I assume this is the correct place to ask. I don't have a technical question or modeling problem right now. I was just thinking, what's Blender's standing like these days?I remember that it seemed to be mocked quite a bit in the past, and generally considered quite inferior. With things like the sculpt mode changes and EEVEE, UI changes and general improvements, I wondered if views have changed.
Yes, views have changed, the software hasn't. All the furor has disappeared. We got other stuff to worry about, and both sides have no time for fan boys or haters. I think folks are busy makin' stuff.
Generally yes, Blender is a very competent modeling package these days, I use it as well as several other artists I work with. I've switched off 3DS max completely, but still use Maya for work. The only real complaint myself and a lot of other people seem to have is the UV editor needing some love so it's less obtuse and quirky out-of-the-box. Add-ons somewhat solve it, but I would like to see Blender actually give it a pass like it has given other interfaces.
I suppose you could create a toggle for this option and map that onto a hotkey, put it into a sculpting pie menu or execute it as a script that runs when you activate sculpt mode as well as untoggle it again on exit?
If you activate 'Developer Extras' 'Python tooltips' from the 'Interface' page of the preferences you can see the python command for 'Orbit Around Selection'.
is there any way to "fix" the bool tool, or an addon with a properly working bool tool ?
the blender bool tool just makes a lot of mistakes, especially on more complex geometry and if i do the exact same bool in maya, with the same geometrys, i get perfect results
Do you have the same issue using the modifier? I only use the bool modifier with Exact solver, as long as self Intersection and Hole Tolerent is checked, I don't have any issues. Not using it often recently but usually on quite messy geometry like Text.
Is there any addon to traighten UV's that's not Textools or uvsquare? I think both of them started giving me bad results lately, they work like 50% of the time
lmao, maybe a saw it a some point and forgot about?, I pretty much only use unwrap and unwrap from view so I never really paid attention to the other stuff on the unrwap menu
Not that i know of. This would be against the design of the adjust last operation panel down left. Transform is already the next operation. And overrides the creation operation.
But the adjust last operation panel contains also a transform section when you create a primitive. Which you can adjust as long as you haven't started another operation.
Seems that somebody is not happy about how Blender is managed. But that's nothing new.
Open Source development will always remain a big compromise. The old dilemma of too many cooks but only one stove. There simply can just be one direction. And this direction is given by the responsible people, even when they are completely wrong. Software development is never democratic, like it or not. This is by the way one of the reasons why Sergej cannot finish his pet project. If Boss says do that, then he has to, since he is paid for it. And in general Blender does everything right. Even with all these "wrong" details. Else it would not have become a this big success over the years.
Can Blender be improved? Absolutely. Do i wish that the Blender developers would have a bit more common sense and a look at the whole instead of only looking through the programmer glasses? Definitely. But bitching , insulting and accusing the Blender developers in the public is imho the wrong way to deal with your unhappiness. Especially these sexual accusations makes you the bad person. Not them. I would remove them. Immediately.
When you experience unfriendly behaviour from the developers, and cannot solve it personally, then talk with Ton. He is from experience very helpful in this regards. I never saw him acting rude. Not even once.
And when the whole situation really makes you so unhappy, then let it go. There are other projects where you could loose your heart at. Our Blender UI UX fork Bforartists for example. This is what happens when i am unhappy with decisions. We had left click select already back in 2015. And icon buttons in the tool shelf shortly after. We always search for volunteers and helpful hands
Because you gave no further context: This seems to be the same post you did on BlenderArtists and why you earned yourself a suspension there ? And now disguise this as "news" ?? Well.. if you choose to act like a d..
To me this reads like a drunken midnight rant. For all I know there might be some truth in there but the way its wrapped doesn't exactly sell it.
Who wrote this anyway - are you the author @MarcClintDion ?
In other news I have an issue with Blender where it sometimes (a few times during a work day) just crashes to desktop on fairly simple operations in eevee with the Windows event viewer listing an "NVidia OpenGL driver error 3 subcode 7" and tells me "Unable to recover from a kernel exception. the application must close."
Updated the driver to a recent Studio one, updated my LTS version of Blender 3.3 to the most recent release and set the graphics driver to maximum performance mode which is what the web recommended to solve this error. No difference. The only thing that seems to greatly reduce the number of crashes is to start Blender with the flag --debug-gpu-force-workarounds . That keeps things workable for now. Just wondering if disabling GPU extensions is a concern for features and reduces performance measurably?
