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Information You Should Know About the Polycount Forum

Here are some things you should know about the Polycount Forum.


New Members

Welcome to Polycount! Please reply to this thread with a little info about yourself.

Can't send messages?
You need to confirm your email address before you can send private messages, change your profile picture, edit your signature, etc. When you sign into Polycount, there should be a small popup message in the lower left corner: "You need to confirm your email address. Click here to resend the confirmation email." Follow the instructions and you should be good to go!

Post needs approval?
If you try to post but you see a message like "Your comment will appear after it is approved", this means your text has caught the attention of our Spam filter. Don't make multiple posts, they'll just keep getting blocked. Once a day or so, we process a list of posts needing approval, to ban spammers and to verify members. If a full day has passed and you're still having trouble, send an email to helpdesk@polycount.com

Help with your account?
If you need assistance with your account, like changing your username, please send an email to helpdesk@polycount.com

Help with Topics or Replies?
Feel free to message one of the moderators.

New Accounts are Limited
New accounts are subject to aggressive filtering by our automated spam-fighting bots. Go bots! Once you have posted three times, and are thus promoted from rank "null" to rank "vertex", you will be removed from their filtering. These limits help us combat spammers. Become a part of the Polycount community! Give a few people some thoughtful critiques.

If you have an adblocker installed, this may prevent the Forum Ranking system from updating your rank, and thus it won't be able to grant you the new permissions.


No Duplicate Accounts

We don't like people making multiple accounts. One account per person is enough. If we see duplicate accounts we'll give you a warning, then delete the newer one.


Asking for Help

We are here to help, but like to see people who try to help themselves.

  1. Try to find an answer by Searching the forums. Technical Talk is a great place to start.
  2. Try to find an answer by searching the Polycount Wiki.
  3. Try to find an answer by searching the Web.
  4. Try to find an answer by reading the manual.
  5. Try to find an answer by experimentation!
  6. Include your findings in your post, so we know what you've tried already.
How To Ask Questions The Smart Way.


Always Search

As points 1 and 2 already mentioned, you should search for answers to your questions before posting a new thread.

You should also consider performing a search before posting a new thread if you think there is a good chance someone should have already made such a post - for example there may be a new art package, plugin, game or film just released that you want to announce.

If you are getting an error message, the fastest way to find the answer is to use that message as your Search text. For example, you can search the forums for "Your comment will appear after it is approved" This works great in web searches too.


Use Meaningful, Specific Subject Headers

When creating a new topic, consider the title carefully. The title is your opportunity to attract people to your thread, so it's in your own best interests to use it properly.


Smart: Help me get a model imported into Unreal?

Smarter: [Unreal] model import, wrong size?

  1. If you're using specific software, put that first. Experienced users want to share their knowledge, so make it easy for them find your thread.
  2. Try to be as specific as you can in the topic title. Summarize the exact problem you're having. Others who know the exact solution are more likely to click on your thread to help you out.
  3. Add a question mark to distinguish your thread as a call for help. Without a question mark it might be a thread that's sharing something you've learned. A question mark is a call to action, pulling people in who want to help.
  4. Some excellent info here on how to ask questions online. How To Ask Questions The Smart Way Not exactly the same community as we have here, but they do share a lot of the same etiquette. Just replace "hackers" with "polycounters". An excellent read.


Forum Tricks

The Polycount Forums run on the Vanilla platform. Here are some handy tools you might not know about:

