Neither do I, though I've never played it, so can someone succinctly summarise what is so great about it?
Not fooling around here, I really would like someone to explain its appeal. Nobody can seem to explain why its so great, and I'm hesitant to pay for it at this stage.
It just seems like some sort of big level editor to me...
Yep, that's basically it. It's a stylized sandbox game world, but you can build/destroy anywhere. And it has leveling of a sort; if you find the right resources you can build various stronger/faster/more-interesting tools.
I think it really appeals at a deep level to the obsessive-compulsive side in us all, whether your obsession is large or small. And the creative side as well.
plus there are monsters in Singleplayer, that's really the big draw for me, survival.
Slimes were removed because they were broke, I never got to fight them but it seems they would swarm mines. A creeper makes an appearance, he's one of the most feared monsters in the game, he's stealthy and explodes when gets close to you
plus there are monsters in Singleplayer, that's really the big draw for me, survival.
Slimes were removed because they were broke, I never got to fight them but it seems they would swarm mines. A creeper makes an appearance, he's one of the most feared monsters in the game, he's stealthy and explodes when gets close to you
Yeah I love the singleplayer a lot more too. I've definitely spent more time with it.
When I play multi I just have nothing to do. Hopefully after the Halloween update survival multi will be fixed and require actual survival. That will be cool. People will actually group up to mine and stuff to help stay alive.:)
I also had a Minecraft dream the other night. I was in some cube caves with a sword and started to get attacked by a bunch of creepers and zombies. It was very faithful to the game in terms of visuals. I don't remember it being too scary. However, the torches went out and I had to place them again. I was able to kill the creepers and stuff pretty easily without taking damage.
Not fooling around here, I really would like someone to explain its appeal.
In single-player there's a really captivating balance between rushing to mine as much resources as you can during the day and waiting out the night in a meager little shelter, listening to zombies surround you. Then as you start building more, night time becomes time for you to furiously craft as much as you can. Weapons, tools, ore, etc. Eventually you end up with an impenetrable fortress and it's really satisfying to know that you had to work, block by block, to forge out a place in the world amidst all the monsters.
It's surprisingly immersive. This comicperfectly describes my experience with it.
Right now I think the main problem is once you've figured out basic crafting, it's reeeeeeaaaaaaally easy and just turns into a tedious level editor.
I hope the Halloween update puts in the option to crank the difficulty up a ton.
On top of what acc just said, I found that after I built up my castle I started digging down and I found a massive cavern with lava and water and huge cache of minerals as well as a zombie and skeleton spawner. It was intense!! I felt nervous and excited at the same time as I began exploring and I think that is what keeps bringing me back to minecraft.
a classy gent would of used gold or obsidian instead of cobble.
Lol...I went on the server for 10 mins to have a look about. So I didnt have time to find "classy" resources. Then desided to write my name. Did the 88 bit got bored, made penis, Bam, got banned. awesome eh. I bet if I'd made a huge golden phallus people would have worshipped it. As it is i'm an outcast.
I started out making a huge castle, etc in the first few days of play. But now I find I spend 90% of the time underground. I only surface to get wood and meat. I think that the huge caverns and especially spawners have a great puzzle element to them. Trying to figure out how to clear an area and get torches everywhere is a tough task sometimes. And with spawners I'm currently trying to figure out the perfect way to create a drowning deathtrap using the fewest ammounts of water blocks as possible and also getting all the goodies to flow out of the trap properely. sometime i wish I had sloping blocks.
I bought it a few days ago and I'm seriously hooked. The world I'm playing got really foggy today, I got lost and felt a genuine sense of loss that I couldn't get back home.
I built a shelter and camped out for the night, but a Creeper pounced on me the next morning - killing me. When I respawned again I started to walk through the fog and... There was my home!
I'm trying not to research crafting recipies too much, it's fun to just see what happens when you experiment.
I bought it a few days ago and I'm seriously hooked. The world I'm playing got really foggy today, I got lost and felt a genuine sense of loss that I couldn't get back home.
I built a shelter and camped out for the night, but a Creeper pounced on me the next morning - killing me. When I respawned again I started to walk through the fog and... There was my home!
I'm trying not to research crafting recipies too much, it's fun to just see what happens when you experiment.
