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  • bounchfx
    that was surprisingly well done. I didn't realize they shot so many of the scenes from so many different angles!
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    I've been re-watching the entire series to date (for the 4th time) in preparation for this final season. Totally amped for this.
  • Target_Renegade
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    Target_Renegade polycounter lvl 11
    and i thought re-watching the 5th series again was hardcore, looking forward to the finale.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Ya seriously, moar art Emil! :D
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    I've been re-watching the entire series to date (for the 4th time) in preparation for this final season. Totally amped for this.

    i just did that too.

    I hope Jack dies.
  • diminished_Self
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    diminished_Self polycounter lvl 12
    I've been re-watching the entire series to date (for the 4th time) in preparation for this final season. Totally amped for this.

    This. second time for me, first time for my girl.
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    Ya seriously, moar art Emil! :D
    HAHAHA! I know... I'm slack!
    But I watch LOST while I do art, but then I tend to get distracted by the episode and kind of ditch the art.
  • mookster
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    mookster polycounter lvl 18
    The opening scene is up on youtube. It's only 4 minutes, an only about 2 of new footage.

    Article on IGN
    Trying to link to the youtube page but it's embedding.
  • vcool
    I am glad I am not the only crazy Lost follower here. :poly142:
  • JohnnySix
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    JohnnySix polycounter lvl 16
    OMG OMG OMG :poly127:

    The wait is finally over - they've got some task tying all those loose ends together, given the amount of people they killed off last season, I'm guessing they're planning to introduce some new ones, or perhaps re-introduce some older characters ( Clare maybe? )

    I'm with diminished_Self though, in that it'd be a huge cop-out if they didn't end it somehow, if it all just looped in, it'd suck, and a statue stomp-fest would be preferable to that. :D
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    I read that Claire, Boone, and Charlie are supposed to be in this season.

    That video looked cool, though impossible to tell where in the hell they're going with it :)
  • Rens
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Mind already blown
  • bounchfx

  • skylebones
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    skylebones polycounter lvl 10
    What the hell is going on?!?!
  • skankerzero

    I can't wait to see how this whole season unfolds.

    Look like some kind of splinter dimension was created or something...
  • MikeF
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    MikeF polycounter lvl 19
    notman wrote: »
    Mind already blown

  • coldkodiak
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    coldkodiak polycounter lvl 17
    smokey... cool.

    <3 this. Season is starting great.
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18

    That was a wicked kick-start.
  • glib
    Lost's ability to explain nothing, no matter how much time they have, is still intact.
  • Snight
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    Snight polycounter lvl 16
  • skankerzero
    glib wrote: »
    Lost's ability to explain nothing, no matter how much time they have, is still intact.

    Oh come now. We learned the 'evil god' and the smoke monster are one and the same. We also learned that the Others possess a Lazarus pool of some sort.

    Don't say we already knew that or that it was obvious because up until now it was only speculation.

    We also met the stewardess and the two kids for the first time as others.

    I'm sure they will go on and explain much more as the season goes on.
  • Josh_Singh
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    Josh_Singh polycounter lvl 18
    I like Evil Lock Because He's the way I wanted Good Locke to be. My Wife had a cool idea, that since Evil Smoke Guy took over Locke's Body/Consciousness whatever, if Jacob takes over Sayid.
  • skankerzero
    Josh_Singh wrote: »
    ... if Jacob takes over Sayid.

    That's what everyone is thinking. They suspect the note didn't say what they said it said. After all, if Jacob is dead, why would the Lazarus pool work? So perhaps their intent was to drown him in order to give Jacob a vessel to possess.


    Someone posted an interesting theory of a timeline with a single loop. I started typing it out but some things didn't line up, so I'm just going to type up what I think happened.
    It goes like this:

    01) Everyone is born.
    02) All the events happen that lead them to being on flight 815.
    03) They crash on the island and the series plays out like it did.
    04) The Oceanic 6 are saved.
    05) The wheel is turned forcing people back to an alternate 1974. During this time, there are alternate versions of everyone already born or soon to be born in the alternate timeline. There are now two copies of people present.
    06) The Oceanic 6 get on Ajira 316 in the original timeline.
    07) Some on Ajira 316 get teleported back to the alternate 1977. Others crash land on the island in our current timeline.
    08) Everyone in the past jumps back forward in time to the alternate present day after detonating the bomb.
    09) Everyone in the alternate timeline would live their lives as they did in the original timeline only maybe a little different here and there.
    10) The alternate people land in LAX because the island was destroyed by the bomb.