  • You can drag images from your desktop directly into your post edit. The post editor supports drag-and-drop!
  • If you don't like drag-n-drop, or are on mobile, you can embed images using the Upload Image button, which looks like a landscape picture .
  • To host your images externally, just paste the full URL of the image and press the Enter key. Make sure the URL ends in .jpg (or whatever image format you're using).
  • Youtube and Vimeo can be embedded, paste the web address and press Enter. For example: https: //vimeo.com/100147486 or https: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=_veq6Q51Zlg (remove the space after the https: )
    • Our forum software can't embed Youtube unless it's formatted like so:
      https: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjf-1BxpR9c
      Specifically the /watch?v= part.
      Use the Youtube "Share" button, copy/paste that URL back into Youtube and visit that page. You want the new URL it makes. Paste that URL into your post and press the Enter key.
  • # symbol in front of any text will create a Hashtag. This makes a link which searches the forums for that word. For example: #mini-tuts. Use single words or hyphenated words, just like with Twitter.
  • @ symbol in front of someone's username will create a Mention. It sends a notification to that user, and creates a link to their profile. For example: @r13. For names with a space (grandfathered!) use quotes like this: 
  • Want to link to a specific post? The time or date stamp right after each poster's name is a clickable link... copy/paste it into your own post.
  • The latest posts: http://polycount.com/discussions
  • Your bookmarks: http://polycount.com/discussions/bookmarked
  • Your threads: http://polycount.com/discussions/mine
  • Your drafts: http://polycount.com/drafts


Give Insightful Feedback

Polycount thrives on constructive criticism. It's one of the defining attributes of our members. If you like someones artwork then take the time to explain why rather than cluttering a thread with random words like "Nice" or "Cool".

Similarly, if you don't like the artwork then be polite enough to offer advice on how it could be improved. And with that said...


Respect Your Fellow Artists

Some simple guidelines for showing respect to other artists of Polycount.
  1. Be courteous, polite and show respect to others. Use of the forums is a privilege, not a right.
  2. Engage your brain before your mouth. You are responsible for your own words and any harm they may cause.
  3. Don't post irrelevant nonsense in any of the non-General Discussion forums
  4. If you are posting controversial content which may offend some people, there is always a chance one of our moderators will remove it. If its removed, that is final and it will not return.
  5. Critiques and responses to images are to be constructive and related to improving the quality of the artwork. Our members love to see others improve and succeed. Always keep this in mind when posting.


Make Your Artwork Easy to View

When seeking advice about how to model something, include screenshots of your model. Provide an image of both the subdivided shaded model, and the unsubdivided shaded wireframe. For example:

Please be considerate of our viewers on mobile. Also, the longer people have to wait for your images to load, the less likely your work is going to be seen.
  • Please downsize your images to 1600 or less before attaching or embedding.
  • JPG compression doesn't matter if you're uploading to Polycount; all images are recompressed automatically. Resolution is what controls the file size.
  • PNG format often makes very large image files. PNG makes huge files unless you have large areas of empty flat color; best to avoid PNG. Saving a JPG converts a 8MB PNG down to a 128kb JPG, and looks virtually identical.
  • It's also a good idea to brand your images, so people who download or share your images can find you later. For more info see Your Portfolio Repels Jobs and the wiki Portfolio page.
  • We don't use BBCode tags here, like [IMG]. Just use the Upload Image button (which looks like a landscape picture ), or for externally-hosted images just paste the full URL (starting with https and ending with jpg or gif or png) and press Enter.


Embedding Images

There are three ways to embed an image in your post:

1. Save your image onto your computer, open the folder where the image is, edit your Polycount post, and drag the image from your computer folder into your post editing field.
- or
2. Save your image onto your computer hard drive, edit your Polycount post, click on the Upload Image button (landscape icon ), find the image in the folder on your computer, click OK.
- or -
3. Upload your image to the web host somewhere, like Imgur etc. Copy the full URL of the image. This URL must start with https: and end with the image extension, .jpg or .gif or .png (we recommend jpg). For example: http://i.imgur.com/qobP07W.jpg You can usually get this URL by right-clicking on a web image and choosing "Copy Image Address" or similar, each web browser is slightly different. Then edit your Polycount post, paste your image URL, and press the Enter key.


News and Banners

We're constantly on the lookout for forum posts to showcase on the front page. Usually it's simply what the moderators think is great or worthy of attention.

In the end the decision to promote or not is solely ours, but we do highly value our members' opinions.

If you see something you think should be showcased, contact one of us. The only thing we ask is that you send someone else's post, not your own.

