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Unreal Developer Kit - MASTER THREAD


  • joeriv
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    joeriv polycounter lvl 7
    Got this annoying bug for a while, and google/this forum doesn't seem to turn up a solution:

    When I am editing a material in the material editor I get this annoying "flicker", where the window kind of "flickers" between the material editor and the viewport.

    And at the same time, the material preview is also doing weird (also a sort of flicker between that and the window/viewport behind it.

    Anyone has any idea as to how to solve it, or the cause?
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    BARDLER polycounter lvl 12
    I haven't used UDK with the new updated normal map rendering from xnormal. Is there anything special I have to do from Maya when exporting my mesh to xnormal? The settings they show on the website are for 3DS Max.
  • blankslatejoe
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    blankslatejoe polycounter lvl 19
    Joeriv---I've seen that before I think, but I don't remember what was done to fix it--I think a programmer fixed it. You could try updating your graphics driver, or testing on an older UDK install to see if the problem was in that one.
  • joeriv
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    joeriv polycounter lvl 7
    Well I just found out that switching to DX11 solves it.

    So I am wondering, if I just make some maps for myself, and don't use the dx11 specific features (and since I'm taking my first steps in UDk I don't even know what those are), does it matter if I use 11 or 9?

    Gonna test out some other drivers in meanwhile, atm using a beta driver because of playing GW2 a while ago, maybe that is the cause.
  • SirCalalot
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    SirCalalot polycounter lvl 10
    DX11 is pretty much backwards compatible with DX9, so it shouldn't matter if you don't use any of the fancy new features.

    One thing that I remember being an issue though was that a SceneCaptureCubeMapActor won't function properly in DX11, only capturing one side of the "cube".
    So be wary if you're using this method for generating Cube Maps and reflections.
  • Obscura
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    Obscura grand marshal polycounter
    Hi everyone, I have symmetrical mesh for a foosball figure.As you can see, there are some specular seams, at the symmetry.I searched a lot for the solution, and i found one of them (cut symmetry, where the surface is flat), but this doesnt work with that mesh. Any suggestion?
  • SirCalalot
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    SirCalalot polycounter lvl 10
    It might solve the problem if you change the lightmap UV channel in UDK to '0' and then save the standard UV set to '1', effectively swapping them round.

    I can't remember the exact reason why this helps, but it was something to do with how UDK stores lighting data.
  • Obscura
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    Obscura grand marshal polycounter
    Hi SirCalalot! I tried this, but nothing has changed:(
  • JWilson
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    JWilson polycounter lvl 7
    I was having this exact problem with one of my models a few months ago. There are several possible problems, but for me, inverting the green channel fixed the particular problem I was having. Good luck!
  • fearian
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    fearian greentooth
    I'm afraid that the best results will come from remapping your UV's and moving the seam somewhere asymmetrical and, as you said, cutting down a flat surface. As this looks like a table football guy, you could hide the seam by either adding a detail normal map, if he's fairly large, but if he is tiny on screen then don't even worry about it! noone will notice.
  • rahrahfez
    how can i create a pop up h.u.d when clicking on an object at the object's position in scaleform and UDK?
  • blankslatejoe
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    blankslatejoe polycounter lvl 19
    that's not a small task Rahrah, and will likely involve you diving into unrealscript. Here's a gem that goes over a chunk of the work though: http://udn.epicgames.com/Three/DevelopmentKitGemsCreatingAMouseInterface.html
  • rahrahfez
    thanks for the help blankslatejoe, i really appreciate it
  • Arthus
    Hello, is there any way to force lighting to treat this meshes like one big object??
  • Santewi
    Arthus wrote: »
    Hello, is there any way to force lighting to treat this meshes like one big object??

    Yes, if you group the meshes and then right-click -> merge, UDK will automatically create one mesh out of them as well as texture and lightmap UVs.

    However, if you're doing that because of the lighting issues, I'd suggest you to fix your lightmaps instead.
  • timotronprime
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    timotronprime polycounter lvl 12
    Quick question regarding the UDK Material Editor:

    The AnisotropicDirection input is greyed out, how do I make it "active" or useable?

  • Santewi
    Quick question regarding the UDK Material Editor:

    The AnisotropicDirection input is greyed out, how do I make it "active" or useable?


    Set lighting mode to Anisotropic.
  • Darklights

    I still personally consider myself a beginner to intermediate user of UDK, and have yet to dabble in UnrealScript, but would wish to understand the following;

    I am interested in creating a crumbling building, and I understand that PhysX Lab import may offer the best result. However, how should I go about doing this if I want the asset to be keyed to animate in Matinee? I want the building to destruct the same every single time I play the Director track. Should I create an invisible KActor that creates the same force upon the PhysX asset every time? Or is that too heavy on performance and there's a better way to do it?