    I saw some theories on some science programs that talk about how massive releases of energy can cause dimensional tears. It's one of the theories behind the Big Bang. Basically they theorize that the Big Bang is two dimensions 'hitting' each other as they ripple along each other.

    Now, what are the alternate people going to have to do with the original crew? Who knows. If I'm anywhere near what's going on, then I suspect the two dimensions will come crashing together again causing some chaos in the alternate's memories as the memories of the original crew may come flooding back into the minds of the alternate crew.

    Also, we're not really sure that Desmond was hoping around his own timeline and not between dimensions.
  • [Deleted User]
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    [Deleted User] polycounter lvl 18
    Here's some pure speculation...

    I figure the Lazarus pool is the same thing they used to save Ben. If that's the case, then whatever Richard said would happen to Ben from the process will probably happen to Sayid as well. Whatever that might mean.

    Something's fishy about the timeline from the intro. It looks like more changed than just what would have been different from the bomb going off. For a minute I thought Jack would have still remembered Desmond better, because he recognized him right away when they met in the hatch, but I guess they wouldn't have had their conversation in the bleachers if Charles Whidmore had died in 1977. But what Boone said doesn't fit. Where's Shannon? I don't remember much about their backstory, but that wasn't one of the ones influenced by Jacob, was it? If not, she should still be on the plane.

    Anyway, I'm really stoked. It looks like it's gonna be a great season.

    EDIT: Ok, so when I wrote that, I didn't know it was a 2 hour. So I just watched the second episode today. Hoo-boy.
  • TWilson
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    TWilson polycounter lvl 18
    Mr. Eko? ....is that you?
  • ImSlightlyBored
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    ImSlightlyBored polycounter lvl 13
    I stopped watching after season 2 was aired
    really wish I didn't as now I don't seem to be able to grasp this show at all and rewatching those seasons is a trial : (

    Anyone got a for-idiots recap summary knocking around?
    It looks really cool now as well.

    Did that egyptian stuff EVER get explained? why was the counter in egyptian sometimes?
  • VPrime
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    VPrime polycounter lvl 9
    I stopped watching after season 2 was aired
    really wish I didn't as now I don't seem to be able to grasp this show at all and rewatching those seasons is a trial : (

    Anyone got a for-idiots recap summary knocking around?
    It looks really cool now as well.

    Did that egyptian stuff EVER get explained? why was the counter in egyptian sometimes?
    Best thing you can do is just get the seasons on dvd or something.. Every thing and any thing on the internet will just confuse you more and more..

    As with lost, every thing is explained with more unexplainable events :)

    So far this season is awesome! Looking forward to it.
  • Mark Dygert
    In the alternate world, why was the island under water? It appeared to be sunk after Darma took over.
    1) How does the island sink?

    2) Did they do that so there would not be any questions of people on the island in the alternate time line? Just to keep things simple?
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    Vig wrote: »
    In the alternate world, why was the island under water? It appeared to be sunk after Darma took over.
    1) How does the island sink?

    2) Did they do that so there would not be any questions of people on the island in the alternate time line? Just to keep things simple?
    Quite possibly.. the Locke=Loki, Jacob=Baldr theory - this season is a version of Ragnarok, then they all get reborn. Too many similarities to the Norse legend - Loki finds a "loophole" to get someone else to kill Baldr - Baldr winds up getting kicked into a firepit - after Ragnarok (great battle of the gods), the world is submerged in water for a time (beginning of tonight's episode). If you have no idea about this, just check the wiki pages for "Loki" and "Baldr".

    Was nice to see the dharma shark survived though..:D
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    So................. Sayid comes back from the dead and suddenly starts speaking like his REAL self, in fluent cockney english... Awesome...

    Man, Lost is back, and my brain is already fried! Damn shame they killed of Juliette, she was the hottest girl on that rock :( But nobody ever stays dead on Lost :)

    Not 100% sure on the whole alternate timeline at the same time thing ATM, but then again, 2 episodes in...
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    fly_soup wrote: »
    Here's some pure speculation...