Banner images represent what we think of as the best of the most recent posts. Banners require you to make threads. We can't banner a reply in a thread, for example something from a What Are You Working On? thread. You can read about how this works in Your art in the Polycount banner!


The Polycount Forum Is Not Necessarily Safe For Work

Expect to see nudity and swearing. We're adults here. Well, most of us are. And as such the conversations tend to be PG-13 or greater. This is not a free pass to use derogatory words or be disrespectful to any one individual or group of people.


Avoid Necro Posts

Necro means to reply to a thread more than 1 month old, only to add a small comment. This annoys others who are subscribed to the thread, since it doesn't add significant information.

However it's ok to reply in an old thread if you have substantial information to add to the subject, or a question to ask about technique. Old threads appear when people are searching for that particular subject, so it would be useful to others if you added relevant current information to the existing thread, or revived a conversation by asking about technique.

It is NOT helpful to dig up an old thread to add a critique or to praise, since the original poster is probably no longer working on that project.

Only post if you have have a significant question, or want to add information that will be generally helpful to others working on similar problems with current software/hardware.


The Polycount Forum Hates Spam

We don't want to buy your WOW gold, mobile phones or shoes. We already know where the porn is on the internet, so we don't need links to that either.

Post any of this and you will be banned.

Actually, you're best off not advertising anything on this site that isn't helpful to creating or learning about videogame art.


The Polycount Forum Does Not Condone Software Piracy

Polycount does not condone piracy nor do we allow links to pirated games or software. We understand there's a piracy discussion to be had, however Polycount will not be used as a platform for speaking out in favor of piracy, thus threads centering around piracy may be removed/deleted. If you are linking directly to the source for illegal copies of software you will be permanently banned without further warnings.


Self Promotion

Become a part of the community before you start promoting your own paid content.

We generally discourage people from posting ads for their own products, unless they are regular contributors to the community and share some information about how they made their artwork. Be a part of the community. This is an artist forum where we critique each other's artwork, discuss techniques, and share workflows.

Please read the section descriptions in the forum root. If you want to promote your own project, and you are a regular member of the community, you are encouraged to do so in the appropriate subforum.

Please post in Technical Talk if you've created software or service directly relevant to game artwork. We simply ask that you explain your service in detail, and post updates in the same thread rather than make new ones.

Use one of the Showcase sections (3D, 2D, Animation) if you've created a tutorial or some sort of content you want to sell. If you're selling something specific to an asset store, please do so in the User Generated Content section.

General Discussion is the place to discuss OTHER people's projects, for example the latest FPS you played, or a cool art app you found.


The Polycount Forum is Not Your "blog"

What we mean by this, is please don't create mindless threads that are off-topic to the Polycount Community.

If you have a topic of reasonable discussion to post, then by all means, please post away and let the intelligent discussion begin. However, we do not want to see random posts of "I ate cookies today" or "My car is blue", or rants about gaming culture. Even within the General Discussions forum, there is no place on Polycount for such threads. They provide no topic for discussion and are generally useless and become filled with useless replies.

"More art, less words" is a good mantra to go by when considering yourself a contributing member of the Polycount community.

If you find something you find just outrageously hilarious on the web, by all means, post it in the 'Thread of Awesomeness'. Other than that, pass it around in instant messengers and emails and keep it off of the forum.

We generally hand out Warning Infractions for such threads, so please think about what it is you'd like to post, and how it will benefit a community of videogame artists.


Flags: Spam, Abuse, Report

Flag: Spam
  • Subtracts 1 from a post's score.
  • Removes 1 point from the author's overall score.
  • Posts with -5 points are automatically removed for moderation (in Spam Queue).
Spam is anything which looks like someone selling something that's not related to the topic at hand, or posting nonsense commentary and they have a link in their signature that goes to a dubious website selling something.

Flag: Abuse
  • Subtracts 1 from apost's score.
  • Removes 1 point from theauthor's overall score.
  • Posts with -5 points are flagged for moderation (in Moderation Queue).
  • Posts with -10 points are automatically removed for moderation (in Moderation Queue).
Abuse would be someone posting something inflammatory, trolling, racism, sexism, homophobia, etc. Once something comes to the moderators' attention then it's up to us to decide if it really is spam or abuse, and deal with it as needed.