Yeah. It is good to figure things out yourself. btw: the fog happened because you pressed F. It changes the draw distance you can turn it off
I dug so far I came up under the sea and had to swim back to shore, only it was a different shore, and I had to build a boat to find my spawn/castle, spent a good 10 minutes boating around the shoreline to find it.
Blimey, gives you a sense of scale.
Still haven't found any more iron or diamond, but plenty of red stuff, which I've not found a use for yet, and tons of coal. :poly141:
Someone deleted the top half of my tower... What a hater. Just one more thing to like less about multi...:shifty:
I told you that no one did that before you raged! It was because of the server crash. When I went on today half of my sky castle was how it was two days ago and the other half was how it was last night before the crash.
I told you that no one did that before you raged! It was because of the server crash. When I went on today half of my sky castle was how it was two days ago and the other half was how it was last night before the crash.
Once a man gets into a minecraft rage, nothing can bring him down.
I half figured it was that, because it seems unfinished rather than destroyed. How does the server have like 20x more stuff overall then? Only some parts were affected? Either way, I don't want to rebuild it. It was already a replica of my SP tower rebuilt on the server. Blah, maybe I will make some edits or just cap it off short.
Do we not have a vent channel or anything for more convenient communication while in game?
Made a cropped version of the map cheese rendered out ALL day.
ha the part to the east (top right) was me i just took a boat and sailed away
btw discostu does all the exotic stuff i brought you grow in the icey regions of polycountville?
Well as you can see i have a lot of trees on my house by now but not much more yet ^^
Tried to build a subway line to greenland but the tracks wont work properly
We need mp with zombys, build castles togheter and raid their empires!
Also id appreciate if the exploding zombies would just blow up randomly and not when touching you.
Yeah. It is good to figure things out yourself. btw: the fog happened because you pressed F. It changes the draw distance you can turn it off
'F' for fog... D'oh! (face-palm) Thanks! I love the little touches like right-clicking on inventory multiples selects half of them, making it easier to sub-divide them when crafting. I found a lot of redstone lately, so I'm gonna toy with that a while.
Anyone know if it's likely that more music will be added? I like the style of it, but there just isn't enough variety - it's starting to loop a lot now.
If you follow the glass 'stairway to heaven' near one of the spawn exits, it'll bring you past lots of cool structures people haven't been seeing nearly enough considering how epic a lot of them are.
But you might want to keep your draw distance down until you reach the end of it since the spawn area crashes like crazy with long distances.
Ah that was fun. I made a really long bridge and spent most of my time building a box over a cave entrance I found by accident while mining for more blocks. It was so deep and had lots of rooms so I ended up lost for ages. Eventually I dug my way up and formed a waterfall that you can ride up and down.
Follow the bridge to the end to reach the cave. You're welcome to whatever you find down there.
I'm still wondering about Minecraft...I see people around going crazy for it. But when I look at it, I feel I would have fun for 1 hour or so, then get bored... am I missing something? O.o;;;;
Flaagan, change your view distance from Far to Normal or Low. Having it on far has been causing crashes for a lot of people.
EzMeow, I think what you're missing is actually PLAYING the game. You can't determine how fun a game is to you when you're just looking at screenshots or videos.
swampbug - I've had Minecraft dreams almost every night, glad I'm not the only one going loopy having dreams in blockmode.
Unfortunately after i wake up, i always forget 90% of my dreams. :[
Neither do I, though I've never played it, so can someone succinctly summarise what is so great about it?
Not fooling around here, I really would like someone to explain its appeal. Nobody can seem to explain why its so great, and I'm hesitant to pay for it at this stage.
It just seems like some sort of big level editor to me...
I think it really appeals at a deep level to the obsessive-compulsive side in us all, whether your obsession is large or small. And the creative side as well.
Slimes were removed because they were broke, I never got to fight them but it seems they would swarm mines. A creeper makes an appearance, he's one of the most feared monsters in the game, he's stealthy and explodes when gets close to you
Yeah I love the singleplayer a lot more too. I've definitely spent more time with it.
When I play multi I just have nothing to do. Hopefully after the Halloween update survival multi will be fixed and require actual survival. That will be cool. People will actually group up to mine and stuff to help stay alive.:)
I also had a Minecraft dream the other night. I was in some cube caves with a sword and started to get attacked by a bunch of creepers and zombies. It was very faithful to the game in terms of visuals. I don't remember it being too scary. However, the torches went out and I had to place them again. I was able to kill the creepers and stuff pretty easily without taking damage.
great pack btw!