    I figure the Lazarus pool is the same thing they used to save Ben. If that's the case, then whatever Richard said would happen to Ben from the process will probably happen to Sayid as well. Whatever that might mean.

    Something's fishy about the timeline from the intro. It looks like more changed than just what would have been different from the bomb going off. For a minute I thought Jack would have still remembered Desmond better, because he recognized him right away when they met in the hatch, but I guess they wouldn't have had their conversation in the bleachers if Charles Whidmore had died in 1977. But what Boone said doesn't fit. Where's Shannon? I don't remember much about their backstory, but that wasn't one of the ones influenced by Jacob, was it? If not, she should still be on the plane.

    Anyway, I'm really stoked. It looks like it's gonna be a great season.

    The biggest flaw in the whole intro thing was that Desmond was never on the flight... Ever. He sailed there years ago and crash landed on the island, right? So, they stuck him ON the flight, when he never was on the flight to begin with...

    Which means, rather than splitting the time line at the hatch event, they actually split the timeline BEFORE the hatch event... Meaning that at this stage, anything is possible. Including Boone's hair being totally different.
  • Mark Dygert
    Jeremy, that's awesome and makes perfect sense.
  • low odor
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    low odor polycounter lvl 17
    where's Quin Mallory when you need him?

    I like the ragnarok theory... ..
  • low odor
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    low odor polycounter lvl 17
    odium wrote: »
    The biggest flaw in the whole intro thing was that Desmond was never on the flight... Ever. He sailed there years ago and crash landed on the island, right? So, they stuck him ON the flight, when he never was on the flight to begin with...

    Which means, rather than splitting the time line at the hatch event, they actually split the timeline BEFORE the hatch event... Meaning that at this stage, anything is possible. Including Boone's hair being totally different.

    if Charles Whitmore died on the island when the nuke went off..then he never sired Penny...and Desmond could be anywhere in the time line
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Did any of you catch the Jimmy Kimmel interview later? I heard it on the radio this morning, and they gave away a few things (sort of). Basically, he asked if things were intentional or coincidental. Here's a few things I found interesting:

    "Is Sayid possessed by Jacob?" A: "He's possessed by SOMEONE"
    "Was it coincidental that Shannon was not on the flight?" A: "NO. We hope to see Shannon later"
    "Was it coincidental to have a space between LA and X in the show?" - "No" (Personally, I missed what they are referring to)

    I do feel like the whole Juliet thing was a waste of time (why have her live to the start of this episode, just to kill her of and provide nothing more than saying 'it worked'?) There could have been better ways to suggest 'it worked'.

    Personally, I would have been happy with the show ending with the flight home, if it tied into the last episode of last season. So, instead of cutting back to the island to show parallel timelines, they could have cut in the attempts to detonate the bomb. Then it would have all tied together at the end of the episode... just my 2¢

    Oh, and I think Jack's Dad was pulled from the jet still (during the turbulence). I heard it referenced today, that the shot falling into the water, then to the island, was actually Jack's dad falling from the plane.

    Many people were missing from flight btw. No Eco, Anna Lucia, Shannon, the two twits they killed off because the fans hated them, and Walt & Michael. The producers said the Walt and Michael thing was due to 'fate'. Curious.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    Plus desmond has always been an anomaly..
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    notman wrote: »
    Many people were missing from flight btw. No Eco, Anna Lucia, Shannon, the two twits they killed off because the fans hated them, and Walt & Michael. The producers said the Walt and Michael thing was due to 'fate'. Curious.

    The guy who plays Eko bailed out of the show, which is why his character was killed off. Kind of a bummer since I liked him. But I think that means we wont be seeing him, even in alternate timelines and flashbacks. I guess there's always a chance of a cameo, though.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    I heard him in an interview (for one of his recent films), where he said he wouldn't mind being in the show again ;)

    And yeah, I know why some weren't on the show (like Anna Lucia), just funny that it's hard to line these things up now ;)
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    Also I wouldn't say that since you didn't 'see' them in the episode last night they 'weren't' on the plane we didn't know about the tailies for some time.. anyhow the only one we know of I think that wasn't on the plane last night was Shannon. Boone said she was having boyfriend issues or something so she wasn't on the flight.
  • bounchfx
    Josh_Singh wrote: »
    if Jacob takes over Sayid.

    this is exactly what I expect happened.

