Ive been playing with some facegen and then giving a pass of Zbrush on the models to make them look a bit better, I used a friend pictures as references, (An since this is PC, Dickhead!)
yes thats part of the concept, its a material contrast experiment, almost no colors going on besides the skin and her eyes, the clothing is black and white in different shades with varying specular colour, which will come later, but its not going to be too prominent
here is a quick paint over of the details that are missing, didn't paint in the stuff like the straps on her jacket sleeves, one side is going to be opened the other closed further, also i need some white on upperparts of the boot mainly the back, but not sure what to do.
maybe but just maybe i will ad some small colorful labels to the clothes, but i'm not sure about it, i wanted a black girl in black and white clothing, her black skin beeing the only colour going on
She looks great, I really love the texture work so far. I can't wait to see how you push the skin texture as well. My only gripe so far is that she is lacking in the behind area. You can give her a bit more "junk in teh trunk" or so they say lol. Also it really has no x-men branding at all. You can maybe add some to the back of the jacket or even give her a chain with the x on it or something. Maybe that could bring in some of the color that this would need without it being contrived.
So my first textured model ever, it looks quite awful i know.
Had some problems with photoshops image converter etc.
In 2 weeks there will be a much better picture
That is so damn sexy Jaco, I love her eyes. If I had to pick on anything I'd say the googles have too much texture for my personal taste, I'd expect them to be very smooth and more reflexive, maybe even bulge outwards a little but then again, that's personal opinion and nothing more.
I just have one crit basically, since the whole thing is so nice this just pops out to me.
You have a lot of options for subsurface scattering on the face with marmo, I think you should go into a bit more.
Your face lights right now, a lot like a normal shader look (phongy?). If you could tweak it so it washes out more, and pulls in more flesh colors, it'd be just perfect. You should add more eye shading too if you can, just so they don't pop out quite as hard.
jaco, she is my absolutely favorite, hope you score high, maybe even highest you deserve it. you did something which is rare, a sexy character whos not oversexed - also a rarity in the games field. very very impressive, just love that piece. only thing i think you could definitely improve to me is the shadow of her hairs, i guess they will stay somewhat rigid so posisbly you could bake some shadows from them on the skin
felipefrango: Thanks man, agreed about the goggles, I have some noise on the spec I need to get rid off.
moof: Thanks for the paintover, I'm actually using the skin shader, but the scattering isn't set very strong. I'll be sure to take another look at that. Good point about the eye shading too, thanks!
neox: Thanks for the words man. I'll definitely add some shadows on the skin, the hair is looking a bit harsh, some shadows should help blend it.
Rumkugel: I've been thinking about green eyes too, will give it a try.
JohnnyRaptor: Hehe thanks, it's actually modeled, will thicken it up a bit.
This makes me feel dicouraged after admiring Jaco's shtuff all day.
Anyways, got lazy on previous projects, decided to do this. I just blocked out some of the main parts in the past couple hours. As you can tell, it was a very rushed job.
Anyone wanna guess who this guy is? It's fanart of someone. I'll give a virtual cookie to anyone who can guess who my crappy model is.
Good try, but nah, nothing robotic. If I can, I'll update tomorrow. Here's a hint. It's something that came out today. I can't wait to get it
I'm gonna post this up late at night now just 'cause I want an opinion on this tomorrow. If you can tell the difference...
Short Neck?
Or Long neck? I'm trying to get close to the reference I'm using. I want it to give the original justice.
Okay, Last update before nappy-time. It's relatively the same as the above picture (long neck) but more circulish cause it kinda looks better compared to the original reference I'm using.
New dilly I'm starting up -.- I have a few more ideas in the works, including a "To beer or not to beer, that is the question here."-William Shakesbeer shirt.
This is my current project, I just UV'ed her. Starting sculpting tomorrow.
I haven't done many character models, and this is my first female character model.
did a bit more work on my sniper rifle, went back to the first stock i had and just extended it a bit because all the other styles and stuff i tried really didn't look right
still need to lengthen the barrel and add the bipod, and also work out how the scope mounts on
Really coming along Blitz and crazyfool. Nice...
