This is a good plugin, currently use it on a community server I'm on and it's saving us a lot of trouble. Light Weight Chest Protection - also allows for protection of doors, furnaces, signs & dispensers.
Would also suggest getting this: Big Brother - Gives you the option to check block history around you to see who's been destroying blocks, setting things on fire or blowing stuff up with tnt. ALSO if you know who griefed anyone's base you can rollback all of their actions restoring any damage they've done.
Sounds pretty useful! A problem with people vouch for other members is that it only works for old members of the server an people knowing PCers plating MC on the server - i don't for example. I don't know how you want it, but you won't get any new members at all that way..
having an active member with admin rights would make a lot of sense.
Also would it not make sense to see what the spawn point is like before planning stuff around it? Local Geography could add a lot of interesting stuff to the spawn, rather than just having a flattened out plane.
Man I'd love to create a hub similar to the Imperial City in Oblivion With each area specified for players to build in. Mob tower could be in the middle.
I still think we aren't thinking creatively enough. Cities with central hubs, its all been done.
quick thought. What about a Floating citadel, but so its not high up and we can't have tall buildings, we dig out the earth beneath it. to make a huge crater below.
ooh...thinking about beehive type things. We could hollow out a mountain and create a Mines of Moria type thing. Lots of bridges, walkways, staircases, vast rooms and tight tunnels. In fact we could build a mountain as high as MC allows to make the inside vast.
That last one seems realy doable in MC. Minecraft stations all ove the place. Everyone builds their own house. Maybe even a maket place to trade materials and your own Booths. But all connected with bridges and some minecrat stations here and there. Maybe we start with a central Polycount building and then let the city expand outwards
How about we just reset the server and see what happens?
actually. Yeah, all this planning is a bit silly. But I know what will happen. People not involved in a "community" build will start building near spawn (which is fine, its a free world) and all our plans will be scuppered. And we'll have to get planning permission to demolish the little hut some random dude built.
The only thing I ever find annoying is that you don't get a stepped building setup with MP. I mean, you go from a couple of huts to ridiculous monstrous castles in a 100 yds from spawn. I'd almost like to see some kind of buidling limit imposes just to keep things interesting.
Am i the only one that doesn't like having 1 block skybridges and stuff like that? Looks very unrealistic in the sense of no support to the ground, 1 block only... just giving an example of something that i didn't like from the previous servers. I'm up for any type of planning, the utopia idea sounds crazy but can be totally awesome :P
In-game name: Rabbet
I'd love to be on the whitelist. I pop in once or twice a week when I get some time, I know redstone circuitry, run my own tiny bukkit server to mess with redstone contraptions & mods that might be fun & useful to sort out problems.
I am down for helping out and building an awesome city! Or little hubs. Or a slum. Whatever is decided! I would love to be added to the white list if it gets implemented. Username is Evilblah.
I just want to build a little wood hut in a city and go do gathering quests for anyone that needs it! haha.
not that this is the way we should be doing it like. Admin should create a thread for whitelist requesting and Minecraft server rules. Its should probably be a sticky as well, seeming as Minecraft seems to be the most succesful Polycount community game ever(even more so than TF2). Else these requests will be lost in time.
Just build stuff as practice, man. I'll be sure to give notch a high five when he stops by this coming week. Him and his team made out like bandits with all them awards this week.
(I'm RickStirling)
Sounds pretty useful! A problem with people vouch for other members is that it only works for old members of the server an people knowing PCers plating MC on the server - i don't for example. I don't know how you want it, but you won't get any new members at all that way..
We're gonna need a lot of ....wool blocks?
Just a thought.
Yeah, decent post count would be a start. Or post count plus register date..
OR, even better. You need to do an minecraft art test
Also would it not make sense to see what the spawn point is like before planning stuff around it? Local Geography could add a lot of interesting stuff to the spawn, rather than just having a flattened out plane.
ontop of that i can vouch for Pdubla and c0unt0...both programmers we work with...
Im obviously Shepeiro
I still think we aren't thinking creatively enough. Cities with central hubs, its all been done.
quick thought. What about a Floating citadel, but so its not high up and we can't have tall buildings, we dig out the earth beneath it. to make a huge crater below.
actually. Yeah, all this planning is a bit silly. But I know what will happen. People not involved in a "community" build will start building near spawn (which is fine, its a free world) and all our plans will be scuppered. And we'll have to get planning permission to demolish the little hut some random dude built.
JostVice3D for the whitelist
why not just take the plan thats already been drawn out and just have no one build in there. polycount spawn park or something
I'd love to be on the whitelist. I pop in once or twice a week when I get some time, I know redstone circuitry, run my own tiny bukkit server to mess with redstone contraptions & mods that might be fun & useful to sort out problems.
That's a nice everything you've got there.....
I large dragon longhouse would be nice too
Hope the reset wasn't just this second, after placing 63 blocks of TNT amd just about to set them off and all.
Epic sauce applied.
is this a playable Mod?
Someone MUST do AVP mod for this now. Imagine being alien in the mines...
I just want to build a little wood hut in a city and go do gathering quests for anyone that needs it! haha.
I'll be sure to help on the server once I'm added.
not that this is the way we should be doing it like. Admin should create a thread for whitelist requesting and Minecraft server rules. Its should probably be a sticky as well, seeming as Minecraft seems to be the most succesful Polycount community game ever(even more so than TF2). Else these requests will be lost in time.
Please! A little late to the party..
Nitewalkr if you still have any space left. Add me up.