    I almost feel bad for the original actors of smokey/jacob, they are such huge characters yet the actors themselves are shelved for other bodies within two episodes lol.

    so we'll have sayacob and flocke battling it out. someone brought up a good point though - wasn't the smoke monster the temple's 'security system' or something? guh? are there two smoke monsters? or else that's probably the thing im confused about most.

    I dig the bad ass temple kung fu leader though.

    and yes, we are getting answers, chill.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    locke was bad locke all last season since they came back on the plane. (since good locke was already dead in a box)
  • doc rob
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    doc rob polycounter lvl 19
    Anyone got a for-idiots recap summary knocking around?

  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    What would be interesting, is to go back to watch the series, and see where good/evil guys exist. Like Jack's dad. Was he smokey? or Jacob? When Claire and Jack's dad are in the cabin, was one good and the other evil (and their discussion was interrupted)? Or were the losties a giant game for them?

    I think part of what they cleared up is, smokey wasn't defending the temple, but he was actually attempting to attack the temple, and would stop anyone that he thought was threating his attempts. Or, he was taking people, so he could kill them, then appear as them. I would also think that he stayed near the entrance, waiting for a moment of weakness, where he could get in.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18


    OH, and I think there was a hint to 'Their pitiful lives'. I think Jacob thought everyone on the flight, would want to be on the island, relieved from their crappy lives. If you think about it, they were all in a bad situation, and they all had a form of salvation on the island. None of them were satisfied with that though (except Locke).
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    notman wrote: »



    hrmm.. “He who will protect us all.”
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Looking at some of the LOST forums, people seem really disappointed by this episode. I think they are so caught up in the show, that they let their expectations get too high.

    I do like one theory I'm seeing though. The bomb didn't go off, they just jumped time again, right when Juliet was hitting the bomb. The 'proof' was how Jin mentioned the light, loss of hearing, and his headache, was just like the previous time jumps.
    SO, they may not be in a parallel timeline. We may just be witnessing how their lives after all the battling is done on the island. In other words, maybe the island is done with them, and they are returned to their lives before the crash, with no memory of the adventure.

    The island may have just been correcting the timeline (like it's done in other episodes). So, rather than letting Juliet blow up the device, it jumped them through time. That would probably be the reason the showed her still alive in the new episode. It shows that she didn't blow up with the bomb.
  • bounchfx
    notman wrote: »
    Looking at some of the LOST forums, people seem really disappointed by this episode. I think they are so caught up in the show, that they let their expectations get too high.

    I do like one theory I'm seeing though. The bomb didn't go off, they just jumped time again, right when Juliet was hitting the bomb. The 'proof' was how Jin mentioned the light, loss of hearing, and his headache, was just like the previous time jumps.
    SO, they may not be in a parallel timeline. We may just be witnessing how their lives after all the battling is done on the island. In other words, maybe the island is done with them, and they are returned to their lives before the crash, with no memory of the adventure.

    The island may have just been correcting the timeline (like it's done in other episodes). So, rather than letting Juliet blow up the device, it jumped them through time. That would probably be the reason the showed her still alive in the new episode. It shows that she didn't blow up with the bomb.

    I'm pretty sure it went off, it just jumped them out of there at the same time. It's the reason that we saw the island underwater within the first 5 minutes of the episode: the bomb went off, thus preventing a bunch of stuff happening (like desmond forgetting to hit the button which brought down the plane), and created an alternate timeline where the plane never went down in the process
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    low odor wrote: »
    if Charles Whitmore died on the island when the nuke went off..then he never sired Penny...and Desmond could be anywhere in the time line

    That's a damn good point. I was about to say that Widmore hd left before then, but we saw him in the 1977 timeline after Ben got shot.
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    odium wrote: »
    The biggest flaw in the whole intro thing was that Desmond was never on the flight... Ever. He sailed there years ago and crash landed on the island, right? So, they stuck him ON the flight, when he never was on the flight to begin with...

    Which means, rather than splitting the time line at the hatch event, they actually split the timeline BEFORE the hatch event... Meaning that at this stage, anything is possible. Including Boone's hair being totally different.

    The split occurred right at the instant the bomb exploded in 1977. But like low odor mentioned, if Widmore never had Penny, then Desmond's entire life changes. It seems remarkably unlikely that he'd have ever run into Jack in the first place, much less boarded flight 815, without his relationship to Penny to push him down that path.
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