@BetelGeist- I'm a pretty infrequent poster here at polycount, but I'm gonna try and change that. sorry not much else to show unless you dig through my old posts.
@Dado Almeida- Yeah I can try that, but sometimes I like the rigid look, is that weird.
muzz, that is starting to look really nice!
szark, wood looks good but the metal parts need more contrast
snipergen, tnx dude the heads are starting to look pretty good, i do agree with the cheekbone comment
finally started on the texture today. Pretty much finished the grenade launcher attachment and got the base color for the gun, bullet, and magazine.
Let me know what yall think
EricV: I took a look at ways to fix that anti aliasing and the best thing that I found was hardware rendering with some sampling...heres the result I got.
An AG36 looks different and mounts differently than you modeled it.
The frontal Heatshield is taken off and replaced with the inbuild one of the AG36 Grenadelauncher.
The frame of the AG36 is also wrong. The pipe swings open to the left side and is merely solid on the right.
The Barrel of the Launcher isnt right either.. get more ref
Like this:
Spec is too shiny on the launcher and the pipe should be lighter than the glassfibreframe.
The glassfibre material is very rough on a G36 hence it would be wise to lower the gloss and add some noise to the spec map.
You´re missing that the G36 has an ambidextrous fireselector
Not really digging the scratches and that smily on the launcher, makes it look arcadish
But thats just me.
oh nice! yeah there is definitely an improvement with the aliasing now.
The texture looks like you're off to a good start....I'm curious tho is the grenade launcher barrel made out of plastic or metal? With those deep 'x' cuts in it, it looks very plastic like...if it was metal I dont think you would be able to get those kind of cuts in it. I think the scratches would be more subtle and you would wear off more of the paint, so your spec would need to show that
and I have to agree with Rumkugel, Im not really digging the smily face, I feel it clashes with the rifle
I can agree with your guys crits. I think I just started disliking the bland look of the launcher with nothing on it so I started adding little things to it breaking up the look.
Im prettys sure Im gonna change the spec up though, I displayed it that way just cause I thought it looked cool. Once the full gun is done I wont have to rely on looking at just the launcher .
Heres the reference for the gun Im going off of so you guys see where Im pulling the colors from.
Coming along, I think I'm going to try my hand at some trim/polish brushes to give him more of a stylized hard surface look
Also I definitely need to find a better toon material than framer04; everything comes off too dark, but it gives the closest result to the style I'm aiming for
haha thats awesome crazyfool i agree with conte too haha that looks like the laugh of some serial killer as the hatchet is coming down. really love the surface quality on these two guys, almost seems rubbery with the hair like that, verrry cool!:thumbup:
@BetelGeist- I'm a pretty infrequent poster here at polycount, but I'm gonna try and change that. sorry not much else to show unless you dig through my old posts.
@Dado Almeida- Yeah I can try that, but sometimes I like the rigid look, is that weird.
szark, wood looks good but the metal parts need more contrast
snipergen, tnx dude the heads are starting to look pretty good, i do agree with the cheekbone comment
did a speedpaint
szhark, i really love the cannon, its pretty polished cartoony texture
need to focus on one thing T_T.....
and what the hell, its been 6 month i haven't touch my softimage xsi T_T
Let me know what yall think
EricV: I took a look at ways to fix that anti aliasing and the best thing that I found was hardware rendering with some sampling...heres the result I got.
The frontal Heatshield is taken off and replaced with the inbuild one of the AG36 Grenadelauncher.
The frame of the AG36 is also wrong. The pipe swings open to the left side and is merely solid on the right.
The Barrel of the Launcher isnt right either.. get more ref
Like this:
Spec is too shiny on the launcher and the pipe should be lighter than the glassfibreframe.
The glassfibre material is very rough on a G36 hence it would be wise to lower the gloss and add some noise to the spec map.
You´re missing that the G36 has an ambidextrous fireselector
Not really digging the scratches and that smily on the launcher, makes it look arcadish
But thats just me.
oh nice! yeah there is definitely an improvement with the aliasing now.
The texture looks like you're off to a good start....I'm curious tho is the grenade launcher barrel made out of plastic or metal? With those deep 'x' cuts in it, it looks very plastic like...if it was metal I dont think you would be able to get those kind of cuts in it. I think the scratches would be more subtle and you would wear off more of the paint, so your spec would need to show that
and I have to agree with Rumkugel, Im not really digging the smily face, I feel it clashes with the rifle
Im prettys sure Im gonna change the spec up though, I displayed it that way just cause I thought it looked cool. Once the full gun is done I wont have to rely on looking at just the launcher
Heres the reference for the gun Im going off of so you guys see where Im pulling the colors from.
I saw this concept in Shrew81's WIP thread and I had to give #2 a go. I love my sci-fi stuff, and I needed a new project :P.
Very much a WIP.
SVD Dragunov
Has some inaccuracy issues. But good enough.
Coming along, I think I'm going to try my hand at some trim/polish brushes to give him more of a stylized hard surface look
Also I definitely need to find a better toon material than framer04; everything comes off too dark, but it gives the closest result to the style I'm aiming for
love that fisherman crazyfool
Ravenslayer: Thanks for the suggestion, I've since adjusted it and looks better.
crazyfool: Nice one!
EDIT progress:
Ok i think i miught spend another hour cleaning up stuff, but for pretty much the rest of it im pretty much done.
Thanks guys!
Here's some more handpainted stuff
Want to get started on the low poly next as I'm itching to get on with making his shader
Oh yeah, there's a bit of clipping on his left arm brace and feet, just old geometry, it's been fixed already.
final count 5994 with 1024^2 textures
what that back spot on hand ?
crayzfool - great character! the left one is priceless- love the texturework too...
Zbrush render with polypaint.