Honestly, that program is junk for creating the skin.
I love importing my skin in-progress to preview, so it has its uses. Why would you (already knowing Photoshop very well) jump to such a limited painting/editing toolset though? It makes no sense.
Work in Photoshop, save png, open in skin edit to preview. Make changes back in PS-- win!
Surely you jest. This tool is simple and all you ever need to be honest. Using PS at a pixel level is such a bind imo. Its like using a Bugatti to go do the weekly shopping.
While this tool lacks things like copy pasting and such things, it's more closely related to a pixel artists tools rather than a modern game artists ones.
Yes, I suppose it is a matter of preference. I use a lot of tools in Photoshop that aren't in that tool, even for these skins. Layers, transparent brush strokes, transformation tools, masks. I like being able to have total freedom to use whatever tools I can, I personally feel extremely constrained in skin edit.
lol. I made that compass. I assumed the map previously generated worked = South to North/bottom left to top right. Maybe its just how my brain functions or how old games do it. If its definately wrong i'll fix it. But when chatting with other players online and getting directions they tend to agree with the way I think North is.
EDIT: btw. Where is the full version of that map. Has it been shared?
If you click on the cropped image it will open a link to the full one.
EDIT: Maybe its just because I've been playing with the skin editor and making things in pixels. But all I can see here is alot of little faces looking up at us.....
Actually, on that note, are there any creative ways to get lava to spread? I'm trying to build a small enclosed moat around my place on another server and it's gonna be a pain if I have to keep going for more lava.
Actually, on that note, are there any creative ways to get lava to spread? I'm trying to build a small enclosed moat around my place on another server and it's gonna be a pain if I have to keep going for more lava.
dig a 2*2 hole and place 2 lava spring blocks diagonal to each other. that will turn all 4 blocks into spring blocks and you can take as much out of it without every depleting it.
dig a 2*2 hole and place 2 lava spring blocks diagonal to each other. that will turn all 4 blocks into spring blocks and you can take as much out of it without every depleting it.
I'm not done with him yet.. just couldnt help posting it.
Shaun skin with wooden sword reskinned as a bloody cricket bat. Killing zombies is so much more fun now!
Wow I can't believe I never thought to make a weapon/item skin to accompany the characters. Great idea!
TheGodZero: Yeah, you can reskin everything in the game, just replace the .png texture files in minecraft.jar with the new skin files. Patching locally like that will not show up for other people on servers.
hey mates- just wondering - on the mc.polycount.com server - is there any resources left - thinking of building a little hut - but where i spawn, someones already made a massive stone buildings and such - i didn't want to ninja steal stuff while they were away...
Ahhh..phooey! What is this shit. I dont really understand what the problem is but is it like the Paypal crap. As in someone else disconnecting him from stuff...n shit...
Lol...thats awesome. I thought the computer would never be trumped. The ingenuity of what people create in Minecraft is just getting better all the time.
Just browsing the skins thread over at Minecraft Forums. Some sweet stuff there. Hopefully we can better it with the 100 pack. We might have to think outside the box for the characters if we want to be original. Everything cools already been done at one time or another. http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=34
hey mates- just wondering - on the mc.polycount.com server - is there any resources left - thinking of building a little hut - but where i spawn, someones already made a massive stone buildings and such - i didn't want to ninja steal stuff while they were away...
Can't remember where I read it, or even if it's true, but I thought it said something in the realms of minecraft maps theoretically being 18 or 4 times the size of earth. Big difference between those two numbers, but even the smaller one is as close to infinity as you'd need for a game like this.
Notch did an interview where he said it was 5 times the size of earth. Also, sometimes if you have a world and you create a new world the saves can get a little mixed up and you might find chunks of an old world in your new world.
Is Exhibit around? He might be able to explain it better. >.<
While I do think many here may have moved on to smp, I would just like to mention I do host a creative/classic mode server that has been, at least most of the time, fairly busy and has a good swap rate for the maps. Name of it is D3ThemedBuild! The link should be in the name, but here is another copy of it just in case the original doesn't work.
