I popped into ZacD's server earlier and was disgusted at the amount of actual stairs there were. So inefficient. I only use 2 block wide holes with ladders and I only place a ladder every second block up because that's all you need to go up or down smoothly. I play this game like a crazy dwarf though, I actually enjoy the mining and don't play a ton on the surface. :poly142:
I actually made this ridiculous tower from a bit above sea level to the top though... It has a lava moat and many floors which you can walk up. Also an incomplete minecart railroad linking my spawn and main mines.
I popped into ZacD's server earlier and was disgusted at the amount of actual stairs there were. So inefficient. I only use 2 block wide holes with ladders and I only place a ladder every second block up because that's all you need to go up or down smoothly. I play this game like a crazy dwarf though, I actually enjoy the mining and don't play a ton on the surface. :poly142:
I actually made this ridiculous tower from a bit above sea level to the top though... It has a lava moat and many floors which you can walk up. Also an incomplete minecart railroad linking my spawn and main mines.
It's a mod and it's super helpful, I posted the link to it in my last post.:)
My world is not too expansive right now and I can navigate without it; I have been in this world for a couple weeks. It hasn't helped me in any practical ways yet. It's just nice. Oh, the one way it has helped is knowing whether I am mining up into water or not. Which often is a fun surprise but mostly just annoying.
we've been messing around with TNT on my Server, 6000 blocks make a huge ass hole... we inverted a mountain and opened a gate to hell, the created hole was so ugly that i decided to use a leveleditor to make it into a lake.
How do you get powder for that? I want to make some TNT but I rarely get any powder, kinda hard finding them in large quantity without running into a nasty pack of skeletons that makes you into a pin-cushion.
@McGreed Not sure, the most I have been able to get at one time is enough for 5 tnt crates. Thats what, 25 pieces or so? I usually go out hunting. Armor, Swords, Bow and a Ton of arrows, (5 or 6 arrows to kill a creeper.) and lastly half my bar full of cooked bacon. Then I just go around looking for creepers. Not always a good idea though. I found a group of creepers the other night and they each took turns blowing me up...
Started up a fresh SP game yesterday, and got by far the coolest map ever. All kinds of spires and weird floating mountains and such. Died three times trying to get set up, but I'm building my first cloud-high outpost and I've already spotted a pair of pillars in the distance to set up further outposts on.
How do you get powder for that? I want to make some TNT but I rarely get any powder, kinda hard finding them in large quantity without running into a nasty pack of skeletons that makes you into a pin-cushion.
in mp nothing can't die so you can't get any powder besides some bugs here and there where creepers die, so wie just cheated it in, everything else is created by hand, but well we wanted to see what tnt really can do
watched some vids on minecraft. dont really get what the whole appeal of the game is and why it seems to be the flavor of the month. and judging by this thread it seems like its just me alone on this one
I like this game in the way that I like Dwarf Fortress, in a sense.
I'm in it for the future of the game. Right now, there isn't much fun to be had (IMO) but I purchased it anyway (Sometime back in 2009) simply because I was interested in seeing where it would go. So far, it's improved a lot, and is shaping up to be better than I hoped. With Dwarf Fortress, it's much of the same. At the moment, it's, at least for me, not terribly playable. It's fun to muck around with the files, and to commit atrocities in adventure/fortress mode. (It has a lot more to do than Minecraft, obviously.) But, it's more of an investment. I have yet to donate but I wish to, as I am genuinely interested in seeing what Toady could do.
