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Unreal Developer Kit - MASTER THREAD



  • SirCalalot
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    SirCalalot polycounter lvl 10
    In newer versions of UDK, they have added another, more basic game-type as the default.
    Change the Game Type to UT_Deathmatch (or something similar) in the 'World Properties'.
  • littleclaude
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    littleclaude quad damage
    Ah yes so it is, thank you, I need to get my UDK head back on.

    Creating your own weapons is quite a large task? why have they made it so hard to edit? Here is a tutorial for anyone interested -

    To me it would make more sense for this awesome editor to have some everyday weapons, pistol, AK47 and so on rather then just Sci Fi weapons, I know its a legacy problem from the Unreal days but I was hoping they may have made it easier for modification teams by now.:poly121: nudge nudge wink wink if any one is out there.

    Anyway, thanks again for your help.

  • Rico
    Hey guys do you know if there is a way to make the camera look straight up at 90 degrees when in the editor preview?

    Like when you go Play From Here and get to run around in your level?

    Currently the most I can look up is at like 60-70 degrees
  • gannonroader
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    gannonroader polycounter lvl 8
    Hey guys, I'm doing a tutorial right now that shows a "switch param" node, with an A and B input. My shader is now hinging on this one node because mine says "true" or "false" and seems to be giving me a different result than the tutorial. Has the node changed in recent builds?

    Is TRUE and FALSE the same thing as A and B???
  • Oniram
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    Oniram polycounter lvl 17
    yeah its pretty much the same thing. there is a default value tick inside the parameter itself, which is probably whats causing you to get different results.
  • gannonroader
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    gannonroader polycounter lvl 8
    Ok, I have the shader completely finished and exactly like the example, but i'm getting a couple of errors that I don't quite know what to make of.

    [Node WorldNormal] Invalid node WorldNormal used in pixel shader input!
    [Node DepthBiasedAlpha] Invalid node used in vertex/hull/domain shader input!

    I'm 99% sure they are hooked up right, and the values are all correct and stuff. I just don't know what is causing these errors. Any ideas?
  • Oniram
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    Oniram polycounter lvl 17
    can we see the material?
  • gannonroader
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    gannonroader polycounter lvl 8
    sure, I'll post a pic in a min of my node network. The material is not actually visible yet because of these errors. Give me 5 mins.
  • gannonroader
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    gannonroader polycounter lvl 8
    Here is the area of my network that's effected


    and here is the one i'm using as a reference. i've been calling it a tutorial, but the guy just posted his shader as a educational resource, and not as an actual tutorial.

    I should not that the effected areas are in the comment boxes "Distortion/Normal" and "Displacement"
    here is his shader network


  • Hellfire
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    Hellfire polycounter lvl 14
    hi gannonroader,

    thx for report this error i fix it tomorrow :)

    Area #1

    Area #2
    thats works only R constant or RG texture
  • gannonroader
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    gannonroader polycounter lvl 8
    Thank you hellfire, will it be updated on your blog?

    I don't see any changes in area #1, and don't quite understand what you mean for area #2.
  • Bart
    I am looking for some info how to create an simple Aircraft warning light such as this

    Would it be with UDK lights or does it need a unique texture with an alpha and a special material setup ? Would apprecieate any info on that :)
  • Xendance
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    Xendance polycounter lvl 7
    Bart wrote: »
    I am looking for some info how to create an simple Aircraft warning light such as this

    Would it be with UDK lights or does it need a unique texture with an alpha and a special material setup ? Would apprecieate any info on that :)

    You could probably just use some lens flare actors alongside with point lights.
  • Bart
    Cheers. Lens flare actor worked just fine :)
  • cptSwing
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    cptSwing polycounter lvl 11
    DOG-GY wrote: »
    Alright, I've got some problems with Unreal Ed 3 (unreal engine 2.5).

    1) I've got some specular maps that want to use. The issue is that they always come out too bright. As a matter of fact, the textures themselves seem to be brighter in the editor.

    Google sent me back here.. anybody know why my specular texture is automatically brightened when i drag it into the material editor? I can mutiply it back to a darker state, but it doesn't make sense. This is a greyscale specular, haven't noticed this happening on color specular maps.