Flag: Report
  • You can send a message about a particular post to the moderators (in Reported Posts).
  • Use the Report button:
    • If you want your own post deleted. (if you have multiple duplicates, you only need to Report one of them!)
    • If you see something that a moderator should be aware of, but it's not Spam nor Abuse.


Points and Ranks and Badges

  • Points are shown in your Profile.
  • Points are applied towards your Rank.
  • You can earn points for various things:
    • +1 when your post gets a + Reaction.
    • +2 when your post is Frontpaged.
    • +? when you earn a Badge.
  • You can lose points for a couple reasons:
    • -1 when your post is flagged by another user as Spam or Abuse. A moderator can reverse this if unwarranted, just contact us for a review.
    • -5 when your post is flagged by a moderator as Spam.
We don't use the point system to gate services nor award benefits. It's a simple forum feature that can add to the experience for some people.

More information about points can be found in the thread Reaction buttons added: Insightful, Awesome


Ranks are a way to show off your contribution status to the community.

The ranks use a color palette based off our legacy color scheme and all the ranks are listed here.
  • Null/Vertex = dark gray because these are just for spam filtering.
  • Date ranks = blue.
  • Point ranks = brighter gray and increasingly greener. The color saturation roughly increases with higher ranks.
  • Mod = orange.
  • Admin = red.
  • Founder = white.
  • Polycount Sponsor = white.

Date ranks change into the named Point ranks after you reach 100 points. This way veterans aren't penalized right off the bat, and gradually move into the reputation ranks.

More information about ranks can be found in the thread Ranks by point count or by post count?


Badges are still a work in progress. See the thread Polycount badges?


Long Running Polycount Forum Threads

We have several prominent threads that are worth checking out.


Job Postings in the Polycount Forum

You're more than welcome to post available jobs at your studio, freelance gigs or if you're looking for help on a project. We have specific forums for these types of positions:

If it's an onsite full-time or part-time position in your studio, we'd love it if you could post it in the Full time/Part time work forum.

If you're offering paid freelance/remote jobs please use the Freelance Job Postings forum.

If you're an artist or studio advertising your availability for work please use the Artist Looking For Work forum.

If you're looking to pay artists but with delayed compensation please use the Royalties or Post-Launch Compensation Work forum.

If you're managing a project that needs help and is unpaid please post it in our Unpaid Work forum.


Terms of Service

You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use this community to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violative of any law. You agree not to post any copyrighted material unless the copyright is owned by you.

We at this community also reserve the right to reveal your identity (or whatever information we know about you) in the event of a complaint or legal action arising from any message posted by you. We log all internet protocol addresses accessing this web site.

Please note that advertisements, chain letters, pyramid schemes, and solicitations are inappropriate on this community.

We reserve the right to remove any content for any reason or no reason at all. We reserve the right to terminate any membership for any reason or no reason at all.

You must be at least 13 years of age to use this service.

For our full policies, please see our Terms of Service and our Privacy Policy.


  • ArNavart
    Offline / Send Message
    ArNavart polycounter lvl 2
    Hello, everybody!
    Glad to be here.
  • JaytheDaniels
    Offline / Send Message
    JaytheDaniels polycounter lvl 2
    Hiya :)  I'm Jay! I'm coming in as basically a blank slate. I've been learning to draw for about a year, and learning to model for less than a month. I like long walks on the beach, canceled lectures, and coffee.

    If I seem overly friendly I promise I'm not messing with you, I'm just like that :smiley:

    Looking forward to learning from you all in the future!!
  • nomzod
    Offline / Send Message
    nomzod polycounter lvl 7
    I'm working on a sci-fi, noir, TGFT erotic comic, and I'm hoping to find a community where I can get really technical. I'm a "classically" trained 3d artist and I've spent way too much time with hobbiests
  • Eric Chadwick
    nomzod said:
    I'm working on a sci-fi, noir, TGFT erotic comic, and I'm hoping to find a community where I can get really technical. I'm a "classically" trained 3d artist and I've spent way too much time with hobbiests

     Welcome to Polycount. We do get pretty technical here. Read the rules though, we don't suffer fools gladly.

