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  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Oh so the numbers are explained.

    Still wish it was a two hour episode this week. Maybe the end of the series will be. I hope so.
  • Rory_M
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    Rory_M polycounter lvl 10
    adamBrome wrote: »
    Slight twist on skanker's theory about the last episode:

    It ends with them crashing and dieing rather than landing on the island. They showed Faraday crying again and I can't help but think there is more behind him crying about that plane crash.

    oh man I'll be throwing popcorn at the tv if they end the series like that. How can they get us all invested in these characters and then end it like that, that's just..gyaah.
  • Daaark
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    Daaark polycounter lvl 17
    bounchfx wrote: »
    also, I don't think Lost has 'gotten better' after a slump 'like hereos did'. Lost has always been consistently good and interesting if you ask me
    Same here. I have enjoyed all of it equally as much. I enjoy the writing and the characters and their interactions. I have never seen a 'filler' episode.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    I thought the Miles flashback episode was a filler :P
  • bounchfx
    there was still a lot of new info in those.. they just aren't as faster paced.
  • skankerzero
    Rory_M wrote: »
    oh man I'll be throwing popcorn at the tv if they end the series like that. How can they get us all invested in these characters and then end it like that, that's just..gyaah.

    It would be the ultimate sacrifice, like in Donnie Darko.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    Faraday was a douche. God damn whispering nancy! TALK LIKE AN ADULT.

  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    Daaark wrote: »
    Same here. I have enjoyed all of it equally as much. I enjoy the writing and the characters and their interactions. I have never seen a 'filler' episode.

    Do you remember in season 3 when they tried to add the characters of Pablo and Nikki? Fans hated that so much the writers killed them off in a special episode just for them. Not a high point, when fan response is so lousy you've gotta write out your story's latest additions.
  • Kevin Johnstone
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    Kevin Johnstone polycounter lvl 19
    Whats funny to me is that 'Jack's destiny' is probably just to fuck things up with Kate, thats what it has always been, those too are like the prom king and queen who when you return to your home town you discover life was never as good for them again, string of relationships, couple divorces, bad hair, still trying to pretend they are 18.

    Now they are going to decipher Farady's book? Thats like giving chimps Oppenheimers book and saying 'get to it' maybe? :)

    It would be neat for the climax of the show to be a flash of light, cut to everyone on the place in the past, camera lingers on each of the characters faces as they reflect on what a fuckup their lives have been as each wishes they had a chance for a fresh start, then the plane flies on , no crash.


    It won't go that way, it'll be something we haven't anticipated, there are still a lot of other pieces out there on the board and we haven't been paying attention to them. Can't wait, but I will.

    Btw, the words Lost, Quality and Heroes don't belong in the same sentence !

    Heroes started well, they just couldn't decide where they were going, so they genuinely had to repaint their little tv people too many times in a row for anyone to care.... unless they've just got no appreciation of notions like 'Plot' or 'Character Development'. If you make your cyphers into ever changing shades in a capricious flighty fashion, you've just blown it imo.

    I gave up on Heroes about 5 episodes into the 3rd season, I already detected the odor of panic in the writing during season2, so I gave it lots of chances! ( I can almost hear one of you starting to type 'dude, episode 6 of season3 was the turning point' haha)

    Which... was a terrible shame because that show had some fantastic moments, but they didn't understand how to link them or give them meaning.

    Lost always had a plot and character development, and the only people that thought Lost turned to shit for a while were the people that like secrets more than mysteries, I like mysteries more, they last longer , are not instantly forgotten once learnt and they encourage me to use my mind too.

    Right now, the show is just going at such a hectic pace and is near enough the finish line that it pleases both types, thats all its perceived 'poularity' is right now I think.

    Well, I should probably take some antacid to cure all my vitriol tonight.
  • glib
    Kevin I jumped ship on Heroes right about the same time you did, for the same reasons. When these two shows were both just getting going though I found myself swinging back and forth about which one I liked more. Lost bothered me right at the start when it felt like they were setting up too many unexplainable events and just throwing in an almost Family Guy-esqe WTF factor for the hell of it. It came storming back for me when they started to answer things though and I started to see that they had a relatively good picture of where they wanted to go.

    I hope jack's destiny is to have some sort of a damned character arc other than just the 'reluctant leader'. Think back on how much the character of Sawyer has changed; probably moreso than any other character still on the show .
  • Daaark
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    Daaark polycounter lvl 17
    notman wrote: »
    I thought the Miles flashback episode was a filler :P
    Okay, so now we know why you were crying in front of the tv.