Or somethign
watched some vids on minecraft. dont really get what the whole appeal of the game is and why it seems to be the flavor of the month. and judging by this thread it seems like its just me alone on this one
I've been playing it a few weeks now. I absolutely love it really. And I've been trying to work out why. Its not very pretty, the games play is simple and the AI isn't very bright. I think I like it because it reminds me of games like Magic Carpet and Ecstatica (Visually, not gameplay). I'm a retro kinda guy so Minecraft appeals to me. And not being constrained by the terrain is also very awesome. Its like a low budget Oblivion but i'm allowed to dig or build wherever I like. Can't wait for the updates though. The game does need something extra. Multiplayer survival is going to be amazing imo.
watched some vids on minecraft. dont really get what the whole appeal of the game is and why it seems to be the flavor of the month. and judging by this thread it seems like its just me alone on this one
I think it's the kind of thing you won't understand until you play it. It's a sandbox, so everyone finds different things to do. You can make a cool structure, get lots of ore, explore the world, craft the best loot and more. It really draws you in and you make your own fun.
For me part of it is the immersion and light sim aspects. It's difficult, but not punishing. It gives you endless fantastical worlds to explore and you have to work your way up from nothing. To make tools or structures there's always another step you have to do first. Always some goal to achieve. Even surviving the night or building the simplest things feels rewarding because of the steps that went into it.
so I tried the singleplayer on the website, do you have to build everything one block at a time? I like the fun pixely style, the bad guys kill you really fast though and you dont seem to gain experience or level up or anything?
My brother was the same way. He tried the free version on the website and was like, this is pretty boring and dumb. So I showed him the alpha on my computer and after dying twice then finally surviving his first night, he loves it! He keeps trying to come over and use my computer. Never should have shown him. I am currently trying to get him to buy it for himself.
I feel like he is a spider and I'm the main character from minecraft. Gonna have to hit him with something so he backs off...
okok you guys made me buy it. But i still don't understand shit of it just built a small house, then went to explore and fell in a giant cave (patially on purpous to see what would happen).
Played a little, this is pretty fun, after surviving a couple nights and accidentally digging myself into a large open underground area with 2 spawning places, I quickly blocked it off and dug somewhere else after dying twice, they even came up near the surface, so I started building a little fort.
Have to say though, I'm a little confused with the items, sometimes i just can't tell what things are in my inventory, maybe its the size of the images, or my resolution but it's kind of annoying.
Oh yeah, almost forgot. How do you regenerate health?
man. I started playing on the polycount server and began building a pretty huge building right at the start area and some douchebag destroyed a HUGE part of it and filled it with dirt. fuck. you.
@JFletcher - It might help to grab one of the texture packs that are floating around. eld has an awesome one he did that you can get in this thread and there is another really nice one called, 'Doku RPG' that makes things a lot easier to understand. To get health back you gotta eat. Generally, kill a pig and it may drop 0, 1, or 2 pieces of meat. If you equip these you can right click to eat and regain health. Also, if you cook the meat you can then eat it to regain a lot more health.
Just went and bought it - it's very immerse for such a (seemingly) simple game, it took a while to figure out how to actually place blocks and discover the inventory screen.
Trying to figure out how to store inventory in the event I die. I've fallen out of trees, dug a hole and drowned and got killed by a giant green bouncing phallus.
I'd been reading the wiki - managed to make some doors/stairs etc.
Seems the coal etc needed to make the useful stuff - like torches and things isn't easily found?
Is it really supposed to start with you digging with your hands into those near-impossible to destroy blocks in order to find some?
Also keep getting lost, building a giant tower to get a decent view, forgetting to hold shift, then falling off and loosing everything in the inventory collected from an hours exploration lol. :poly127:
@JohnnySix - yeah man, it just takes a few tries and then you will get it. My system I got going is: Find a few trees and get all the bark, like 16 or so. Refine all the wood. Make a workbench and then make 1 wood pickaxe, 2 shovels, 1 axe, and, depending on the area, a sword. Then break the rest of the refined wood into planks. Pick up your workbench. Next I go hunting for coal. Keep an eye out as it can spawn right at water level sometimes. As I search I kill some cows and pigs for hide and bacon. Once I find some coal I build some crappy shelter with a door and torches. When day comes I destroy my house for resources and I then begin setting up, Castle De Bair.
What about you guys? What's your usual start up process?