Here's were I am texture wise... still a ton of work to do! Let me know what you think.
Had some problems with photoshops image converter etc.
In 2 weeks there will be a much better picture
Destroy me with your criticism! :P
Jaco, that's fucking amazing.
I just have one crit basically, since the whole thing is so nice this just pops out to me.
You have a lot of options for subsurface scattering on the face with marmo, I think you should go into a bit more.
Your face lights right now, a lot like a normal shader look (phongy?). If you could tweak it so it washes out more, and pulls in more flesh colors, it'd be just perfect. You should add more eye shading too if you can, just so they don't pop out quite as hard.
take it or leave it, lovely model either way
...I mean the sculpt...not cat woman...yeahhhh...
It's on, though. Oh, it's so on! :poly108: (Once I get back from visiting the family next week!)
Still going. Icky rig job.
Iยดd love to see her with green eyes tho
that belt buckle'esque alpha could use some thickness lovin tho!
Banner for Jaco! Bannerrrr!
E: Millah, you could do with some less harsh lighting, his skin and pants look nearly chrome in places :P
EE:this would end up on a new page, wouldnt it.
Update to my comicon entry. I'm rigging the model at the moment, such a tedious process.
*hat off
Amazing work on that Catwoman, Jaco!
felipefrango: Thanks man, agreed about the goggles, I have some noise on the spec I need to get rid off.
moof: Thanks for the paintover, I'm actually using the skin shader, but the scattering isn't set very strong. I'll be sure to take another look at that. Good point about the eye shading too, thanks!
neox: Thanks for the words man. I'll definitely add some shadows on the skin, the hair is looking a bit harsh, some shadows should help blend it.
Rumkugel: I've been thinking about green eyes too, will give it a try.
JohnnyRaptor: Hehe thanks, it's actually modeled, will thicken it up a bit.
Anyways, got lazy on previous projects, decided to do this. I just blocked out some of the main parts in the past couple hours. As you can tell, it was a very rushed job.
Anyone wanna guess who this guy is? It's fanart of someone. I'll give a virtual cookie to anyone who can guess who my crappy model is.
Came out to about 1235 polys, and uses two 1024x1024 textures. The AO was done by hand.
Good try, but nah, nothing robotic. If I can, I'll update tomorrow. Here's a hint. It's something that came out today. I can't wait to get it
I'm gonna post this up late at night now just 'cause I want an opinion on this tomorrow. If you can tell the difference...
Short Neck?
Or Long neck? I'm trying to get close to the reference I'm using. I want it to give the original justice.
Okay, Last update before nappy-time. It's relatively the same as the above picture (long neck) but more circulish cause it kinda looks better compared to the original reference I'm using.
New dilly I'm starting up -.- I have a few more ideas in the works, including a "To beer or not to beer, that is the question here."-William Shakesbeer shirt.
I haven't done many character models, and this is my first female character model.
I haven't been following what she is for. Is she for a game, or just portfolio? Very cool stuff
still need to lengthen the barrel and add the bipod, and also work out how the scope mounts on
i might make the mag a bit smaller in hight and longer in length so it looks more like the barrett 50 cal sniper rifle mag(http://www.google.com.au/imgres?imgurl=http://c2.api.ning.com/files/p0jR0dBjhBn8SPcC0-tSljCabPUtl7N3ObdyKlyqjgW*zm11LiOboRYPdBJ4MHfhSlbDjGL4x-Aa3BEaMCQ4nJuif4g6bJPk/BarrettM107.jpg&imgrefurl=http://picsdigger.com/domain/crymod.com/&h=768&w=1024&sz=97&tbnid=EFUHiufHNbLEqM:&tbnh=113&tbnw=150&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dbarrett%2B50%2Bcal%2Bsniper%2Brifle&zoom=1&q=barrett+50+cal+sniper+rifle&hl=en&usg=__5o1SDxG1wLnAABvJ7azt8_LMTHw=&sa=X&ei=QeewTN2zIY75cYOvsckN&ved=0CB8Q9QEwAg)
tips and crits would be great