    If you look at the who Faraday is named after, it's a guy who goes back in time in an island and leads the natives. A lot of people speculate that Faraday's face was on the anubis statue.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    lol thats interesting. How many toes has he got? lol

    I also think there is more to him being so upset about the plane crash than he should have been. Maybe he now joins Jacks dad and the aussie chick at the cabin with Jacob? Maybe he is Jacob, or at some point was when he sent his consciousness into the past/future?
  • Daaark
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    Daaark polycounter lvl 17
    lol thats interesting. How many toes has he got? lol
    Look up his page on Lostpedia. All kinds of shit there.

    You can learn a lot about people just by who they are named after.
  • Mark Dygert
    I gave up on Heroes about 5 episodes into the 3rd season, I already detected the odor of panic in the writing during season2, so I gave it lots of chances! ( I can almost hear one of you starting to type 'dude, episode 6 of season3 was the turning point' haha)
    Sadly the season ended and the turning point has still yet to surface... Hopefully they take a break get their bearings, chart a new course that will last more then 1-2 episodes and then make some kind of amazing ending to the show. As it is right now, its fizzled out and quickly dropping off the radar.

    I'm not even sure if its worth catching up on at this point, it's been painful.
  • Daaark
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    Daaark polycounter lvl 17
    Some cool preview clips of this week's episode.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    Hrmm.. I like gungho Locke. :D And I hate previews for next week... ok now we know Sawyer and the girls head back to the island for something... bah...

    Where the fuck is little ben? He still hasn't made it back to the compound...
  • skankerzero

    i'm ready for the finale!
  • glib
    That was a meaty episode.

    Sayeed jumping out of the bushes to shoot people. Bahaha... what the hell? Has he just be stalking around in the bushes for like the last 4 episodes waiting to bust a cap at the most unexpected moment? Nobody expects the iraqi inquisition!
    Juliet and Sawyer having their 'love triangle resolved' moment, until kate is placed between them, forming a triangle in their seating positions while everyone exchanges significant glances: okay already, we get it... you're never going to resolve the two love triangles you've been dangling for years.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    Oh shit, its the finale next week? For some reason I feel like I am not that much need for answers this season as I was previous ones. Even though this season's been a clusterfuck of events.

    Promo for the finale:
  • Daaark
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    Daaark polycounter lvl 17
    Dekard wrote: »
    Hrmm.. I like gungho Locke. :D And I hate previews for next week... ok now we know Sawyer and the girls head back to the island for something... bah...
    Yeah, I wish they left that dangling until next week.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    I like Miles getting to see why his dad 'kicked them out'. Obviously his mom never grew to understand why.
    They almost made it look like next week they do the darma shootout, where they kill off everyone, but Ben hasn't returned yet, so it can't be to that point in time yet.

    I liked the episode though... although I don't know that I like how quickly everyone went from enemy to friend and vice versa.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    notman wrote: »
    I like Miles getting to see why his dad 'kicked them out'. Obviously his mom never grew to understand why.
    They almost made it look like next week they do the darma shootout, where they kill off everyone, but Ben hasn't returned yet, so it can't be to that point in time yet.

    I liked the episode though... although I don't know that I like how quickly everyone went from enemy to friend and vice versa.

    On December 19, 1992, an adult Ben, who was a workman like his father, accompanied Roger on a supply run to the Pearl. Then, at 4:00 pm, he put on a gas mask and opened a canister, releasing a gas which killed Roger. Richard asked if they should get Roger's body, but Ben said to leave it.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    So...the hydrogen bomb wasn't Dharmas to begin with? Where did it come from? Also, the temple is under the Dharma village? I think thats kinda funny. :D Why is a team of others stationed at the temple?

    Good episode though; I felt there could have been more reveals though. I hope the finale is two hours long...there is a lot to resolve in this season.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Dekard: Well there you go, obviously it couldn't be that day... but it sure looked like it in the preview. I just mention it, in case they forget to follow their own timeline and make that moment happen. Obviously Pearl and Orchid aren't complete yet either. :)

    I was hoping they might finally explain why Richard is so old, since it was part of Locke and Ben's conversation.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    The guy who plays Richard really is a great actor. I really want to see how the others came to the island in the first place, and how well they understand the place. I wouldn't mind if they devoted a whole season to that, but sadly there is only one left! :( He is obviously different from all the other others, in that he doesn't age, and Ben said he has an 'advisory' role.

