Thanks Amazing stuff in here, truly. Do you have to reset it to get a whitelist working? I guess it's worth it, just to make sure your work doesn't perish.
I guess it has to be done,
im still not finished with thermidor towers 2.0 but I don't get many griefers that are willing to walk for 15 mins to get to me.
damn.... I've only just found my base again damnit!
yeah do a white list then if any shite goes down, at least we know it's someone in the community who can be bitchslapped
Btw I accidently broke in to someone elses' underground lair whilst mining (my little base is notheast of the spawn, there's a big tower near my little mound of dirt and an underwater lair in a small lake surrounded by a hill)- I nabbed some coal that was towards the top part of the shaft where i broke through then sealed it back up with dirt
This is a good plugin, currently use it on a community server I'm on and it's saving us a lot of trouble. Light Weight Chest Protection - also allows for protection of doors, furnaces, signs & dispensers.
Would also suggest getting this: Big Brother - Gives you the option to check block history around you to see who's been destroying blocks, setting things on fire or blowing stuff up with tnt. ALSO if you know who griefed anyone's base you can rollback all of their actions restoring any damage they've done.
how about some city planning and cooperative work this time? I'm sure one uber monster tower could be built to supply everyone and a well thought out rail system would be nice.
how about some city planning and cooperative work this time? I'm sure one uber monster tower could be built to supply everyone and a well thought out rail system would be nice.
might help with server stability if ther arent so many massive mob towers...
also would be a fun co-op project
how about some city planning and cooperative work this time? I'm sure one uber monster tower could be built to supply everyone and a well thought out rail system would be nice.
That sounds awesome, though i haven't built in any of the previous MC servers I think white list is the best option to avoid the problems, and the whole city planning and coop work sounds nice
As long as i'm whitelist from the get go. I just dont want to be pm'ing r13 and waiting 2 weeks to be allowed onto the server. (roughly the same length of time I waited to be un-banned). So i vote we have somewhere to sign up for it before its implemented.
Also A community project is something i've been wanting to do for a while. Maybe we should bounce around ideas and designs to keep things organised. Like the collaboration thing on a smaller scale.
As for the spawn area city. Can we make it so whitelisted players CAN build at spawn at least then we'll be able to build something proper and not have a bunch of random block types all over the place making the place look untidy.
Actually. I vote that spawn should be building free and should be a large flat circular green tooth garden surrounded by large skyscraper structures. Like Central park but smaller so you dont have to walk far.
Do want, I play Minecraft wrong though. I just like building functional things and survive as long as possible over a long period of time etc. Huge building projects of epic magnitude is awesome though.
each directions could have themes too, like north of the city we try to keep as natural as possible, farms and the such could be east of the town, etc.
I gotta figure out where to put the minecart station.
You need to be careful here, it's getting very restrictive. As soon as someone joins who hasn't read the guidelines you'll get structures being built everywhere anyway.
Keep the start area clear, outside the citywalls then anything goes.
I know the basic element of MC is a cube but you're thinking too square and uniform for my liking. I'd prefer to build something a little more organic in shape, if you get what I mean. Also. 120x120 is definitely not epic enough.
Actually. Having a little think, we need to be a bit more inventive with the spawn area. We could create somekind of canyon or something. So new players can't see the city and when the start exploring they emerge to see a vast mega city, I dunno. I just think as a creative bunch of people. We should try and make something less...well....square.
EDIT: in fact we should submit enviro concept art (create your own or from someone else) and try and work to that took me a while to figure this one out as well. But to get N S E W. You just need to look at the movement of the sun or moon. East to west.
Tyler, the restrictiveness was in response to Zacs comments about north being left natural. That wont happen, someone will tear it up to build Snake Mountain.
After a brief search on DA, I think theres no reason why we couldn't create something along the lines of these. tbh. And making seperate cities with it own architecture would be good, Aztec forest city, Egyptian desert town, Mountain fortress city, etc.
NO NO NO have you not seen any film or read any book about the idea of UTOPIA
ffs we dont want to make a planned city rubbish...also people will get bored
it'lll turn out like Telford all roundabouts and no soul.....
I agree with Rick
we make some planned central shit like a mob tower...walled forest (for night time lumberjacking) city hall for NOOBs and shit so people can get tooled up etc... then outsid the centre is the unplanned shanty towns....and giatnt knob buildings experiments gone wrong etc
we dont want fascistic planning thats not fun and people will get bored quickly...people will rebel...get some TNT and get terrorist on your planned uTOPIA
Yeah, having too much of a plan can conflict with how people wanna play, I reckon a sort of "slum" area (like the picture above) would look awesome. No planning involved and it will have a nice complicated look and feel to it, so long as things are packed close together.
I haven't really been able to play recently with such a bad connection, but logged on earlier and after some insane lag and reconnects, logged on again to find myself dead, with all diamond tools gone, and a fuck ton of materials. It's getting reset, so meh. If anyone wants like 35+ diamonds, go break into the "Obsidian vault" I hid away in my base.