1. Stay near where you originally spawn.
2. First day, collect 32 bits of wood.
3. Collect about 20-30 blocks of sand, gravel or mud. You'll see why in a mo.
4. Walk inland or to the nearest hill.
5. Look for coal blocks in rock faces and cliffs
6. Should be getting dark soon
7. Dig a small room into the side of a hill. With a 2x1 entrance. Good tip is to build it in a hill beside a pond.
8. Close the entrance behind you if its getting dark
9. Create a work bench.
10. Create planks and sticks.
11. Create torches.
12. Dig out all the rock and stuff around you. Without opening the surface.
13. Collect stone. Create Picks and axes.
14. Day 2. When its light again
15. Create a huge marker tower with whatever sand, gravel or mud you have. About 50 high will do. Place a torch at the top.
16. Remember you'll need to get back down from such a great hieght. Theres an easy way and a hard way. I'll let you figure it out. Hint. Easy way = create 2 towers.
17. Collect pork, more wood, cows sheep and whatever you can find. Oh, and make sure to get more coal.
18. When darkness approaches return to your hole.
19. Create a storage. Put all you stuff in it.
20. There. Your pretty much set up. Create stone pick axes and shovels and spend most of the next few (realtime) days underground shitting yourself and thinking. "OMG this cavern is friggin epic!"
21. Dont mine metals and stuff till you have cleared the immiediate area and placed plenty torches around. Then always return to storage to make it safe.
i finally sat down to try this out. was having a blast. after about 30 minutes i came very close to suddenly throwing up in my lap. splitting headache since - two hours later.
this is made by an evil wizard out of black magic.
I'm pretty excited for the new updates for both this and dwarf fortress.
Should breathe some more life into Minecraft, and give me yet another reason to play Dwarf Fortress.
I popped into ZacD's server earlier and was disgusted at the amount of actual stairs there were. So inefficient. I only use 2 block wide holes with ladders and I only place a ladder every second block up because that's all you need to go up or down smoothly. I play this game like a crazy dwarf though, I actually enjoy the mining and don't play a ton on the surface. :poly142:
I actually made this ridiculous tower from a bit above sea level to the top though... It has a lava moat and many floors which you can walk up. Also an incomplete minecart railroad linking my spawn and main mines.
i had a diamond sword and pick axe. and a bunch of diamond armour. i will cry now.
A map?
It's a mod and it's super helpful, I posted the link to it in my last post.:)
My world is not too expansive right now and I can navigate without it; I have been in this world for a couple weeks. It hasn't helped me in any practical ways yet. It's just nice. Oh, the one way it has helped is knowing whether I am mining up into water or not. Which often is a fun surprise but mostly just annoying.
now its the most awesome lake ever, with lava flowing below enlightening the lake at night
in mp nothing can't die so you can't get any powder besides some bugs here and there where creepers die, so wie just cheated it in, everything else is created by hand, but well we wanted to see what tnt really can do
I'm in it for the future of the game. Right now, there isn't much fun to be had (IMO) but I purchased it anyway (Sometime back in 2009) simply because I was interested in seeing where it would go. So far, it's improved a lot, and is shaping up to be better than I hoped. With Dwarf Fortress, it's much of the same. At the moment, it's, at least for me, not terribly playable. It's fun to muck around with the files, and to commit atrocities in adventure/fortress mode. (It has a lot more to do than Minecraft, obviously.) But, it's more of an investment. I have yet to donate but I wish to, as I am genuinely interested in seeing what Toady could do.
Or somethign
I've been playing it a few weeks now. I absolutely love it really. And I've been trying to work out why. Its not very pretty, the games play is simple and the AI isn't very bright. I think I like it because it reminds me of games like Magic Carpet and Ecstatica (Visually, not gameplay). I'm a retro kinda guy so Minecraft appeals to me. And not being constrained by the terrain is also very awesome. Its like a low budget Oblivion but i'm allowed to dig or build wherever I like. Can't wait for the updates though. The game does need something extra. Multiplayer survival is going to be amazing imo.
