Kite: The hands are looking great, have to agree with you about some of the wrinkles, mostly the ones on the last three nuckles.
East: Awesome work on the jacket. Can't wait to see the rest of the character done up in zbrush.
[/ QUOTE ]
Davison, how long did this take? I'm wanting to do a handful of UE3 maps for my portfolio when I've got time (Read; uni over) but I'm unsure how many to realistically aim for.
And, did you make all the assets? Sorry if this comes off as rude, I'm just unfamiliar with all of the UTIII pieces that come with it is all and again it'd help in scoping time.
It looks really good though (havent had chance to play it yet), and is that narrow beam to walk on? To get the helmet?
Update on the lich hood... I'm currently rethinking the body that I made simply for the fact that I'm not in love with it. Since the hood is such a bizzare shape I almost feel like the body doesn't do it justice. Gonna play with it some more and see what comes out of it. The hood is pretty much done so far as sculpting goes. Would really like some feedback.
Hey East would you mind going over your painting workflow for that leather? I guess you are painting diffuse and specular at the same time... sounds interesting. I assume you can later export that using zmapper?
Finished my first UT3 Map DM-Daikyu
Davison, how long did this take? I'm wanting to do a handful of UE3 maps for my portfolio when I've got time (Read; uni over) but I'm unsure how many to realistically aim for.
And, did you make all the assets? Sorry if this comes off as rude, I'm just unfamiliar with all of the UTIII pieces that come with it is all and again it'd help in scoping time.
It looks really good though (havent had chance to play it yet), and is that narrow beam to walk on? To get the helmet?
[/ QUOTE ]
Hard to tell, a few days of work. Its all epic content, if i had made all the content i put into this map i think it had taken a few months .
The UE3 Tutos that come with the Special Edition helped me a lot to get into the editor, if you dont have it here is a very good page with links to a lot of tutos:
Anyway the UE3 Editor is a very good and fast tool and easy to learn.
You can also jump to the helmet but this damn bots cant, they jump 4 times off target before they get it, so i made this narrow beam for them.
Hey East would you mind going over your painting workflow for that leather? I guess you are painting diffuse and specular at the same time... sounds interesting. I assume you can later export that using zmapper?
[/ QUOTE ]
I'm only painting the diffuse on the actual polygons, the material I'm using is a modified bronze one that darkens all the cavities, so there's no light being picked up there. It's very limiting so I don't have any -real- control over the specularity.
What I'll do then is bake the diffuse into the low poly texture, and also bake out a cavity map which I'll adjust the specularity with, but I'm going to have to do work by hand to get it right.
I'm new to this whole workflow myself, and find things out as I go along. Not sure how much sense I'm making
kite - that hand texture is looking great so far. Is that a zbrush polypaint?
East - looking coool, I am trying the same workflow myself. the only thing buggin me is that you can make stuff look great in zbrush, but its hard to make it look as good in max because the diffuse tends to look a bit 'weedy'
suppose with cavity overlay and a bit more hand painting that will be ok though.
I wish you could bake the shader in to the diffuse texture in zbrush though.
Well I posted this school project a LONG time ago, but I thought that I should post the finished pictures since I looked back and the other pics were terrible! Kinda big, scaled em down(bigger is better )
We didn't really have any limits, hes 10k with some change.
Hard to tell, a few days of work. Its all epic content, if i had made all the content i put into this map i think it had taken a few months .
The UE3 Tutos that come with the Special Edition helped me a lot to get into the editor, if you dont have it here is a very good page with links to a lot of tutos:
Anyway the UE3 Editor is a very good and fast tool and easy to learn.
[/ QUOTE ]
Thats great man, cheers. Apologies for missing the second I in your name too!
Yeah I bought UE3 (twice, thanks ) pretty much just for the engine videos that came with it, which have been pretty interesting and a constant source of entertainment for the woman.
I do seem to get a few probs with it though, like sometimes it just will not do what I want even though I'm doing the same flow as I ever do but a system restart changes it. Weird.
Mantis very nice work man, I like him a lot. My only crit might be that he blends in with his surroundings TOO much, and if I'm a player, I might not spot him at a distance. but he looks great!
Chai, that is a kickass gun. The wear and tear on it is really well done almost across the board. The only place that jumps out for me is the clip, whose scratches look really uniform.
