I love Minecraft it is CRACK for us Free Explorers.
I personally wish that they would release the Mod API just so that that me and lots of other people will be able to create some awesome mods and Expland on the ones already there
question: i heard there was a plugin/mod that enabled a player to 'claim' a building space (with fence cnrs i think) which could maximise the spread of mining and base building - as we wouldn't be just making rabbit tunnels throughout everyones elses bases...
I had one last look around. Some amazing stuff out there. Did Notch add AO? I haven't played in a while and everything has shadows.
I climbed a giant pyramid of glass and left my grave there and a sign
Hurry up with the reset I wanna build spawn city.
They adopted a few player made minecraft code modifications, one was a faster rendering code that does vertex-based AO, made by a lone modder on the forums.
Johhnysix: I'm afraid that was me, sorry! I figured it was getting reset any minute now (honestly surprised it was still up) so I was fucking around with lava. Just had it run down the stairs, but turns out parts of the tower were flammable >__>
Yeah we know he's a busy man and we appreciate giving us a server to play on and we've been really patient so far and will continue to do so but it'd be really SUPER if he could just quickly be messaged to click the reset button.
Although, we asked for certain mods to be installed as well (such as chest locks) so I'd sooner have the reset done right than wrong.
This is a good plugin, currently use it on a community server I'm on and it's saving us a lot of trouble. Light Weight Chest Protection - also allows for protection of doors, furnaces, signs & dispensers.
Would also suggest getting this: Big Brother - Gives you the option to check block history around you to see who's been destroying blocks, setting things on fire or blowing stuff up with tnt. ALSO if you know who griefed anyone's base you can rollback all of their actions restoring any damage they've done.
Wolves cannot travel through doors. A small hole can be punched out near the door as they are 1x1, thus creating a "doggy-door" until their pathfinding is updated to recognize open doors as a path they can walk through.
I wonder if there's plans for NPC's and towns eventually.. it'd be cool to have you spawn "in the middle of nowhere", set up your home base.. then explore and find settlements.
I'd love to see randomly generated "diablo" style dungeons and rare mobs/bosses in minecraft and npcs ofcourse and maybe a leveling system. fakkit, just make diablocraft already!
I loved minecraft so much i went and made my own texture pack, which me and my friends still use. I've been thinking of getting some of my texture artist friends together and making a slightly higher res texture pack (64x64 instead of 16x16) over the holidays which would be awesome! XD
ive been playing on the minecraftonline server while the PC server was down.
it has:
HUGE world. and populated with cities, buildings, points of interest, etc.
lots of people online at once.
lots of admins.
NO GRIEFING! each block has history...so you can check who did what. and admins will ban griefers instantly.
has a live googlemaps style map.
you can warp from city to city.
downside, there is slight lag with blocks. (harvest a block, it takes .5-1 second for the block to pop up to collect)
now...i should i create my giant pirate ship on their server or polycount?
i made it in maya first so i can get a plan together. im gonna build it layer by layer from bottom to top.
i wanted to make it floating, but i found out it will hit the height limit in the sky. its that big. i have to find a big valley and float it in there. or i could just make it half submerged in water, but then you cant see all of it and thats just lame.
I personally wish that they would release the Mod API just so that that me and lots of other people will be able to create some awesome mods and Expland on the ones already there
question: i heard there was a plugin/mod that enabled a player to 'claim' a building space (with fence cnrs i think) which could maximise the spread of mining and base building - as we wouldn't be just making rabbit tunnels throughout everyones elses bases...
Well said sir, well said.
MIND craft should be illegal in US and should be used only for medical purposes.
what server do you guys play on?
I climbed a giant pyramid of glass and left my grave there and a sign
Hurry up with the reset
They adopted a few player made minecraft code modifications, one was a faster rendering code that does vertex-based AO, made by a lone modder on the forums.
The guy in charge of it has a busy job and life, and it's not top on his list of things to take care of. I'm saying this as fact, not out of spite.
Although, we asked for certain mods to be installed as well (such as chest locks) so I'd sooner have the reset done right than wrong.
List all the mods, with links to each... might make it easier to install them.
As for moderators, he could add specific usernames to ops.txt, pretty simple to do.
Mods suggested so far.
Never mind
Want to tame some wolves on a reset server. :-/
It's really great to have seen the game transform from simplified to more populated and enhanced with every update that Mojang uploads.
Locked chests
Sleeping in a bed now resets your spawn position.
minecraft is nearly dead on the server I am on. Not switching clan but still, I need to try some other servers.
it has:
HUGE world. and populated with cities, buildings, points of interest, etc.
lots of people online at once.
lots of admins.
NO GRIEFING! each block has history...so you can check who did what. and admins will ban griefers instantly.
has a live googlemaps style map.
you can warp from city to city.
downside, there is slight lag with blocks. (harvest a block, it takes .5-1 second for the block to pop up to collect)
now...i should i create my giant pirate ship on their server or polycount?
i made it in maya first so i can get a plan together. im gonna build it layer by layer from bottom to top.
i wanted to make it floating, but i found out it will hit the height limit in the sky. its that big. i have to find a big valley and float it in there. or i could just make it half submerged in water, but then you cant see all of it and thats just lame.