money maker and to me it makes sense they still offer their render engine to other packages. Like Autodesk did with Arnold. But I am pretty sure the best integration of RS will still be C4D since Redshift is their own software now.
Long time lurker here, haven't really kept up with Blender for a long time now. But correct me if I'm wrong, this Miter Bevelling is basically what Quad-Chamfer is in 3DSMax, right..? If so, that's bloody awesome, the Blender bevel modifier is something I've had a gripe with for ages!
Even went as far as trying to use my Python WebApp knowledge to try and correct it myself...
Hi all, i've made small addon for `Bake 3D Cursor orientation to your
object`. You'll can find the same very useful tool in Maya wich call
'Bake Pivot'. I hope it will be helpful in your work!
Hi all, i've made small addon for `Bake 3D Cursor orientation to your
object`. You'll can find the same very useful tool in Maya wich call
'Bake Pivot'. I hope it will be helpful in your work!
Didn't know the 3D cursor has a rotation in 2.8, nice. This add on is basically doing a "set origin to cursor" but considers the rotation as well, is that correct?
Would be nice if they extend the usability of the cursor rotation as well, e.g. new object align to the rotation, add numeric input.
Hi all, i've made small addon for `Bake 3D Cursor orientation to your
object`. You'll can find the same very useful tool in Maya wich call
'Bake Pivot'. I hope it will be helpful in your work!
[edit] - ha, oddly enough here on 2.8 (2019-03-02) I am not getting the proper surface orientation when placing the cursor on a surface - hence not getting the correct transform after clicking Bake Cursor. Not a problem with the addon itself of course (it is properly applying the information provided by the cursor) - just likely a 2.8 bug.
Hi all, i've made small addon for `Bake 3D Cursor orientation to your
object`. You'll can find the same very useful tool in Maya wich call
'Bake Pivot'. I hope it will be helpful in your work!
Didn't know the 3D cursor has a rotation in 2.8, nice. This add on is basically doing a "set origin to cursor" but considers the rotation as well, is that correct?
Would be nice if they extend the usability of the cursor rotation as well, e.g. new object align to the rotation, add numeric input.
I was just looking for something like this! Thank you
Preview of a tool to convert Grease Pencil strokes into panel decals in DECALmachine.
Blender's GP line tool, actually works on curved surfaces now, so I won't even have to port my Tape tool over. I hope there is a polygon tool coming however.
also some MESHmachine at the end(Unbevel, Fuse, Unf*ck). Turns out my
chamfer and fillet toolset, works perfectly for panel decals (poly
Hi all, i've made small addon for `Bake 3D Cursor orientation to your
object`. You'll can find the same very useful tool in Maya wich call
'Bake Pivot'. I hope it will be helpful in your work!
[edit] - ha, oddly enough here on 2.8 (2019-03-02) I am not getting the proper surface orientation when placing the cursor on a surface - hence not getting the correct transform after clicking Bake Cursor. Not a problem with the addon itself of course (it is properly applying the information provided by the cursor) - just likely a 2.8 bug.
Ok, yeah b2.8 has this is problem, dev guys should fix it.
I've find way get around this problem, waht we need to do:
1. For first we must dive into edit object mode, 2. then selected one element of object 'Face, Edge or Vertices' 3. Set cursor orientation to 'transform' ( top left corner) and switch on 'transform orientation' on 'Normal'. 4. turn on our move 'GIZMO' 5. and for now if we to align 3d cursor with snaping by any area of model, we will get correct 3d cursor orientation by normals
Preview of a tool to convert Grease Pencil strokes into panel decals in DECALmachine.
Blender's GP line tool, actually works on curved surfaces now, so I won't even have to port my Tape tool over. I hope there is a polygon tool coming however.
also some MESHmachine at the end(Unbevel, Fuse, Unf*ck). Turns out my
chamfer and fillet toolset, works perfectly for panel decals (poly
So cool work Man. Look forward you will release it for 2.8. And i will push your tools for my work in studio.
So cool work Man. Look forward you will release it for 2.8. And i will push your tools for my work in studio
Thanks man, FWIW, DECALmachine IS released for 2.8. Just not this tool or exporting.
Yeah i know about DECALmachine, but don't use this way in work yet. I'm waiting MeshMachine for 2.8. I know MM has for 2.7 but i just start from blender 2.8 and organised all there for my flow. Also wainting final release 2.8 without all bugs
This greasepencil approach seems like the perfect logical culmination for panel line placement. It makes so much sense !
