I miss layers in 2.8. How do you separate the highpoly from the lowpoly and quickly flick back and forth between them or view them overlapped? Also when I tried using collections and I unhide objects in my 'low' collection it also unhides my 'high' collection and their objects, which is obviously not what I want!
@Jakro there's a hipoly/lowpoly toggle in my bake addon, might be useful: https://github.com/leukbaars/EasyBake it works with both object and collections, or a mix of them (for example keep lowpoly as single object but hipoly as collection)
ps this was called BRM_BakeUI before, I decided to rename it to EasyBake, it rolls off the tongue a bit easier
@Jakro all the hotkeys are the same, you just need to create the layers now.
Not quite. There quickly flicking back and forth works which is nice, I didn't realise that was there because I disable the 1/2/3/4 hotkeys(they were conflicting with something). So that's for point that out. But for the second part of my issue when I press alt+h it unhides hidden collections rather than the objects in my active/visible collections. As someone who works in layers and uses them as separate spaces filled with multiple objects, I very often want to hide one part of my lowpoly, then reveal the rest of the lowpoly mesh to work on another piece. But with the new behaviour you can't reveal the contents of your layer/collection without revealing every collection and object in your entire scene.
I miss layers in 2.8. How do you separate the highpoly from the lowpoly and quickly flick back and forth between them or view them overlapped? Also when I tried using collections and I unhide objects in my 'low' collection it also unhides my 'high' collection and their objects, which is obviously not what I want!
@Jakro there's a hipoly/lowpoly toggle in my bake addon, might be useful: https://github.com/leukbaars/EasyBake it works with both object and collections, or a mix of them (for example keep lowpoly as single object but hipoly as collection)
ps this was called BRM_BakeUI before, I decided to rename it to EasyBake, it rolls off the tongue a bit easier
That's really cool! Does it also handle shader creation? Like automatically applying baked textures?
Oh I worked it out and by 'I' I mean @Frankie worked it out. You need to click the Monitor icon to hide collections in the way I wanted. The monitor icon 'Disables Collection in viewport' as opposed to the eye that 'disables the collection(or object) in viewport'. It's pretty easy when you realise
..Next issue, when you use 1 and 2 to switch between collections it hides them with the eye icon not the monitor icon. So the collection isn't 'disabled in the viewport.'
I miss layers in 2.8. How do you separate the highpoly from the lowpoly and quickly flick back and forth between them or view them overlapped? Also when I tried using collections and I unhide objects in my 'low' collection it also unhides my 'high' collection and their objects, which is obviously not what I want!
@Jakro there's a hipoly/lowpoly toggle in my bake addon, might be useful: https://github.com/leukbaars/EasyBake it works with both object and collections, or a mix of them (for example keep lowpoly as single object but hipoly as collection)
ps this was called BRM_BakeUI before, I decided to rename it to EasyBake, it rolls off the tongue a bit easier
That's really cool! Does it also handle shader creation? Like automatically applying baked textures?
Nope, but if you assign the baked textures to your lowpoly material, they will automatically update after you rebake, so you can iterate quickly and set up your material however you want. I may add a "add material on bake" toggle eventually to speed up things a little more, just want to make sure not to clutter up the UI with extra features
Could anyone take a look at this blender file and tell me why the cross-section of this curve seems to be just a little bit smaller than the bevel object? Radius for the curve points is set to 1.
@Zablorg the dimensions property of the "Cross-section" object is messed up (check it under the scale on the N panel). You probably applied rotation(s) to it, because clearing rotation with Alt + R still shows the circle as rotated.
Recreating the circle fixes it. You can see that its dimensions will then only be in the X and Y axes, the dimension in the Z axis will stay zero.
Could anyone suggest an easy way to only align OR position the 3d cursor(not both)? It's great that the cursor can be rotated now in 2.8 but setting the cursor positions and rotates it to the normal of the clicked surface. I'm trying to imitate the workflow I would use for Maya pivot alignment with the d key, which is the best I've seen in a 3d app.
just set the 3d curosor tool orientation to 'None' before you pick a new location?
so its a bit of a two step process right now - first set alignment via transform / surface / view, and then set position via set cursor to active or clicking with orientation 'None'
..Next issue, when you use 1 and 2 to switch between collections it hides them with the eye icon not the monitor icon. So the collection isn't 'disabled in the viewport.'
This was fixed! The monitor icon has been moved to alt-clicking the eye icon now, too. Which for how confusing it was to a lot of users, might be a good move.
I would like to show you guys my node setup for combining normals in Blender, I have created because I work a lot creating textures in Blender, and this was always something hard for me but I finally cracked the way to properly combine normals avoiding all the problems of "normal overlaying" in the node editor, also I made the node so its easy to bake normal to be use in another app. Hope you like it:
@Jakro You should split that preview off into it's own addon! Obviously giving proper credit, but as it's GPL it should be kosher. If you then do a pull request with these changes, they could put them in upstream, as well.
@Kerub I agree! Though I'm abstaining from 2.8 until it's closer to release as there's still quite a few kinks to be worked through before it can replace 2.79 I think that addons like hard ops still need some months to update fully to 2.8. I would rather use what already works and then switch once things are ready. If you'd like to set up something similar to my set up in 2.79 I can run through it with you
Just run into a problem in 2.8. The triangulate modifier (and the destructive triangulate action) doesn't preserve custom vertex normals such as those created by the weighted normal modifier. Since it's pretty typical to toggle the triangulate modifier on for exporting to a game engine or baker this is an issue.