    Oh and while i'm in here, i'm considering using the blue channel of my normal map for something else - what would the best way to go about this in your opinion?

    i'm a little short on time right now, so i haven't done much testing, i've tried experimenting with multiplier and add nodes to pipe a constant value back into what i want to plug into the normal node, and simulate a blue channel.. but of course that makes little sense and didn't work.
  • R3D
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    R3D interpolator
    Anyone know where I can get some good reading material on Unrealscript?
  • Rekmar
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    Rekmar polycounter lvl 19
    [Node WorldNormal] Invalid node WorldNormal used in pixel shader input!

    means the WorldNormal node can only be used for vertex shader operations, not for pixel shader operation. It's only really usable in the WorldPositionOffset material input.
  • kyle.rau
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    kyle.rau polycounter lvl 8
    cptSwing wrote: »
    Google sent me back here.. anybody know why my specular texture is automatically brightened when i drag it into the material editor? I can mutiply it back to a darker state, but it doesn't make sense. This is a greyscale specular, haven't noticed this happening on color specular maps.

    Oh and while i'm in here, i'm considering using the blue channel of my normal map for something else - what would the best way to go about this in your opinion?

    i'm a little short on time right now, so i haven't done much testing, i've tried experimenting with multiplier and add nodes to pipe a constant value back into what i want to plug into the normal node, and simulate a blue channel.. but of course that makes little sense and didn't work.

    have you tried checking/unchecking the gamma correction setting? (the sRGB thingy) as for the normal map, i use the blue channel for AO sometimes because multiplying your AO in unreal versus doing it in photoshop can give better outcomes often and you can control how strong it is on the fly.

    Ryswick: eat3d has a spiffy dvd on unreal script if i remember. their stuff is always work looking into! :D
  • cptSwing
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    cptSwing polycounter lvl 11
    i believe i have, will go back and double check though. for now i just changed it to TC_greyscale and use just the one channel, seems to work.

    in order to use your normal's blue channel, you extract R,G with a mask, and plug the result into a deriveNormalZ, correct? if i prepare a normal map and paste my specular into its blue channel, using it by directly plugging it into the specular node looks pretty whacked out. maybe you have some hints for a correct shader setup?

    thanks for the reply!

    EDIT: i think it's actually the result of the derive normal node which causes black spots at some areas with high frequency detail. is this just a consequence of the not-so-perfect rebuild of the blue channel, or am i missing something in between (have yet to try different nodes, there's one called normalize if i am not mistaken?)
  • kyle.rau
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    kyle.rau polycounter lvl 8
    yup. make sure you don't forget the append node between the normal and the deriveNormalZ. plug the red and green into append, and then string that over through deriveNormalZ and it should work. if it is still looking weird, you might have to mess with the compression settings. try the uncompressed normal one and see if that works. i ran across a thread a while ago with something similar (i was trying to find it for you) but they imported as "default" for the normal map that was packing a specular in the blue channel. hope that helps.
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    I suggest avoiding anything other then NormalMap_Uncompressed settings, seriously, unless you have a perfectly synched baker for UDK, almost every other settings makes it look like garbage.

    You could also try forcing UDK to run in DX10 mode if you have nVidia, and use the BC5 setting for the Normal Map.
  • cptSwing
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    cptSwing polycounter lvl 11
    ^ that wouldn't make much sense in this case, since then i'd have no free blue channel to use.

    kyle.rau: thanks again. i've done a little experimenting and basically i've come to the conclusion that the freed up channel isn't usable for anything more than simple masks. the greyscale spec map i tried using in B gets raped so badly, it's looks like a 1 bit map and kills my material (sRGB screws up the normal map channels, not an option either). DeriveNormalZ also seems to throw out additional shading errors, so i'm not really sure this whole method is worth it, unless they're really unimportant assets, or texture space is REALLY tight.

    The B channel compression result of my specular map is a little worrying, since i don't see how it'd be different with regular mixed-maps?

    cheers again for the replies, guys.
  • ArYeS
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    ArYeS polycounter lvl 8
    Is there any way to scatter static object over other static objects?

    Example: I have grass mesh, and terrain mesh (as static mash - for a reason, not udk terrain). Can I scatter grass over it? What about randomizing between 3 different mesh types.

  • Oniram
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    Oniram polycounter lvl 17
    theres a tool specifically for that. foliage mode allows you to paint randomly placed/rotated meshes all over a mesh or bsp. there is also the predecessor to that tool, static mesh mode.


    Static Mesh Mode
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    My question is, why do you need the blue channel or Alpha channel? It makes sense for game optimization, but I'm assuming for now you're doing portfolio work, in which case no one will care about such stuff.

    Have your tried the different settings for your Normal Map? I can assure, even a 4K Normal Map looks like utter rubbish in UDK if the baker is not synched in the first place, sometimes with seams warping all over the place and strange tones between UV islands, and as I said, if you have DX10 GPU, force UDK to run in DX10 mode, and use the BC5 setting, that might work in your favor.

