Quick question for the masters. I have a very strange bloom problem going on where the red arrow is pointing. If I turn bloom scale to 0, it goes away. Also, if I choose run from here in the view port it's gone. If I use the console command setres 1920x1080w (or any other rez higher than 720p) it returns. Super confused as to why this is happening. Any ideas?
Just tried the February UDK. That bloom bar went from one side to both sides and the top of the screen. Also happens in game now. Quite confused, looking for an explanation. Must be a setting of mine...
Wanted to throw in an edit: If anyone gets this error, you can remedy it for screen shots via tearing off a copy. It also goes away if you enable DX 11, but if you have been lighting in DX 9 be prepared for some changes.
Hey, I'm new to Polycount and new to the unreal development kit.
I'm making my first scene for a project and I'm struggling to find a way to place text down at certain points in my level, like subtitles at the bottom of the screen.
Am i looking in the wrong places or can it not be done?
@Ketchup-Check on UDK.com's documentation about Scaleform. I think that's the UI system in UDK now and that's how I would assume you do it? If I'm understanding you correctly.
Anyone know the best way to trigger the map ending? I've done most of what I need to do and I need to place a trigger to make the map end when i reach a certain point. I'm presuming a trigger is the way to go but I'm not 100%
Does anyone have any thoughts on if it's possible to make a blend material that blends based on screen space occlusion (cracks and intersections) and NOT on a greyscale blend map? I'm working on a bronze/copper shader and I want to be able to adjust the oxidization and patina on (which would be heaviest in the cracks and corners) but I want to be able to use the shader on multiple objects, so using static mesh-specific maps is a no go.
Edit: Nevermind, after talking to someone, I think I'm going to go with just vertex paint blending it in.
Ok, new issue. I'm using mesh paint to blend textures in a material, but as long as I have a cubemap plugged in the textures don't blend at all. As soon as I disconnect the cubemap, the blend comes back. I've searched and only found one instance in a forum where the question was asked, but any variation of what was said there that I've tried doesn't have any effect. Any ideas?
Enable Per-Pixel in the Material, and make sure you have a Reflection vector plonked in the Transform node.
If you want to use the Custom Reflection Node because you need a Normal Map, you have to add a null Reflection Vector somewhere so that vertex works.
Thanks, the per-pixel setting did the trick. I'm not sure what you're referring to in regards to the normal map. If you have a second and can expound, I'd be interested to know, otherwise, thanks!
So been working in DX9 and came home today to open my environment in DX11 and its just all black. No lighting and the meshes dont show up in unlit mode though I can see them in wireframe mode o.o Any ideas?
EDIT: Was my world post process settings apparently having a material effect after the ao pass was screwing it up.
Hello all, been trying to implement this http://udn.epicgames.com/Three/UsingSkeletalControllers.html#SkelControlFootPlacement
it works fine in the animTree preview, but in-game it only works on static meshes without any collision model assigned to them. Any idea on how to make it work on things like landscape and static meshes with collision?
I checked out their code example now, before I was only using skelControls. Anyway, now my mesh is halfway stuck in the ground from the waist and down. Will do some more testing
Edit: I removed all relevant code and just kept the skelControllers in the animtree, I also moved the mesh down to make sure it intersects with the ground and that there is no gap between the collision radius and the mesh. Now it works pretty good
I'm sure you've already checked this, but is Lightmass enabled in the World Properties?
And what is the lightmap resolution in your individual mesh properties?
A value of "0" sets the object to a vertex-based solution.
Thanks for the reply, all objects have a value and lightmass is enabled, as it is working on some objects.
As it turns out, I need to go back to 3DS max anyway and piece some objects together to allow for easier construction in UDK anyway, so I'm going back and making new light map UV's anyway now and they seem to work fine now.
A good start would be to lower your "DominantDirectionalLight" intensity and increasing the scene "DiffuseBoost" and "NumIndirectLightingBounces" values.
This should wash out the sharpness of shadows and make more uniform lighting like an overcast day.
The colour of your shadows (EnvironmentColor) should also be the overall colour of your sky - so most probably a grey-blue variant.
Having a problem with the lighting on my door.