I managed to confuse most people when it came to this, the jpg's are just for showing, the real stuff in png's are nicely packed in a zip here:
I don't know. I'm banned for making a gaint penis out of cobble stone..........grumble grumble
It's surprisingly immersive. This comic perfectly describes my experience with it.
Right now I think the main problem is once you've figured out basic crafting, it's reeeeeeaaaaaaally easy and just turns into a tedious level editor.
I hope the Halloween update puts in the option to crank the difficulty up a ton.
a classy gent would of used gold or obsidian instead of cobble.
Lol...I went on the server for 10 mins to have a look about. So I didnt have time to find "classy" resources. Then desided to write my name. Did the 88 bit got bored, made penis, Bam, got banned. awesome eh. I bet if I'd made a huge golden phallus people would have worshipped it. As it is i'm an outcast.
@acc and evilblah:
I started out making a huge castle, etc in the first few days of play. But now I find I spend 90% of the time underground. I only surface to get wood and meat. I think that the huge caverns and especially spawners have a great puzzle element to them. Trying to figure out how to clear an area and get torches everywhere is a tough task sometimes. And with spawners I'm currently trying to figure out the perfect way to create a drowning deathtrap using the fewest ammounts of water blocks as possible and also getting all the goodies to flow out of the trap properely. sometime i wish I had sloping blocks.
I built a shelter and camped out for the night, but a Creeper pounced on me the next morning - killing me. When I respawned again I started to walk through the fog and... There was my home!
I'm trying not to research crafting recipies too much, it's fun to just see what happens when you experiment.
Yeah. It is good to figure things out yourself. btw: the fog happened because you pressed F. It changes the draw distance you can turn it off
Still waiting to find my first record for the jukebox
I dug so far I came up under the sea and had to swim back to shore, only it was a different shore, and I had to build a boat to find my spawn/castle, spent a good 10 minutes boating around the shoreline to find it.
Blimey, gives you a sense of scale.
Still haven't found any more iron or diamond, but plenty of red stuff, which I've not found a use for yet, and tons of coal. :poly141:
I got a record but no jukebox, think I got it from a creeper. :P
EDIT: Well right after I post this I was able to get on after not being able to all day. Silly.
It's wild how much has been built. Really speaks to minecraft as a media for creative outlet and just how massive this game can be.
I told you that no one did that before you raged! It was because of the server crash. When I went on today half of my sky castle was how it was two days ago and the other half was how it was last night before the crash.
Once a man gets into a minecraft rage, nothing can bring him down.
I half figured it was that, because it seems unfinished rather than destroyed. How does the server have like 20x more stuff overall then? Only some parts were affected? Either way, I don't want to rebuild it. It was already a replica of my SP tower rebuilt on the server. Blah, maybe I will make some edits or just cap it off short.
Do we not have a vent channel or anything for more convenient communication while in game?
ha the part to the east (top right) was me i just took a boat and sailed away
btw discostu does all the exotic stuff i brought you grow in the icey regions of polycountville?
what did you use to render out the scene?
Tried to build a subway line to greenland but the tracks wont work properly
We need mp with zombys, build castles togheter and raid their empires!
Also id appreciate if the exploding zombies would just blow up randomly and not when touching you.
'F' for fog... D'oh! (face-palm) Thanks! I love the little touches like right-clicking on inventory multiples selects half of them, making it easier to sub-divide them when crafting. I found a lot of redstone lately, so I'm gonna toy with that a while.
Anyone know if it's likely that more music will be added? I like the style of it, but there just isn't enough variety - it's starting to loop a lot now.
But you might want to keep your draw distance down until you reach the end of it since the spawn area crashes like crazy with long distances.
Follow the bridge to the end to reach the cave. You're welcome to whatever you find down there.
How 2 bloom? (lol at goblin_au)
map renderer. upload your map and you get a google map version available to view when complete.
EzMeow, I think what you're missing is actually PLAYING the game. You can't determine how fun a game is to you when you're just looking at screenshots or videos.
I'm just visiting for now
This game need a map or at least a compass, I'm fucking lost xD