@ZacD: Just had a mess about on your server. Made a tower on the island NE of your waterfall castle thing. Has a mine below it full of goodies.
While on the server. Discovered a glitch in the game that allows me to make infinite objects in my chests. If I pick an object and quickly put it into the square beside it the objects flashes for a second. Sometimes the object doubles up so I have 2. But there is another outcome. If both objects flash then they might both disappear. Anyway. Theres a load of iron pickaxes in the chest there.
If you play Minecraft with the paid for Alpha version, you should check out going into options and give it a play with the 3D Anaglyph option turned on. You'll need a pair of red/blue 3D glasses. It works really well. A local toy shop here was selling pairs of red/blue 3D glasses for a buck so I figure if you don't have some you can find them on the cheap.
in 3d the stars/moon are too offset for me, i can't get them to look right, the stuff that is up close looks nice though, can't play like that for more than 10 minutes and you loose the colors.
It didn't capture the best angle, showing natural lava flows leading into lakes, but ah well, got my structures in there. The tower is from sea level to max height, even though it looks small. Everything is connected by very long underground mines. Most of my cool stuff is underground. Going to have to make a minecart roadway.
What you see here is my base, full of trees! The big waterfall has a tunnel that goes all the way up, and also quite a far way down, for mining. It also has another entry via a lake/water slide.
Where I'm stating at the moment is a giant tree ( for the screenshot), as you can see the two giant structures connect, and most of these structures will have massive tree canopies. I am trying to make the trees massive! Next time you will see MASSIVE tree structures.
The left side. You can see the yellow flower caves/mine. You can also see some distant structures being built.
Sorry guys, Tinypic resized the image .
Thanks for the cool links Frump!
Looks good mate. Minecraft is awesome for a while but I've already found it a little boring now. Mainly because my time is spent digging and it gets repetitive.
Might try to enter a dungeon soon which is right near my base. It's open to the world and really scared the crap out of me as skeletons keep spawning near the entrance.
At the moment, I play on peaceful/easy because it's not terribly fun getting shot to death by skeletons. I'll play it on higher difficulty once, and if, they put in more interesting monsters. I.E. Dwarf fortress levels of insanity, or something.
I think the game needs more varied beasties as well. Bosses in the deepest depths would be cool. And It needs some creatures that can climb over more than 2 cubes high. Having said that. I still shit myself every time an arrow flies toward me from the darkness. I don't even think Doom3 had me jumping this much.
I think the game needs more varied beasties as well. Bosses in the deepest depths would be cool. And It needs some creatures that can climb over more than 2 cubes high. Having said that. I still shit myself every time an arrow flies toward me from the darkness. I don't even think Doom3 had me jumping this much.
Yeah all that kind of stuff is supposedly planned, Dragons and sea monsters. It's just a huge bummer that we get a total lack of updates to the game just when it explodes in popularity. At least the mod community is plugging the holes with great tools and art packs.:)
You have to play on at least normal difficulty. Wandering around at night is scary. Dying and doing a corpse run is crazy intense. I have a lava moat around my tower that when I die my stuff keeps falling into and getting destroyed. The only valuable thing I've lost so far was a diamond sword but I have like 20 diamonds right now... I keep finding tons of them each mining expedition.
i wish there were mules or donkeys that had a chest on each side that would follow you around. seems like it would be a good way to pack your shit up and head for new lands
Just mined out a huge area under a giant cliff in a really cool area, I was working on making a path to this giant floating island when I stumbled across this area,
HUGE MAP of the whole area in my server
also, i started using tracks and minecarts now. so im slowly expanding my base. making some little bases out near the edges and then connecting them with rails.
earlier i was trying to ride my minecart back home because it was getting dark and i see a f'king creeper just lounging on the track ahead, i couldnt get out in time because i panicked. it stopped my cart and exploded. luckily i survived.
lesson learned: always fence off your mine tracks.
Thanks eld, your texture pack is a great replacement for the doku pack that I love. Notch really has to fix a few things quickly...
But for now I am really enjoying your pack.
Wooh, I've barely seen it in use beyond testing, like first time I've seen someone post screenshots, I've been way too drained creatively from it to have time to play minecraft properly..