It's set up so it opens when the player walks up to it, which all works fine, however once the door returns to its closed position, both sides of the door end up being lit completely wrong, I've tried vertex lighting and light maps, but the problem still persists.
Is the door an InterpActor/Mover? I'd imagine it uses Lightmass-baked light until the first time it moves, when it becomes dynamically lit and begins reading lighting data from the tags in the world:
I'd imagine it only generates these where a character could go, not in the wall where the door ends up.
You might be able to force it to not use dynamic lighting, ever, via the properties menu of the interpactor itself.
I've been searching and I couldn't find a clear pros and cons of using landscape vs using terrain in UDK. Besides the blending mode what would be the benefits of using one vs another?
For one,the Landscape system uses a very optimized and advanced LOD system,which allows creation of huge terrains compared to the classic model,there's also a separate channel used for storing detail normals that will not be scaled down along with the LOD at far away distances which in turn results in highly detailed terrains,or should i say landscapes...those are two main things as far as i can remember...
Anyone know why meshes placed using the foliage tool arent showing correct vertex colours? Even though in the preview within the tool they appear just fine...
Is there a way to take a high resolution screen grabs of your nodes inside Kismet.
[FONT="]The reason I ask is that I'm a Lecturer and I would like to screen grab during my lecturers (from my work and my students) at high resolution and then draw over nodes to explain what is going on.
I have attached an image so you can see what I am talking about.
Is there a way to take a high resolution screen grabs of your nodes inside Kismet.
I'd love to know this as well, in the past I've always just zoomed in close and took lots of individual images and then stitched them together in Photoshop
I'd love to know this as well, in the past I've always just zoomed in close and took lots of individual images and then stitched them together in Photoshop
That's pretty much the standard way to do it, or you could screen record it, and then proceed to put it up as a pan picture.
Although natively, there is no such thing for UDK, so yeah, still need kludge work here.
Well, I was on the May build and couldn't get it working. I even used UDK's chain link Mesh because it has an alpha and that also didn't cast shadows once the lighting was baked. I didn't do anything to it.
I downloaded on older version, the March build and it seems to be working fine. The chain mesh and my crappy tree now cast the shadows once the lighting is baked.
Are you on the May build and it's working for you?
Neox. I think the problem was that even though I was using different materials, textures and ID's, some of them they were sharing the same name. I'm not entirely sure if that was the issue but when I changed the names of all the materials to being unique everything worked.
so i started learning udk for a while now and have this very strange problem. i'm using the landscape system with a heightmap from worldmachine. made a material that uses a colormap from wm and 4 seperate textures overlayed to be painted on the terrain.
now when i want to paint them on the terrain using the landscape tools it seems i can not paint everywhere (i can paint in some places but others seem not accesible by pointing the mouse at it and the paint cursor also is not at the same place as the mouse cursor everything works just fine except for the vertex painting. does someone have a fix for this? have been searching the net for 2 days now and have not come up with an answer to this.
I'm going to have a model with several materials on it, and i was wondering does it use one lightmap per mesh or one per materials (if that makes sense).
I'm going to have a model with several materials on it, and i was wondering does it use one lightmap per mesh or one per materials (if that makes sense).
lightmaps are per mesh. all your materials will take up their own UV space in channel 1, but all UVs for all materials need to be put into channel 2 for the lightmap
I'm expecting that you mean cubemaps vs real time reflections instead of baked ones.
It depends on what it should reflect and if its important. If you need to reflect characters, sure, realtime reflections can be needed, if its important, but just remember that realtime reflections are resource heavy.
Most of the times, you generate a cubemap from your environment, to get the best result, and use that for reflection.
Wanted to throw in an edit: If anyone gets this error, you can remedy it for screen shots via tearing off a copy. It also goes away if you enable DX 11, but if you have been lighting in DX 9 be prepared for some changes.
That's actually very helpful
Recaching the terrain material doesn't seem to do anything at all.
EDIT: Nvm, Seems as though one of my Normal map nodes broke on one of the layer textures. Had a little panic attack there.
I'm making my first scene for a project and I'm struggling to find a way to place text down at certain points in my level, like subtitles at the bottom of the screen.
Am i looking in the wrong places or can it not be done?