I know about using the data transfer modifier at the end of the stack to copy the edited normals from an un-triangulated duplicate version of the mesh, but on complex models with lots of parts this quickly becomes really clunky and slow. Anyone know of any addons or workarounds that deal with this in a convenient way?
Btw, that issue is in 2.79 too. If I happened to use custom normals, I had to re-adjust them after triangulation. So I duplicated the original non-triangulated object, and triangulated it destructively for custom normals.
If I remember right, MACHIN3 did something to preserve custom normals in certain situations with one of his addons. Not sure if it was triangulation related though.
@CheeseOnToast@FourtyNights You should submit this as a bug to the developers as I'm sure this is not intended. They may have overlooked this when putting together the triangulate.
In 2.79 I used the same workaround with the data transfer modifier at the end. I tried the new 2.8 Bevel modifier with the Harden Normal option on and it does survive the triangulation, but all bevel edges get marked as sharp for some reason.
I would still recommend reporting it as an issue. Even if they know that triangulation breaks normals, whether as a modifier, mesh tool, or just export option, that's still broke and reporting it or responding to an existing thread about the issue is going to let the devs know that this is important to users. At the very least triangulation at export should not break custom normals. That is completely unacceptable as expected behaviour, especially because the user could very easy not realise this was happening and run into complications caused by broken shading. I'm not expecting a perfect fix, but I believe it should be a medium priority after any big program crashing bugs have been dealt with.
No, as I mention in the bug itself. This is a really simple mesh so it looks ok. On a more complex one you get a different result using face weighted normals on a triangulated mesh than on a quad/ ngon version.
No, as I mention in the bug itself. This is a really simple mesh so it looks ok. On a more complex one you get a different result using face weighted normals on a triangulated mesh than on a quad/ ngon version.
You should include in bug report this file(more complex one). If developer open your file and just soldved incorrect shading by single click, then report will be deleted as invalid.
It's awesome how fast the developers responded to that issue. However, I've been using Blend4Web add-on's custom normal tools, which is just one of the tools it has. It's great, but it way too bloated with features I don't need, since I use only their custom normal tools.
Apparently Blender has "Set from Face" on the tool shelf T-panel I haven't used before. Seems like it does the same as I did with Blend4Web's add-on. But yeah, no matter which one I use, triangulation breaks those custom normals. So, good that you presented this issue for the developers, CheeseOnToast.
I'm still reluctant to switch to 2.8. Every time I'm trying check the newest version, it just changes too much to even think about using it this soon, since it's still a beta.
BUT, I started using Blender 2.79 Master (stable) instead of the official 2.79b, which is more specifically 2.79.7, and I love it.
I've recently decided to give blender a go with the release of 2.8 but being a user of other packages for a long ass time there are a a couple of things holding me back from really enjoying it and I'm curious if there are many quick fixes!
Is it possible to default move, rotate and scale tool gizmo to be more Classic Maya and then use the Default as a secondary, in essence flipping the current setup? I kinda get it but it feels like a bit of a barrier to entry right now.
@StormyBA Hey, i don't know about the gizmo but i want to preach a litte about not using gizmo, maybe you already know that. but what if i told you that you can use blender without gizmo?. and is not even hard to grasp it, you would need learn G,S,R hotkeys and shift to constrain, in 1 - 2 days max you would be pretty confortable with it.
@StormyBA Hey, i don't know about the gizmo but i want to preach a litte about not using gizmo, maybe you already know that. but what if i told you that you can use blender without gizmo?. and is not even hard to grasp it, you would need learn G,S,R hotkeys and shift to constrain, in 1 - 2 days max you would be pretty confortable with it.
Once you go no gizmo you never go back.
Hay Fella, Problem is I'm interested in using blender as a secondary with Maya, unity and a big host of other apps that are using a very standard Gizmo setup. Its a bit of a brain breaker switching between them all as it is and I've done it for so many years now that its just how I work!
it works with both object and collections, or a mix of them (for example keep lowpoly as single object but hipoly as collection)
ps this was called BRM_BakeUI before, I decided to rename it to EasyBake, it rolls off the tongue a bit easier
..Next issue, when you use 1 and 2 to switch between collections it hides them with the eye icon not the monitor icon. So the collection isn't 'disabled in the viewport.'
Hey guys, Fluent is finally available on Gumroad! https://gumroad.com/a/834647155
This addon works pretty well with Speedflow (When it will be available on 2.8) and Non-Destructive Workflow!
I would like to show you guys my node setup for combining normals in Blender, I have created because I work a lot creating textures in Blender, and this was always something hard for me but I finally cracked the way to properly combine normals avoiding all the problems of "normal overlaying" in the node editor, also I made the node so its easy to bake normal to be use in another app. Hope you like it:
How it looked before:
We need this + UV squares ported to 2.8 already.
I tried the new 2.8 Bevel modifier with the Harden Normal option on and it does survive the triangulation, but all bevel edges get marked as sharp for some reason.
Is this solve issue?
Yes! As soon as I get some free time on my hands.
London Blender Day, June 22, 2019
https://blenderlondon.org/Holy shit, I dont even use Blender and goddamn. This could be huge; impressive work Jose.
Im also waiting for Textools to be ported to 2.8, I miss those bakers.
Is it possible to default move, rotate and scale tool gizmo to be more Classic Maya and then use the Default as a secondary, in essence flipping the current setup? I kinda get it but it feels like a bit of a barrier to entry right now.
Once you go no gizmo you never go back.