    Also, UDK compresses channels of all kinds of texture big-time, so no surprise your Spec Map is looking harsh, if you want your texture to appear full quality, change their setting to VectorDisplacment, this make your packages huge in size, but so far this is only compression setting I found which equals to a deferred compression.
  • cptSwing
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    cptSwing polycounter lvl 11
    well, i ended up going all out with the normal map and packing gloss, alpha and spec into a third map (specular into green channel). it's not portfolio work, so there's that ;-)

    thanks for the reply though, i'll come back to it once i have time for my portfolio :thumbup:
    Mi my name is Alberto Herrera and this is my Mayan Environment created in UDK if u guys have any feedback or something i will be glad to hear.
    by the way, the water shader is not mine. the link is in the video.
  • littleclaude
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    littleclaude quad damage

    How are you getting on with Scaleform? I have a research demo to rough out by Easter and wonder where the best place is to start?

    I have been going through this but its a bit up hill so far - http://forums.epicgames.com/threads/743567-Getting-Started-with-Scaleform-amp-UDK

    And this has also helped - http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC3B71EE95DADAADC&feature=plcp

    Any tips on camera control or if you see any please post them, ie click a button and camera and matinee will kick off then go back to start and repeat. I think this is going to be straight forward? but I am sure there are some pitfulls, I will post up what I have made nearer Easter but any tips will be much appreciated.

    Has anyone made any demos/templates I can get my hands on like this? I would love to just jump in a rip one apart.

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxHVOooW_R8&list=UUXegZ2ZIS7FYWtE91xpmvrg&index=1&feature=plcp"]Autodesk Scaleform Menu Kit - YouTube[/ame]
  • kyle.rau
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    kyle.rau polycounter lvl 8
    Ran into a really weird bug I think :( ??

    Can't import speed trees compiled with the "include wind" option off. It crashes when trying to import it. I've done this successfully in previous versions so I'm not sure whats up. I found someone that posted 2 years ago about the same thing and didn't seem to find a solution. Even if I do the work around of setting the wind height to like 20000, and there is no wind in the speedtree modeler, it still waves a little in UDK when I import with "include wind".

    Any ideas guys? For this specific case I REALLLLY can't have any moving trees :P
  • gannonroader
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    gannonroader polycounter lvl 8
    I think you can turn it back on in the udk under properties as a ticker box if i'm not mistaken????
  • Xendance
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    Xendance polycounter lvl 7
    kyle.rau wrote: »
    Ran into a really weird bug I think :( ??

    Can't import speed trees compiled with the "include wind" option off. It crashes when trying to import it. I've done this successfully in previous versions so I'm not sure whats up. I found someone that posted 2 years ago about the same thing and didn't seem to find a solution. Even if I do the work around of setting the wind height to like 20000, and there is no wind in the speedtree modeler, it still waves a little in UDK when I import with "include wind".

    Any ideas guys? For this specific case I REALLLLY can't have any moving trees :P

    Modify the wind in the modeler so that the strength is 0?
  • kyle.rau
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    kyle.rau polycounter lvl 8
    Xendance wrote: »
    Modify the wind in the modeler so that the strength is 0?

    yeah I tried and the tree keeps moving! :poly122: apparently you can't just have zero wind, even in UDK.

    For anyone else who has this issue I did sort of a work around:

    At first I tried the trick where you set the height to some large number so the wind is way above the tree but there was still a couple branches moving around for some reason in UDK. I had to open a new speedtree file, turn on wind and go into the properties, and export the wind properties (button at the top ish). These were the default wind. Then I imported those properties into my speedtree and ONLY set the height properties to something like 20,000 and didn't touch any other options. It seemed when I was turning down all the other wind properties it wasn't working as well. So just set the height option and that's it. Then export the tree in the compiler with wind checked and the tree shouldn't move in UDK.
  • gannonroader
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    gannonroader polycounter lvl 8
    Im having a problem with a vehicle I imported. The W and S keys are swapped, so W is reverse, and S is forward. Any idea where I fix this? I assume something was on the wrong axis or something on import. is there an easy fix for this?

    Please say yes.
  • gannonroader
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    gannonroader polycounter lvl 8
    ughhhhhhh, I just rotated the vehicle 180 degrees, and reskinned it, but it makes absolutely no difference. The thing still has forward and reverse mixed up. I have a feeling i'm making an extremely stupid mistake.
  • m4dcow
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    m4dcow interpolator
    I wonder if anyone can help me. I have been trying to use material functions in UDK for a snippet of vertex blending. Basically i'm lerping 2 textures based off of a vertex color, and a tiling clouds texture (I have 3 pattern textures packed into 1 map).

    I decided to throw everything into a material function, because I just wanted to create an alpha, I passed the vertex color and clouds texture as a scalar.