And to an extent it could also be very useful for retopo work, as it seems to produce perfectly aligned strips that could then be used as primary loops. Excellent stuff.
I could also imagine it being used for assets not relying on an external trim sheet. For instance : placing the intended panel lines using GP and DM, and then moving the UVs over a tiny tiling part of a regular texture. Then the only thing left to do is to cut in the strip into the model and voila, a standalone asset with a fully self-contained texture and perfect panel lines, without even the need to bake down the panel lines themselves.
@IgorKlints : thanks for the tip ! For some reason this doesn't seem to work in the version I am using but I haven't tried the latest just yet, will investigate.
Anyone else here having issues on Windows with Blender taking an eternity to start up (or to open the file dialog if the app is already running) if a network share is not/no longer accessible? I have been dealing with this for years but was hoping it would have been addressed by now - but latest official 2.79b and 2.80 still show this behaviour.
Anyone else here having issues on Windows with Blender taking an eternity to start up (or to open the file dialog if the app is already running) if a network share is not/no longer accessible? I have been dealing with this for years but was hoping it would have been addressed by now - but latest official 2.79b and 2.80 still show this behaviour.
It appears to be strictly a Windows problem and only happens when a mapped remote drive that was available at the start of a Blender session goes offline. From then on any new Blender instances are f*cked. Never had the issue on Mac when losing access to files from the other side. I don't have another Windows box to test.
I can verify that the drive mapping has been removed and no files from that drive are stored in the recent files nor bookmark list. Fresh scene too so I am quite confused why it would still be holding out for the network at all.
@musashidan I think it animates the bones directly I haven't gotten it yet (very busy with other stuff). This is how rigging should have been from the very beginning The fact that u can pin any bone or group of bones opens up a lot of possiblities while animating. say u place a finger on the floor, u can pin that finger and adjust the rest of the body towards that finger, u can also move the root of the skeleton from one bone to the other. I intend to get it at some point. This is going to make rigging dope. I am just thinking of how easy it would be to rig and animate a motocycle using this.
@melviso for me it's not so much about the rig as it is about the animation workflow. How it handles gimble and inbetweens, especially as it seems to be an fk/ik/ragdoll hybrid. Animating bones directly can be a real pain, I'd much rather a controller GUI.
Definitely looks interesting though. I haven't animated a character in a while, but I'd live to try it.
It is the first release version. The dev will probbly add more features in time if the sales do well I hope. The bones are easy to select with xray mode turned u don't select the mesh only the bones from what I see in the vid. It works with objects too
I have been dabbing in character animation sort of recently and this makes the rigging aspect so much easier so its a huge start and very encouraging for those who want to animate but have found rigging to be quite technically technical.
The Bezier Mesh Shaper by @RN is proving to be inherent to the way I model nowadays
Yes, there's a similar script in Max, but honestly, Blender's Proportional Editing tool is so good that I wouldn't need it. PE in Blender is Sooooo much better than Max's equivalent - Soft Selection. I've actually made a fuss about it on the Max beta trying to get it to be like Blender.
I have started to make the transition from Max to Blender and after making the upgrade to 2.8, I found the learning experience to be even more pleasant and intuitive (I have been a max user since 2000/2001 and have to admit, got rather stuck in my ways- 2.8's UI feels more welcoming than previous versions and the team behind the latest UI changes need to be applauded for some common sense choices).
I am currently evaluating whether I could use Blender 2.8 as part of my day job workflow, and so far it's ticking a lot of boxes.
One of the issues I did have was that we use vertex animation for our assets and then export each frame of animation as single files, which then get exported via a proprietary system to a single file format.
From what I understand, Blender 2.8 does not support as Animall has not been updated for 2.8, however I have managed to create a work around for not having vertex animation available, or importing vertex animated files via FBX or any other format and after a bit of research I found the following work-around which may be useful for others;
-In the original 3D app, select the meshes that use vertex animation and duplicate them. -Each duplicate mesh is set to a different keyframe of animation. -Export the working model and duplicates to FBX and import in to Blender. -Use the duplicates as blend shapes for the working model. To do this, select the duplicates and finally the working model and from the Object Data tab in the properties area (on the right side of the screen on default UI layout), select the down arrow from the Shape Key section and select Join as Shape). Example of this process can be found here: [url][/url] .