    Thanks in advance. :)
  • terrybuchan
    One for the kismet gurus:

    I have a door (skeletal mesh) that opens when i key is pressed in kismet using a custom animation. However, that key is the same button to open any door in my level, so when i press the key, all doors open.

    Is there a way i can combine the key with a trigger or some sort of volume so that when i am next to a door and press the key only the door i am next to opens?

  • MarianneM
    I try to export my skeletal mesh character (in FBX format of course) in UDK but it alway say import failed
  • blankslatejoe
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    blankslatejoe polycounter lvl 19
    terry- you could gate the action with the volume--that is, when you're inside a trigger volume, and you press the keypress, then it opens only the door associated with that volume.
    What you'd want to research to help you set up the kismet for this is "attach to event", under actions. Alternatively, you could set up a volume around the door, and have that volume trigger a gate that allows the keypress to open the door. If you prefab the door+kismet combo you'd have it working everywhere in your game pretty quick. Goodluck!

    MarianneM -- Does your file name have any spaces or illegal characters? Try it with a REALLY simple filename.
  • MarianneM
    When I try to cook my UDK level it Crash
  • blankslatejoe
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    blankslatejoe polycounter lvl 19
    cook be a hundred different things, Marianne. What's the error in the UnrealFrontend output log say? (It's the window on the bottom section of the frontend)
  • MarianneM
    Isn't a error(or is it?) when I launch the game after it's finish cooking(It strange the ouput log show no error) the UDK windows go blank and I receive another windows that told me that build with UDK have crashed
  • blankslatejoe
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    blankslatejoe polycounter lvl 19
    are you sure its related to cooking? Can you open UDK normally?
  • MarianneM
    Yes I can open UDK normally. I cooked another level and it cooked perfectly. It's only this one that don't work
  • blankslatejoe
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    blankslatejoe polycounter lvl 19
    Hm...ok that helps a little.
    -Are you doing any custom scripting?
    -Are all your packages and maps saved inside of the UDKGame/Content/ folder?
    -Are you streaming/loading sub levels?
    -Are you using a custom Gametype other than UTGame or UDKGame (if you don't know, then you probably aren't)
  • MarianneM
    -I'm not at the level of scripting yet
    -no sub level
    -It juse an simple deahmatch level one UDKGame

    But now I got this nice message when I try to launch the game
  • blankslatejoe
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    blankslatejoe polycounter lvl 19
    Well...I'm at a loss. This could be a 32bit vs. 64bit problem, potentially.....maybe if your level has over 2gb of data in it then that might trigger the crash on loading...but that's a while guess. I'm just shooting in the dark here.

    You could try cooking with the 64-bit option, (if you have 64-bit windows) and see if it launches then.

    If so, then your best option may be to optimize your assets a bit and/or reduce variety so the level doesn't take as much memory.
  • MarianneM
    I have a 64 bit windows but it don't show the 64 bit option
  • blankslatejoe
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    blankslatejoe polycounter lvl 19
    Hm...I've never actually done a 64bit cook before, so I'm afraid I'm not much help here.

    Here's some things to try to see if it's memory. Before you launch the .exe file, hit control+shift+escape to bring up the task manager. When you launch the cooked UDK, see if it appears on the task manager list anywhere and see how much memory it takes up--if it gets over 2-3 gigs in memory (2-3,000,000k or so) then I'd suspect memory is the problem. If it crashes before the memory gets that high, it still could be memory, or something else. If that's the case, try creating a copy of your level file and butchering down what the copy umap references:

    To determine what to delete, look at the size of the .umap file itself--if it's over a hundred megabytes or so, think about chopping lightmap sizes and terrain actors. If the .umap file is small, delete references to staticmesh actors.

    You can use the View > Browser Windows > primitive stats window, and then organize by count by clicking "count" (...might be called something different. It's been awhile) to help you see how many times an actor is used. Delete any placed mesh used once or twice to quickly bring down the size the final cooked map will become. Remember,you're only testing this copy to see if memory is the problem, so how this level looks isn't important. Then, try cooking this new umap file and see if it works.

  • MarianneM
    Deleted the size reference skeletal mesh(The one who take a lot of memory space) removed lightmass but nothing changed yet. It most likely not a memory problem because I cooked another level who have the same size in kilobite and it have no problem
  • blankslatejoe
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    blankslatejoe polycounter lvl 19
    it's not just the level itself that contributes cooked memory--to the best of my understanding, when you cook it takes all the upk data and stuffs it into a single package for each map. It's suppose to be better for consoles. But, yeah, you're probably right in that it's something other than memory...that's just the only lead I can think of.

