I have been looking over the images many times, and i cant find anything to realy critic on.
The closest i got was, i think the textured render looks a bit flat, maybe some subtle rim lighting would make it pop some more.
Looking forward to seeing more, you did an amazing job on this
That chainsaw looks nice, you had me looking where the geo was on the chains, for a moment. BUT, I have a crit on them. Make the chains a series of planes instead of one huge one:
-saves texture
-allows for animation
I see you've sort of done this, but I mean, have a series of shapes like this:
Edit: and you have got a bunch of stretched screws/nuts/bolts because of (I think) a not nicely aligning cage. Would be way too much effort to fix now, just keep it in mind.
Badass art, really looks great. Ditto about the blades though.
And the top handle is a major waste of fillrate with all that transparency. In my experience the extra triangles are less expensive than transparency.
If you're gonna leave it that way though, at least don't clip off the wireframes there. I know you don't mean it to be, but it might come across as partially dishonest not to see those wireframe parts sticking up.
awesome chainsaw, any chance you could give that paint a blurry reflection map? or enough specular in the right places to look more like paint as right now its like really really matt finish
nice! you could switch the chain to a quad strip that wraps around, and give it 1:1 uv's, then tile/scroll the texture. I'll look more solid, and you could animate it.
dtschultz,soulstice, Kewop Decam - thank guys!
Stromberg90 - added a rim ligth in this update! The new marmoset is awesome!!!
Snader, Slum - thank you for the suggestions on the chain itself. This is something that ive asked a few people and it boiled down to just model the stuff, specially since its next gen. Animating this and getting it into a some game ( like maybe left for dead ) is something i want to do. Unfortunately at the moment, im trying to put a folio together. So no time to play with code, rigs and the like. I highly appreciate the crits and suggestions!
Ged - the spec map i posted was not the correct one . And by that i mean, that i didnt pay attention to what i was doing, Thank you for pointing that out. I went ahead and just made another spec. And tweak some of the normals as well. I think it looks a bit more natural now.
Eric Chadwick - you are rigth. It is very very bad not to show wires. I mistakenly masked them out. I went ahead and fixed that issue right after you posted. Thank you so much for pointing that out. My other pieces also got masked out the same way. They are now fixed ( phew..)
Raul. Nice job on this one bud! I think this is another strong one. Lot's of cool tricks too. Try to incorporate some story into the way grunge transitions throughout the composition. lol is that even a sentence? know what I mean though? Like try an create a frame around different focal points. Like, the teeth are framing the blade right now but there is no texture to enforce that idea. There is a hard geometry edge between the teeth and the blade, all the way around right now. I could see if you had some chipped bits where the teeth rub and skip against the metal blade. You could use that idea for an interesting transition. Like, you have some scratches that follow the frame of the blade but it might make more sense if those scratches were cut right across the blade, as if it had actually been used to saw through a tree stump. Anyway, just trying to help:)
Stromberg - err...lol. I will add that to my to do list!
Phillip - you crazy man! Make no sense at all!! jk. Actually that is a fresh way to put it. Hmm..gives me other ideas. Thanx!
whats_true - well, your gonna laugh at me for saying this, but for this one. I got lazy and just used a sky light and turned on light tracer and did a complete map render. Normally i would do the ao in xsi. Later on, i go back and add to it.
So i came home tonight ready to do something different, and i got started on the tractor! Of course, i got excited and wanted to share this. So there are some things that dont look right at the moment. And that left wheel is just there for sake of having something there.
@kambli: i know dude artist makes art and not the software! jeez man you sound like as if a noob is asking you something stupid!. i know your work well enough to judge your skills ..was just curious if its still max you are using or have drifted to something else.
Also, I would say your main gears are not what im seeing in the reference... the inner circle needs to come in more giving those arms more length. And the arms seem to have mass that comes out from the middle down each arm. but still looking like a sexy tractor.
