Rushed it, less than 1 hour, damn it's hard to get whole face done within 1 hour (with details :P). I'm doing my best, not enough time to work on the base form if you want to detail with this timelimit.
cool, yeah, i know you can achieve this look in zbrush. i'm asking just because it seems to show up in alot of mudbox work so i thought it might be a more fundamental feature of the workflow. sorry for the confusion. so it's a flatten tool then, thanks. i'll have to check the program out sometime.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah, the flatten tool is awesome! It allows me to work more like i would with traditional clay, laying down strips of "clay" with the regular brush, then use the flatten tool to take off what i need.
Wow this stuff is really impressive I especially like the wierd bugs and hard surface stuff. I did a little hard surface test tonight myself with Arshs base as usual. Oh it took 1hr
he is a pirate, so i wanted to add an earring there
i also wanted to give him a almost finished cigar, but i didn't find the the time to add those
After doing a sculpture by andy bergholtz i just wanted to create my own pirate
i have a better deal, we just share half of our knowledge, i give you half of my sculpting and you give me half of your texturing skills ;P
@bone: is he supposed to be asian? if nor i'd give his face more depth, right now it's looking pretty flat. However i think his ear is too big and should be moved quite a bit back, maybe turning it clockwise back would help to, but something is definitely wron with his ear.
yeah I don't think he was planned to be asian, just kinda ended up that way, the ears are a mess I agree. I think they maybe to big as well.
Hmm I'll have a go fixing him...
Also your stuff is Awesome Neox
And I just did this, I wanted to have crack at doing a female face.
Tis an hour I timed myself this time.
This time using my own model as a base. Now I think its time to jump off the deep end and do a demon, ogre/troll, or maybe some environmental stuff.
And another I put together whilst waiting for the washing.
About 30 mins.. I need to try doing this regularly cause I could use the practice
cool, yeah, i know you can achieve this look in zbrush. i'm asking just because it seems to show up in alot of mudbox work so i thought it might be a more fundamental feature of the workflow. sorry for the confusion. so it's a flatten tool then, thanks. i'll have to check the program out sometime.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah, the flatten tool is awesome! It allows me to work more like i would with traditional clay, laying down strips of "clay" with the regular brush, then use the flatten tool to take off what i need.
this threads getting insane!
[/ QUOTE ]
You're the one who created the monster!
some more work on the bust, about 30 mins
second time much better
this is addictive o_o
[changed first try to link because of it being actually kinda embarassing :P]
20 mins
here are some older works
my first mudbox speedie, out of a box
the steps
about 2 hours out of a sphere
a little more then 1 hour
and an overpaint
i did this one with adina
something around an hour, out of a box
a little more then 2 hours, out of a box
and the steps
i also wanted to give him a almost finished cigar, but i didn't find the the time to add those
After doing a sculpture by andy bergholtz i just wanted to create my own pirate
I think its around a hour or so, but Im not sure
@bone: is he supposed to be asian? if nor i'd give his face more depth, right now it's looking pretty flat. However i think his ear is too big and should be moved quite a bit back, maybe turning it clockwise back would help to, but something is definitely wron with his ear.
Hmm I'll have a go fixing him...
Also your stuff is Awesome Neox
And I just did this, I wanted to have crack at doing a female face.
Tis an hour I timed myself this time.
Couple of minutes over an hour - from a cube btw.
1 hour from a generic bust.
Ged thats cool char u show us
so have been neglecting this
sculpted after a carricature by Roberto Freire, awesome Artist
well the nose has to be bigger... or the camera has to be changed, but i'm tired of it now...
@joopson_ the mouth is gret, would love to see how this would look like finished