Another issue I am having and would appreciate some ideas on solving is that each of the blend shapes that I have created now have their visibility powered by animation keyframes.
So now within the viewport, the correct blendshape appears as well as any dummies within the scene being moved to the correct position.
Another issue I have run in to is that Blender 2.8 seems to be broken. If I export the scene to FBX and import back in, the assets are less than 1/4 their original scale and orientation, animation keyframes are present in the timeline but are not animating.
Are there any plugins for 2.8 that exports scenes with blendshapes and animation correctly or is it a case of waiting for Blender to update the internal exporter?
Is Free IK animating the bones directly, or does it use controllers? Reminds me of Animation Master from waaay back.
Woo Hoo! My first 3d package. What a blast from the past.
I never actually used it myself, but the first video tutorial I ever did on character animation was in AM. I followed along in Max and remember thinking how ahead of its time AM's animation system seemed at that time.
Blender's Proportional Editing tool is so good that I wouldn't need it. PE in Blender is Sooooo much better than Max's equivalent - Soft Selection. I've actually made a fuss about it on the Max beta trying to get it to be like Blender.
@FourtyNights Nice. That fact that Blender's PE is dynamic is what makes it so good. Being able to adjust the influence with the mouse wheel as you see its effect is the single thing that makes it so effective and exactly what Max sift selection is missing.
@LuisCherubini Nice find. Just donated. You're right about the kitbash kits. I got an email from Furio Tedeschi asking if it was OK to use my Zbrush IMM Armour brush on concept work he was doing for the Transformers 5 film. If Furio can kitbash other peoples' models then anyone can!
As for the bevels on these models, MESHmachine would be perfect for that.
Pretty much medium-poly, but can be good for general blockouts
@LuisCherubini Nice stuff indeed, though it looks like Blender has problems with the custom normals. You don't need to add the weighted normals modifier and activate sharp edges, just delete the custom normals and you get the same result with auto smooth.
@Prime8 I'm getting identical smoothing using both FW custom normals+keep sharp, and clearing the imported normals and Autosmooth. Left is FW and right is Autosmooth
@Prime8 I'm getting identical smoothing using both FW custom normals+keep sharp, and clearing the imported normals and Autosmooth. Left is FW and right is Autosmooth
And here are the 3ds Max (custom)normals
@musashidan Yes they are identical, that's what I wrote. I thought it might be better to remove the custom normals instead of using a modifier, performance wise and you can do it that way when using 2.7.
I just assumed the custom normals are not correct, because his screenshot looks much smoother around the bevels, but after seeing your 3ds Max screenshot, I think that might not be the case.
I hope this is the right thread for this, but can anyone direct me as to how to 100% the weight of a bone on a selected mesh... I don't want to have to manually paint weights, and in 2.7 it looked like there was a UI section where I could select the bone, and just write 100% weight and it would apply to the whole mesh. Any help/thoughts?
Nice stuff indeed, though it looks like Blender has problems with the custom normals.
Sorry, I thought you were having trouble with the imported normals.
I appreciate the help. What I meant was that Blender doesn't import the custom normals correctly, that's why they look wrong right after the import. I tried the fbx files of the other kitbash set, the imported normals look the same as if using one of the methods above, therefor I guess the problem is related to the obj file or importer.
I hope this is the right thread for this, but can anyone direct me as to how to 100% the weight of a bone on a selected mesh... I don't want to have to manually paint weights, and in 2.7 it looked like there was a UI section where I could select the bone, and just write 100% weight and it would apply to the whole mesh. Any help/thoughts?
It only shows up in edit or weight paint mode. If you don't want to deform the mesh and the whole objects is attached to one bone, which I guess is the case here, just parent to the bone without deformation, in that case you don't need to apply any weight or vertex groups.
It only shows up in edit or weight paint mode. If you don't want to deform the mesh and the whole objects is attached to one bone, which I guess is the case here, just parent to the bone without deformation, in that case you don't need to apply any weight or vertex groups.
Ah I see, it only showed up in Edit mode for me, but not in Weight Paint mode. Odd. However, that solved it. Thanks buddy!
I went into the relations section, and tried this way of doing it, but it kept on moving the mesh when I attached it to the bone. I'm guessing it's something to do with my mesh pivots and my bone pivot not matching... but I got it to work with the above method cheers again mate!