    Oh and TGFT = Tobago Game Fishing Tournament?
  • kevAkom
    Offline / Send Message
    kevAkom polycounter lvl 7
    Hey friends,
    Been lurking the forums for many years now and decided to make an account. See y'all around!
  • Eclixpe
    Offline / Send Message
    Eclixpe polycounter lvl 3
    Hello people! I'm about to graduate and a 3D generalist myself, but hope to polish my skills to a more professional hi-poly concept art/modeller.

    Glad to be part of this community of very passionate artists. See you around the forums!
  • JadeCrosby
    Offline / Send Message
    JadeCrosby polycounter lvl 7
  • JohnJefferson
    New member here! I finally figured out how to activate my account thanks for this useful information. It takes time for me to find the reason why I can't post in any threads and know here I am this is my first post and I think I'm in the right place. :) Call me Target guys that's my Code-Name in Call Of Duty and Modern Combat 5. :)
  • Safouen
    Offline / Send Message
    Safouen polycounter lvl 4
    Hellooooooooooooooooo :D
  • troubleonsaturn
    Hi Polycount! My name is Ryan Mclean, I'm a level artist living and working in Montreal Quebec, 
  • dylan_amos
    Offline / Send Message
    dylan_amos vertex
    Greetings! My name is Dylan Amos and I am a environment artist. In just a few months I'll be graduating CSU Chico with a BA in Computer Animation and Game Development, so I'm pretty excited! I've lurked around on Polycount for quite a while, but, haven't gotten around to posting any of my work. That changes today!
  • frekky12
    Offline / Send Message
    frekky12 polycounter lvl 2
    Hi Polycount! My name is Fredrik and I've just graduated from university studying Computer Generated Imagery. I'm an aspiring 3D Artist and I'm really keen for people to give me feedback on my work. My website is fredriksimons.com. Have a wonderful day!
  • 2busychild
    Offline / Send Message
    2busychild polycounter lvl 7
    I am 2d/3d artist from Montenegro.
    Offline / Send Message
    JAKEALEXDUN polycounter lvl 3
  • Felixvivier
    Offline / Send Message
    Felixvivier polygon
    Hi there, My name is Felix Vivier.

    Decided to join today after years of lurking because i decided to connect more with the community !

    I do animations and will be posting mainly on the animation section my future work :) See ya !

  • seeker
    Offline / Send Message
    seeker triangle
    Hello! I go under the alias "Seeker" and I'm a fresh 3D & Animation student who can't wait to explore the suburbs of this forum and come witness to all the fantastic works that I (hopefully) can come close to creating in a year or two!

    I primarily kept to 2D artwork ahead of starting this study, but hopefully I'll be able to produce more 3D works to post on this site eventually.
    Cya around!
  • monodog
    Offline / Send Message
    monodog null
    Hi everyone! My name is Ali Glen I'm a character artist living in Scotland. I've been checking out the forums quietly for a while and now I want to be a lot more involved in the community and get some feedback on my work. Cheers!
  • LeighKimmer
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    LeighKimmer polycounter lvl 3
    Hello I'm Leigh, an aspiring 3D artist :) Very very glad to be here inside such a friendly and supportive community. 
  • nbanezart
    Offline / Send Message
    nbanezart polycounter lvl 9
    Greetings Polycount!  I'm primarily an environment/prop and vehicle artist.  I've been around since... I think 2015? But didn't really post much, until I found the sketchook thread.  I've long been hesitant to post for a while, but realized I need the feedback from other artists, and what better way than to show it and get a critiques than here?

    I want to be more active online, so here I am.