    Well, there may be something you're missing in a .ini config file, I guess. But if you're cooking singular maps you don't *usually* need to worry about those files unless you have custom post-FX shaders or menu/scaleform stuff or other things that are always-loaded-but-never-referenced-in-a-level.(see http://udn.epicgames.com/Three/ContentCooking.html, under usage/configuration). I mean, that's usually where I run into troubles with cooking, but I've never seen your particular crash and I don't suspect you'll find a solution there.

    Goodluck though..post a reply if you figure it out to help future people-in-need!
  • MarianneM
    Well... I think I will compare the two maps to check why one just don't work
  • Dibbz
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    Dibbz polycounter lvl 4
    I'm having trouble with Kismet. I have a couple of Matinees set up for what the player spawns to have some moving spotlights and stuff and I'm trying to add another Matinee for when the player touches a trigger volume a material covers the screen via post processing.

    If I put the exact same trigger volume matinee sequence in a template levels kismet editor it works but I can't get it to work in my own level. I'm stumped as to why.

    This is what Kismet looks like. All the settings are the same as the one that works in the test level.


    EDIT: I just managed to fix it. Turned out I had a post process volume in the level and disabling it sorted it.
  • elonir
    I need an advice from UE masters about my UDK scene, I'm trying to setup character's material from Tekken game, but I want make him look like original character from the game as much is it possible. I'm almost complete newbie in UDK, so if someone help me with advice how can I improve my version or will give me an advice about stuff I've missed I will be very grateful. Thanks!
    Here is video of my UDK character
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ViDzTcgWlsQ"]Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Jin Kazam? - YouTube[/ame]
    and original from Namco game
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBukZYqEma4"]Tekken Tag Tournament 2 - How to do Jin's Omen Stance (Hidden Stance) - YouTube[/ame]
  • ActionDawg
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    ActionDawg greentooth
    Does anyone know how to get better quality out of the lightmass ambient occlusion? I can't seem to get anything good toying with the settings. I'm just testing this with the default map where I've dropped in a skylight so lightmass has something to bake AO with and a dominant directional light for dynamic lighting and shadows.
  • James Ordner
    somedoggy wrote: »
    Does anyone know how to get better quality out of the lightmass ambient occlusion?

    Look at the included default maps, particularly the midday map. The AO is pretty decent looking. Also, it is good practice to use a lightmass environment color instead of a skylight, unless you have a specific reason to.
  • ActionDawg
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    ActionDawg greentooth
    Look at the included default maps, particularly the midday map. The AO is pretty decent looking. Also, it is good practice to use a lightmass environment color instead of a skylight, unless you have a specific reason to.
    Thanks! I've got it all sorted out now.
  • MarianneM
    I got a problem when I try to open my 2012-02 UDK editor I have a 0xc000007b error
  • McGreed
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    McGreed polycounter lvl 15
  • MarianneM
    Yes and neither solution work
  • Visceral

    I think you need to work on your 3 point lighting there. Might be that or you could look into using a rimlight effect in your material. You can PM me if you want me to take a look at it further.
  • MarianneM
    When I imprt FBX skeletal mesh UDK it either crash or say import failed
  • MarianneM
    Yeah I don't have the obselete message anymore but it still fail to import. And I have problem installing the ActorX plugin to 3DSmax
  • MarianneM
    Yes tried both 3ds max 2012 32bit and max 2012 64 bit. Maybe I should look the parameter and look if it's 3D directX or something. I know it's not a graphic problem like zoliul shader but who know. Let try it... maybe it somthing like that
  • r4ptur3
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    r4ptur3 polycounter lvl 10
    here, try this thread --


    I posted a step-by-step for Maya to UDK. Should be virtually identical for Max.
  • Jakob Gavelli
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    Jakob Gavelli interpolator
    This may sound really stupid, but I got alot of Import Failures for no apparent reason.

    Later I discovered that I had renamed one of the folders in my path, which contained an invalid character. Since I'm from sweden and decided to name a folder "spelgöra".

    As I said, problaby isn't the issue but I'm just throwing it out there.
  • MarianneM
    ^ don't think UDK support any accent....
    Exist it a way to move the UDK default character without being relevent to his position toward the camera?
    Because he must always by back to the camera or else it create problem to move the player.
  • McGreed
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    McGreed polycounter lvl 15
    Yeah, I always made the rule for myself to just make all folders, object names ect, in english, to make sure there is no issues.
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