Anyone know the best way to trigger the map ending? I've done most of what I need to do and I need to place a trigger to make the map end when i reach a certain point. I'm presuming a trigger is the way to go but I'm not 100%
Edit: Nevermind, after talking to someone, I think I'm going to go with just vertex paint blending it in.
If you want to use the Custom Reflection Node because you need a Normal Map, you have to add a null Reflection Vector somewhere so that vertex works.
EDIT: And now it works. :poly141:
Thanks, the per-pixel setting did the trick. I'm not sure what you're referring to in regards to the normal map. If you have a second and can expound, I'd be interested to know, otherwise, thanks!
EDIT: Was my world post process settings apparently having a material effect after the ao pass was screwing it up.
it works fine in the animTree preview, but in-game it only works on static meshes without any collision model assigned to them. Any idea on how to make it work on things like landscape and static meshes with collision?
It might be that bWorldGeometry only returns per-poly collision and not collision models. I'm not an Unreal Script guy but it is a possibility.
Edit: I removed all relevant code and just kept the skelControllers in the animtree, I also moved the mesh down to make sure it intersects with the ground and that there is no gap between the collision radius and the mesh. Now it works pretty good
Basically, my light maps have gone all screwy, in the editor they are fine, whereas in game some revert to vertex lighting...
In Editor
Light maps all working fine, everything looking OK.
In Game
Some light maps are just not working at all, though strangely some are still working (wall, lights, window)
And what is the lightmap resolution in your individual mesh properties?
A value of "0" sets the object to a vertex-based solution.
As it turns out, I need to go back to 3DS max anyway and piece some objects together to allow for easier construction in UDK anyway, so I'm going back and making new light map UV's anyway now and they seem to work fine now.
A good start would be to lower your "DominantDirectionalLight" intensity and increasing the scene "DiffuseBoost" and "NumIndirectLightingBounces" values.
This should wash out the sharpness of shadows and make more uniform lighting like an overcast day.
The colour of your shadows (EnvironmentColor) should also be the overall colour of your sky - so most probably a grey-blue variant.
How do this texture small?(tiling)
oh. i find it=)
It's set up so it opens when the player walks up to it, which all works fine, however once the door returns to its closed position, both sides of the door end up being lit completely wrong, I've tried vertex lighting and light maps, but the problem still persists.
After Opening
I'd imagine it only generates these where a character could go, not in the wall where the door ends up.
You might be able to force it to not use dynamic lighting, ever, via the properties menu of the interpactor itself.
It totally fixed it.
I can't even believe I didn't think of that.
[FONT="]The reason I ask is that I'm a Lecturer and I would like to screen grab during my lecturers (from my work and my students) at high resolution and then draw over nodes to explain what is going on.
I have attached an image so you can see what I am talking about.
I'd love to know this as well, in the past I've always just zoomed in close and took lots of individual images and then stitched them together in Photoshop
That's pretty much the standard way to do it, or you could screen record it, and then proceed to put it up as a pan picture.
Although natively, there is no such thing for UDK, so yeah, still need kludge work here.
Made a tree and can't for the life of me figure out how to cast the shadows of the leafs onto the floor.
Tried Blend_Translucent and it seems to actually cast the shadow but it makes my leafs transparent.
I'd greatly appreciate any help you guys can give me. Been scratching my head at this for a few hours now.
Also, for the Trans, what do you mean 'Transparent'? Trans can be modified, did you check under the Trans Tab for the material?
I downloaded on older version, the March build and it seems to be working fine. The chain mesh and my crappy tree now cast the shadows once the lighting is baked.
Are you on the May build and it's working for you?
now when i want to paint them on the terrain using the landscape tools it seems i can not paint everywhere (i can paint in some places but others seem not accesible by pointing the mouse at it and the paint cursor also is not at the same place as the mouse cursor
lightmaps are per mesh. all your materials will take up their own UV space in channel 1, but all UVs for all materials need to be put into channel 2 for the lightmap
It depends on what it should reflect and if its important. If you need to reflect characters, sure, realtime reflections can be needed, if its important, but just remember that realtime reflections are resource heavy.
Most of the times, you generate a cubemap from your environment, to get the best result, and use that for reflection.