    I was more interested in Lockes plan to kill Jacob to be honest. Seems out of form to me...he has always reveired the island, why destroy the entity it speaks through? He's gotten a bit high and mighty if you ask me...
  • e-freak
    seeing john should be dead by now (but obviously isn't) and jacob is supposed to be an entity with christian shepard (and all the other persons who died on or because of the island), it could be very well that john just kills himself and becomes jacob.
  • Rory_M
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    Rory_M polycounter lvl 10
    Episode was cool. It's great to see John actually leading. Btw Isn't Lost as a series going to end in 2010? I heard that as a rumor once, that the Lost writers were supposed to have an end date for the show. If that's true they still have so many questions to answer and only one more season to do it.
    e-freak wrote: »
    it could be very well that john just kills himself and becomes jacob.

    whoah e-freak you just blew my mind. John becomes Jacob, I could see that working.
  • Daaark
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    Daaark polycounter lvl 17
    Rory_M wrote: »
    Episode was cool. It's great to see John actually leading. Btw Isn't Lost as a series going to end in 2010? I heard that as a rumor once, that the Lost writers were supposed to have an end date for the show. If that's true they still have so many questions to answer and only one more season to do it.
    Next season is the last. We are in the home stretch.
  • bounchfx
    episode just blew my fucking mind.
    right before john said it I totally knew he wanted to kill jacob. jacob put all of them through enough shit... but remember last time we saw him? he was saying HELP!

    maybe this is john's way of helping him? maybe jacob really isn't in control but is a prisoner of alpert and ben's.

    the way alpert said to ben ' I don't like how john lock is getting' (or whatever) made it feel like they are still in cohoots, and was the ONLY time so far in the entire show where I doubted my liking of Alpert. I think he's an amazing character, but it's the first time where he didn't seem completely genuine or like a 'good' guy.

    The purge doesn't happen anymore, not in this timeline at least... or it doesn't feel like it.

    but it confuses me...some of the stuff that HAD happened is happening (like dharma leaving - because there this episode explains why the hell dharma had been abandoned during seasons 1-2-3 etc), but some of the stuff is NOT (like the purge.. there's no way dharma is coming back after the jack shooting rampage and shit..), so it's confusing, I'm still trying to puzzle it together, and I'm DEFINITELY rewatching the series again after it concludes.

    there's too much awesome in this show. Shit.

    Where's Christian and Claire?
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Well, I think the purge does happen (Faraday said there were variables, but I dont think there are. What happened happened. If a variable does actually exist,its Locke) because Alpert said he watched the '77 losties die.

    I also agree with you on Alpert; this was the first episode where I felt he may not be holier than thou. Got a bad vibe off him when he was telling Sun he watched her husband and friends die.

    I assume we will see Christian and Claire in the next episode, if they are all headed towards Jacob. I got my fingers crossed for a two hour show! :D
  • coldkodiak
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    coldkodiak polycounter lvl 17
    i thought lost was winding down a bit. But after last night's episode... just wow.

    Way to turn everything on its head... time travel is crazy.

    and oh man... Jack has gone a little loony.
  • ndichiaro
    Last nights episode was really good. pretty much season 5 is like a completely different show compared to that first two seasons but i think that the writers did a great job with the direction they are going
  • ndichiaro
    Well, I think the purge does happen (Faraday said there were variables, but I dont think there are. What happened happened. If a variable does actually exist,its Locke) because Alpert said he watched the '77 losties die.

    I think that Richard was generalizing when he said he watched them die, i believe he was just talking about that '77 Dharma group rather that specifically jack kate jin, etc, I do know what to think of whether there is a variable or not, i can come up with point which support both and makes sense.
  • skankerzero
    notman wrote: »
    They almost made it look like next week they do the darma shootout, where they kill off everyone, but Ben hasn't returned yet, so it can't be to that point in time yet.

    The 'incident' and the massacre are two different events.

    remember the training videos, they refer to 'the incident'.

    the 'incident' is whatever caused them to build the swan and push the button to vent the electrostatic energy.
    Daaark wrote: »
    Next season is the last. We are in the home stretch.