If they were higher up near its top, where a soldier might be hastily jamming it in without looking (or absent . . . since you have to replace clips anyway, and thus they might not be the same age as the gun?), you'd sell it more IMO
cool work all
awesome jacket East, and great costume design too, has a nice old school star wars han solo feel
ruz - thanks, yeah it's a mix of polypainting and applink. I found the col>tex and tex<col really handy.
*rapture sulks away in shame*
- BoBo
Little update from previous post. Finishing up work on the jacket. High poly version, polypainted in ZBrush.
East: Awesome work on the jacket. Can't wait to see the rest of the character done up in zbrush.
Its a small map for 2-8 player in the asian theme.
Its also a good map for 1on1 matches and sniper duels.
Some action screens:
Download links:;9607694;/fileinfo.html
I'm doing a female head basemesh for scultpting. photo thrown at for testing.
Finished my first UT3 Map DM-Daikyu
[/ QUOTE ]
Davison, how long did this take? I'm wanting to do a handful of UE3 maps for my portfolio when I've got time (Read; uni over) but I'm unsure how many to realistically aim for.
And, did you make all the assets? Sorry if this comes off as rude, I'm just unfamiliar with all of the UTIII pieces that come with it is all and again it'd help in scoping time.
It looks really good though (havent had chance to play it yet), and is that narrow beam to walk on? To get the helmet?
Finished my first UT3 Map DM-Daikyu
Davison, how long did this take? I'm wanting to do a handful of UE3 maps for my portfolio when I've got time (Read; uni over) but I'm unsure how many to realistically aim for.
And, did you make all the assets? Sorry if this comes off as rude, I'm just unfamiliar with all of the UTIII pieces that come with it is all and again it'd help in scoping time.
It looks really good though (havent had chance to play it yet), and is that narrow beam to walk on? To get the helmet?
[/ QUOTE ]
Hard to tell, a few days of work. Its all epic content, if i had made all the content i put into this map i think it had taken a few months
The UE3 Tutos that come with the Special Edition helped me a lot to get into the editor, if you dont have it here is a very good page with links to a lot of tutos:
Anyway the UE3 Editor is a very good and fast tool and easy to learn.
You can also jump to the helmet but this damn bots cant, they jump 4 times off target before they get it, so i made this narrow beam for them.
Hey East would you mind going over your painting workflow for that leather? I guess you are painting diffuse and specular at the same time... sounds interesting. I assume you can later export that using zmapper?
[/ QUOTE ]
I'm only painting the diffuse on the actual polygons, the material I'm using is a modified bronze one that darkens all the cavities, so there's no light being picked up there. It's very limiting so I don't have any -real- control over the specularity.
What I'll do then is bake the diffuse into the low poly texture, and also bake out a cavity map which I'll adjust the specularity with, but I'm going to have to do work by hand to get it right.
I'm new to this whole workflow myself, and find things out as I go along. Not sure how much sense I'm making
non-realistic render with hairfx
East - looking coool, I am trying the same workflow myself. the only thing buggin me is that you can make stuff look great in zbrush, but its hard to make it look as good in max because the diffuse tends to look a bit 'weedy'
suppose with cavity overlay and a bit more hand painting that will be ok though.
I wish you could bake the shader in to the diffuse texture in zbrush though.
We didn't really have any limits, hes 10k with some change.
All you guys are AMAZING! Keep up the great work.
Hard to tell, a few days of work. Its all epic content, if i had made all the content i put into this map i think it had taken a few months
The UE3 Tutos that come with the Special Edition helped me a lot to get into the editor, if you dont have it here is a very good page with links to a lot of tutos:
Anyway the UE3 Editor is a very good and fast tool and easy to learn.
[/ QUOTE ]
Thats great man, cheers. Apologies for missing the second I in your name too!
Yeah I bought UE3 (twice, thanks
I do seem to get a few probs with it though, like sometimes it just will not do what I want even though I'm doing the same flow as I ever do but a system restart changes it. Weird.
Anyway thanks again
Here's my latest gun textured :
If they were higher up near its top, where a soldier might be hastily jamming it in without looking (or absent . . . since you have to replace clips anyway, and thus they might not be the same age as the gun?), you'd sell it more IMO
is that a 3d model aniceto? f'in hell nice work
[/ QUOTE ]
yep, its just hair with a brush stroke opacity and material colour taken from the emitter
1024^2 (, spec. & diff.)
746 Tris
awesome jacket East, and great costume design too, has a nice old school star wars han solo feel
ruz - thanks, yeah it's a mix of polypainting and applink. I found the col>tex and tex<col really handy.