+ Reset
You mind hitting me up on the whitelist vote too?
Ingame name ; lazerus_reborn
Havent played for a while since ive had a shedload of work todo but i cant see much room being left in that place now.
With loads of people you could easily make a super mob tower 160x160 split into 40x40 towers with a [+] shape would be pretty efficent as far as i know and on the plus side less towers means theres more mobs focused in one area so more loot.
Yes! Epic Favela mountain! Who's manging the server? Maybe i should get into the IRC to find that out, but yeah. If there will be whitelist, sltrOlsson is the name
My ingame name is Skamberin, but I'd suggest we do a "trial" thing first, where can observe or chat with other players a bit before they're added to the white list.
Not for oldies though ,just for new people, like me.
I second this motion.
(that means i can actually be there from the start => have more fun setting up a base)
im still not finished with thermidor towers 2.0 but I don't get many griefers that are willing to walk for 15 mins to get to me.
How will it work, who will make the list?
do it ....fucking slimes have taken over my base...
yeah do a white list then if any shite goes down, at least we know it's someone in the community who can be bitchslapped
Btw I accidently broke in to someone elses' underground lair whilst mining (my little base is notheast of the spawn, there's a big tower near my little mound of dirt and an underwater lair in a small lake surrounded by a hill)- I nabbed some coal that was towards the top part of the shaft where i broke through then sealed it back up with dirt
So +1 from me
Would also be prudent to put a border around the intended play area. Zac doesn't need to get 'lost' again... -,-
Light Weight Chest Protection - also allows for protection of doors, furnaces, signs & dispensers.
Would also suggest getting this:
Big Brother - Gives you the option to check block history around you to see who's been destroying blocks, setting things on fire or blowing stuff up with tnt. ALSO if you know who griefed anyone's base you can rollback all of their actions restoring any damage they've done.
And oh, saw this fancy map/mini map plugin the other day. Looked pretty useful. Something to think about?
And yeah, some cooperative planning and shit would be awesome!
Putting a load of compasses at the spawn might sort out the getting lost issues.
might help with server stability if ther arent so many massive mob towers...
also would be a fun co-op project
That sounds awesome, though i haven't built in any of the previous MC servers I think white list is the best option to avoid the problems, and the whole city planning and coop work sounds nice
As long as i'm whitelist from the get go. I just dont want to be pm'ing r13 and waiting 2 weeks to be allowed onto the server. (roughly the same length of time I waited to be un-banned). So i vote we have somewhere to sign up for it before its implemented.
Also A community project is something i've been wanting to do for a while. Maybe we should bounce around ideas and designs to keep things organised. Like the collaboration thing on a smaller scale.
As for the spawn area city. Can we make it so whitelisted players CAN build at spawn at least then we'll be able to build something proper and not have a bunch of random block types all over the place making the place look untidy.
Actually. I vote that spawn should be building free and should be a large flat circular green tooth garden surrounded by large skyscraper structures. Like Central park but smaller so you dont have to walk far.
Took me about 10 spawns to get my bearings.
I gotta figure out where to put the minecart station.
Keep the start area clear, outside the citywalls then anything goes.
I know the basic element of MC is a cube but you're thinking too square and uniform for my liking. I'd prefer to build something a little more organic in shape, if you get what I mean. Also. 120x120 is definitely not epic enough.
Actually. Having a little think, we need to be a bit more inventive with the spawn area. We could create somekind of canyon or something. So new players can't see the city and when the start exploring they emerge to see a vast mega city, I dunno. I just think as a creative bunch of people. We should try and make something less...well....square.
EDIT: in fact we should submit enviro concept art (create your own or from someone else) and try and work to that took me a while to figure this one out as well. But to get N S E W. You just need to look at the movement of the sun or moon. East to west.
This top one could make an awesome spawn area.
ffs we dont want to make a planned city rubbish...also people will get bored
it'lll turn out like Telford all roundabouts and no soul.....
I agree with Rick
we make some planned central shit like a mob tower...walled forest (for night time lumberjacking) city hall for NOOBs and shit so people can get tooled up etc... then outsid the centre is the unplanned shanty towns....and giatnt knob buildings experiments gone wrong etc
we dont want fascistic planning thats not fun and people will get bored quickly...people will rebel...get some TNT and get terrorist on your planned uTOPIA
i think this would be cooler
I haven't really been able to play recently with such a bad connection, but logged on earlier and after some insane lag and reconnects, logged on again to find myself dead, with all diamond tools gone, and a fuck ton of materials.
'JFletcho' for the whitelist
You mind hitting me up on the whitelist vote too?
Ingame name ; lazerus_reborn
Havent played for a while since ive had a shedload of work todo but i cant see much room being left in that place now.
With loads of people you could easily make a super mob tower 160x160 split into 40x40 towers with a [+] shape would be pretty efficent as far as i know and on the plus side less towers means theres more mobs focused in one area so more loot.
I don't play quite as much anymore but I'd help out if we reset the server.
my name: whats_true (big surprise~)
Not for oldies though ,just for new people, like me.