    There's actually 2 more. They opted to do 2 half seasons (like this season) as opposed to one full season (like the first 3).
  • bounchfx

    There's actually 2 more. They opted to do 2 half seasons (like this season) as opposed to one full season (like the first 3).

    fuck no dude, this season IS the first half season. season 6 is the last.

    thank god.

    such a good show.
  • skankerzero
    bounchfx wrote: »
    fuck no dude, this season IS the first half season. season 6 is the last.

    thank god.

    such a good show.

    ah yeah, seems I got my season numbers mixed up!
  • bounchfx
    ah yeah, seems I got my season numbers mixed up!

    you scared me for a minute there!
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Nooooo bounchfx, we need another two seasons! I'm not ready for it to end so soon...:( I really want at least six episodes devoted to the others arrival/occupation of the island...did they originally come on that big ship in the middle of the island or what?
  • Daaark
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    Daaark polycounter lvl 17
    Nooooo bounchfx, we need another two seasons! I'm not ready for it to end so soon...:( I really want at least six episodes devoted to the others arrival/occupation of the island...did they originally come on that big ship in the middle of the island or what?
    Black Rock? The Slaving ship?
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Yeah the black rock one. I was gonna call it the black pearl lol.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Three hour special this wednesday! The first hour is an interview with the writers apparently. Should be feckin great.
  • bounchfx
  • Daaark
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    Daaark polycounter lvl 17
    bounchfx wrote: »
    We need Michael Buffer here to play us in.

    I said... ARE YOU READY? :)

    Anyways, I found a new station while digging in my backyard. The triangle.
  • coldkodiak
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    coldkodiak polycounter lvl 17
    looks more like the torus :P

    Lost is 2 hours long tonight. YES... so excited.
  • Daaark
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    Daaark polycounter lvl 17
    coldkodiak wrote: »
    looks more like the torus :P
    They all look like that. http://lostpedia.wikia.com/wiki/DHARMA_logos
  • skankerzero
  • Rory_M
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    Rory_M polycounter lvl 10
    looking forward to this.
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
  • Josh_Singh
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    Josh_Singh polycounter lvl 18
    oh crap, season finale. Have to wait till January! THATS TOO LONG!
    Does anybody have any hi rez shots of the eyeball at the very end? I have a hunch there is something hidden in there.
  • bounchfx

    OK - time to get my thoughts out!

    If you haven't seen the finale yet probably best not to highlight.
    remember when alpert said to sun he saw everyone die? Was he referring to when juliet set off the bomb possibly?

    who are alpert and the 'good guys' really? are they servents of jacob in the truest form? and what are they really doing? Preserving the 'loop' of events, or?

    I like how the 'good guys' (from now on referred to as GG) took locke's body to the cabin first - The Cabin I now believe is the home or Anti-Jacob, and they were going there to see if he could have taken the form of locke I'm imagining, and once they saw the ash was cleared away they knew he was free and went to go warn Jacob (at the statue) immediately. I think GG is there to protect the timeline or whatnot and make sure nothing goes off course.

    Who exactly was Jacob's 'friend' at the beginning of the episode? why did he want to kill jacob? is he an inherently evil figure? is Jacob really the egyptian god Sobek? Whoever he is it seems he can't directly harm Jacob and is looking for a 'loophole' or other means in which to bring him down.

    locke and ben - Let's remember Ben's trek to be judged by smokey - Remember what happened RIGHT after? SmokeAlex or whatever telling ben to do WHATEVER Locke asked. ANYTHING he told him to do. Certainly seems like it has a lot more meaning now, doesn't it? Him using Ben as a tool to destroy Jacob. Why again does he want jacob dead? Another question for S6. Fuck.

    so we see locke's corpse, which obviously means it's not locke.(but has his memories) it also explains why Locke knew SO much about everything, like what time to find his alter self time traveling, and all around the island, like exactly where to find Jacob. I'm assuming this is what happened with Christian as well. When did we start seeing Christian? I believe it was episode 1 actually.. was the smoke broken then?

    I also hear rumors that there are two smoke monsters, one white and one black, one being jacob one being antijacob..but I don't recall white smoke honestly, though I'm not going to go double check.

    We saw Jacob visit all the survivors... is this Jacob's list? like, did he visit them throughout their lives? (see: jacob visiting Sawyer - ALSO OMFG DID YOU NOTICE HOW THE OLD GUY TELLING SAWYER NOT TO WRITE THE LETTER WAS CONMAN SAWYER? MINDFUCK!) Note how he also touched/made contact with them all.

    GAME CHANGER. WTF IS NEXT SEASON GONNA BE LIKE? A LOT more jacob and AJ for sure, at the very least flashbacks of their relationship..

    holy shit this show has too much to think about. it's incredible, and entertaining, and one of the best parts is that there is SO much info that hints about the future/forshadows and it's nice to see they had it planned out.

    This wait is going to SUCK.
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