... but it kept on moving the mesh when I attached it to the bone. I'm guessing it's something to do with my mesh pivots and my bone pivot not matching...
You need to activate "keep transformation" when parenting it to the bone. I'm not sure if it works when changing it directly in the Relation settings. Edit: just realised the "keep transformation" switch seams to be a bit buggy for me, pressing it multiple times doesn't change it back and sometimes it shows active but isn't... strange
@LuisCherubini Nice find. Just donated. You're right about the kitbash kits. I got an email from Furio Tedeschi asking if it was OK to use my Zbrush IMM Armour brush on concept work he was doing for the Transformers 5 film. If Furio can kitbash other peoples' models then anyone can!
As for the bevels on these models, MESHmachine would be perfect for that.
@musashidan You can now say that you were responsible for the little bolts in Optimus Prime! Oh, every single VFX artist journey
@Prime8 I didnt know about that! Looks faster than applying the WN indeed!
I appreciate the help.What I meant was that Blender doesn't import the custom normals correctly, that's why they look wrong right after the import.I tried the fbx files of the other kitbash set, the imported normals look the same as if using one of the methods above, therefor I guess the problem is related to the obj file or importer.
Yeah mate, I think the .OBJ importer is busted. I exported both .obj and .fbx from the Max scene and the normals were broken on the .obj, but good on the .fbx.
Not sure it will fix the gizmo-less move disparity - since according to the UI, clicking on the move tool should be the same behaviour as 'G' (it isn't) - but definitely solves the problem of having to change a bunch of keymappings to get used to the application.
Just tried the April 21st build and the industry compatible keymap fixes all of this. W, E, and R now switch straight to the Move, Rotate, and Scale gizmos as you would expect in any other app.
I hope the stable version gets released soon bc I am tired tbh of getting a new version and noticing the UI and icons has been changed again.
Since blender uses a hierarchical context system for its operators, you can finesse this by changing what context you add your shortcuts to. You have to do it via preferences, rather than the right click menu, though, and it isn't the most user-friendly system in the world. In this case, your best bet is to add entries to 3D View (Global) that call wm.tool_set_by_id with builtin.move, builtin.rotate, and builtin.scale as their identifiers.
Blender 2.8 treats your active tool as a context for calling operators, too, which means you can add shortcuts that are only active when you have that tool selected. This means that you could build a keymap where pressing W/E/R changes your active tool the first time your press it, and then calls the relevant operator directly the second time you press it.
Even went as far as trying to use my Python WebApp knowledge to try and correct it myself...
Made this little 10min explanation of its main features:
This add on is basically doing a "set origin to cursor" but considers the rotation as well, is that correct?
Would be nice if they extend the usability of the cursor rotation as well, e.g. new object align to the rotation, add numeric input.
Looking extremely useful !!
[edit] - ha, oddly enough here on 2.8 (2019-03-02) I am not getting the proper surface orientation when placing the cursor on a surface - hence not getting the correct transform after clicking Bake Cursor. Not a problem with the addon itself of course (it is properly applying the information provided by the cursor) - just likely a 2.8 bug.
I've find way get around this problem, waht we need to do:
1. For first we must dive into edit object mode,2. then selected one element of object 'Face, Edge or Vertices'
3. Set cursor orientation to 'transform' ( top left corner) and switch on 'transform orientation' on 'Normal'.
4. turn on our move 'GIZMO'
5. and for now if we to align 3d cursor with snaping by any area of model, we will get correct 3d cursor orientation by normals Yes you right that 'considers the rotation'. This is similar tool what has Maya which called 'Bake Pivot'. I maya guy so..)
This greasepencil approach seems like the perfect logical culmination for panel line placement. It makes so much sense !
And to an extent it could also be very useful for retopo work, as it seems to produce perfectly aligned strips that could then be used as primary loops. Excellent stuff.
I could also imagine it being used for assets not relying on an external trim sheet. For instance : placing the intended panel lines using GP and DM, and then moving the UVs over a tiny tiling part of a regular texture. Then the only thing left to do is to cut in the strip into the model and voila, a standalone asset with a fully self-contained texture and perfect panel lines, without even the need to bake down the panel lines themselves.
@IgorKlints : thanks for the tip ! For some reason this doesn't seem to work in the version I am using but I haven't tried the latest just yet, will investigate.
