Everyone, get in here!

Hello everyone! As many of you might know there is a Polycount Skype group which is a great little chat room to talk art, or just shoot the shit. The only downside is that, well... Skype kinda sucks.
Tired of having skype eat 300 mb of RAM, take whole minutes to sync conversations, and popping ads in our faces we decided to set up a Slack for Polycount.
What is Slack you ask?
Slack is a team communication tool, originally intended for software development teams it's also a really robust chatroom with a lot of useful features. Handy things like:
-Easy image sharing. Just paste your link or even drop the image into the chat and Slack will automatically embed the image.
-Fast and powerful search. Trying to find that link someone posted about SVOGI last week? You can search by keyword, user, and time range. And it's fast as hell!
-Support for multiple channels. To keep the main chat from being too cluttered. You can also set up private channels if for example you're collaborating with someone on a contest.
-Accessible anywhere. Slack is originally a web app, but you can also download a desktop client, and an iOS or Android app.
-Integration for a wide range of services. Most importantly for us artists is Dropbox and Google Drive.
-And most important of all. Custom emoji.
So how do you get in on the fun? Simple! Just fill out this form:
You don't have to worry about this being some cool kids club, or that your art needs to be of a certain quality. This is intended to be a casual group where professionals and amateurs alike can talk about art and learn cool stuff together. As a matter of fact, it would be nice to have some beginners in here so it's not just a bunch of jaded old guys grumbling about Autodesk. Just give us your username and email and we will send over an invite as soon as possible.
When you're set up and good to go the Slack group is: http://greentooth.slack.com
See ya round!
Lets all switch to ICQ instead.
maybe around 1998-2000
Until you have to use Skype to voice chat..
filled out the form
Yeah I stumbled across that.
Would it be presumptuous to ask a mod for a sticky?
(Am I not a cool?) :poly136:
FullSynch, I seem to have missed you somehow. Sorry about that. Sometimes I get a lot of applications at once and I may accidentally miss a name. Sent you an invite now. Thanks for your patience.