Surely you jest. This tool is simple and all you ever need to be honest. Using PS at a pixel level is such a bind imo. Its like using a Bugatti to go do the weekly shopping.
Each to their own I spose.
And here's a cropped version of the more recent map generated by the cheeeez.
lol. I made that compass. I assumed the map previously generated worked = South to North/bottom left to top right. Maybe its just how my brain functions or how old games do it. If its definately wrong i'll fix it. But when chatting with other players online and getting directions they tend to agree with the way I think North is.
EDIT: btw. Where is the full version of that map. Has it been shared?
Anyhoo. More Skinning.
I aint gettin on no plane....foo!
If you click on the cropped image it will open a link to the full one.
EDIT: Maybe its just because I've been playing with the skin editor and making things in pixels. But all I can see here is alot of little faces looking up at us.....
They're everywhere!
I vant to bite your finger
Sentinels are standing by.
He explains how he did the slow moving shots and how he removed the interface here:
Autobots, transform and roll out!
Actually, on that note, are there any creative ways to get lava to spread? I'm trying to build a small enclosed moat around my place on another server and it's gonna be a pain if I have to keep going for more lava.
Now Notch is thinking with portals.
dig a 2*2 hole and place 2 lava spring blocks diagonal to each other. that will turn all 4 blocks into spring blocks and you can take as much out of it without every depleting it.
is that what you wanted?
Thanks divi!
Also, req for a Vault Dweller skin!
Shaun skin with wooden sword reskinned as a bloody cricket bat. Killing zombies is so much more fun now!
btw what texture pack is that in the shot?
Wow I can't believe I never thought to make a weapon/item skin to accompany the characters. Great idea!
TheGodZero: Yeah, you can reskin everything in the game, just replace the .png texture files in minecraft.jar with the new skin files. Patching locally like that will not show up for other people on servers.
His screenshot shows Doku's RPG pack.
That's Doku's RPG texture pack. http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?t=25676
I prefer the one without flowers because the white flower dots cause distracting noise due to the lack of mipmaps
Ok, calling this beast done..
I was going to release the two files as a zip, but I guess I'll wait for the PC pack.
And a spidey request I got elsewhere:
Ahhh..phooey! What is this shit. I dont really understand what the problem is but is it like the Paypal crap. As in someone else disconnecting him from stuff...n shit...
Spose that means I have to do some "ART"...wtf...
Lol...thats awesome. I thought the computer would never be trumped. The ingenuity of what people create in Minecraft is just getting better all the time.
Just browsing the skins thread over at Minecraft Forums. Some sweet stuff there. Hopefully we can better it with the 100 pack. We might have to think outside the box for the characters if we want to be original. Everything cools already been done at one time or another.
Have you seen the size of the world?
There's PLENTY to go round!
Found it, called Cartograph.
So, I am very, VERY lost.
Click for bigger version..
OMG Minecraft worlds are huge.
Can't remember where I read it, or even if it's true, but I thought it said something in the realms of minecraft maps theoretically being 18 or 4 times the size of earth. Big difference between those two numbers, but even the smaller one is as close to infinity as you'd need for a game like this.
Is Exhibit around? He might be able to explain it better. >.<
and Naija from Aquaria
who made the glass and stone house thats partially submerged but goes to the top of the world? has large trees growing near the top.
thats like the best house i've seen in MP so far. good job
Uptime is roughly 23.5 hours a day with two 15 minute downtime sessions around Noon and Midnight in Eastern Standard Time.
Not that good but it is fun!
it's 5 times faster than cartograph or any other map rendering tool i've tried. features are a bit limited, but the renders are nice.
Really? bloody, I hate the internet sometimes...
My classmate told me about this, this morning as we were on break. Kinda silly.. lol
Its bloody shocking!. Real fans would realise there's a BIG update in like 2 weeks. IDIOTS! Makes me sick.
(going to hijack Swizzle webpage, he shall produce more tf2 items)