I think it's the kind of thing you won't understand until you play it. It's a sandbox, so everyone finds different things to do. You can make a cool structure, get lots of ore, explore the world, craft the best loot and more. It really draws you in and you make your own fun.
For me part of it is the immersion and light sim aspects. It's difficult, but not punishing. It gives you endless fantastical worlds to explore and you have to work your way up from nothing. To make tools or structures there's always another step you have to do first. Always some goal to achieve. Even surviving the night or building the simplest things feels rewarding because of the steps that went into it.
I feel like he is a spider and I'm the main character from minecraft. Gonna have to hit him with something so he backs off...
Have to say though, I'm a little confused with the items, sometimes i just can't tell what things are in my inventory, maybe its the size of the images, or my resolution but it's kind of annoying.
Oh yeah, almost forgot. How do you regenerate health?
Trying to figure out how to store inventory in the event I die. I've fallen out of trees, dug a hole and drowned and got killed by a giant green bouncing phallus.
Custom skins are fun - http://www.minecraft.net/skin/skin.jsp?user=JohnnySix
So where's this polycount server you all keep yappin' about?
Here, this is your new bible.
I don't know which server is being dubbed the "polycount server" but ZacD posted his earlier in the thread.
But it appears to be down atm.
No, thats for Team Fortress 2, you want to go to mc.polycount.com for the minecraft server.
Seems the coal etc needed to make the useful stuff - like torches and things isn't easily found?
Is it really supposed to start with you digging with your hands into those near-impossible to destroy blocks in order to find some?
Also keep getting lost, building a giant tower to get a decent view, forgetting to hold shift, then falling off and loosing everything in the inventory collected from an hours exploration lol. :poly127:
coal is pretty easy to come by johnysix, it's the black speckled rock.
Oh neat, just realised i can leave a furnace to smelt stuff automatically for me while i go do other shit. That's very nice.
What about you guys? What's your usual start up process?
1. Stay near where you originally spawn.
2. First day, collect 32 bits of wood.
3. Collect about 20-30 blocks of sand, gravel or mud. You'll see why in a mo.
4. Walk inland or to the nearest hill.
5. Look for coal blocks in rock faces and cliffs
6. Should be getting dark soon
7. Dig a small room into the side of a hill. With a 2x1 entrance. Good tip is to build it in a hill beside a pond.
8. Close the entrance behind you if its getting dark
9. Create a work bench.
10. Create planks and sticks.
11. Create torches.
12. Dig out all the rock and stuff around you. Without opening the surface.
13. Collect stone. Create Picks and axes.
14. Day 2. When its light again
15. Create a huge marker tower with whatever sand, gravel or mud you have. About 50 high will do. Place a torch at the top.
16. Remember you'll need to get back down from such a great hieght. Theres an easy way and a hard way. I'll let you figure it out. Hint. Easy way = create 2 towers.
17. Collect pork, more wood, cows sheep and whatever you can find. Oh, and make sure to get more coal.
18. When darkness approaches return to your hole.
19. Create a storage. Put all you stuff in it.
20. There. Your pretty much set up. Create stone pick axes and shovels and spend most of the next few (realtime) days underground shitting yourself and thinking. "OMG this cavern is friggin epic!"
21. Dont mine metals and stuff till you have cleared the immiediate area and placed plenty torches around. Then always return to storage to make it safe.
i finally sat down to try this out. was having a blast. after about 30 minutes i came very close to suddenly throwing up in my lap. splitting headache since - two hours later.
this is made by an evil wizard out of black magic.
Rebuilding by tower in there, hopefully.
Should breathe some more life into Minecraft, and give me yet another reason to play Dwarf Fortress.
Finally achieved a diamond pickaxe myself now. Makes short work of everything but the red rocks.
Will have to check out the server again and see what progress has been made.