    I mainly work in 2D, but have gone into 3D modeling.  I've got the basics to 3D modeling and texturing but would love to improve.
  • MoonYeah
    Offline / Send Message
    MoonYeah null
    Hello my name is Florent aka MoonYeah, i landed here cause i started exploring the 3d realm in hope to become a professional.
    I hope to participate as much as i can in this community that was recommend to me by some fellow artists.
  • Vadmos
    Offline / Send Message
    Vadmos polycounter lvl 2
    Hello fellow digital artists and dreamers, let's have fun and help each other grow in Polycounting
  • Matchiine
    Hello everyone! I'm Catherine, currently a student trying to get my skills up in 3D graphics and environment art. This forum has been a great help and resource for me, but I've never actually posted before. Hoping to learn even more by participating more actively :smile:

  • DeltaHexagon
    Offline / Send Message
    DeltaHexagon polycounter lvl 4
    Hello, Polycount! c:

    I'm a 2d/3d artist who's finally gotten sick and tired of being sick and tired all the time and am trying my dang hardest to get back into doing what I love again: makin' monsters. This place looks fantastic and cruising through the newsfeed on the main page is such an amazingly inspirational adventure. Everyone here is so awesome, I look forward to being more active here as time goes on.
  • Jello_Fox
    Hello, I am David, but you can call me Jello Fox. I am a self taught sculptor, programmer, artist and I'm looking for ways to improve my skills as well as make a living off them if I get good enough. I like what I've seen of the forum so far and am happy to be able to join.
  • Hommli
    Offline / Send Message
    Hommli null
    My name is Emanuel. I'm ready to learn and share! Been thinking about getting in to the game industry a long time. Now it's time to take the step! But first I need to make awesome art, get inspired by this amazing community and take on challenges!
  • handclaw
    Offline / Send Message
    handclaw null
    Well, hello everyone!
    I am Arthur, a graphic designer who draws in his free time, and with a huge interest in game design and art. While I do dream to work in the game development some day, as of right now I seek to improve my skills as I've got a lot to learn. While I slightly played around a bit with 3D, I really do mostly 2D artwork.

    Anyway, I'm looking forward to join this community and I hope I can learn a thing or a dozen. :smiley:
  • goodmelody491
    Hello, my name is Melody and I just began learning how to create 3D models. I'm interested in animation and rigging as well as game development. Art in video games always fascinated me ever since I was a child, and I enjoyed learning and going through the process of creating models etc. in video games in my free time during school and now at work.
    I do this as a hobby, but I'm aiming to have the skills of a professional one day.

    I hope to improve my skills as well as getting into the community!
  • Owul
    Offline / Send Message
    Owul null
    Hi, I'm new to these forums. Thought this would be the perfect place to introduce myself. 
    Like most here I've been interested in making games since I could remember. Especially the more experimental and indie stuff. AAA is cool too. I did graduate from school for Computer Animation back in 2008 so I'm rusty as all hell. Got sidetracked. 

    See you around. 

  • MochiProcrastination
    Hello Everyone!! Newcomer here, I joined this site because, i really wanted to try working with a different community, and try new things! 

    I'm currently an architect, comic artist, novel writer, 2D animator, concept and character designer.

    I want to apply these skills to gaming themes as it's something I've always wanted to do, but never really had the chance to do.

    Can't wait to post here and chat with community. I'm already inspired by the standard(of art), kindness of fellow Artists and inspiration here!

    So Yeah! XD
  • Milinkre
    Offline / Send Message
    Milinkre polycounter lvl 4
    Hello All,
    I am a Full Sail Graduate, my focus was in Character creation and design for Video Games. I am still a work in progress and I am trying to improve myself daily. I  have not been posting online or getting constructive criticism so my hope is that through working and posting here I can improve. I hope that one day I can join the game community as a creature artist! I am looking forward to communicating with all of you!
  • friedwelf
    Offline / Send Message
    friedwelf polycounter lvl 6
    Hey everyone,

    Been lurking on here for about a week and posting in the 3daily challenge, but I forgot to introduce myself! I am relatively new to 3D and have been using the great resources on this site to improve my technique, and in the process have been really inspired by the artists on here. Looking forward to connecting with this great community.