Really inspiring work you have here. Great job with the chainsaw. A few stretching issues here and there, but nothing you can't fix easily. Awesome job man... Not with just the chainsaw but with everything. You inspire me to model some random yet awesome junk. Keep it up man, I'm a fan of your work.
hey raul not at all man! its cool .. but i get a feeling you didn't get who i am ...so here is a hint 45g Ferrari watch
love the tractor! waiting to see more form you.
rapheal9 - huh? lol...well hello 45g Ferrari watch!
So, after a bit of more slacking and a few crashed scene here is a small update.
Spend a whole nigth blocking out the tractor,
Then during the weekend...
also decided to use this as reference. Is a differnt model but is close enough to the original. And i kinda like that hood better as well. One of the problems ive been having is that i wasnt able to see very well into the details. So had to find another model of the tractor or some kind of more detail pictures. Now that im looking at it, i see some things are still off. Well, suggestions are welcome!
Brad - Thanx a lot!
Stromberg - if you say so! :P
Ryan - hehehe, you man! Thanx! Im trying my best.
Daniel - hehe, is that a halo guy with a mexican hat for your avatar?
JonathanF - thanx!
Well, here is some work i did today. I think is getting closer to a wrap.
upon zelenkov's request here is the tower and the close up. I had to use a higher density cylinder to maintain the solidity of the shape. Before it looked really wonky. As far how i approach it. I just block it in. and change the number of sides of the cylinders once im sure they will work i use booleans ( union ) to join them together. and just clean up afterwards. If you are organized and precise the clean up, should be too hard. Most of the points should be close to each other. Then u do a target weld to the ring of vertices from the shape where the whole will start.
It's very impressive! I like the level of details, modeling, texturing... just everything. I'm looking forward to see more pics or your mini tuts if it is possible
Mike5424 - dont hate! :P Thanx!
ajr2764 - thanx! i keep pressing, the make awesome button. It still works! lol.
Rory_M - JonathanF - hehe, you gonna like this post.
Feuerlowe, Omny87, tristamus - you guys really would like to see mini tutorials? What kind? Maybe i can make some..:)
demilich- at home, yes. I FUCKING LOVE IT! I just cant do without it.
Ferg - dtschultz - thanx! This piece had a lot of seperate areas that ive always been interested in modeling all at once. So i had a lot of fun.
crayonponyfish - thanx!
Well, so i kinda went mia for the past 2 months. I needed a break, and kinda started hitting the gym and going out more. You know..doing normal stuff. lol. Now tho, i think is time to bring balance and continue doing the art thing. So thanx everybody for the positive feedback, and kind comments!
Here is the low poly of the tractor. For this one, i didnt want to make it too low poly because i wanted to retain the same feel of the silhouttes, on the low poly. Also, i saw a few vr demos a while back. And i was very impressed with what they are doing nowadays. Yet tho, i tried to be efficient where i could.
UVing for this was a total nightmare! while i was at it, i was introduce to the TextTools...OMG those things are fucking amazing!
ooooooh snap dude!! LOOKING CLEAN!! looking just like the high poly!!! no crit right now. would need to take some time to study it. Just awesome though!
lol idk man... even if you were aiming for a next gen piece that is pretty high. I think you have something more along the lines of a mid poly. Like Cinematic quality. I think it looks great! Just like the highpoly in fact! But to call it a lowpoly I would at least get it in the 10,000 range.
I have really been needing to try out those textools... Been wanting to really bad but I just haven't unwrapped in a while...
The closest i got was, i think the textured render looks a bit flat, maybe some subtle rim lighting would make it pop some more.
Looking forward to seeing more, you did an amazing job on this
-saves texture
-allows for animation
I see you've sort of done this, but I mean, have a series of shapes like this:
Edit: and you have got a bunch of stretched screws/nuts/bolts because of (I think) a not nicely aligning cage. Would be way too much effort to fix now, just keep it in mind.
And the top handle is a major waste of fillrate with all that transparency. In my experience the extra triangles are less expensive than transparency.
If you're gonna leave it that way though, at least don't clip off the wireframes there. I know you don't mean it to be, but it might come across as partially dishonest not to see those wireframe parts sticking up.
Overall these are nitpicks. Top shelf work.