Rigging made easy peasy:
U could rig hair, cape, rope without a problem.
Also animation sketch for blender 2.8:
I intend to get it at some point. This is going to make rigging dope. I am just thinking of how easy it would be to rig and animate a motocycle using this.
Definitely looks interesting though. I haven't animated a character in a while, but I'd live to try it.
It is the first release version. The dev will probbly add more features in time if the sales do well I hope. The bones are easy to select with xray mode turned u don't select the mesh only the bones from what I see in the vid.
It works with objects too
I have been dabbing in character animation sort of recently and this makes the rigging aspect so much easier so its a huge start and very encouraging for those who want to animate but have found rigging to be quite technically technical.
The popular operator known as
Remove Doubles (2.79) has been renamed to Merge by Distance. (2.8)
And was moved from the vertices menu to the "Alt+M" shortcut along with merge at first, at center, etc...Kinda of makes sense, it will confuse a lot of people tho.
Yes, there's a similar script in Max, but honestly, Blender's Proportional Editing tool is so good that I wouldn't need it. PE in Blender is Sooooo much better than Max's equivalent - Soft Selection. I've actually made a fuss about it on the Max beta trying to get it to be like Blender.
I have started to make the transition from Max to Blender and after making the upgrade to 2.8, I found the learning experience to be even more pleasant and intuitive (I have been a max user since 2000/2001 and have to admit, got rather stuck in my ways- 2.8's UI feels more welcoming than previous versions and the team behind the latest UI changes need to be applauded for some common sense choices).
I am currently evaluating whether I could use Blender 2.8 as part of my day job workflow, and so far it's ticking a lot of boxes.
One of the issues I did have was that we use vertex animation for our assets and then export each frame of animation as single files, which then get exported via a proprietary system to a single file format.
From what I understand, Blender 2.8 does not support as Animall has not been updated for 2.8, however I have managed to create a work around for not having vertex animation available, or importing vertex animated files via FBX or any other format and after a bit of research I found the following work-around which may be useful for others;
-In the original 3D app, select the meshes that use vertex animation and duplicate them.
-Each duplicate mesh is set to a different keyframe of animation.
-Export the working model and duplicates to FBX and import in to Blender.
-Use the duplicates as blend shapes for the working model. To do this, select the duplicates and finally the working model and from the Object Data tab in the properties area (on the right side of the screen on default UI layout), select the down arrow from the Shape Key section and select Join as Shape). Example of this process can be found here: [url][/url] .
Another issue I am having and would appreciate some ideas on solving is that each of the blend shapes that I have created now have their visibility powered by animation keyframes.
So now within the viewport, the correct blendshape appears as well as any dummies within the scene being moved to the correct position.
Another issue I have run in to is that Blender 2.8 seems to be broken. If I export the scene to FBX and import back in, the assets are less than 1/4 their original scale and orientation, animation keyframes are present in the timeline but are not animating.
Are there any plugins for 2.8 that exports scenes with blendshapes and animation correctly or is it a case of waiting for Blender to update the internal exporter?
Pretty much medium-poly, but can be good for general blockouts
You don't need to add the weighted normals modifier and activate sharp edges, just delete the custom normals and you get the same result with auto smooth.
I just assumed the custom normals are not correct, because his screenshot looks much smoother around the bevels, but after seeing your 3ds Max screenshot, I think that might not be the case.
What I meant was that Blender doesn't import the custom normals correctly, that's why they look wrong right after the import.
I tried the fbx files of the other kitbash set, the imported normals look the same as if using one of the methods above, therefor I guess the problem is related to the obj file or importer.
It only shows up in edit or weight paint mode.
If you don't want to deform the mesh and the whole objects is attached to one bone, which I guess is the case here, just parent to the bone without deformation, in that case you don't need to apply any weight or vertex groups.
I went into the relations section, and tried this way of doing it, but it kept on moving the mesh when I attached it to the bone. I'm guessing it's something to do with my mesh pivots and my bone pivot not matching... but I got it to work with the above method
Edit: just realised the "keep transformation" switch seams to be a bit buggy for me, pressing it multiple times doesn't change it back and sometimes it shows active but isn't... strange
You can now say that you were responsible for the little bolts in Optimus Prime!
@Prime8 I didnt know about that! Looks faster than applying the WN indeed!