Yo, this is my game art thread. To save you guys from having to look at the last post. I will just post some of my sheets here. Why do i have one giant thread? So people can see progression!
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Here is a rough pass at the cushions. I spent some time doing the base meshes, i just couldnt wait to get them in zbrush and do some detaling. STill looking mushy. Any tips are welcome!
Here is a screen grab of the chair with the new base meshes that i will take into zbrush to sculpt the cushions with.
and here is in zbrush.
- Are you going to make it pink?
Thanx guys for looking at my stuff and offering tips and help! Much appreciated it, i will go back and make those fixes.
I had 3 major patterns. The other variation i just kinda modeled it by hand on the final assembled structrure.
And here is the chair. Im planning on going back and tigthing the a few edges here and there.
In the long run, this may have taken me a while to figure out, but im glad i did. as i always wanted to know how to go about making pretty parterns..look!! So the question now is, how easy would have this been in zbrush?? the pattern aproach took me about 40 minutes, since i had to figure out what the actual pattern was. Once i got it took me anoter 40 minutes to build the rest of the shapes. it felt a little slow but at least i got to try something new. I still left all my geometry as quads in case i decide to take this to zbrush.
For this vespa scooter, i have more pics, but just to give you guys a general idea. And if anyone knows where to get blue prints, please let me know!
After im done with this high poly. i will start making low poly versions of my last 3 props.
Lol, you have the same "prob" I do, I end up making most of my stuff as sub-d modeling and then I just give it a few touches in ZB. I find it really hard to make sharp and accurate shapes with sculpting.
phil- hell yeah!!! yeah..watch me be like, oh no this is too hard!!lol
harry - lol...dude u made me blush!
HP - thanx man. i am trying. i am finally trying reallly really really hard!! Like i was told to stay away from zbrush until i get the stuff nailed out in just the modeling app. The thing is that now, when i try to use zbrush, and i get frustrated so easyly. Tho i must get over my demons.
And, i thought it would be cool if i wrote a little breakdown of how i made the rims. Not sure if anyone wants to see how i made the tire. Funny, doing those patterns for the cushions were good for something!
by the way, zelenkov. I didnt really mirror anything. The pivot point is at the center of the world. And the 10 sided circle is at the center of the world. So the pieces revolve around it. Once you figure out how much u need to rotate them, the pieces just fall in place. Afterwards i just combine all of them into one piece.
makecg - go for it dude! just be advice, finding good blue prints of one single model of these vespas is hard as hell. I wouldnt mind sharing what i found with u.
DarthNater - Thanx man!
So, here are my weekend updates. I also would like to take a second to ask for a little help. Where exactly do i need to place my edges in order to make my geometry retain a square and not look jacked up. This is driving me insane!! Here is a pic so you can see what i mean.
And here is what i got so far. My goal for today is to finish the body, and prolly tomorow start doing the engine parts at the bottom ( whhich im really looking forward to )
The mechanical peices at the bottom are s till not done. I will get those in later on as well as cleaning up a bunch of really weird stuff. all around the handles. Feed back is welcome!
Any suggestions and feedback is welcome.
Are there any tutorials you guys recomend? It looks like the basic shader is just a phone with a high specular. A 4 ligth set up, and maybe GI. On pepperart, i see an env map as well. and a nice warm ligth set up. Ive been playing around and im close to figure it out, but if anyone has any suggestions, im all ears!
you got me to sign up, too. Ill try and keep up with you, Doubt I can, don't know if I have the energy right now, still pretty burned from the stuff I am doing for work.
Hey Raul,
I remembered you were asking about Vray in class. I know jack squat about rendering but here are some links that may work for ya. Hope they help.
This is cool.
This is what i came up with, im still playing around with the ligthing set up and the shader. I think i kinda nailed the shader now i just gotta figure out how to set my ligths.
this is what it looked like before ( with just one normal phong)
not sure if this was mentioned already:
the front wheel cover should be narrower in the front and the back wheel cover should have some bulge to the surface and not totally flat like yours.
If you look at your reference you can see the midway point.The surface area from the rim where it's lighter. At the end of the light that should be a seam there. Where the rubbing strip is in the pic. there also is the point where the tire seats in the rim.
In the mean time, i have been working on the showcase renders. So, here it is
here is the older one.
Yep, well, here it is.