  • lulrik
    Offline / Send Message
    lulrik null
    Hi !

    I'm curious and trying to learn somethings. Sorry for short text, but i'm not familiary with english, i'll do my best.

  • cisneroskat
    Offline / Send Message
    cisneroskat polycounter lvl 4

    I'm Katherine and I'm a 3D environment artist that is ready to break into the industry! I'll be posting my work so let me know what you think. 
  • Democles
    Offline / Send Message
    Democles polycounter lvl 7
    Howdily doodily neighborinos!
  • Blindness
  • iascollege
    Hello Friends,

    I am new on this forum website.
  • Ninami
    Offline / Send Message
    Ninami polycounter lvl 7
    Hello! I've been lurking this forum for a long time so it's time to post something as well. I have studied game technology and I started 3D modeling only few years ago. I like hand-painted texturing style so that's what I want to do.

  • Lilium
    Offline / Send Message
    Lilium triangle
    Hey everyone!
    My name is Alicia, I'm a french canadian who just finished her master in architecture and decide that what would make me the happiest in life is becoming an environmental 3D artist. When I was 14-15 I was part of a great community of graphists and this is why I am here. I need a community to help me learn and improve, so feel free to contact me and/or criticize my work. I don't know a lot of people in this field but I wish we all could learn together. :)
  • Svyat
    Offline / Send Message
    Svyat polycounter lvl 5
    Hello my name is Svyat Lykhosherstov, I'm a character artist, I just graduated highschool last year and now looking into pursuing a 3d career as a freelancer
  • ShockaPop
    Hey! What's up?

    I just came here to learn stuff.
  • namiru22
    Offline / Send Message
    namiru22 null
    Hey guys, couldn't find a decent introduction site so I thought that I could do that here in a small post. 
    Name's Daniel, I love 3D art and also have a thing for 2D art as well. I'm nowhere a professional and I do make a lot of mistakes when creating my own art so hopefully some of you might help me out in that and hopefully you're not too annoyed if tend to ask more questions than I actually should, so I apologize in advance  :D
    Hopefully we can chat soon! 
  • Sublimestudio
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    Sublimestudio polycounter lvl 9
  • analogmonkey
  • Gibby1995
    Offline / Send Message
    Gibby1995 polycounter lvl 4
    Well Hello there!!!
  • Alchemical
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    Alchemical polycounter lvl 7
    Hello everybody! Im a student hoping to work in Animation or Video Games, I do a bit of everything atm but prefer 2D Painting, making designs and concepts. Hope to talk to you all soon! :)
  • GlyphMasterson
    Hey Everyone, my name is Todd, and I'm a Community Manager for Veewo Games.  A bit about me personally though: I love video games, comic, TV and lots of cartoons and anime. I even write my own comics that you can view at Guardians-Comic.com. Thank you for letting me join your community, and I hope to talk with you all soon!
  • RebeccaDonaldson

    Hi – I’m Rebecca and I’m (not for much longer before graduation) a student studying Computer Games Modelling and Animation, with a particular interest in Environment Art. I hope to do my best and improve my skills! 

  • aryarie
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    aryarie triangle
    Hi all :) I'm not a student, but I'm learning to model in my spare time after work and such. I've been working my way through some tutorials and things for the past couple of months and I'm enjoying 3D a lot more than I thought I would (I've always been a little bit intimidated by it all in the past...)

    I'm really looking forward to learning from all the artists here. :)
  • Dayol
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    Dayol null
    Hi Polycounters !
    I'm Alix, former 3D student and in love with environment art !
    I must leave my school for some reasons (who said money ? :)), and i'm now in a 6 months free time period to work on my portfolio.
    I'm looking forward to see everybody's work, and learn from all in here ! Cheers !
  • liketotallyakid
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    liketotallyakid polycounter lvl 6
    hello! i love 3d modeling and CG in general :#  I want to become a better artist, so i was wondering if i can post some art here to get feedback and critiques. Please let me know if this is the right place, and what i need to do to post a thread :) All the best!
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