So cool eld. Personally, I would prefer more color variation in some of those. They are all very greyscale (no interesting saturation in shadows etc) Also I'm not really feeling the heavy use of dithering (doors especially). But great work!
So cool eld. Personally, I would prefer more color variation in some of those. They are all very greyscale (no interesting saturation in shadows etc) Also I'm not really feeling the heavy use of dithering (doors especially). But great work!
Good point there, I've tried to have interesting palette ranges for the tiles, but some just admittedly are lazily done just because I wanted to get it out.
The more widely used terrain is just paintful too, because I want to give it some shapes, but the more shape I'd give it the more tendence for tiling it will get, it's just not natural to not have tile-variations for such big areas
the lack of contrast is for the tiles to nicely blend into colours in distance, but the closer you get you want more contrast and shapes in it.
Great pack eld, I'm using it and it's the best I've come across yet.
One small prob is that when you have a stack of small grey mushrooms, the stack ammount number hides the actual art (cause the mushroom is so small) so you can't really see what it is anymore.
I think the new dimension thing will be a cool update. Maybe it will be like, if you travel 10 or so meters in that dimension, it equates to 100 in yours?
Some weird form of fast travel maybe.
I don't like the torch idea... the game scares my enough as it is!
EDIT: Oh shit!....Fish!....scary fish!. I hate being in water with creatures in games. In fact I think its the most scary element in games. I couldnt go into the water in morrowind!
Biomes, Lanterns, Torches that burn out, Fish, New mobs, A watch, multiplayer bugfixes, Biomes!
I can't wait. It's going to be a good Halloween of Minecrafting.:)
Going to have to start a new world because of all this stuff, biomes probably won't apply to existing worlds and you will already have so many torches setup, would take forever to replace with lanterns. Hopefully by then we can have a dedicated PC server.
Stinger: I am right there with you on the water in games thing. I am terrified of it. As it is now being deep in the water in Minecraft creeps me out, even knowing nothing is there! I am a land beast, the water frightens me. So many games force you to go through water segments and it's freaking horrible.
Yep. Sand and Cobblestone. I like the look of sand, though it's a very weak material it should be ok provided that I don't get a close hit by a creeper. That glass covered stream there actually leads to a pool at the bottom of the smaller mineshaft. Water is useful for dealing with lava, though it can also be used to detect baddies (they splash in it so you can hear them before they see you)
Inside there's a mine shaft, as well as three large chests and a few kelms. There's also an area on top of the smaller building that I use for bow/arrow hunting.
Off to the side of the island is a very large mineshaft with an open roof. It eventually lead to a cave (gravel is a good indication of an outer cave wall - digg through it!), with diamonds, redstone, and lava. I bucketted some of that lava and placed it outside near some trees I had grew - bad idea. Thankfully trees can be regrown.
as far as i know, you cant really do anything with fishing pole right now. but im sure once he adds fish you can catch them. im off to build an automated pork processing plant!
aahh, this sucks. im stuck inside my little shack because there are like 3 creepers outside and they keep looking through the door every 10 seconds. im afraid to go outside. its daytime, why dont they go awaaaay.
While on the server. Discovered a glitch in the game that allows me to make infinite objects in my chests. If I pick an object and quickly put it into the square beside it the objects flashes for a second. Sometimes the object doubles up so I have 2. But there is another outcome. If both objects flash then they might both disappear. Anyway. Theres a load of iron pickaxes in the chest there.
It didn't capture the best angle, showing natural lava flows leading into lakes, but ah well, got my structures in there. The tower is from sea level to max height, even though it looks small. Everything is connected by very long underground mines. Most of my cool stuff is underground. Going to have to make a minecart roadway.
http://moarminecraft.net/ to upload your own map. They will convert it and host it.
btw, you should DEFINITELY be using mods. There's a couple of really good ones that have come out in the past few days.
AUTOCART - The End of All Boosters
Simple Map v0.5 - A Minimap for Minecraft!
Where I'm stating at the moment is a giant tree ( for the screenshot), as you can see the two giant structures connect, and most of these structures will have massive tree canopies. I am trying to make the trees massive! Next time you will see MASSIVE tree structures.