    At first glance, everything works fine, but if I try to any channel besides the red channel as an input, it doesn't change ie: it just keeps using the red channel no matter what.

    So then I tried making the inputs vector3s and passing the single channels in but it just passes all the channels in.

    I can mask out the other channels before going into the function, but that sort of defeats the puporse of me using the material function.

    Has anyone dealt with this or knows if there is some special way I'm supposed to handle these inputs?

    Here is an image showing my shader setup.


  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    Light Bounce set too high? More then 512/15 instruction/texture for a material? A negative light?

    Try baking again at Low and see if it changes anything.
  • Vailias
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    Vailias polycounter lvl 18
    m4dcow: I ran into this too. some odd thing about how the data is passed back and forth.

    Use a component mask to select the channel rather than just dragging from the channel on the sampler. Seems backward but it works.
  • m4dcow
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    m4dcow interpolator
    Vailias wrote: »
    m4dcow: I ran into this too. some odd thing about how the data is passed back and forth.

    Use a component mask to select the channel rather than just dragging from the channel on the sampler. Seems backward but it works.

    Thanks, I did end up using the component mask. I had to use the function a bunch of times in the same shader so it was an acceptable compromise.
  • mutatedjellyfish
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    mutatedjellyfish polycounter lvl 10
    So I plan on using 1 static mesh of a decorative cinderblock to build a small wall, and I would like to set up a tileable shader so that each instance of the static mesh either maps to a different part of the texture (aka offset uvs) or make it so the texture alignment shifts based on world position or something.

    Basically, I don't want each block to be mapped to the same part of the tileable texture, creating repetition. I want the texture to align differently on each block.

    I'm by far not an expert at the UDK, but I know my way around a bit. Any ideas? Thanks!
  • kyle.rau
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    kyle.rau polycounter lvl 8

    This is exactly what you're looking for!

    Unless I read that completely wrong then I'm going to go hide...
  • mutatedjellyfish
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    mutatedjellyfish polycounter lvl 10
    kyle.rau wrote: »

    This is exactly what you're looking for!

    Unless I read that completely wrong then I'm going to go hide...

    This, indeed, looks to be pretty danged close to exactly what I'm looking for. I will try this tonight! Thanks a ton!
  • SirCalalot
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    SirCalalot polycounter lvl 10
    I thought of that exact tutorial too :D
    Chris Albeluhn is pretty invaluable to people starting with UDK.
  • Vitrux
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    Vitrux polycounter lvl 8
    -hello guys , some great work here using the udk .

    I want to learn about it, but i am very lost where to begin to understand udk

    engine. Could any of you give me some directions where to begin learning udk?

    tutorials, books, anything for beginner .

    thanks for help :poly002:
  • Xendance
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    Xendance polycounter lvl 7
    Vitrux wrote: »
    -hello guys , some great work here using the udk .

    I want to learn about it, but i am very lost where to begin to understand udk

    engine. Could any of you give me some directions where to begin learning udk?

    tutorials, books, anything for beginner .

    thanks for help :poly002:

  • Tekoppar
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    Tekoppar polycounter lvl 10
    I got this error when trying to build all "Terrain is currently unsupported on mobile platforms". I tried googling the error and came up with nothing at all. I visited the UDK community forum but apparently I can't search, read a couple of pages and found nothing. How do I fix this error? I just want to build a scene inside a game engine, not publish anything on a mobile platform.
  • Vitrux
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    Vitrux polycounter lvl 8
    -thanks for the link Xendance very useful information......:)
  • Grimm_Wrecking
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    Grimm_Wrecking polycounter lvl 8
    Is it more efficient for the engine to have:

    12 Static Meshes with moved uvs and a single material


    1 Static mesh with 1 material and 11 material instances where the only function that changes is offsetting the uvs?
  • WarrenM

    The instances will be better as a whole, IMO, since you'll only have 1 static mesh loaded into memory. The first way will require 3 or 4 unique static meshes to accommodate all of the UV sets.

    In both cases, you're looking at 12 draw calls so no savings there.
  • SirCalalot
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    SirCalalot polycounter lvl 10
    Tekoppar wrote: »
    I got this error when trying to build all "Terrain is currently unsupported on mobile platforms". I tried googling the error and came up with nothing at all. I visited the UDK community forum but apparently I can't search, read a couple of pages and found nothing. How do I fix this error? I just want to build a scene inside a game engine, not publish anything on a mobile platform.
    That's not so much an error as it is a friendly warning by UDK :)
    Just ignore anything that has a yellow exclamation mark next to it and worry about the errors with a red cross.
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