I'm not even sure how I picked this up - stepping through the versions Blender used to be rock solid for a good few of years, on this machine as well. And the configuration didn't change, only Blender got moody. Can't get other applications that tax the GPU to crash either (so far).
Current Eevee is a new engine. With new bugs. The old version gots removed. Report it if you can reproduce. EDIT, ah i have read it wrong sorry. I have read 4.3. 3.3 is the old eevee engine still. So i have unfortunately no advice here.
Current Eeevee is a new engine. The old version gots removed. Report it if you can reproduce.
Yeah I read about that. The one I'm using is of course the old variant.
Sadly I cannot update beyond 3.3 - one major addon I'm using is not running well in neweest versions of Blender and one I completely rely on was updated for newer releases to use a completely different creation/editing method, messing with my workflow. Oh and I would have to adjust my own custom scripts too, not keen on digging through Python stuff again.
I'm close to just getting a new GPU solely to see if that solves the problem.
I had a similar problem with the crash and maybe it's because I have a gtx 1050 and the scene I was making was pretty heavy. Although it rendered quickly on the processor. Blender 4.3
Is there any addon to traighten UV's that's not Textools or uvsquare? I think both of them started giving me bad results lately, they work like 50% of the time
didn't realise that blender now has an 'edit mesh' modifier, that will make my life a bit easier
@Udkani - there is a bug where if you have the shader window open and also the material window open on the right , then Blender crawls to a halt not sure of that is related
@Eric Chadwick I'd recommend Ucupaint over that. The anime girls it's often advertised with don't paint (hah) the full picture, it's really quite capable for all sorts of texturing!
Wow, Ucupaint is indeed quite nice, and very to pick up and use (just tried it now). Thanks for mentionning it ! I also just tried the Sunflower one and ... got a near instant crash after a few strokes. That about settles it
I only use the bool modifier with Exact solver, as long as self Intersection and Hole Tolerent is checked, I don't have any issues.
Not using it often recently but usually on quite messy geometry like Text.
@Oaken Didn't know blender had this now
But the adjust last operation panel contains also a transform section when you create a primitive. Which you can adjust as long as you haven't started another operation.
There are approaches that are less intuitive. You can use a GeometryNodes Modifier in the configuration below:
This allows you to adjust primitive specific features non-destructively. When you're looking to commit to your geometry, apply the modifier.
Open Source development will always remain a big compromise. The old dilemma of too many cooks but only one stove. There simply can just be one direction. And this direction is given by the responsible people, even when they are completely wrong. Software development is never democratic, like it or not. This is by the way one of the reasons why Sergej cannot finish his pet project. If Boss says do that, then he has to, since he is paid for it. And in general Blender does everything right. Even with all these "wrong" details. Else it would not have become a this big success over the years.
Can Blender be improved? Absolutely. Do i wish that the Blender developers would have a bit more common sense and a look at the whole instead of only looking through the programmer glasses? Definitely. But bitching , insulting and accusing the Blender developers in the public is imho the wrong way to deal with your unhappiness. Especially these sexual accusations makes you the bad person. Not them. I would remove them. Immediately.
When you experience unfriendly behaviour from the developers, and cannot solve it personally, then talk with Ton. He is from experience very helpful in this regards. I never saw him acting rude. Not even once.
And when the whole situation really makes you so unhappy, then let it go. There are other projects where you could loose your heart at. Our Blender UI UX fork Bforartists for example. This is what happens when i am unhappy with decisions. We had left click select already back in 2015. And icon buttons in the tool shelf shortly after. We always search for volunteers and helpful hands
But please notice that bad behaviour is not tolerated in our project. This might be the first thing that you want to work at.
This seems to be the same post you did on BlenderArtists and why you earned yourself a suspension there ? And now disguise this as "news" ??
Well.. if you choose to act like a d..
Never mind. Good luck.
. That keeps things workable for now. Just wondering if disabling GPU extensions is a concern for features and reduces performance measurably?EDIT, ah i have read it wrong sorry. I have read 4.3. 3.3 is the old eevee engine still. So i have unfortunately no advice here.
not sure of that is related
this older one from seven years ago (for blender 2.79 https://github.com/David-DiGioia/blender-paint-layers
( Shamelessly "advertising" for BA because i often link to PolyCount in particular to the HowTheF..DoYouModelThis-thread or the Wiki..
I also just tried the Sunflower one and ... got a near instant crash after a few strokes. That about settles it