The left side. You can see the yellow flower caves/mine. You can also see some distant structures being built.
Sorry guys, Tinypic resized the image
Thanks for the cool links Frump!
I like how the blocks glow up when you hit them.
Thanks guys, to be honest I had no idea I did something to cause this, did I?, is there some art action going on that it applies over it.
Might try to enter a dungeon soon which is right near my base. It's open to the world and really scared the crap out of me as skeletons keep spawning near the entrance.
Yeah all that kind of stuff is supposedly planned, Dragons and sea monsters. It's just a huge bummer that we get a total lack of updates to the game just when it explodes in popularity. At least the mod community is plugging the holes with great tools and art packs.:)
You have to play on at least normal difficulty. Wandering around at night is scary. Dying and doing a corpse run is crazy intense. I have a lava moat around my tower that when I die my stuff keeps falling into and getting destroyed. The only valuable thing I've lost so far was a diamond sword but I have like 20 diamonds right now... I keep finding tons of them each mining expedition.
But for now I am really enjoying your pack.
I need some cloth.. it might have been epic.
Really having a blast, though I'm starting to play it less & less since noticing how much of a time killer it is.
HUGE MAP of the whole area in my server
also, i started using tracks and minecarts now. so im slowly expanding my base. making some little bases out near the edges and then connecting them with rails.
earlier i was trying to ride my minecart back home because it was getting dark and i see a f'king creeper just lounging on the track ahead, i couldnt get out in time because i panicked. it stopped my cart and exploded. luckily i survived.
lesson learned: always fence off your mine tracks.
or build them hard to reach areas.
Wooh, I've barely seen it in use beyond testing, like first time I've seen someone post screenshots, I've been way too drained creatively from it to have time to play minecraft properly..
Good point there, I've tried to have interesting palette ranges for the tiles, but some just admittedly are lazily done just because I wanted to get it out.
The more widely used terrain is just paintful too, because I want to give it some shapes, but the more shape I'd give it the more tendence for tiling it will get, it's just not natural to not have tile-variations for such big areas
the lack of contrast is for the tiles to nicely blend into colours in distance, but the closer you get you want more contrast and shapes in it.
have to trade there
One small prob is that when you have a stack of small grey mushrooms, the stack ammount number hides the actual art (cause the mushroom is so small) so you can't really see what it is anymore.
torches will die out! the deeper you delve the more light you need to keep it safe! Another dimension!? new monsters!
Some weird form of fast travel maybe.
I don't like the torch idea... the game scares my enough as it is!
EDIT: Oh shit!....Fish!....scary fish!. I hate being in water with creatures in games. In fact I think its the most scary element in games. I couldnt go into the water in morrowind!
I can't wait. It's going to be a good Halloween of Minecrafting.:)
Going to have to start a new world because of all this stuff, biomes probably won't apply to existing worlds and you will already have so many torches setup, would take forever to replace with lanterns. Hopefully by then we can have a dedicated PC server.
Stinger: I am right there with you on the water in games thing. I am terrified of it. As it is now being deep in the water in Minecraft creeps me out, even knowing nothing is there! I am a land beast, the water frightens me. So many games force you to go through water segments and it's freaking horrible.
I can't wait to be trying to get back to my island fortress in my little dingy and have some kinda monster/kraken/shark thing flip me over!
I would probably Save and Quit right away outta fear. Ha.
Yep. Sand and Cobblestone. I like the look of sand, though it's a very weak material it should be ok provided that I don't get a close hit by a creeper. That glass covered stream there actually leads to a pool at the bottom of the smaller mineshaft. Water is useful for dealing with lava, though it can also be used to detect baddies (they splash in it so you can hear them before they see you)
Inside there's a mine shaft, as well as three large chests and a few kelms. There's also an area on top of the smaller building that I use for bow/arrow hunting.
Off to the side of the island is a very large mineshaft with an open roof. It eventually lead to a cave (gravel is a good indication of an outer cave wall - digg through it!), with diamonds, redstone, and lava. I bucketted some of that lava and placed it outside near some trees I had grew - bad idea. Thankfully trees can be regrown.