Stromberg90 - added a rim ligth in this update! The new marmoset is awesome!!!
Snader, Slum - thank you for the suggestions on the chain itself. This is something that ive asked a few people and it boiled down to just model the stuff, specially since its next gen. Animating this and getting it into a some game ( like maybe left for dead ) is something i want to do. Unfortunately at the moment, im trying to put a folio together. So no time to play with code, rigs and the like. I highly appreciate the crits and suggestions!
Ged - the spec map i posted was not the correct one . And by that i mean, that i didnt pay attention to what i was doing, Thank you for pointing that out. I went ahead and just made another spec. And tweak some of the normals as well. I think it looks a bit more natural now.
Eric Chadwick - you are rigth. It is very very bad not to show wires. I mistakenly masked them out. I went ahead and fixed that issue right after you posted. Thank you so much for pointing that out. My other pieces also got masked out the same way. They are now fixed ( phew..)
Well, here is the update.
Not to be dick, but it seams to be a bit texture stretching here.
Phillip - you crazy man! Make no sense at all!! jk. Actually that is a fresh way to put it. Hmm..gives me other ideas. Thanx!
whats_true - well, your gonna laugh at me for saying this, but for this one. I got lazy and just used a sky light and turned on light tracer and did a complete map render. Normally i would do the ao in xsi. Later on, i go back and add to it.
So i came home tonight ready to do something different, and i got started on the tractor! Of course, i got excited and wanted to share this. So there are some things that dont look right at the moment. And that left wheel is just there for sake of having something there.
JonathanF - yeah, still tweaking! thanx for pointing that out.
Bbox85 - Thanx dude! You should model some random awesome piece of junk! :P
love the tractor! waiting to see more form you.
So, after a bit of more slacking and a few crashed scene here is a small update.
Spend a whole nigth blocking out the tractor,
Then during the weekend...
also decided to use this as reference. Is a differnt model but is close enough to the original. And i kinda like that hood better as well. One of the problems ive been having is that i wasnt able to see very well into the details. So had to find another model of the tractor or some kind of more detail pictures. Now that im looking at it, i see some things are still off. Well, suggestions are welcome!
Look pretty cool, can't wait to see that tractor finished out.
Stromberg - if you say so! :P
Ryan - hehehe, you man! Thanx! Im trying my best.
Daniel - hehe, is that a halo guy with a mexican hat for your avatar?
JonathanF - thanx!
Well, here is some work i did today. I think is getting closer to a wrap.
Here is a new update. Im so close to be done!
ajr2764 - thanx! i keep pressing, the make awesome button. It still works! lol.
Rory_M - JonathanF - hehe, you gonna like this post.
Feuerlowe, Omny87, tristamus - you guys really would like to see mini tutorials? What kind? Maybe i can make some..:)
demilich- at home, yes. I FUCKING LOVE IT! I just cant do without it.
Ferg - dtschultz - thanx! This piece had a lot of seperate areas that ive always been interested in modeling all at once. So i had a lot of fun.
crayonponyfish - thanx!
Well, so i kinda went mia for the past 2 months. I needed a break, and kinda started hitting the gym and going out more. You know..doing normal stuff. lol. Now tho, i think is time to bring balance and continue doing the art thing. So thanx everybody for the positive feedback, and kind comments!
Here is the low poly of the tractor. For this one, i didnt want to make it too low poly because i wanted to retain the same feel of the silhouttes, on the low poly. Also, i saw a few vr demos a while back. And i was very impressed with what they are doing nowadays. Yet tho, i tried to be efficient where i could.
UVing for this was a total nightmare! while i was at it, i was introduce to the TextTools...OMG those things are fucking amazing!
Rendered in marmoset, at 40k tris
lol idk man... even if you were aiming for a next gen piece that is pretty high. I think you have something more along the lines of a mid poly. Like Cinematic quality. I think it looks great! Just like the highpoly in fact! But to call it a lowpoly I would at least get it in the 10,000 range.
I have really been needing to try out those textools... Been wanting to really bad but I just haven't unwrapped in a while...